Recently, I happened to run across a black lady whose first name was Kenyatta. When I asked her where she got that name she said her mother had given it to her. She went on to explain that she was named for Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya. She was a nice lady and I’m not sure she grasped the political implications of her first name. I wonder if her mother did. I didn’t get into any of that with her, as I sensed it would not be overly productive, and as I said, she seemed like a nice lady and not a raving radical. But it made me think. How many White Southerners over the years have named their sons after Confederate soldiers? When our son was born my wife and I had narrowed the choice of names for him down to two–Daniel from the Bible and Thomas Jonathan for Stonewall Jackson. We eventually went with Daniel from the Bible, but had we not, he would have been named for Old Stonewall. Now admittedly, that was over half a century ago, but I wondered how many Southern folks today would even dare to consider naming their son after any kind of Confederate personality for fear of being labeled “racist”? It’s okay for folks to name their kids after African terrorists, but don’t you dare name your kid Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jonathan Jackson or Jo Shelby because then you’re a racist–and worst of all–a white racist! And we have bought into this two-tiered system of racism just like we’ve bought into the two-tiered system of “justice” in this country. I’ve mentioned this before in several articles, how one time traveling through eastern Kansas, where you can still smell John Brown, I ran across a lady from some college there, who tried to explain to me why J.E.B. Stuart, a Christian Southern cavalry commander, was a terrorist. Of course she didn’t consider John Brown a terrorist by any means. I’m sure to her Brown was a saint that walked on water. For her, anyone that fought for the South would have been a terrorist. You can begin to see why I don’t care for eastern Kansas! There’s probably lots of good folks in eastern Kansas who have been lied to about our history just like the rest of us have, but some of the more rabid ones you can’t even talk to. A while back we had a man in our church who had named his two sons after Confederate generals and when we were living still in Illinois, I worked with a man who had named his son Forrest after Bedford Forrest. But I don’t hear about much of that kind of thing anymore. I always felt it was kind of a tribute to our Confederate heritage that folks named their sons after well-known Confederates. I know the political left considers such a sin of “White racism” but, then, the leftists consider anything they don’t agree with as White racism. It would seem the current far left regime in power feels the same way. To them the Confederacy was treasonous and every vestige of it needs to be erased from our memories forever. That’s why they’ve got their “renaming” commissions out there taking Confederate names off everything in sight and renaming things with names they deem favorable to the radical left. I’m waiting for the day when they will start renaming battlefields, especially battlefields where the South won the battle (of which there were many) with the names of some of Abe Lincoln’s Marxist generals! I don’t know if it will happen, God forbid, but it wouldn’t surprise me. We are in a situation currently in this country where the left is in control and they are busily trying to ram their political and theological sewage down our throats while telling us it is caviar and we’d better learn how to enjoy it. We are supposed to have an election next year. Whether we will or not is an interesting question at this point. Some are saying it won’t happen. Other are saying the Democrats will steal it again like they did in 2020. Or maybe they will just arrest Trump and let the Republican Establishment find another flunky to run in his place–someone who sounds conservative, but who they and the Democrats can control. If either of these scenarios transpires we may have an “election” that is not truly an election, but rather a political dog and pony show. And names being what they are, what name would you give a situation like that? This article was published at Revised History on July 14, 2023.
I got some interesting information off Gene Kizer’s website Charleston Athenaeum Press, website that many of you all are familiar with. Gene noted that 44% of our military traditionally come from the South. Bearing this in mind, this year, the army will end up about 15,000 shy of the necessary recruits for the year. The navy will end up about 10,000 short of its required goal, and the air force will end up around 3,000 short of its goal. There are several reasons for this. One reason is the Biden/Obama Regime’s strong emphasis on “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” a radical leftist program that is radically short on the “inclusion” end when it comes to straight white males and long on the inclusion end when it comes to sodomites, lesbians and trans-sexuals, and others of the drag queen crowd. This is what the current regime wants. Whereas Communist China is preparing its army for war, our military leadership is preparing our military for the acceptance of sexual perversion in a grand way–and that’s their main goal. And due to Biden’s soft on China policy don’t expect him to change any of this. His main purpose is placating China so those Biden family checks will continue to come from Beijing! To say that Biden has been thoroughly co-opted is but to stress the obvious. But there may be another and equally important reason why recruitment is down. Lots of Southern young men have watched as the current regime has labeled their Confederate forefathers as traitors–and this has been going on for three years running now so the effect is beginning to get cumulative. All we hear from this elite regime is how bad those nasty Confederates were and how they fought a whole war only so they could keep their slaves and for no other reason! And if you watch Fox News you will soon find out that this is the one area they and the Biden/Obama Regime are in total agreement on. I’ve watched some of their discussions on Fox from time to time and when it comes to any discussion of the War of Northern Aggression, you’d think the Fox pundits learned their history of that War from Howard Zinn! They talk about how the North fought to free the slaves–Southern slaves–while the slaves in Union states remained in bondage–a topic they conveniently ignore. So you get this “evil Southerners” tripe from both sides of the political spectrum! The Fox News people should know better–but they don’t seem to, or if they do they won’t admit it! Maybe we’ve finally reached some kind of point where Southern young folks are beginning to wake up and realize that all this regime really wants is enough Southern kids to fill the body bags when we finally do find someone to fight against and they really are not having anymore of that. Let the elites send their kids to die in no-win wars around the world! After all, if our forefathers were traitors as you’ve been telling us for three years now, why would you be interested in us? Or is your thinking–let those Southern Crackers go and get killed so the likes of Hunter Biden and his associates can stay safe and comfortable? If that’s the thinking of the current crop of elites, then I would not blame Southern young folks if they said en masse, “We’re tired of being the targets for those you claim to hate (but really adore) so you can look good at election time.” Say what you will about Donald Trump, he kept our young folks out of harm’s way when it came to foreign wars for his entire term and he didn’t have to stoop to calling our young folks’ ancestors traitors while doing it! This whole stupid charade of taking Confederate names off of everything in sight is about as genuine as Elizabeth Warren’s Indian ancestry and twice as insidious! The next time this country gets into a shooting no-win war, instead of expecting Southerners to bail you out, go find some Yankees to do it–and don’t be surprised when it doesn’t happen! After all, you’ve gone out of your way to insult all the Southern folks, so why should they stick up for you??? This piece was published at Revised History on July 10, 2023.
AuthorAl Benson is the South’s best-known Copperhead (Northern-born patriot), a prolific columnist. and the coauthor of Lincoln’s Marxists. Archives
August 2024