![]() It's been a long time since Facebook was this insufferable. I admit, I do still have Facebook, in part to keep in touch with my less tech-savvy elderly relatives, and in part because I like to use my feed as a guage of what "normies" are thinking. For the past few weeks, the hysteria amongst the bleeding hearts has been at an apex. You see, Trump, the American Hitler, is heartlessly separating immigrant children from their parents! This cruelty is senseless, serving no purpose other than sating Trump's evil desire to inflict suffering on non-white asymlum seekers. On cue, all the leftist in America began to shreik in unison: "Oh, the inhumanity! What have we come to?" ![]() Nevermind that many of the children were separated from their parents when they were handed over to coyotes in their home countries. Nevermind that many of the children are with child traffickers merely posing as their parents. Nevermind that all families, even Americans, suffer separation if a parent commits a crime. There is no room for nuance or reason once Pavlov's bell has been rung! Self-righteous, morally superior harpies, ACTIVATE! As Dr. Clyde Wilson highlights in his book The Yankee Problem, there is a segment of the American population that derives their sense of purpose from beating the sin, real or imagined, out of their fellow man. Watch the hysterical anti-Trump, anti-ICE, anti-border mobs villianizing their opponents with no regard for reason or nuance, and calling for the "sin" to be purged from their fellow Americans by any means necessary. Politicians, celebrities, and talking heads are calling for Trump's cabinet, or even his supporters, to be accosted, harrassed, or worse. Many have been openly and graphically fantasizing about violence being done to Trump, his cabinet, and his family, including his minor child. Because their cause is righteous, any evil they may wish to act upon the "sinner" is justified. ![]() Observing the salivating mobs, one finds it easy to imagine the witch-burning frenzy that tore through New England in centuries past. The same tendency moved the anti-slavery zealots to act with unreason that vilified their neighbors and destroyed the possibilty of peaceful, gradual changes to acheive their goals, preferring bloodshed and inflicting suffering upon generations of people in the country, including those they supposedly sought to help. The real motivation of the shreiking leftists is not to BE virtuous, but to FEEL virtuous. The noise of the shreiking monkeys is becoming deafening. Let us remember, they can also be dangerous. Comments are closed.
AuthorThe Carolina Contrarian, Anne Wilson Smith, is the author of Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right and Robert E. Lee: A History Book for Kids. She is the creator of Reckonin' and has contributed to the Abbeville Institute website and Vdare. She is a soft-spoken Southern belle by day, opinionated writer by night. She loves Jesus, her family, and her hometown. She enjoys floral dresses and acoustic guitar music. You may contact Carolina Contrarian at [email protected]. Archives
January 2025