Those who have formed definite worldviews in any area will, at some point, realize that the promotion of their worldview requires a certain amount of action. The communists realize this and labor long and hard to promote their leftist worldview. Most Christians have yet to grasp this. The worldview of many Christians has been to trust the Lord to do it all, therefore, they have to do nothing except go along for the ride. It doesn’t work that way. We have yet to emerge from what I could call “flabby fundamentalism” where the believers have been conditioned to expect the Lord to do it all, relieving them of any responsibility whatever. I don’t refer to all fundamentalist believers when I say that, but to many of them. And you could say the same thing for evangelicals. It seems to me that if you believe something strongly enough you act on it and don’t sit around waiting for the Lord to do it all. I realize that, ultimately, the Lord is doing it all, but He seeks to use His people to accomplish His objectives in many cases. Anyway, regarding the textbook controversy in Kanawha County, West Virginia, my wife and I were finally able to get the name of someone in West Virginia so we could really find out what was going on there and not have to depend on the “news” reports. The upshot of that was that, within a year, my family and I were in West Virginia, where we spent the next two years. In spite of media attempts to suppress the story it did get out and, in fact, made newspapers in many parts of the world. The American “news” media, finally forced to acknowledge the existence of the textbook protest, was almost unanimously on the side of the public school system. Are you really surprised? The next problem for them was how to put the right (or shall I say left) spin on the story to make the public school establishment look good and to paint the protesters as a bunch of ignorant rednecks who didn’t have enough sense to let the educational “experts” indoctrinate their children. Well, the educational “experts” even today are still indoctrinating your children if they are in public school. How is that working out for you? Judging by the jump in numbers of people who are now homeschooling, it ain't working out real well. That was the situation when we got to West Virginia. By this time our son was five years old and ready for school. We were able to get him into a Christian school, and he stayed in one, along with our daughter, until they were both in their teens, at which point we saw the need to homeschool them. At no point was the public school ever an option for them. We could not, in good conscience, subject our children to a public school system that was covertly, if not overtly at that time, anti-Christian. In this day we have long since reached the point where public schools are overtly anti-Christian–and that bias on their part is becoming more and more apparent to more people–and still, most Christians are sitting it out! When it comes to educating their children, they are “mental mugwumps.” They assiduously sit on the fence with their wumps on one side and their mugs on the other. This piece was published on on June 30, 2022.
Years ago now Dr. Clyde Wilson wrote an article called The Yankee Problem In America* if I recall the title of it correctly. He dealt with the Yankee mindset and pointed to the fact that Hillary Clinton was the quintessential example of a Yankee. I couldn’t agree more. St. Hillary embodies all those qualities that make up what I call the Yankee/Marxist because the two types are so very similar. Please note here that when I use the term “Yankee” I am not referring to all Northern folks. I grew up in the North and I knew lots of good, solid Northern folks that would never qualify for the term “Yankee” because they did not and do not think like Yankees. I had to be educated to understand this and it took a Southerner to do it. Years ago I lived in Indiana. At some point while there I began reading the Southern Partisan magazine and noted all the comments about Yankees. At that point, still thinking I was one, even though I was strongly sympathetic to the South, I took offense. When it came time to renew my subscription to that good magazine, I wrote to the editor telling him how much I enjoyed the magazine but that I was not resubscribing due to his comments about Yankees, which I felt even included those Yankees that had strong Southern leanings. Surprisingly, I got an answer back from him. His answer resolved my dilemma. He explained to me that, contrary to my opinion, I was not a Yankee and he told me that his use of that term did not include all folks born in the North. He explained that being a Yankee was referring to a particular mindset rather than where you were born and that “We’ve got plenty of them (Yankees) here in the South too with Southern accents” or something to that effect. It’ has been something over 30 years ago now so I don’t recall his exact words. Since that time, I have had opportunity to study the Yankee mindset and have come up with some conclusions regarding it. The Yankee, like the Marxist, is a thoroughgoing control freak. He believes that everyone should think like he does and he has small use for those that don’t or won’t. But, even for that, he is not above trying to force them to change their minds. In his eyes thinking differently than he does is a blasphemous act that needs to be corrected, and he will use whatever means are at his disposal to correct that–public education, the mainstream “news” media, or congressional action if necessary. You see, to the Yankee it is vitally important that you learn to “love Big Brother” and he will leave no stone unturned to make sure you learn to do that. After all, it’s all for “the salvation of the state” and to the Yankee, like the Marxist, the state is the new secular god. It must be worshipped at all costs and the Yankee is there to make sure you understand that–or else! The Yankee’s theology does not allow for worship of any other “god” but national authority and though he cannot, at this point, force you to stop attending church, not to worry, he is working on ways to discourage that outmoded activity, one of which is forbidding church services during so-called “pandemics.” Then he gets to arrest preachers who will not kowtow to this infringement on their rights. That’s been happening in Canada. Look for it to make its debut here when the time is right. Like the Marxist, the Yankee believes solidly that “the ends justify the means.” For the Yankee that means that he has complete authority to lie, cheat, steal and do whatever else it takes to bring you non-Yankees into total compliance with his edixcts and he is not above using any and all of these things to “help” you to comply with his most devout wishes–all of which he assures you are “for your own good and protection.” As you may have guessed by now, the current Biden/Obama Regime in Washington is the epitome of classical Yankeedom in living action. They mean to totally rule us with the iron fist or ruin the country trying, which may have been their plan all along. One thing the Yankee does not appreciate is opposition–and that may well be one reason to give him as much of it as possible. After all, in the final analysis, with what he has planned, he deserves nothing less than our total resistance to his anti-Christ objectives! This article was previously published at on June 10, 2022. *The referenced article by Clyde Wilson was expanded into a full-length book The Yankee Problem: An American Dilemma which is available through Shotwell Publishing.
AuthorAl Benson is the South’s best-known Copperhead (Northern-born patriot), a prolific columnist. and the coauthor of Lincoln’s Marxists. Archives
August 2024