A major advantage of the Left is their progressive vision. The Conservative non-movement by contrast has no progressive vision. Resisting any and all forms of progress is a recipe for failure and a sure fire way to join the dinosaurs. Let’s dwell on that for clarity sake. The reason most of the dinosaurs are extinct today is because they were too Conservative. They failed to change to meet their changing environment. They went extinct because they resisted progress in a changing world. They simply did not adapt, or at least not fast enough. I’ve had some time on my hands for the past year and have been binge reading books on leadership. There are a few reappearing messages that relate to what I am trying to say with this article.
I can confidently report that number 3 is false in the case of Dixie. Dixie has many monuments to men who simply resisted change and took a 100% defensive position. Oh, they took offensive positions in some battles, but on the political and cultural level they only took a defensive position. They simply attempted to cling to what they had. That was a critical flaw and I suspect it is the main reason Dixie lost and has been losing up until the present day. Ever since Antebellum times (and probably long before that) we have been plugging dams with our fingers when we should have been building hydroelectric power stations. As long as our dream for the future is to simply hang onto what we have or to bargain for smaller concessions, we are almost guaranteed to lose. One aberration from Dixie’s history of Conservatism was Sir William Berkeley, governor of Virginia, who accomplished one of the greatest patriotic feats in history with an organized effort to recruit as many “second sons of nobility” as he could to the Virginia colony. Rather than taking advantage of the opportunity to be an uncontested big shot among plebs, he raked in disaffected members of the upper classes after the English Civil War to create an aristocracy for the colony. There is no doubt that he had a vision of Ascendancy for Virginia. It had a lot to do with timing and opportunity, but based on results rather than sacrifice, we owe much more to Sir Berkeley than we do to Lee or Forrest. Berkeley and his ascendant vision created Dixie. Like Berkeley, we need a progressive mentality. Unfortunately our enemy has pretty much monopolized that word. Let’s just say the progress that I am talking about is quite different from Cenk Uygur’s version of progress. That’s why I am proposing the term Ascendancy, or more specifically, Dixian Ascendancy (not Conservatism, traditionalism or Reactionism) as the ideological antidote for Progressivism. Ascendancy does not simply stand his ground with a tough guy posture. Ascendancy is busy building things. Ascendancy does not simply try to hang on for one more generation or correct one more Leftist lie. Dixian Ascendancy, like Progressivism takes the initiative with a positive vision. Let me suggest a possible vision of Dixian Ascendancy:
Not one of these things requires a single politician, a single vote or a single bill to pass, a single billionaire donor or any kind of special permission from AntiDixie. What they require is for motivated, visionary Dixians to work together for things that cannot be easily taken over or destroyed by AntiDixie. We don’t need to be granted independence first. The path of Ascendancy is for us to be our own independence.
AuthorLong Leaf’s family has lived in Eastern NC since colonial times. Now he witnesses another colonization that he’s not too happy about. After seeing and hearing so much evil, he had to speak. His only qualification is his motivation. Long Leaf only pawn in game of strife. Archives |
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