The Hope is Southerners Will Recall. The Greater Hope is That Yankees Will Learn. Occasionally, if you tune your ears toward the radio or television with the constant chat and talk, you will pick up certain casual remarks such as just happened to be carried by David Webb the other day. “We had a ‘Civil War’ and then moved on,” was his statement. Webb seems a nice enough guy, and honestly attempts to present himself as a “conservative.” The quotation marks are for emphasis, meaning that the word is a label he carries without seemingly knowing what the word means. Same could have been said of Rush Limbaugh and his acolytes over the years. Again, mostly nice guys, but have been turned away from conservative truth via a conglomeration of would-be patriots who think the fighting at Saratoga in 1777 was a great battle for national brotherhood, when in fact, one of the first (New Hampshire was first) to draw a sword for independence, with its own declaration of independence, was Virginia in June of 1776. And Virginians fought NOT in a newly found NATION magically founded on July 4th, 1776 but in a Union of independent states for which they were part, in the name of strength bringing peace. That each was an independent state was stated in the July 4th DOI after their own, earlier, DOI, and just as all of the colonies had signed. Conservative is written as a script of “conserving.” And conserving has one purpose—to keep that which is wholesome and worthy, and keep it intact. Keep the good, abandon the bad. It does not mean war, money, and social godliness (small “g”) for the flesh of man to be loved and honored. Nor does it mean politicians can promote themselves through their slabbering and slobbering drivel in hopes of having their personal replica, as a self-portrait or marble statue, adorning the halls of the so-called “nation’s capital”—at least it seems we’ve moved away from such sloppy labels of politicians and their narcissism and at least call Washington, D.C. what it is—The Deep State. Mostly, “deep” into the public pockets. Liberal is not a bad moniker, nor belief, as long as the bearer is not a “liberal”. Probably no one in the Deep State or its media whores get the irony here. However, they don’t know what liberal means, thus irony starves because of them. But then…smile Emoji. Let’s continue. Politicians are, for the most part, horrible men. And finally, thanks to the modern political gods, horrible men and women. Equality comes from man, not God. So, "ladies" you've come a long way (how many of y'all are really blonde?). Now you, too, can participate fully in a land half-filled with degenerates and sexual deviates. Politicians call it Woke. Men call it Weak. I can hear the strains of "America the Beautiful" gently and smoothly in the background as the Woke-sters hum. Praise the Lord, Yankee Doodle! And crown the good with brotherhood? Most of these radio chatterers and politicians are well-meaning fellows (some are not and they are particularly proud of their Southern hatred—He who hath an ear let him hear, Mark L.) and count Southerners as friends who were misguided but have redeemed themselves at places like San Juan Hill, Meuse-Argonne, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Chosin Reservoir, and Khe Sanh (for the record, a disproportionate number of Southerners fought [and died] in these battles). Of course, any sacrificial bloodshed offerings by Southerners against The British soldiers circa 1775-1883 are coincidental to any honor, as the Southern kidnapping and killing (mostly through labor) of negroes took top priority, so say contemporary Yankee blowhards raised in today’s academic world. A new world of academics absent Dickens or Tocqueville, of course. But the messages of these chatterers are far beyond what had/has become known as "Independence Day." So… It was the Virginians, through Thomas Jefferson who for the most part offered the well-known July Fourth Declaration of Independence for the additional 8 states (5 had already seceded: South Carolina, New Jersey, New Hampshire-first to secede, Rhode Island, and Virginia) for a signal of strength in its battle against the English Crown and the Crown’s constitutional parliament (not personally against King George III as some histrionic-historian idiots claim). As a matter of fact, the real battle was one caused as a result of the smaller commercial interest fighting against the East India Company (the Google monster of the day) and its cooperate welfare of the day--EIC wanted lower taxes than everyone else, wrapped around the traditional mercantile system*. It was under the July Fourth Declaration of Independence that 13 former colonies seceded from the British crown and declared (in the document itself) themselves free and independent states of the world. They declared themselves no nation! They wanted NO nation. They wanted and chose a republic union! They fought and bled for this concept and not the corrupt NATIONAL BASTARD living monstrously today in a once proud Southern city. The Virginians, their fellow Southerners of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Maryland nor most colonies to the North excluding Hamiltonian national statists wanted a nation, nor necessarily fought for one at Saratoga (considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War by many) or any other place. As far as that goes most of the battles and slugfests, men and materials took place in the Southern states (colonies before July 4). A republic of 13 independent states was later formed (1781) under articles establishing a republic confederation and by unanimous consent, later, 1787-1790 this same republic abandoned itself and ratified a new constitution after the independent states agreed to come together in convention for structure. This constitutional government (as a union) lasted until 1861 when the Union split over the South’s paying disproportionately for Union costs and the North treating the constitution as no more than by-laws within a fraternity clubhouse. It was at this time that Lincoln and his Yankee army invaded the new Republic of The Confederate States of America. The Yankee army overwhelmed The Confederate States of America (C.S.A.) with large numbers of European socialist immigrants and Northern mercenaries and through monstrous burnings, lootings, and pillaging forced the South into surrender after 4 years of war. At that time Yankee racism and reconstruction began its long march through the South. The North didn’t beat its weapons into plowshares, it beat the South into a “national submission.” No longer a union, now a national state. Today, as now known, The Deep State. No? One famous writer and journalist, H.L. Mencken, had a view that rarely came up in the Yankee North. It has been passed along often, however, down South. It has never been clear whether this was due to Yankees' inability to read or their wanton disregard for truth. Many down South have a rabid opinion on this. The vainglorious Gettysburg Address was Mencken’s target. Though a Southerner, Mencken often drew on his notorious cynicism regarding the South. “The Sahara of the Bozart” was one of his prominent cultural darts. Mencken could make Donald Trump look like Pinky Lee. But he took truth and history where he found it, especially when it came to the Southern Confederacy. One of his most famous critiques, as stated above, is of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and Mencken’s analysis of it is also one his most often quoted down South and most muted up North: Up North is where all those Harvard and Yale and Columbia and Dartmouth and on and on HISTORIANS live. But they wrote for the victor, not for the archives. Or as David Webb et al says: “We fought a ‘civil war’ and moved on.” Mencken’s critique of the Gettysburg Address:
If there are blacks, negroes, colored people, people of color…pick for your own… and any of you want reparations (money, I assume) from me, then my message to you is, “Get lost.” Unless you steal it from me through the so-called national government you are not getting a dime from me. I don’t owe you anything. Not for work, not for indentured service, not for what the untutored academics and politicians of the world call “slavery.” Slavs were Rome’s problem not mine. And if you have your little feelings in a twit because your great-great-great-great grandpa got highjacked in Africa two or three centuries ago, that’s too bad. Take it up with your tribal (black, negro, colored, etc.) ancient functionaries who highjacked them in the first place and tied them with ropes and vines, then took them to the African coast to European human flesh traders on the west coast or to the African deserts to the north and sold them to other human flesh traders. And if you insist on blaming white settlers in America, take it up with the New England Yankee traders who bought them and traded them in the first place. Ninety-three percent of course went to either South America or islands nations of the Caribbean and West Indies. Or take it up with the same slave merchants who fed their brother-textile-mills in the north from slaves working (for them) in the South, where about 5% of the slave population in the American Union ended up. And last but not least, if you insist on reparations because of some “Jim Crow” cry-in-the-dark, at least quit bellyaching about the Confederate States of America. For those of you who take time to read (I realize there are many in politics who can’t) at least take a peek at Pulitzer Prize-winning Author C. Vann Woodward's The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Then go chat with your self-righteous Yankee (particularly the New England bunch) historical comic-book journalists and cable news clowns (Fox at the top of the list). Then at least try and look at your so-called friends (BLM, Antifa, NAACP, etc.) with their socialistic Clockwork Orange futuristic history-to-be-desired. Your best interests at heart? Oh, sure! In the meantime, the most important thing about July the Fourth, until Yankees learn to yield the truth, is that on that particular day, Vicksburg surrendered to the monster U.S. Grant and the people who treated and considered negroes with the most contempt, Yankees. After Vicksburg, Mississippi and much of the South did not celebrate July Fourth until Pearl Harbor. And then they did it because they sent thousands to defend Yankees in the World War. Something, speaking personally, I don’t believe they Yankees would have ever done for their “National; brothers in the South,” had the roles been reversed.
If I didn’t know St. Paul had written this to the Ephesians, I would swear that Jefferson Davis had written it to the C.S.A.
Gregg Jarrett like all of the “journalists” on Fox Cable writes a book and, apparently, as part of remuneration, can market the book through the cable broadcast (marketing is the backbone of selling books). In this case, he has written something called The Trial of the Century.
This version of such a thing which apparently (in Jarrett’s mind) rises above the Trials of Nuremberg, or of the Rosenbergs, or even O.J.'s loosely extra-legal extravaganza-“dream-team" brouhaha—which is really the bottom line on the law today—showmanship, is, of course, the Scopes “Monkey” Trial. That is John Scopes, the Tennessee teacher in 1925 who was tried for violating a Tennessee law named the Butler Act, which was really a promotion for the ACLU, Clarence Darrow (he who held no law degree), and a show for the blowhards of the Yankee North who of course with their Puritanical self-love are the nation’s shining-light-happy-city-on-a-hill, or some such Yankee bile spewed by the flaggers of truth; like their (Yankee) monstrous tales and lies of the old Southern Confederacy and its flags of St. Andrew. But: The truth in the Butler Act: “Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That it shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the Universities, Normals, and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals. (my emphasis).” The law did not prevent the teaching that there was, in fact, a conception (there was no theory proper—not by the scientific method, in any event)*devised by Charles Darwin called Evolution and he expounded at length via subsequent thoughts and writings on the subject. Darwin’s own literature was in the schools and was not disallowed. The law BANNED nothing. Tucker Carlson was banned. Charlie Darwin was not. Go figure, Fox! The law simply said that Darwin’s theory could not simply deny, as a fact of science, on Monday what Sunday School teachers had taught on Sunday. Jarrett, like most of the wisdom wannabee wags at Fox Inc., has offered the usual decades-old silliness of (I suppose his assumption is of a national government with God-given rights assigned by Himself through the Northern “Civil War” national priest concept) we the people of Tennessee were crucifying the First Amendment. Jarrett doesn’t seem to bother (haven’t read the book—have only heard him describe contents several times) with the First Amendment’s inclusion of religion i.e. the Monday judges can eradicate the Sunday blather, so to speak. But Sunday school teachers on Monday must go to hell (sorry, couldn’t resist reading judges’ minds). Besides marketing means selling books not defending them. As to the ACLU and/or Clarence Darrow? If such is your taste in intelligent thought, then it begs the question regarding intelligent thought. Each time Jarrett appears on Fox he has his book in hand. And carrying his traditional media-sissy and sad drooping facial lines, he declares some savior, like agnostic Darrow, has saved us from hell or high water and his book proves it. Perhaps. But probably not. A better text on the subject as a single example would be Edward Larson’s Summer for the Gods (Pulitzer Prize, 1998). This I did read. Darrow had no law degree but read for the law; something acceptable at the time, and possibly more useful than today’s law schools which like most schools have become a clown show for pretend academicians and their pretend students. Socrates and his method rot in the earth. Even Lincoln followed this method (reading for the law) and while he was tagged with the misnomer, “Honest” he did acquire a modicum of shrewdness that serves him well in politics, even if he did spill buckets of American blood and bare publicly lie after lie for a cause he knew was a lie. But, like Darrow, he could find the courthouse and “promote” rather than persuade. Bottom line: The agnostic Lincoln made money, gained office, and spilled others' blood. This is the same place today’s media comes in. It is the same position held in abeyance to the virtually lawless and Godless. Uneducated rubes who live by the cliché and historical histrionics. And they are useful scribblers only to modernity and its decadent social order (or disorder). They can, in fact, read and write. They just have few ideas and less interest in what they write. Once schools carried the message that “God is the law.” Today, the schools carry the message that “The Law is God.” *The scientific method has five basic steps, plus one feedback step:
Numbers 4 and 5 have never survived Darwin’s theories. What is really typical of the “media” and its problem with such superficial efforts at consolidating all that they deliver—news, events, and of course its recipe for all the old “stuff” (history) which they loosely throw about by any given one who will open his mouth and “babble.” You see this at Fox News, Business, etc., quite a bit. You see it more than some of the others due to the abundance of mouths at Fox. The other “media” has its share of blowhards, but they so easily stray from intelligent thought with the few whom they have, that they are in less danger of ill-mouthing pro rata. And spending time with them is as much a waste of time in my view as getting a pedicure –or getting a yard cat the same. They just repeat stupidity with fewer voices. Fox goes out of its way to deliver unintelligent thoughts in bunches. "The Five.” Whoa! "The Five." Good grief. I would think that the "one" would be sufficient for the exploitation of ignorance. I would like to see a pickup game of mental dueling on television like there once was years (1958-70) ago with The General Electric College Bowl sort of thing. Today you could have "The Five" vs "The View." That would be like The Washington Generals against The Washington Generals "B" team. Two losers battling for the same loss. A stupid layup followed by a stupid dunk. And of, course both sides would capture numerous stupid free throws. My money for most stupid three-pointers would be on Joy Behar, the Queen of I.Q. dementia. At the age of 80 or so her I.Q. probably caught up with her age a decade or more ago. But enough of the daytime T.V. pseudo-savants. Like Hinnies and Mules; not much left to develop. To the point: The point of this attempted persuasion is that the other day, May 10, on “The Five” the hour-long program’s babbling got around to the racist, slave…whatever of the “beat-to-death subjects” these clowns attempt to tackle. Judge Pirro attempted, at least marginally, to point out that slavery was bad, evil, terrible, and on and on, decrying the evil beast which of course was created by the American South and defended to the death by The Confederate Soldiers and Robert E. Lee, et al Pirro in fact made the obligatory unintelligent comment: “But we (the happy lighthouse goodie two-shoes country on a hill or some such) “fought a war to end it.” This statement is made frequently (and falsely) without an iota of thought as to how such a war would get jump-started. Doesn't matter. The overexcited and boisterous Judge (she yells like a carnival barker) had been complaining about the California Chinese slaves, not Southern Negroes, who built railroads and mines while being treated less humanely than the Hebrews were treated under Pharoah. These are the same slaves whom Victor Davis Hanson apparently has no problem with insofar as Hanson’s hero Leland Stanford and Stanford’s regard for the Chinese. “To my mind, it is clear, that the settlement among us of an inferior race is to be discouraged by every legitimate means. Asia, with her numberless millions, sends to our shores the dregs of her population. Large numbers of this class are already here; and, unless we do something early to check their immigration, the question, of which of the two tides of immigration, meeting upon the shores of the Pacific, shall be turned back, will be forced upon our consideration, when far more difficult than now of disposal. There can be no doubt but that the presence among us of numbers of degraded and distinct people must exercise a deleterious influence upon the superior race, and to a certain extent, repel desirable immigration.” Leland Stanford. So, all slavery everywhere was cured by Yankee goodie-goodies standing on some hill with some damn light and summoning European socialists in the mid-19th century to come over and slaughter Southern women and children when they themselves couldn’t lick Southern men! Maybe this is intelligent thought. Maybe not. But you can bet if “The Five” or “The View” or any of their wasteland friends could conjure up the thought: God didn't part the Red Sea. It was those goodie two-shoes Yankees that really led Moses! They would use it. This fortuitous (and so-called) “nation” of something over 320 million people is diseased with corruption. The concept that some have ascertained through the, at least, equally corrupt public education system, is that a grisly collection of human (in some cases, more humanoid—Trans, etc.) flotsam called Congress is "representing" us (you and me) and if they fail (always they do), something magical they like to call "checks and balances" will glide down through freedom's winds with spread-wings, and in angelic fashion save the day just as "The Founders" envisioned in their so-called quest for nationhood. Ahhh? The Founders! The Framers! Their glorious C&B! And of course there is the equally monstrous and thoughtless concept of a "separation of powers." There has become but one power, the national power. It is made up of one body comprised of political parties, bureaucrats, and the “media.” That was the “rat” that Patrick Henry most likely smelled. Patrick Henry Smells a Rat (Summer 2017, Volume 62, Issue 1) n:132446 Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? When was the last time something was checked through some constitutional and/or political balancing act? Never, successfully! Once, a defiance in opposition to defending a republic and blood ran into rivers. And republicans died, while Republicans profited. The way now is that Congress passes its law, the president (in or out of his right mind) signs it, and the "Supreme" Court okays it via its presumed quasi-legally appellate mind, and presto, magically a so-called “law of the land,” taxes the populace (through currency or sweat). Who can check it? Balanced against what? Legal legerdemain lends a hand, you see. Back to a so-called “founding”. Such melodramatic “nationhood” accepted status and historical nonsense supposedly formulated by a set of “Founders” or “Framers” is as accurate academically as a bag of Antifa loafers or Black Lives Matter rioters. These men (1787 NOT 1776) were looking for a union of commercial enterprise with a defensive posture through united strength through their individual sovereign states “of the world.”. They swore allegiance to their own home states but wanted jointly held protection through armed peoples of similar denominations. They weren’t ever (except some few who lied) looking for some damnable nation, flashing some idiotic light on a hill. They were not of a predisposed liberte’, egalite’, fraternite’ slogan which would bless a nation-state with freedom through the ghost of some Charlemagne-like figure. Perhaps the genius jetsam waste product of an Elizabeth Warren can explain the difference between the French/Indian War and The French Revolution. Naaaa, probably not. The French Revolution: that wonderful little moment in time where democracy and revolution were so exciting and excitable with checks and balances that people stormily lost their wits (and their heads). Now, there is a NATION—check, balance, kerplop! The French/Indian War? Where the Frenchman’s money was spent via Louis XV, “Louis the Beloved.” Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? The same comic book-type bloviating brain cells have skewed Western history since at least Reconstruction, if not before. Old Liz, the war chief of one political party is just that kind of Congressional club member who attracts politically polluted minds in most of Congress (not to mention the political pus oozing within the Executive and Judicial branches), who are clownish in historical comprehension. Reconstruction, of course, was the "national" Simon Legree analog used for whipping the republicans (not Republicans) into democrats (not Democrats) and the winners of the pre-Reconstruction “unpleasantness,” those slovenly Yankee minds, taught how they had freed the world from slavery, invented, of course (Yankees claim), by the agrarians. Intellectual sloth leveled 600,000 people? No. national liars did. Sloth is reckless. Lying is murder. There were more lies told (most by the Hamiltonian political lineage) at the Philadelphia convention in 1787 than Joe and Hunter Biden, and Susan Rice could tell while hand-covering The King James version at an LGBTQ bathroom party, in 2023. Thirteen independent states had declared themselves independent states of the world (yes, that’s what the Declaration on July 4th, 1776 stated), NOT that they were a new colossus nation deemed to renew an empire that was once the colossus of Rome and hence forwarded to Anglo/Norman dynastic empire warrior kingdoms. Washington was not Caesar. Lincoln and his cursed sectional party of Republicans were those self-serving madmen who “crossed the Rubicon”—that is if there is to be any Caesar comparison. These ‘Founders’ of course not being settled on Jew nor Gentile (Trans or Binary they did not say) are, nevertheless, as a collection, a unitary god to modernity’s historical blowhards and know-nothings; their created angels of ‘Checks and B…etc.’--seraphim, cherubim-- perhaps archangels at the leadership plateau--would always serve us well. This, of course, is so much horse dung deposited by the moderns--and as many Republicans as Democrats fertilize the political fields of discourse. The concept of nationhood with its “National” Anthem and flag and international foreign and bloody wars is what bred the corruption from the beginning. As far as angels in Congress? That would be like Franklin Graham at a poll-dance festival. A Star-Spangled Banner contains prose of honor; a National Anthem demands prose of political praise and salvation via the government god. A flag of union kins with The Cross of Saint Andrew. A national flag damns any so-called “checks and balances” for the lie that it is. Strangle the union, concoct the nation. Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? Sadly, much support for honor from the pulpits today is in Judas fashion. That is, courting God’s favor, but leasing (money is not permanent) His lucre Judas knew most likely (though he may not have) the truth; but as keeper of the gold (treasurer), his head, not his heart, thought enough money could buy truth later. Today, many Mega Merchants of the Lord, have become (c)hurches subconsciously (or consciously?) and have been bought by sodomy’s coin, as well. They know who they are, I suppose. Unitarians in Christian clothing. Washington D.C. houses one of the largest and most haunted of such. Its hymns have rejected Christ—modernizing the expression “What the hell?” But like a disease of the soul such satanic standards spread even beyond the Babylon of the Potomac—even here to the great and courageous Sam Houston’s namesake, Houston, Texas. It isn’t the wise thing to avoid this crowd. The wise thing is to keep them well in sight—like not turning your back on a rabid dog. Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? Now for the bad news. The so-called media, having been labeled many things, many times, seems to have acquired a favorite appellation from sometime in the past, as: “the watchdog of democracy.” Forgetting about the most evil (and reckless) of all words, “democracy” sink your teeth into the “watchdog” part. If “democracy” were a blind man he would have been run over a long time ago by a wagon while chatting with Ben Franklin about such nonsense. The watchdog would have been grappling with the real meaning of “exponential” and not the inappropriate way newsy-sillies use it today. The woebegone collection of ill-read, ill- grammarian, and generally Denny Dimwit clones who parade before us (including Fox News) feasting on nonsense and vomiting it back. Tucker Carlson, a man who had revealed himself as a reliable reporter/journalist over the years, in my opinion, has stumbled from time to time. His nightly show, like most, has been confronted with the contemporary left-wing anarchic news happenings. Anarchy brings with it, anarchic news. By its very nature, bestial conduct becomes the news story of the moment(s). And for the most part, fake news stampedes over history and truth. To anyone on this planet, current news bile comes mostly from such oxymoronic solecisms as “Antifa” or “Black Lives Matter.” Antifa is no more anti-fascist than the American Cancer Society is pro-smoking. The only connection to anything black that Black Lives Matter has, is blackmail. Into this fray, phony reporters bring discord and dishonesty. Mr. Carlson generally is the exception. But he seemed locked into the historian-wannabees and pseudo-historians of cable T.V. land. But, a great deal of the outcry of these phony Antifa or BLM madmen is to blame the South and its former Southern Confederacy. The Southern Confederacy that fought supposedly to preserve slavery. Not only to preserve it but to use it to torture blacks. This, purportedly is THE news, THE history. The truth? Such rubbish drives conservative thought away. as Richard Weaver may have suggested. Hence while these lunatic monsters of Antifa and BLM loot and burn they must also, like Isis, tear down and destroy. Away with the markers, statutes, and all remembrances of the former soldiers and statesmen of the CSA. Next, Columbus, Washington, and Jefferson must go. Soon, St Patrick's Cathedral and Notre Dame's golden dome will make the hit list. Carlson spoke of this conduct (as any sane man should) as nihilism. Then to make sure his audience understood, he attempted to clarify. He said that no reasonable person could or would, support the Southern confederacy-- and "only a few" do. Mr. Carlson failed at his research here. Or he spoke without thinking. Depending on recent polls, 40% of Southerners and 23 % of those polled nationwide support the former often referred "Lost Cause." This in an age of pervasive public education where the brainwashing of history students is almost formal. But the numbers above are a bit more than "only a few." And people are thinking more about the subject. More than 40% down south know the truth—and accept it. 150 Years Later, 23% Of Americans, 40% Of Southerners, Side With Confederacy – Outside the Beltway More conservatives now realize that conservatism stands for a republic union-- not a national state. People who believe in the "Lost Cause" stand and/or salute The Star-Spangled Banner—not a National Anthem. Perhaps more people are reaching back and studying history--from primary sources. Not the silliness of the Dinesh D' Souza, Rush Limbaugh, or Mark Levin types –Republicans in Conservative clothing—but the original secession of 1776 and its future facsimile seen in the CSA. As well, these same students are going to sites like The Abbeville Institute and not to Fox Nation with its pervasion of pseudo-historians. Those who reach back are digging up the true dirt on the Republican party which supported "no blacks" in the territories. Not "no slaves" in the territories. Neither political party was especially for or against slavery in 1860. The Republicans aligned themselves with some abolitionists. Those who mostly wanted blacks expatriated. Lincoln's political bilge is filled with statements as such. Not only that but his offering bribe to the South of the Corwin amendment is pure politics. It stated for all South of the Mason-Dixon Line to hear that he would accept the amendment if such passed. Now, Tucker do you understand why you got fired? Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. If not, he will spend most of the rest of his life in some isolated podcast cheering for the never-existent national government of "freedom" whose legacy included blood into rivers. One thing seems true about Tucker Carlson: He genuinely seems a prayerful man. That is something we should all understand. One last time, Tucker. Do you understand…? Maybe prayer is where there is your understanding. A word of warning to Puerto Rico: before you get excited about statehood; remember that once you get into the swamp, you can’t get out. The swamp-creatures own you: lock, stock and soul. Remember, there was no such thing as an American “civil war.” Regardless of the modern pseudo-historical illiterate’s checklist. There were two wars of secession. One began in 1775 and the good guys won. The other began in 1861 and the other guys won. Puerto Rico, you cannot come into a union of states any longer. It no longer exits. It has been relabeled a nation. It has even turned a beautiful poem of music called The Star-Spangled Banner, honoring the courage of union into some bastardized Wagner-style march of the godly state called The National Anthem. You can only give up your land and people to the national (nation) swamp. States have become national counties. And its quicksand will suck you under. And war upon war upon war will be the suction that kills your sons, and now thanks be to the dastardly and moronic wonder-woke idealogues, your daughters too, shall bleed equally. Union years, 1787-1861, two wars both legally declared by the union’s congress. National years. 1861-present, 9 or 10, not counting the 20the century multiple Banana Wars. Three of the entire number legally declared by the national congress. And those were promoted and primed by for congress by the “nation’s” presidents: Spanish American (where you became a national territory), WWI (Wilson’s War) and WWII (FDR’s War). Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World- by Patrick Buchanan is praiseworthy to many veterans of post-WWII service (including me). War is a Racket by Smedley D. Butler, Major General, U.S.M.C. (twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor). This same national swamp with its thugs and professional bureaucrats will demand to know how much money you make so they can take as much as they want either by direct confiscation or if you are a bit short, they will use the printing press to inflate your earnings to zero--the perfect oxymoron. They will spend it (confiscated or printed) on the Military Industrial Complex and its endless undeclared wars and then pretentiously stand beside coffins with hands over hearts as they “honor” the dead whom they have allowed to be killed or maimed. They lick their bureaucratic chops at the thought of American blood soaking Ukrainian ground. If you thought Viet Nam was a bloody trick, you’ll love a Black Sea bloodbath. Hell, you can get 58,000 (Viet Nam KIA) with one bomb. Welcome to the your new “nation.” This same nation will demand your sons fight in its wars, not in your own defense. And now will even demand your daughters do the same since they have eliminated God’s creation of male and female and created a Uni-human being. No longer will they allow pithy little aphorisms such as “Boys will be boys.” Now they will only allow that “Boys will be boys or girls--their choice.” They will seduce you with seemingly clever little concepts that you are joining some grand magna cum political doctrinal called a Constitutional Democracy. Yes, or even more cleverly a Constitutional Republic. They get away with this foolish blather because it has provided a monster called public education: The Devil’s way to turn children into fools. The first, “Democracies” don’t have “constitutions” because they don’t use or need them. The mob determines everything. The second, “Republics” by definition have constitutions, therefore redundancies usually are subterfuge. But it gets worse. You will come into a national morass of voters, many of whom couldn’t count to 3 if you spotted them the first 2 digits. This is of course under the nonsensical concept that there is an inherent “right to vote.” Once, under union there was a concept that rights were all from God. No more. After all, for example, God said “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” He didn’t attach a little addendum, “Y’all kick this around, vote on it and let me know if you agree.” And don’t be fooled by the same bums (thugs and bureaucrats) babbling about the glorious Constitution. That sucker went dead when the union went dead. Anyway, most of them have never read it or even know it in its inherent simplicity (about 6000 words in basic English). And, of course, you will be joining this great nation that is supposedly governed by some of the most corrupt and stupid people that ever crawled out of the primeval ooze. This national congress has morons who declare the world is coming to an end in a decade or so. And they have one guy who thinks that too many people standing on an island will cause it to tip over. This nation even has elected a guy (the president?) who is called something goosey like “The Leader of the Free World." Whatever do you suppose that lunacy means? To this claimant title he was elected? Is such a description in Article II of the Constitution? The present one is a demented quack who couldn't find the men's room at the Y.M.C.A. And if he did, he wouldn't know which side his zipper was on. But you guys come on, Puerto Rico. Join this wagon load of manure now called a nation, once honorably known as a union. But as bad as the bureaucrats and thugs are; as bad and dumb as the congress is; as dopey and corrupt as the president is--you ain't seen nothing until you see the little gal standing in the wings if the president resigns. If you thought Nancy Pelosi was a clown,,, But come on. And like I said, bring your checkbook. Como esta usted amigos and amigas. Sorry, I meant amigxs. |
AuthorPaul Yarbrough has written several pieces over the last few years for_ The Blue State Conservative, NOQ, The Daily Caller, Communities Digital News, American Thinker, The Abbeville Institute, Lew Rockwell _and perhaps two or three others. He is also the author of 4 published novels (all Southern stories , one a Kindle Bestseller), a few short stories and a handful of poems. Archives
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