Ty Seidule has victory at last Against the dead, whom fiercely he’s maligned. A whole new set of base names is assigned. The present can obliterate the past. The heroes that he never would have sassed Back when they rode for Dixie, steely-spined, Titanic Ty can now, delighted, grind Into the dust. It happened really fast. Behold: progressive forces celebrate Ty’s triumph over every Rebel name! Greatness lies redefined – not by the great But by the petty. They pursue an aim Too trivial for noble souls to state. Dwight Eisenhower hangs his head in shame.
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AuthorTom Riley was born in Buffalo, but through study has become a Rebel from Yankeeland. He works as a freelance copywriter and is the author of Love Poems of a Hatemonger and The Ghost of Biden’s Brain. Archives
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