The co-founder of the African Black Defense League, Egountchi Behanzin, recently expressed the desire of Africans to cooperate with the Russian Federation regarding vaccines and medicine. He lambasted the Amero-European pharmaceutical mafia for its attempts to coerce Africans into poisoning their children. The coercion runs along typical Western sanctions as punishment lines. If an African nation refuses to participate in Frankensteinian voodoo, then it is allegedly deprived of access to Washington’s magic money machine via the IMF, SWIFT, etc. Behanzin noted that the Collective West’s mafia uses childhood vaccines to sterilize populations and turn everyone homosexual. The man appears to know something. Here’s one short description of Western neocolonial medical terror in Africa, as recounted by RFK, Jr. (before he went uber-Zionist…):
While they have indeed been hit very hard and for a long time by the forces of hell, Africans are not alone in their victimization. It’s not so much racism that drives the pharmakeia-peddling demons. They are, as some say, “colorblind.” Or, rather, they are simply blinded by their hatred of God and all mankind. Specifically regarding childhood vaccines and homosexuality, hard evidence is emerging that shows an extreme correlation between poisoning children with these luciferian concoctions and the radical increase in abnormal sexual identity and behavior in Western populations. As Steve Kirsch puts it: “...vaccines are the primary cause (79% attributable fraction) of deviation from traditional norms relative to: sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual dysphoria.” Those in Africa and anywhere else only need look at what has become of the US population over the past three or so generations to get a very good idea of what is maliciously intended for the people of the wider world. When I was young, American children were subjected to relatively few vaccines. When my daughter was a baby, the number had grown to perhaps several dozen. Today, it stands somewhere north of 100 different kinds of shots, containing all sorts of chemicals and Lord knows what else, almost all of it completely unnecessary. Over that period, from the 1970s (US Generation “X”), through today (Generations “Z” and “Alpha”), the increase in reported rates of sexual deviance has been astronomical. Being “gay” went from practically unheard of to suddenly everywhere, forcefully demanding acceptance and ratification, and being trendy or cool. It also went hand-in-hand with 10,000 other social maladies that frequently combine, leaving results that are anything but cool. We witnessed one such confluence the other day in Winder, Georgia, USA. On September 4, 2024, at Winder’s Apalachee High School, a fourteen-year-old male student, Colt Gray, allegedly committed mass murder and terrorism, killing four people and wounding another nine. So continued America’s pitiful and embarrassing tradition of school shootings and violence. According to British tabloid media, Gray was supposedly bullied at school for being “gay”. If Gray is homosexual or so self-identifies, then, by his age and given the extreme load of poisonous vaccines he was likely subjected to, there is a very good chance those poisons contributed to his dysphoric disposition. I do not know, but I suspect, “a dollar to a donut”, that he was also under the influence of SSRI drugs, “ADHD” drugs, or some other combination of dangerous psychotropics. One of the known side effects of those kinds of needless medications is an increase in aggression and a decrease in cognitive function and restraint. If Gray was subjected to such a litany of mind and hormone-altering chemical poisons, then the odds were overwhelming that it was the school system and the state government that forced him and his parents into compliance with psychiatric and medical practices straight out of a horror novel. In Russia, Metropolitan Vladimir of Vladivostok and Primorsky just called for boosting Russian families and children. Part of his suggestion is that certain prying state bureaucracies need to be limited in some activities that intrude on parental control of children and family life. By contrast, America has become the home of the meddling busybody, ever seeking to “help” where no assistance is required (and very often turning away when help is required). Americans were reliably informed that it takes a village to raise a child, mere parents not being enough. Yet when problems arise, including those problems caused by the village, it is the parents who are scrutinized and, in some cases, punished. Colt Gray’s father, for instance, has been charged alongside his son for murder under extremely dubious legal theories. No charges, of course, will be filed against any school officials, doctors, drug companies, psychologists, social workers, or any other village helpers. In the US, in addition to being misled and/or left on the hook, parents and children are brow-beaten into accepting overdose vaccination and other stupidities as part of the process of enrolling in that luxury of luxuries, the American public school system. What, exactly, do they get for their acceptance of insanity? Here’s a brief look at Gray’s high school. In accordance with other dystopian American programs, Apalachee High has undergone a consistent and pronounced demographic transformation this century. Rapid, forced heterogeneous destabilization of society and culture is just as damaging as chemical warfare. As of 2024, the school ranked in the bottom half of Georgia high schools in terms of academic performance. That also sums up its placement when compared to all US high schools (number 9,501 of 17,655). In keeping with the postmodern trend of American educational excellence, the school boasts amazing(ly poor) subject matter proficiency scores. As measured by the system’s own very low standards, only 30% of Apalachee’s students understand mathematics at their grade level and only 31% are sufficiently accomplished in reading. And, of course, despite failing to educate over two-thirds of its victims pupils, Apalachee still maintains a graduation rate of 91%. If you, the international outsider, suspect something akin to fraud is taking place, then please be reassured these stellar results are virtually identical to every school system in the US. Almost all public government schools, and probably a high majority of private institutions, are miserable failures. The failure was intentional, a part of the larger policy of totally destroying the fabric of American society. As “W” once implied, “Mission accomplished.” As this was (yet another) school shooting, the low-quality mainstream reporting on it largely centered on firearms. While there are far too many gun crimes in America, gun violence ranks low on the list of things that kill Americans, and it is also a fact that guns prevent an even greater number of potential crimes than they contribute to. Still, that last point further testifies that there is far too much crime in America. It also overlooks the fact that for all their firearms (400 or so million in private hands), Americans have failed to prevent that one crime for which the founding freemasons reluctantly and belatedly included the Constitution’s Second Amendment to address: the emergence of nation-destroying tyranny. The 2A’s real operative words are, “of a free state” We might also make “of a civilized state” synonymous for the sake of this discussion. Upon a time long ago, before the rise of the Total State and the emergence of Sodom and Gomorrah-style wickedness coast to coast, America, for all its faults, was awash in weapons while still experiencing relatively low rates of crime. Americans were also different people then, largely being mentally, physically, emotionally, and morally fit. Things have changed for the worse. It occurs to me, a lifelong gun owner and proponent, that liberal ownership of deadly weapons is better suited for a civilized population. Weapons in the hands of demented barbarians appear to lead to, well, demented barbarity. Many things occur to me these days. While glib liberals will surely call for impossible gun control, and simple-minded conservatives are likely to call for … Trump(?), I suggest something holistic and altogether different. I’ve long advocated that the few remaining good and intelligent Americans arm themselves, withdraw their children from the state’s satanic concentration camp schools, and avoid the necromancy vaccines and medical elixirs. Seeing as how American society has completely degenerated, it is now advisable that decent people completely break from it. I’ve previously advised various young people to consider moving abroad. For all those who remain, the time has seemingly come for families to withdraw, along with the like-minded, into little secluded monastic-like fortresses of civilization. If any of them must continue to venture among the deranged savages, then let it be the adult men, well-armed, and only for the shortest duration possible. Let the clowns, cannibals, and vampires run wild; their time will be short. Someone must be ready to reemerge and rebuild when the fires die out. For all those outside the US and the failing West, please take a good, hard look at what satanic, liberal globalism does to its host populations. The ranks of the multipolar world can learn much from America’s very negative examples. You, many of you, know well how soulless, corporatist liberalism treats the rest of the world—as slaves, targets, and fodder. Yet many of the non-Western nations that have fallen prey to the colonial locusts of the Enlightenment have remained true to their traditions. Keep it that way, my friends. And keep the hellish specters of the false West at bay. I am repeatedly pleased that this process of observation and deterrence is already underway. Africans and Russians are on guard. Others are as well. While praising Almighty God, Iran’s new Ministry of Education, Alireza Kazemi, recently announced a plan to reform the country’s schools, perhaps in line with what Russia is currently doing. God, having long been driven from American schools, hearts, and society in general, has apparently and understandably turned His back on America. His wrath appears to be taking the form, not of plagues and direct intervention, but of simply allowing Americans, insouciant or wicked, to reap the deserved rewards of their actions and inactions. Whatever Iran does, whatever Africa does, whatever any of you do, make sure it's the opposite of what Americans have done to themselves and their children. In any event, we know all the Faithful are assured that, Deo vindice. This piece was published at Perrin Lovett on Sept. 11, 2024.
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AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at Deo Vindice! Archives
February 2025