When violence bursts onto the peaceful human condition, its face is flush with self-assurance, it displays on its banner and proclaims: “I am Violence! Make way, step aside, I will crush you!” But violence ages swiftly, a few years pass—and it is no longer sure of itself. To prop itself up, to appear decent, it will without fail call forth its ally—Lies. For violence has nothing to cover itself with but lies, and lies can only persist through violence. And it is not every day and not on every shoulder that violence brings down its heavy hand: It demands of us only a submission to lies, a daily participation in deceit—and this suffices as our fealty. And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me! And this is the way to break out of the imaginary encirclement of our inertness, the easiest way for us and the most devastating for the lies. For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist. Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person. We are not called upon to step out onto the square and shout out the truth, to say out loud what we think—this is scary, we are not ready. But let us at least refuse to say what we do not think! (…) Our way must be: Never knowingly support lies! Having understood where the lies begin (and many see this line differently)—step back from that gangrenous edge! Let us not glue back the flaking scales of the Ideology, not gather back its crumbling bones, nor patch together its decomposing garb, and we will be amazed how swiftly and helplessly the lies will fall away, and that which is destined to be naked will be exposed as such to the world.
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’Tis the season when we usually brace ourselves for Black Friday stampedes and bravely rally behind the fearless generals of Fox News in the Battle of Christmas. However, with COVID floating merrily through the air and Fox News leading the battle for the Three Banners and Comrade Joe in Red, instead of the Three Wise Men and Mrs. Claus cozy in bed, we have to work even harder at enjoying this festive season in the face of humorless overlords in a nation where not only Fridays, but every single day, is now Black and stampedes are just a walk down any urban street. But, humorless overlords are nothing new to our shores. This time of year often gives me a chance to reflect on my rich family history. On my father’s side, I am descended from numerous Virginia first families who had the honor of fighting for the Old Dominion in no fewer than four wars. But, it is my Yankee New England maternal ancestors that I am reflecting upon in this dystopian Thanksgiving week. My first maternal ancestors to America arrived at Plymouth Plantation (a term quickly being memory-holed by guilt-ridden modern Yankees) in 1620. There they held the first Thanksgiving feast outdoors with their diverse native neighbors. I am sure it would have warmed the heart of Dr. Fauci to see a celebration in the open outdoor air in the spirit of preventing viruses. Hopefully, they finished the meal before it got too cold and the natives had to borrow some blankets from the Pilgrims. Pilgrims and Puritans began to stream into New England to begin the work of creating new societies of quality men who would soon be dictating their beliefs to all others, whether they wanted them or not. It was one man, Thomas Morton, whose arrival in Massachusetts in 1624 would evoke a totalitarian reaction against fun and celebration that would be greeted with approval by even the most gender-fluid cat ladies in the library science departments throughout American academia. In 1627, Thomas Morton brought the maypole to Massachusetts at Wollaston Beach, which he would name Merrymount for reasons that will shortly become obvious. It was over eighty-feet tall with buck horns placed prominently atop it. Anglos and Natives alike danced around the maypole while enjoying intoxicating beverages, plentiful food, and loud singing. This demonstration of fun would not go unnoticed by Governor William Bradford, Captain Miles Standish, and other leaders who were horrified at tales of Pilgrim and Puritan men dancing with native women adorned with luxurious beaver pelts (these were the days before laser hair removal) and native men happily drinking from same kegs of beer and cider as their Pilgrim and Puritan neighbors. In 1628, Pilgrim Governor William Bradford ordered Captain Miles Standish, who Morton would later refer to as Captain Shrimp in light of his short stature, to proceed to Wollaston and arrest Thomas Morton for, as Bradford described it, “abusing the Indian women most filthily.” Captain Standish reported he was able to arrest Morton and some of his followers without incident due to the fact they were too drunk to resist. After the arrest of Morton, Puritan John Endicott of Salem marched to the shore and chopped Morton’s maypole to the ground. Morton would not be away from his beloved Massachusetts for long. He would return again only to be captured again by the same humorless suppressors of merriment and shipped back to England. He would arrive again in 1630 only to be shipped back to England once more by Puritan Governor John Winthrop. Still not deterred by the humorless men he would so deftly satirize as the “Princes of Limbo” in his book New Canaan, Morton came once more to Massachusetts in 1643. He was quickly exiled to the coast of Maine where he died in 1647. In Morton, we see a hardworking man who braved the harshness of New England and sought to enjoy all the pleasures afforded to him. We today see many hardworking middle and working class white men and women who are slowly having every joy and pleasure banned from their lives by sanctimonious elites who see only their punishing ways as permissible and use every tool at their disposal, especially journalists and social media, to enforce their draconian harshness and pave the way for the vegan bug-men of the Great Reset. I, for one, will follow the determination of both Thomas Morton and my Virginia ancestors who rejected sanctimonious regulation and repression from elites near and far and stood in defense of their way of life. I would ask all proud traditionalists throughout Greater Dixie and all Heritage Americans to join me in rejecting the overwrought feminine hysteria of our elites, many of whose ancestors were still hocking rags in the Pale of Settlement when ours were clearing American fields north and south, and enjoy spending time with friends and family while consuming unhealthy amounts of alcohol, carbohydrate-laden side dishes, delicious roast turkey, and even Yankee cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy the gifts and opportunities granted us from a power far greater than ourselves, so let us give thanks and enjoy the blessings of life and to hell with our modern Princes of Limbo. This piece was originally posted at IdentityDixie.com on 11/26/2020.
I was in 3rd grade when Georgia changed her flag around the turn of the century. I did not fully comprehend the abstract ideas of contemporary politics at that time, but what I did understand was respect for our ancestors and our flag – ideals my father had instilled in me growing up. The day the flag changed was the day that I began to understand what our people faced. The issue can be summed up in several different ways, but it can be condensed into one simple word: tyranny. Fast forward two decades later, and it is quite easy to be discouraged these days, especially because the tyranny still endures. From the complete lack of regard for the sacrifices of our ancestors to the blatant degeneration of Christian values, the prevailing 21st century view of history and society is diametrically opposed to our way of life and is the antithesis of any civilized land. The federal government, facilitated by their useful idiots on the streets of the main cities, are not satisfied with just taking down one flag or one monument, but to completely eradicate the tributes to our forefathers’ Cause, as well as, the very existence of Southerners. This is what they want. However, outside of the cities, they won’t get it. Residing in Dixie’s urban centers are the modern-day carpetbaggers. They are mostly leftists and communists, or apathetic to the wholesale destruction of the new place they’ve decided to pitch their tent. They’ve encroached on our customs and values to varying degrees of success over the past several decades – all leading up to 2020. Now, this slow chipping away of what makes the South THE South has cultivated into a toxic and rabid hatred of everything Southern (minus the food, of course). This is what they want, but you can’t always get what you want. Indeed, it is so easy to be discouraged in the present day, but there is still reason for optimism in Dixie. Whenever one leaves the cesspool of urbanization, they find themselves in what I simply call the “Majority South”: the rural, traditional communities that make up nearly the entire South. Traveling is something that I enjoy, but not to the typical destinations most tourists might. Instead, I travel to the abundant pockets that would make any true Southern patriot feel right at home. The kind of place where pleasantries are still paramount and the battle flag flutters freely. In 2020, these places still exist and they are still very much prevalent. The liberal media would like for you to think differently, that somehow their ideas are transcending an entire nation. The reality is their ideas weaken whenever you leave the city limits. Urban and rural: two societies that have been pitted against each other throughout history. And, today is no different. Urban areas obviously control the main media narratives of the day. If I lived in Europe, I would be completely unaware of the rural way of life in America. I would think that it is a quaint thing of the past. This includes folks who are my age and a little bit younger. The caricature of the millennial is true in many respects, but there are still many Southern men within my demographic who live freely and respect the values of their forefathers. Today might be the worst time ever for Southern expression, but these country boys aren’t running low on their resolve to continue to live the Southern way of life. You rarely see rioting and looting in these places. If Antifa were as brave they pretend to be on Twitter, they’d take their revolutionary spirit to the backwoods. They won’t though – there’s an actual resistance to rioting and looting in the countryside. It is in this spirit that I find optimism for the future. I believe that when the “great fracturing” of the U.S. does come, whether it will be 25, 50, or a full 100 years from now, our people will continue to live in the same lands and believe in the same ideas. The tyranny imposed upon our people is something we have and will endure going into the future. They want us gone, but it won’t be as easy as they think. This post originally appeared at Identity Dixie on Sept. 16, 2020.
Amid the demonstrations following the death of George Floyd, the cries of racism and iconoclasm have reached a crescendo in Richmond, Virginia. The people decrying white supremacy in the streets have prompted Governor Ralph Northam and Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney to remove the iconic monuments to the Virginians and Southerners of the Confederacy who are honored there. Monument Avenue has since the late 19th century been the home of monuments to such giants as Robert E. Lee, J.E.B Stuart, Jefferson Davis, and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. These monuments were erected following Reconstruction, a period that saw many Southerners suffer through destitution and tyranny at the hands of the Union victors. It was only after the Compromise of 1877 that the South was able to push out the carpetbaggers and build these monuments to honor their heroes. Ralph Northam is the epitome of the perfidious politician that Virginia has had the misfortune to contend with in recent years. He supports abortion rights, various bans on firearms, and has been advocating for the removal of all things associated with the Confederacy. The fact that Northam is a native Virginian (and a massive embarrassment) makes him equivalent to a modern day Judas Iscariot. Levar Stoney is, of course, a democrat that was part of Terry McAuliffe’s administration. The same Terry McAuliffe that orchestrated the Charlottesville debacle that saw countless right wingers excoriated by their peers and persecuted by the law unjustly. The plan going forward is to first remove the Robert E. Lee statue, which is state owned, followed by all the other war memorials, pending the Richmond City Council’s likely approval. A law going into effect on July 1st will allow local governments to take down the remaining monuments. Unfortunately, Monument Avenue’s days were numbered when the radical Democrats took control of the Virginia General Assembly and the Richmond City Council voted to take control of the statues from the Commonwealth. In 2007, the American Planning Association named Monument Avenue one of the 10 Great Streets in the country. We expect it to be a much reduced and degraded location, including home values, within the next five (5) years. It would be easy to become incredibly black pilled by the recent losses to the communist agitators and iconoclastic politicians. As Southern Nationalists, it is important that we not allow ourselves to do so and be reminded of the larger struggle at play here. It is undoubtful a great crime is being committed against our ancestors, a people who died in the defense of our soil, for these monuments to be removed. But, it should be kept in mind that the Southern people and way of life don’t inhabit that stone. These monuments will be relegated to a dusty museum or destroyed outright; that much has become inevitable. It is the responsibility of Southern Nationalists to use this as a fire to stoke our rhetoric and to redouble our efforts in educating our people about their history. Now is the time to reach out to our friends and acquaintances, people who are equally dismayed by the sudden vitriol, barbarism, and carnage. We must point out that the same people desecrating and tearing down our Southern monuments, as well as bellowing about white supremacy, want nothing more than the complete destruction of the South and Southern culture. It needs to be reinforced that no amount of apologia will ever satisfy the communists and antifa terrorists. This is simply a power struggle that only a unified Southern block can resist. Efforts should also be made to educate those that will listen about Southern history. The narrative in history textbooks, and that presented in media, has long been falsified to vilify Southerners at every single turn. The intensity with which the rewriting of history will precede is only going to be augmented considering recent events. Southern Nationalists should use every platform available to advance the true version of events. Whether this be a humble blog post or a conversation with a friend, we need to make sure that our narratives are not lost with the statues on Monument Avenue. The statues will be torn down and destroyed. We lost our major cities before most of us were even born. We must become “living monuments” for our people. We must set a good example for Southerners – we must be honest, truthful, brave, just, providers, protectors, and make our ancestors proud that we carry their legacy. Spineless politicians, antifa terrorists, and roving bands of rioters think they have defeated the South. They can’t defeat what’s in our hearts and minds. Be a living monument for your people. It’s all we have left. This article was previously published at IdentityDixie.com on June 4, 2020.
I am a veteran of the American Empire war machine. That sounds pretty wicked, doesn’t it? I truly am not trying to make that sound sinister, I promise! Certainly, there is nothing evil about serving your nation in the military, is there? At least, until you wake up and realize that American Empire isn’t a real nation, and that your service only benefited the destruction of genuine nationhood and the spread of globalism. Freedom fries made from GMO potatoes for everyone! I am not going to play up my time in the military. I did not serve with honors or distinction. In fact, if I’m being honest, I was an average enlistee and my enthusiasm was always lacking. Having said that, I truly believed I was doing something good. I believed in America and the Constitution. I believed that “liberty” was for everyone and that our mission was to spread liberty. I’ve always been pro-veteran and I still am. After all, it is not our fault, as veterans, that we knew not who we really served. So with that said, it is time to face the facts that the United States Armed Forces are nothing more than a bloated arm of the welfare state, and that middle class and poor, white, Southern men are ZOG’s most gullible welfare dependents…eagerly invading sovereign nation after sovereign nation in order to spread the fundamental human right to eat cheeseburgers, consume high quantities of soy and high fructose corn syrup, pop antidepressants and to provide unlimited access to pornography for the world’s oppressed masses, yearning to breathe free. I’m generalizing here, but it is well known that Southern men, despite being represented by only 16 out of 50 states, make up the lion’s share of military enlistees. This article cites this figure at 44 percent. That’s pretty hefty considering the population weight of northern states like California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, etc. I’d love to romanticize these facts with high minded fantasies of exceptional patriotism coupled with a Southern military tradition that is an amalgamation of Robert E Lee’s spirit and the single mindedness of ancient Sparta. And, certainly there is some truth to that. But, Occam’s razor applies here, and economics trump all other considerations when you get down to brass tacks. One could also look at the demographics of black Southerners and conclude that they benefit from this glorified welfare program more than white men. This would be marginally true, I found this stat stating that 17 percent of active duty personnel are black, while the U.S. black population is 13 percent. How that breaks down North vs South is anyone’s guess, but for sake of discussion we’ll go with the idea that more black Southern men enlist per capita than Northern blacks. Still, in terms of raw numbers, both white men and women dwarf all other demographics, and Southern white men are the single largest demographic group. Okay, having laid out the numbers, let me back up and say that I’m not making a negative value judgment on Southerners. I’m a Southerner, and I served. Again, I’m not ashamed that I served and I have always held veterans in esteem. My personal story is an anecdote, but I think my situation was not all that uncommon or unlike the average young white man who turns to military service as an opportunity to better themselves or kick-start their life. The question is, why do we live in a society where so many young Southern white men feel compelled to join the US military? Are there no other options? Is this the way it’s always been? I would argue that prior to the two World Wars, Southern men were probably less likely to feel patriotic to the American flag. When WWI kicked off, the War of Northern Aggression was still a deeply felt open wound in the Reconstructed South. It was still in recent memory that people lost loved ones in the Confederate Army, and Southern men were more likely to be conscientious objectors due to a combination of religious convictions, pacifism, and/or animosity. I have no way to quantify this assertion, but there are famous stories about conscientious objectors from the South, including Sergeant Alvin York of Tennessee who ultimately did serve with high distinction in World War I. Not to mention, both World Wars required a draft in order to satisfy the numbers required to win the war. This was long before the days of the large, standing, professional and voluntary U.S. Military Industrial Complex. I still haven’t come to a satisfactory answer as to why the recent trend has shifted so heavily toward white Southern men. But, I’ll offer up a few explanations, most of them economic. First and foremost is the G.I. Bill passed in 1944. The original goal of the G.I. Bill was noble and honorable, to compensate the returning WWII veterans for their sacrifice. But post-war, the G.I. Bill became the cornerstone by which the Empire maintains its bloated offensive military machine. Even in the 21st century, the ramifications of Reconstruction are still felt in the South, which always relied heavily on agriculture. Poor and middle class white men, especially from rural areas, are lured into signing up for service in order to get a good start in life. This was certainly the case for me. Another economic complication is the very globalism that the Empire spreads through its military machine. Trade agreements such as NAFTA and the importation of goods from China, causing trade deficits, moved a lot of textile and manufacturing jobs, that once took root in the South, overseas. My own father lost a good job in the textile industry in the early 1980’s when his company moved manufacturing to Mexico. This was a situation that my family never fully recovered from, even after my father found a new occupation, and ultimately contributed to my own economic reasons for joining the military. Even comfortable middle and upper middle-class white Southern men are often compelled to enter into a military contract, be it as an enlistee or as an officer. Both paths are convenient ways to get a college education, either through the college benefit of the G.I. Bill or through ROTC. With the affirmative action programs created by the Civil Rights Act, many middle class whites find it extremely difficult to pay for ever increasing college tuition fees, and find themselves excluded from grant money that poorer minorities have easy access to. The bottom line is that white men often have to sacrifice four or more years of their life in service to the Empire, just to have an opportunity for college – where a great many blacks get a free ride based on their skin color and status as a “victim class.” Thank you “white privilege”! In conclusion, I want to reiterate to other veterans who read this that “we knew not who we served,” and that I am not casting a negative cloud on being a veteran. If I’m being completely honest, I’ve mostly benefited from my military service. But that’s the point, when you boil it down to its essential mechanisms: the U.S. military is a welfare benefit. And, when I reflect on the advantages it gave me in life, they were all economic. If America were a fair and just society, Southern men would not serve because our economic condition requires it. Instead, we would serve our country for the very patriotic ideals that American propaganda attempts to brainwash us into believing. But as I write this, somewhere a Southern man is sitting at a recruiting office, being told that his training as a wheel mechanic will be a marketable skill when he completes his service, and he’ll sign up to go spread Cheeseburgers and Pornhub into the Third World and hand out MREs to illegal immigrants at our southern border. Come home, Southern man. There’s nothing for you in Uncle Sam’s military. This piece first appeared on the Identity Dixie site on December 30, 2018. |
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