The Oxford English dictionary defines “conspiracy” as “a secret plan by a group to do something illegal or harmful.” It would be naive to think that history is not abound with conspiracies, considering that history is written by men and man is inherently imperfect. If the qualification for a conspiracy is two or more people planning something harmful or illegal, then most violent events throughout history have been conspiratorial.
Ancient Rome is a prime example. Most people know that Julius Caesar was the victim of an obvious assassination, but not many people know that 13 Roman Emperors were victims (or possible victims) of assassinations between the years of 235-285 AD. Even our early American history was tainted with conspiracies. If it was not, then why was John Jay was once head of a New York Committee for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies? The point is that nothing happens in history unless man makes it happen. In the wake of the Kennedy assassination, “conspiracy theory” was labeled a taboo phrase in order to silence anyone that did not accept the official government story. Don’t worry folks, the Warren Commission, who would have you believe that one bullet caused seven wounds in two men (and that the bullet came out without a scratch on it), have it all figured out. Today, the same powers that be continue to ridicule people who choose to use their common sense. For example, a recent “study” showed that people who believe in conspiracies have mental disorders that make them see patterns where there are none. William Cooper was one such conspiracy theorist. He was labeled the “most dangerous radio host in America,” because he had a program called “The Hour of the Time” that educated people with TRUTH. His first broadcast aired on January 4th, 1993 and he was on the air until November of 2001. Over the years his broadcasts, lectures, and publications covered things like the mysteries of ancient religions, the UFO question, JFK, and the events of the 1990s like Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing. Born in California to a military family, Cooper’s ancestry was rooted in Texas and North Carolina. He claimed to have descendants who fought on both sides of the War Between the States and was proud to be an American. Cooper was also a proud Vietnam veteran and earned two service medals for a tour of duty. According to his claims, he went on to become a member of Naval Intelligence, where he began making discoveries that would eventually launch his career as a “conspiracy theorist.” Though he was often labeled a crazed “right-wing lunatic,” his personal code, laid out in his book “Behold a Pale Horse” stated that he believed in God, the family unit, and in the Constitution of the United States. Much of the hostility towards him was based on the fact that he provided valuable information, along with sources, to his viewers. He was a true patriot that needs to be remembered. Probably the most famous conspiracy he covered regularly was the concept of the “New World Order” which is not really a conspiracy to the well-informed. First of all, the dollar bill contains the phrase “ANNUIT COEPTIS” on top of another phrase, “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.” This means in English “Announcing Conception of the Secular New Order.” Secondly, the United States, through the United Nations, has been working towards a one-world government since WWII. Truman authored a document titled “Our Foreign Policy” (Dept. of State Publication 3972) which stated that the goal of the United States was to work toward “international control of all armament” and “a form of world government.” In 1961, during the Kennedy Administration, Truman allegedly wrote the introduction for State Department Publication 7277 which outlined and further elaborated on the stated policy of the United States to work towards a world government through a three-step process, with a world government police force, and international disarmament overseen by the United Nations. Now if the goal through eventual disarmament was to truly bring peace, that would be one thing, but the fact that it is to be done under the supervision the United Nations should tell everyone that American sovereignty is being gradually dismantled. The facts are that every president since Truman has contributed to this in some way. Most people associate the New World Order with George H.W. Bush because he openly referred to it in many speeches; but Bill Clinton probably did the most damage to our sovereignty, because not only was he a completely immoral man, but he had known connections to Marxist terrorist networks, dodged the draft, was trained in Moscow, and actually demonstrated against the United States throughout Europe. Consider some of the events that happened around the Clinton presidency, events which Bill Cooper thoroughly investigated, like Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Oklahoma City bombing. All of these events served multiple functions: they killed American civilians, simultaneously encouraged arms sales while increasing the gun control rhetoric, and they all painted militias (and their ilk) as white supremacists and domestic terrorists. If the government was right about Ruby Ridge, why did Randy Weaver sue the government for murdering his family and win? If the Waco Branch Davidians all burned themselves alive, why did the FBI and BATF demolish all of the evidence before it could be examined? If nobody knew what was going to happen to the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City, why were there BATF agents that were told not to come into work that day? And why were several other bombs found in the building? Cooper was serving as a watchdog against government encroachments, and believed all of these events were connected in that they were leading toward a disarmed population in a one-world government. In June of 2001, he made the following prediction about how Osama bin Laden would be used to accelerate such a government: “Now we’re being bombarded with messages that Osama bin Laden is planning to attack the United States of America and Israel. And I’m telling you, be prepared for a major attack. But it won’t be Osama bin Laden, it will be those behind the New World order, who once again want to take the guns and the freedom away from the American people because we are the only ones left in the world who can oppose the destruction of freedom in the world and the implementation of a one-world totalitarian socialist government, and that is the goal...Supposedly a CNN reporter found Osama bin Laden, took a television camera crew with him, went into Osama bin Laden’s hideout, interviewed him and his top leadership, his top lieutenants and colonels and generals in their hideout. This is a CNN reporter with a camera crew, and he came out and told everybody: Within three weeks Osama bin Laden is gonna attack the United States and Israel…” Cooper then details what he would have done with the capabilities of the CIA and explains that Osama bin Laden was a CIA stooge: “The largest intelligence apparatus in the world, with the biggest budget in the history of the world, has been looking for Osama bin Laden for years and years and years, and can’t find him...Some doofus, jerk-off reporter, with a camera crew waltzes right into his hideout and interviews him...Now that tells us two things: Either everyone in the intelligence community and all of the intelligence agencies of the United States government are blithering idiots and incompetent fools, including the entire apparatus of the FBI and all of their personnel are either lying to us or they’re not looking for him at all. And the second is the truth. You see the CIA created Osama bin Laden, they recruited him, they trained him, they found his leadership, they brought them all together. They showed them how to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and when that was over, they still continued to fund him and trained him, and their now using him to help bring about world government by making him the ‘big boogeyman’ because they can’t use Saddam Hussein anymore...but they’re not looking for Osama bin Laden, because I’m telling you right now, if I were the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, within two weeks I would have him dead or in custody without fail. Without fail, if had those assets and that money, he would mine, I would own his terrorist ass within two weeks…” Cooper did have his own intelligence agency called the “Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence” (CAJI) and had trusted informants all over the globe that he sent copies of his important documents and research to. Just two months after 9/11, Cooper was killed in his home. He had been in a long battle with the IRS and had been approached by government officials several times to stop his broadcasts. Coincidentally, he also warned listeners, friends, and family for years to not be surprised if anything happened to him. This was very similar to the killing of another investigative journalist, named Gary Webb, who wrote a series of articles in 1996 titled “Dark Alliance” about how the CIA brought crack-cocaine into the undesirable areas of the country. Webb warned that something could happen to him for leaking this information, and turned up with two shotgun wounds to his head in an alleged suicide. Nowadays, the conspiracy theorists have been replaced by “there is no conspiracy” theorists and controlled opposition shills. There are professional websites like Metabunk run by Mick West, or groups like The Skeptic Society run by Michael Shermer that spend countless hours coming up with twisted arguments to debunk conspiracy theories. The “Secular World Order” referred to in our money has been wildly successful. We are no longer allowed to even talk about God in public spheres anymore. It has become wildly popular to theorize that we may live in a simulation or even that we were created by some “Ancient Aliens” but it is considered a mental disorder to question the government. We had better wake up.
Michael Martin
5/24/2019 07:54:05 am
Anyone doubting any of the information on the New World Order, look no further than Pope Francis. As a Catholic, I am ashamed to say that he has been going around, kissing the feet of Muslims, and recently worked with Muslim Imams to write “A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together," basically outlining a one-world religion concept.
Anthony Powell
5/25/2019 11:59:55 am
The U.S. government consists of an income-redistributing welfare state, and an aggressive (profitable for a few) warfare state. Far too many snouts are entrenched in Uncle Sam's hog trough for there to be any meaningful reform in the near future. Maybe some day enough Americans will prefer freedom and self-reliance over living off the plunder of others; and maybe some day Americans will see the military-industrial complex for the evil and chaos it thrives on, and reject it. Until then, the status quo prevails.
Michael Martin
2/28/2022 11:47:45 am
Somehow the main picture on this article went from William Cooper to a large black woman...?
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AuthorMichael Martin is a teacher and historian residing in Charleston, South Carolina. He is the author of Southern Grit: Sensing the Siege of Petersburg and his work has been published on The Abbeville Institute, The Imaginative Conservative, and Dixie Heritage. His goal is to shatter the paradigm of centralization and show the world what the Southern Tradition has to offer. Archives
March 2022