Dear Reader of Reckonin: You may have suffered through my long series of lamentations about the American condition called “The Way We Are Now.” So ain't it nice these days to wake up, tap on the computer, and actually hear some good news for the first time in 50 years? Trump seems to be working on his promises. When was the last time you ever heard of a President doing what he said he was going to do? Of course, I am not giving a thumb’s up until the Reconciliation monument is back where it belongs on General Lee’s stolen property, and the forts and warships get their right names back. I know it will upset Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren. Somebody may have to take out her fangs before she hurts herself. The 1960s saw the creation of the irresponsible leviathan government in Washington. Happening, not coincidentally, at the same time as a sharp decline in morality. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society was supposed to help the poor. Its actual purpose and accomplishment was to provide comfortable non-work, six-figure employment for legions of Yankee pseudo-intellectuals who consider themselves too important to do any real work. That is the Deep State. One of the most important of Trump’s initiatives may be curtailing federal grant programs. Having had dealings with federal money-dispensing agencies and academic administrators I know whereof I speak. That is the base of Deep State allegiance for hundreds of thousands if not millions. Remember that Republicans in Congress, sometimes a majority of them, voted for most of the federal expansion as well as the immigrant flood that has transformed American society. As I have said before, Trump’s real opposition will come from Republicans embedded in the Establishment. They are already blocking his most reform-minded nominees. There are large number of Trump’s own voters who don’t understand the real nature of the evils he is trying to do something about. Not surprising. The media have long been a tool of the Establishment, since the people of the media are exactly like the second level people of the Deep State. Trump needs his own television station to tell the public facts about the evils he is fighting. This should be manageable. Such a broadcast need only be two hours in the evening. It could do completely without advertising. Such an outlet must avoid hiring any “reporters” from mainstream media who are already hopelessly corrupted. It should do what Tucker Carlson and others have been doing but aimed at a larger audience. This suggestion is simply patriotism. I do not expect any government grant for it.
Joseph Johnson
2/3/2025 01:45:50 am
Dr. Wilson, it seems like the great Winston Churchill gets attacked by everyone: The postmodern leftist for racism and colonialism, the postmodern altright and the libertarian/conservative who seems to think he was a prototypical neocon.
John Peter Zenger
2/10/2025 11:04:41 am
What are you bringing up that infamous mass-murderering drunk here for? What are you, a Hillsdale College class veep or something?
Joseph Johnson
2/3/2025 03:58:24 am
Dr. Wilson, do you think the recent aircraft/airline incidents are deliberate acts of sabotage?
Joyce Bennett
2/4/2025 01:57:29 pm
Loudon County, Virginia is the richest county in America. Those hordes of pseudo-intellectual Yankees who work for the Federal Government in DC and live in Loudon have changed it beyond recognition. I haven't had the heart to find out if the Confederate statue is still standing in Leesburg.
Paul Yarbrough
2/5/2025 08:10:37 am
“ The media have long been a tool of the Establishment, since the people of the media are exactly like the second level people of the Deep State.”
Gordon Harvie
2/5/2025 08:20:12 am
"Trump seems to be working on his promises. When was the last time you ever heard of a President doing what he said he was going to do?"
2/6/2025 12:53:47 am
NEWSMAX could pass as Trump's own television station. Check it out.
Mark Atkins
2/9/2025 08:27:43 pm
Keep an eye on upscale restaurants in the DC area. When they start to wither, you know Trump's reforms are hitting home.
2/10/2025 01:19:06 pm
Everything Trump is doing is distraction. Taking Greenland or making Canada a state is boiling the frog for a one world government. You should wait until all the illegals are out of the country before you credit him for doing anything about them.
John Peter Zenger
2/10/2025 02:02:05 pm
Good to see a second opinion. I revere Dr. Wilson and want to share his optimism but it gets tougher every day -- feels like Trump and company are making monkeys of us like last time around. Life sure isn't any cheaper and the Prexy sure isn't not focusing on that much.
Mark Atkins
2/10/2025 02:15:30 pm
Well you've set goals that he certainly will not achieve. Indeed I dont think restoring Southern anything is on his radar. Your criticisms are just though and are on the scales. But if he succeeds in breaking the post-1865 establishment in the next four years, he will go down as the greatest president in history to date. And that's on a list that includes Washington and Jefferson, who got us in this mess to begin with.
Mark Atkins
2/10/2025 02:09:32 pm
(commenting only because I accidentally unsubscribed. ooops!)
John Peter Zenger
2/10/2025 10:18:35 pm
Achievable goals? He gleefully tramples his campaign promises and gives us crazy junk nobody would ever ask for. At this rate why even have campaigns?
Mark Atkins
2/10/2025 10:51:36 pm
Hrm. Well, you and I are definitely interpreting the same things differently. Like I said, it all goes in the scales. Let's reassess in 2028.
2/11/2025 05:44:45 am
Why don't we have an Article V Convention, dissolve the central government and institute a new one according to the Constitution. We could govern ourselves at the state level and be southern and free.
Billy P
2/12/2025 10:39:56 am
As challenging as it would be given everything that would come with it.... that is the only long-term solution. Trump at best is a temporary delay in the fall.
2/12/2025 02:05:12 pm
It was bad when the Confederates' formerly owned ships were used to blockade all the ports. But today we're a million times worse off. The evil people who control our government control OUR military with all of it's newly developed technology. which they use against us in order to reduce the world's population. Leave a Reply. |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025