Featured Comment by Brian on The Star That Is Called Wormwood
Hilarious and cynical and hopeful all at the same time. This piece puts into words what my stomach felt upon visiting the place a decade ago. There are a good many Appalachian folks a little north of the Mason Dixon who understand you perfectly.
Clyde N Wilson: Which is the Evil Party? (3.15.2021)
- Which party first stole a presidential election?
- The Republicans 1876
- Which party first marshalled the black vote to carry an election?
- The Republicans. In 1868 Grant received a minority of the white vote.
- Which party inaugurated the first great entitlement program?
- The Republicans. Union Army pensions made up half the federal expenditures for decades.
- Which party began the importation of foreign labour to take the jobs of American workers?
- The Republicans, beginning with an immigrant contract labour law during the War of Southern Independence. Repeated countless times since.
- Which party started unnecessary wars?
- Republicans: Lincoln, 1861; McKinley, 1898; the two Bushes.
Featured Comment by H.V. Traywick on The Curse of Canine Racism
After the November election, I took up readings on the French and Russian Revolutions, Utopia and Terror in the twentieth Century, and other like works in hopes of gleaning some insights on the leftists who have swept themselves into power. But after reading this article, I realized that I have been barking up the wrong tree, so I broke out my copy of Alice in Wonderland. The whole bloomin' gaggle of lefties has evidently gone 'round the bend and down the rabbit hole.
Clyde N Wilson: A Dog in Office (3.15.2021)
Some local units (camps) of the Sons of Confederate Veterans have long had a practice of giving college scholarships to the top high school ROTC cadet in their vicinity. These awards have frequently been made to black and Hispanic students. Often such presentations have been made in nearby military bases.
This was true until recently in San Diego. When the latest application was made, the camp were told by a female captain that they are “racists” and if they came on the base she would arrest them. This dog in office cannot tell that what is criminal is breaking a law, not disagreeing with her opinion. And she has an illegal conception of her authority over civilians. So much for our great military.
This was true until recently in San Diego. When the latest application was made, the camp were told by a female captain that they are “racists” and if they came on the base she would arrest them. This dog in office cannot tell that what is criminal is breaking a law, not disagreeing with her opinion. And she has an illegal conception of her authority over civilians. So much for our great military.
Featured Comment by Barbara W. on The Termite Infestation of American History
A magnificently written article. We are indeed "Occupied America." (Use this term regularly and with dogmatism.) And what does an occupied people do? They resist, in whatever manners are at their disposal. The powers that be plan only the extermination of the once lovely country that we knew as children. They have given us no choice except to push back. Start pushing.
Featured Comment by David T LeBeau on Our Rulers: What Now?
Donald Trump handed the Legislative Branch, and the Executive Office to the Leftist progressives, and Mexico didn't even pay for it.
Things run in cycles. It is the nature of the cosmos. The revolution will devour itself, though we may not be here to see it. Half the country is on our side, and perhaps more, if the corruption of the election is considered. Meanwhile, as I determined fifty years ago to not go into a POW camp, so I have determined today. Some things are not worth putting up with.
Jon Harris (@WorldViewConvos on Twitter)
What if your pastor preached on:
Righteous indignation
Submission, secession, and revolution in the Bible
Just War Theory
Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate
Being a man
Responding to persecution
Political engagement
Righteous indignation
Submission, secession, and revolution in the Bible
Just War Theory
Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate
Being a man
Responding to persecution
Political engagement
“Reparations for slavery,” which is nothing but a criminal extortion racket, will be a major push of the new Democratic regime. It will easily pass the House of Representatives. Enough Republicans in the Senate will support it for it to become law. After all, it will make them feel morally superior, follow long-established Republican policy, and it’s not their money they are spending.
No living person has ever suffered from slavery. Only the oldest even remember Jim Crow. The top black politicians, like Obama and the new Vice-President Harris never had any connection to American slavery. They are phony African Americans, phony in the “American” part.
But I have a question about who will get the money. Kamala Harris has a Jamaican father who brags that his people were not slaves but slave owners. Does she get the money or have to pay?
The Constitution long ago ceased to have any significance except as a plaything for politicians and lawyers. But in Article III, which establishes a Supreme Court, it says that the original jurisdiction of the Court shall extend “to controversies between two or more States.” It could not be any plainer. When the Court majority declined jurisdiction on the Texas case appealing against corrupt elections in Michigan it acted illegally as well as in a cowardly, corrupt, and deceitful manner.
It is likely that when President Trump leaves the White House---and he will leave it---he will be harassed mercilessly by civil and criminal lawsuits. I predict that none of his Supreme Court appointments will defend him, even when he is clearly justifiable.
It is likely that when President Trump leaves the White House---and he will leave it---he will be harassed mercilessly by civil and criminal lawsuits. I predict that none of his Supreme Court appointments will defend him, even when he is clearly justifiable.
Featured Comment by James Ron Kennedy on the blog post Secession and Sanctuary: A Call to Actionsecession-and-sanctuary-a-call-to-action.html
The Kennedy Twins of Louisiana have been promoting idea of modern day secession for over a quarter of a century--looks like the idea is finally coming to life. Hope it is not too late! I make a similar argument in "A Pocket Guide to Red State-Red County Secession."
I would predict that the very same politicians who brought us the draconian COVID-19 lockdowns, the stolen election and the grand theft of our children's inheritance will be elected yet again because those of us who are bearing and who will bear the consequences for this have already settled into our rhythms of abject materialism and pleasure, including watching football teams who colluded with BLM and buying products from companies who support them and Planned Parenthood over cyber nets controlled by corporations who are our enemies. We, therefore, bear the responsibility for what is befalling us and what is about to befall us. Presuming on God's mercy in this case is audacious!!!
Featured Comment by H.V. Traywick on All That Is Ugly, Broken, and Foul
"Consider the works of God, for who can make that straight which He hath made crooked?" - Ecclesiastes 7:13. Icarus in his hubris flew too close to the sun, but Nemesis, the Goddess of Vengeance brought him down. As Hannah Arendt said in her work, "The Origins of Totalitarianism," so it happens to all who forget that man is only the master of the world, not its Creator.
Featured Comment by David R. On The Blundering Generations and the Crises of Legitimacy
As Mr. Devanny's article so clearly reminds us based on our history and current trajectory, we are, as my father might say, soon to be in for a world of hurt. Ours might be the generation that either wrests American liberty back from the tyrants or watches it fade into history once and for all. God forbid it is not the latter!
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