“I think it is a fascinating opportunity to rebrand ourselves,” said Winston-Salem Council Member John Larson. This occurred at a recent meeting held to discuss removing the word “Dixie” from the name of the Dixie Classic Fair. Indeed, all the usual suspects in this increasingly leftist North Carolina city were out in force in early April, ratcheting up their political and social capital in an effort to rail against the archetype: the white Southern man. The anti-Confederate theme and its slew of sad-sack characters were all so predictable and petulant, as they always are, but division pays in dividends. “Dixie does represent the Southern states that fought to hold on to slavery,” remarked misinformation officer Bishop Sir Walter Mack Jr., pastor of Union Baptist Church. The fair’s name is “derogatory and divisive to our community,” he added for surreptitious effect. “This is not 1969, this is 2019,” mused Reverend Carl Manuel of Burkhead United Methodist Church. “We are in the season of Lent. We need to search our hearts and minds. Let’s repent and start over and give the fair a name everyone will be comfortable going to.” How about those of us who aren’t comfortable with fellow Christians using Jesus as a tool for political correctness. Oh yeah, no one cares about the archetype’s feelings. One deviously named group involved in promoting the name change is Love Out Loud. This organization “works to link a number of the city’s various churches together across racial and denominational lines” (read: left-wing activism). Another is Get Hate Outta Winston, which was instrumental in just last month getting a monument to Confederate dead removed from a downtown courthouse due to “safety reasons.” “We saw what happened in Charlottesville,” dutifully parroted Allen Joines, the cucked city mayor. “We are on the right side of history,” exclaimed college student Destiny Blackwell of Get Hate Outta Winston. “We get to tear down white supremacy and build up black history and the achievements of black people.” Destructive Destiny seems to want Wakanda, but what she forgets is that Winston-Salem owes much to white people, including the universities, British common-law heritage, and Western Christian notions of altruism and justice – all means she uses for her revisionist ends. Dixie is “a highly charged word and, like the [Confederate Battle] flag, it will increasingly be relegated to the pages of history in a public way,” stated William Ferris, co-editor of “The Encyclopedia of Southern Culture.” Ferris also happens to be director of the Center for the Study of the American South at the University of North Carolina, where Silent Sam has been ceremoniously torn down by students and its pedestal even removed by the tax-payer-funded school, all in direct violation of state law. The slavery mythos must live on in order to perpetuate the archetype’s destruction. Cultural Marxists don’t want history or tradition. They don’t want roots and commonality. They are thieves who want to take and trash what has been bestowed to them by the very people they detest in order to “progress.” They cannot give credit where credit is due. They co-opt and crush. Steal and plunder. They suck off the beautiful and rich culture of the South, only to turn around and seek even more inglorious “reform.” More puritanical purging. More routing of the sacred old for the abominable, soulless new. It’s all part of the continuing revolution. Such hubris.
They seek a “changing South,” where only “people of color” are put on pedestals. Literally. People not of color are erased. They don’t look at the tapestry of the South, its humanness, and its 400 years of truly diverse history. They only see a binary: white sinners, blacks saints. POC get to have their Unsung Founders Memorial, making the likes of Destiny all warm and tingly. Difference is, if you mess with this statue, you get arrested and charged with “racist acts of vandalism” and “ethnic intimidation.” “The South is evolving and considering its future and figuring how to best understand its history,” touted Ferris. “And contesting those memories is one way to do that. The word ‘Dixie’ is part of that re-evaluation of what the South is and how it should be publicly presented.” This attack on memory by the New South nihilists is a Pandora’s Box. Where does it end? Shall we ban Dixie Cups? Dixie Crystals sugar? The Dixie Chicks? Little Feat’s “Dixie Chicken” or the Band’s “The Night They Drove Ol’ Dixie Down”? Winn-Dixie grocery store? The children’s book “Because of Winn-Dixie”? What about “Designing Women” or “Desperate Housewives” because they featured actress Dixie Carter? Perhaps my friend’s daughter Dixie should change her “hateful” name? Or my neighbor, whose Labrador is named Dixie, should shoot his “racist” pooch or send just him to the doggy gulag? Seriously, someone please tell Dolly Parton that changing the name of her Dixie Stampede costs her more in the long run; she may sell lots of tickets, but being a sellout leads to spiritual debt. Instead, I say we “evolve” even further. Similar to the petition I created regarding my high school’s mascot, I propose that if the leftists don’t want some of Southern history, they should get absolutely none of it. Why should skulking ingrates and narcissistic nincompoops get to pick and choose? They’re really not that special, y’all. “Keeping the word ‘Classic’ out there keeps our brand out there,” Mayor Joines opined. Again with the “branding,” as if home and place were products for sale. Man, did the materialist, consumerist, and industrialist Yankee propaganda really take hold in these sycophants. They’d surely sell their granny down the river for 30 pieces of silver. But if “Dixie” means white supremacy, so does the word “classic.” After all, it’s born of the term “classical,” which is defined as “traditional, enduring” and/or “relating to the ancient Greeks and Romans.” Isn’t it the cultural Marxists who’ve been smashing tradition, annihilating anything enduring, and calling the ancients “dead racist white guys” for years? Yep. Council Member Robert Clark suggested “Winston-Salem Fair.” Interestingly, the city’s hyphenated name has roots that the historical illiterates won’t like. The city is partially named after Joseph Winston, first cousin of Patrick Henry who settled in North Carolina. Not surprisingly, this large-land-owning planter owned slaves. Up to 18. Gasp! So, the name “Winston” must be expunged. Forget he was a Revolutionary War hero whose sons included a NC supreme court judge, a lieutenant governor, and two who were major generals in the War of 1812. Forget their sacrifices. Racists must be smashed … it’s 2019, yo! What about Salem? Weren’t the Moravians who founded and built this religious settlement pacifists? Well, yes (’cause it’s easy to be a peacenik when you’ve fled your homeland for a place already carved out by pioneers), but they also … wait for it … owned slaves. Another audible gasp! Better toss those delicious Moravian cookies into the trash and burn your handmade Moravian stars while you’re at it. Okay, okay. At least these Protestants named their settlement after the Hebrew word “Shalom,” which first appears in the Old Testament in Genesis and means “peace.” But, anyone who’s well-versed in biblical history knows that the ancient Israelites too owned slaves, so “Salem” must be blotted out. (Anti-anti-Semites, take note.) Hmm, what about Forsyth County Fair? Certainly that’s a safe name. Think again. The county in which Winston-Salem resides happens to be named after Benjamin Forsyth, an officer in the War of 1812 and a vast property owner who had seven … you guessed it … slaves. Better start razing anything with Forsyth on it, including the community college, the hospital, and every single governmental building. Hell, if we want to dive deep into the politically correct rabbit hole, one could argue that the formation of counties themselves is a governmental product of “evil” colonialism. Likewise, the history of fairs can be traced back to those slave-owning ancient Romans, or at the very least, to the Middle Ages, when those white-supremacist Europeans would gather to have their racist festivals of jousting and falconry. We should definitely expunge “Carolina” while we’re at it. After all, Carolina comes from “Carolus,” the Latin word for Charles, and was meant to honor King Charles I of England, who made the colony’s original land grant. Well wouldn’t ya know, Charles’ reign was knee-deep in the slave trade! Yep, in the name of the oxymoronic god of unity and diversity, we must extinguish any marking or utterance of the word “Carolina,” too. I think that’s in the Bible somewhere, y’all. Regardless of what the self-proclaimed racial reconcilers name this event, they must search their hearts and minds, like the reverend suggested, and be certain to ban roller coasters and cotton candy, as both were invented by white dudes. Surely, these men were racists by post-modern “standards.” I mean, they were from the 19th century after all.
So, if the quisling politicians, vengeful anarcho-tyrants, and social-justice swindlers want to continue their covetous cultural genocide, I say these thankless Philistines should get nothing. Nada. Zilch. A big fat goose egg. If these pompous presentists are either unwilling or unable to grasp the nuances and complexities of history, let them have none of the benevolent benefits of the heritage they so loathe. If they’re all so freakin’ great, let them create a fruitful and functioning civilization, instead of riding on the coattails of the true innovators, thinkers, frontiersmen, statesmen, and founders they hate. There’s nothing worse than an ungrateful man who thinks his shit don’t stink. This piece was originally posted at DissidentMama on April 26, 2019. Liked it? Please consider supporting DM on Patreon.
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AuthorTruth warrior, Jesus follower, wife, and boymom. Apologetics practitioner for Orthodox Christianity, the Southern tradition, homeschooling, and freedom. Recovering feminist-socialist-atheist, graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and retired mainstream journalist turned domesticated belle and rabble-rousing rhetorician. A mama who’s adept at triggering leftits, so she’s going to bang as loudly as she can. Archives
July 2022