Less than ten years ago, when Obergefell v. Hodges went before the Supreme Court, and the issue of gay marriage was a hotly debated subject, the slippery-slope concerns of gay marriage opponents were often dismissed with a laugh as delusions of tin-foil hatters and paranoids. Anyone who had suggested in 2015, for example, that major retailers would soon be marketing transgender-friendly merchandise to young children would have been mercilessly mocked. It is truly shocking how quickly the "nut jobs" have been proven right. And thinking back, I don't believe even the most alarmist opponents of the LGBTQ agenda predicted that the aggressive trend it would include the mainstreaming of unabashed satanism. Target was one of the companies at the tip of the spear with regards to promoting transgender acceptance. In 2016, their trans-friendly changing room and bathroom policy made headlines and prompted a boycott. It should not, then, be too surprising to learn that Target made headlines again for its Pride-themed line of products including many items made for children. Though there is little left that is taboo in this day and age, some may consider it beyond the pale that the designer with whom they partnered is a satan-worshipper, who was born a woman but identifies as a man. It is really hard to overstate how depraved this company's designs are: some feature slogans like "trans witches for abortion," "satan respects pronouns," graphics with a skeleton inviting "join my gay cult," and a guillotine with the caption, "homophobe headrest." Says the designer, “Being called a demon is something I can cope with, and the idea of a trans demon is pretty damn cool.” Social media quickly lit up with videos posted by horrified parents exploring the new products. News headlines called the angry consumers terrorists, and the media trotted out celebrities to express their disappointment at the public's bigotry and intolerance. In order to mitigate backlash, Target de-emphasized the product line, moving the displays to less prominent parts of the store.
The company lost billions of dollars in a matter of weeks, and to some this seems like a win. But does it really matter? Boycotts may give consumers a short-term, visceral satisfaction, but as D. H. Corax explained, the people pushing the progressive agenda don't "go broke." They not only have the power to offend without fear, but even to terraform international culture. (You may be interested to learn that there is a connection between Target and the Rockerfellers.) How does one do battle with entities who can lose billions of dollars in a week without flinching? Well, you and I cannot, at least not on our own. We read in Ephesians 6:12, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." It must be clear to anyone with spiritual eyes that the enemies of God are using their earthly power to push an agenda that works against health, life, and God's natural order. While it is distressing to see it progress, we must remember that Christ forewarned us of things like this: "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 24:12-13. Take heart, and remember, our Saviour is already victorious!
AuthorThe Carolina Contrarian, Anne Wilson Smith, is the author of Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right and Robert E. Lee: A History Book for Kids. She is the creator of Reckonin' and has contributed to the Abbeville Institute website and Vdare. She is a soft-spoken Southern belle by day, opinionated writer by night. She loves Jesus, her family, and her hometown. She enjoys floral dresses and acoustic guitar music. You may contact Carolina Contrarian at [email protected]. Archives
August 2024