It has been famously said that there is nothing new under the sun. It was true thousands of years ago, and if the intervening years are any indication of the future, it will be true thousands of years from now. It is also true that there are certainly new things under the sun, such as alphabetisation, paper, optical lenses, the printing press and the list could go on and on and on, but obviously new inventions could not have been what the ancient writer meant because man had already been developing new ways of doing things since Eve developed multi-tasking and sometime later someone invented the wheel. No, we understand what he meant. There is nothing new because man’s nature does not change, and all that is of man is born of this nature. Human nature, as a rule, is a topic that popular media carefully avoids today, but the Common Man understands it or easily will when it is pointed out. No, there are no new emotions to be felt. There is nothing new that compels man to this or that. There will be no new history in which past paradigms or precedents cannot be seen. History will continue to be made and no new state of affairs will be permanent. The Radical Left stole the election in 2020 and we are heart-broken because we see cherished institutions and ideas being savaged, much like a great battleship lost in flame and smoke because its escorts turned their guns on it. But it’s a battleship. The crew can recover, extinguish the fires, and the smoke will clear. It can then blast the treacherous escorts out of the water. The Left has been winning the war for a long time, but it is war that it cannot win here in America any more than it did in the former Soviet Union or any more than it can be said to have won in Cuba or Venezuela. This is true if for no other reason than that Progressivism, with its rejection of human nature, is inherently destructive and will destroy itself eventually. In a nutshell all that we on the Right have to do is NOT bend the knee and raise up our wee bairns so that they will not either, and who then in their turn will raise up their wee bairns so that they will not either… etc. However, if we want to speed the pendulum of history along, in the meantime we need to fight, fight, fight!
David Smith
4/17/2021 06:46:11 am
Hey, neighbour! My kinfolk are over on the other side of the river in what used to be called the Land Between the Rivers prior to LBL. I've read several of your contributions here, and have enjoyed them immensely, so thanks!
5/31/2021 04:31:22 pm
Only lunatics or ignorants would consider Biden to be on the " radical left" , what a shitshow
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AuthorMark Atkins has six wee bairns who are all seventh-generation Henry County, Tennessee, and all from the same doe. It is the people of Henry County that he most wants to reach but writes to Southerners generally. He is without credentials but rather dares to speak by the same authority as the little boy who cried 'The king has no clothes!' His core belief and starting point is that like everything, we humans have a nature, it is not so hard to understand, and to pretend that it is other than it is, is to jump off a cliff. Which is what we Americans have in fact done. Archives
October 2023