Calling All Southerners and Southern Sympathizers!
This February, Reckonin’ is challenging you to exercise your writing skills in support of the South. Until the end of the month, we are accepting submissions of any length on two topics:
Why the South Will Survive
Make your best argument for why, despite all of the horrors that have befallen Dixie in her history, she has survived and will continue to survive. Feel free to include proposals for actions that Southrons can take to ensure the survival of the South. Send submissions to [email protected] by Feb 28, 2022.
An Independent South
This is a creative writing prompt—using poetry or a traditional fictive narrative, tell us what an independent South might look like, or how that independent South came to be.
At the end of February, we will select the best entry. One winner will receive a signed book from our very own editor-in-chief, legend Clyde Wilson!
All of the other worthy entries will be published here on Reckonin’ over the next couple of months
All of the other worthy entries will be published here on Reckonin’ over the next couple of months
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