What is really typical of the “media” and its problem with such superficial efforts at consolidating all that they deliver—news, events, and of course its recipe for all the old “stuff” (history) which they loosely throw about by any given one who will open his mouth and “babble.” You see this at Fox News, Business, etc., quite a bit. You see it more than some of the others due to the abundance of mouths at Fox. The other “media” has its share of blowhards, but they so easily stray from intelligent thought with the few whom they have, that they are in less danger of ill-mouthing pro rata. And spending time with them is as much a waste of time in my view as getting a pedicure –or getting a yard cat the same. They just repeat stupidity with fewer voices. Fox goes out of its way to deliver unintelligent thoughts in bunches. "The Five.” Whoa! "The Five." Good grief. I would think that the "one" would be sufficient for the exploitation of ignorance. I would like to see a pickup game of mental dueling on television like there once was years (1958-70) ago with The General Electric College Bowl sort of thing. Today you could have "The Five" vs "The View." That would be like The Washington Generals against The Washington Generals "B" team. Two losers battling for the same loss. A stupid layup followed by a stupid dunk. And of, course both sides would capture numerous stupid free throws. My money for most stupid three-pointers would be on Joy Behar, the Queen of I.Q. dementia. At the age of 80 or so her I.Q. probably caught up with her age a decade or more ago. But enough of the daytime T.V. pseudo-savants. Like Hinnies and Mules; not much left to develop. To the point: The point of this attempted persuasion is that the other day, May 10, on “The Five” the hour-long program’s babbling got around to the racist, slave…whatever of the “beat-to-death subjects” these clowns attempt to tackle. Judge Pirro attempted, at least marginally, to point out that slavery was bad, evil, terrible, and on and on, decrying the evil beast which of course was created by the American South and defended to the death by The Confederate Soldiers and Robert E. Lee, et al Pirro in fact made the obligatory unintelligent comment: “But we (the happy lighthouse goodie two-shoes country on a hill or some such) “fought a war to end it.” This statement is made frequently (and falsely) without an iota of thought as to how such a war would get jump-started. Doesn't matter. The overexcited and boisterous Judge (she yells like a carnival barker) had been complaining about the California Chinese slaves, not Southern Negroes, who built railroads and mines while being treated less humanely than the Hebrews were treated under Pharoah. These are the same slaves whom Victor Davis Hanson apparently has no problem with insofar as Hanson’s hero Leland Stanford and Stanford’s regard for the Chinese. “To my mind, it is clear, that the settlement among us of an inferior race is to be discouraged by every legitimate means. Asia, with her numberless millions, sends to our shores the dregs of her population. Large numbers of this class are already here; and, unless we do something early to check their immigration, the question, of which of the two tides of immigration, meeting upon the shores of the Pacific, shall be turned back, will be forced upon our consideration, when far more difficult than now of disposal. There can be no doubt but that the presence among us of numbers of degraded and distinct people must exercise a deleterious influence upon the superior race, and to a certain extent, repel desirable immigration.” Leland Stanford. So, all slavery everywhere was cured by Yankee goodie-goodies standing on some hill with some damn light and summoning European socialists in the mid-19th century to come over and slaughter Southern women and children when they themselves couldn’t lick Southern men! Maybe this is intelligent thought. Maybe not. But you can bet if “The Five” or “The View” or any of their wasteland friends could conjure up the thought: God didn't part the Red Sea. It was those goodie two-shoes Yankees that really led Moses! They would use it.
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This fortuitous (and so-called) “nation” of something over 320 million people is diseased with corruption. The concept that some have ascertained through the, at least, equally corrupt public education system, is that a grisly collection of human (in some cases, more humanoid—Trans, etc.) flotsam called Congress is "representing" us (you and me) and if they fail (always they do), something magical they like to call "checks and balances" will glide down through freedom's winds with spread-wings, and in angelic fashion save the day just as "The Founders" envisioned in their so-called quest for nationhood. Ahhh? The Founders! The Framers! Their glorious C&B! And of course there is the equally monstrous and thoughtless concept of a "separation of powers." There has become but one power, the national power. It is made up of one body comprised of political parties, bureaucrats, and the “media.” That was the “rat” that Patrick Henry most likely smelled. Patrick Henry Smells a Rat (Summer 2017, Volume 62, Issue 1) n:132446 Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? When was the last time something was checked through some constitutional and/or political balancing act? Never, successfully! Once, a defiance in opposition to defending a republic and blood ran into rivers. And republicans died, while Republicans profited. The way now is that Congress passes its law, the president (in or out of his right mind) signs it, and the "Supreme" Court okays it via its presumed quasi-legally appellate mind, and presto, magically a so-called “law of the land,” taxes the populace (through currency or sweat). Who can check it? Balanced against what? Legal legerdemain lends a hand, you see. Back to a so-called “founding”. Such melodramatic “nationhood” accepted status and historical nonsense supposedly formulated by a set of “Founders” or “Framers” is as accurate academically as a bag of Antifa loafers or Black Lives Matter rioters. These men (1787 NOT 1776) were looking for a union of commercial enterprise with a defensive posture through united strength through their individual sovereign states “of the world.”. They swore allegiance to their own home states but wanted jointly held protection through armed peoples of similar denominations. They weren’t ever (except some few who lied) looking for some damnable nation, flashing some idiotic light on a hill. They were not of a predisposed liberte’, egalite’, fraternite’ slogan which would bless a nation-state with freedom through the ghost of some Charlemagne-like figure. Perhaps the genius jetsam waste product of an Elizabeth Warren can explain the difference between the French/Indian War and The French Revolution. Naaaa, probably not. The French Revolution: that wonderful little moment in time where democracy and revolution were so exciting and excitable with checks and balances that people stormily lost their wits (and their heads). Now, there is a NATION—check, balance, kerplop! The French/Indian War? Where the Frenchman’s money was spent via Louis XV, “Louis the Beloved.” Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? The same comic book-type bloviating brain cells have skewed Western history since at least Reconstruction, if not before. Old Liz, the war chief of one political party is just that kind of Congressional club member who attracts politically polluted minds in most of Congress (not to mention the political pus oozing within the Executive and Judicial branches), who are clownish in historical comprehension. Reconstruction, of course, was the "national" Simon Legree analog used for whipping the republicans (not Republicans) into democrats (not Democrats) and the winners of the pre-Reconstruction “unpleasantness,” those slovenly Yankee minds, taught how they had freed the world from slavery, invented, of course (Yankees claim), by the agrarians. Intellectual sloth leveled 600,000 people? No. national liars did. Sloth is reckless. Lying is murder. There were more lies told (most by the Hamiltonian political lineage) at the Philadelphia convention in 1787 than Joe and Hunter Biden, and Susan Rice could tell while hand-covering The King James version at an LGBTQ bathroom party, in 2023. Thirteen independent states had declared themselves independent states of the world (yes, that’s what the Declaration on July 4th, 1776 stated), NOT that they were a new colossus nation deemed to renew an empire that was once the colossus of Rome and hence forwarded to Anglo/Norman dynastic empire warrior kingdoms. Washington was not Caesar. Lincoln and his cursed sectional party of Republicans were those self-serving madmen who “crossed the Rubicon”—that is if there is to be any Caesar comparison. These ‘Founders’ of course not being settled on Jew nor Gentile (Trans or Binary they did not say) are, nevertheless, as a collection, a unitary god to modernity’s historical blowhards and know-nothings; their created angels of ‘Checks and B…etc.’--seraphim, cherubim-- perhaps archangels at the leadership plateau--would always serve us well. This, of course, is so much horse dung deposited by the moderns--and as many Republicans as Democrats fertilize the political fields of discourse. The concept of nationhood with its “National” Anthem and flag and international foreign and bloody wars is what bred the corruption from the beginning. As far as angels in Congress? That would be like Franklin Graham at a poll-dance festival. A Star-Spangled Banner contains prose of honor; a National Anthem demands prose of political praise and salvation via the government god. A flag of union kins with The Cross of Saint Andrew. A national flag damns any so-called “checks and balances” for the lie that it is. Strangle the union, concoct the nation. Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? Sadly, much support for honor from the pulpits today is in Judas fashion. That is, courting God’s favor, but leasing (money is not permanent) His lucre Judas knew most likely (though he may not have) the truth; but as keeper of the gold (treasurer), his head, not his heart, thought enough money could buy truth later. Today, many Mega Merchants of the Lord, have become (c)hurches subconsciously (or consciously?) and have been bought by sodomy’s coin, as well. They know who they are, I suppose. Unitarians in Christian clothing. Washington D.C. houses one of the largest and most haunted of such. Its hymns have rejected Christ—modernizing the expression “What the hell?” But like a disease of the soul such satanic standards spread even beyond the Babylon of the Potomac—even here to the great and courageous Sam Houston’s namesake, Houston, Texas. It isn’t the wise thing to avoid this crowd. The wise thing is to keep them well in sight—like not turning your back on a rabid dog. Now Tucker, do you understand why you got fired? Now for the bad news. The so-called media, having been labeled many things, many times, seems to have acquired a favorite appellation from sometime in the past, as: “the watchdog of democracy.” Forgetting about the most evil (and reckless) of all words, “democracy” sink your teeth into the “watchdog” part. If “democracy” were a blind man he would have been run over a long time ago by a wagon while chatting with Ben Franklin about such nonsense. The watchdog would have been grappling with the real meaning of “exponential” and not the inappropriate way newsy-sillies use it today. The woebegone collection of ill-read, ill- grammarian, and generally Denny Dimwit clones who parade before us (including Fox News) feasting on nonsense and vomiting it back. Tucker Carlson, a man who had revealed himself as a reliable reporter/journalist over the years, in my opinion, has stumbled from time to time. His nightly show, like most, has been confronted with the contemporary left-wing anarchic news happenings. Anarchy brings with it, anarchic news. By its very nature, bestial conduct becomes the news story of the moment(s). And for the most part, fake news stampedes over history and truth. To anyone on this planet, current news bile comes mostly from such oxymoronic solecisms as “Antifa” or “Black Lives Matter.” Antifa is no more anti-fascist than the American Cancer Society is pro-smoking. The only connection to anything black that Black Lives Matter has, is blackmail. Into this fray, phony reporters bring discord and dishonesty. Mr. Carlson generally is the exception. But he seemed locked into the historian-wannabees and pseudo-historians of cable T.V. land. But, a great deal of the outcry of these phony Antifa or BLM madmen is to blame the South and its former Southern Confederacy. The Southern Confederacy that fought supposedly to preserve slavery. Not only to preserve it but to use it to torture blacks. This, purportedly is THE news, THE history. The truth? Such rubbish drives conservative thought away. as Richard Weaver may have suggested. Hence while these lunatic monsters of Antifa and BLM loot and burn they must also, like Isis, tear down and destroy. Away with the markers, statutes, and all remembrances of the former soldiers and statesmen of the CSA. Next, Columbus, Washington, and Jefferson must go. Soon, St Patrick's Cathedral and Notre Dame's golden dome will make the hit list. Carlson spoke of this conduct (as any sane man should) as nihilism. Then to make sure his audience understood, he attempted to clarify. He said that no reasonable person could or would, support the Southern confederacy-- and "only a few" do. Mr. Carlson failed at his research here. Or he spoke without thinking. Depending on recent polls, 40% of Southerners and 23 % of those polled nationwide support the former often referred "Lost Cause." This in an age of pervasive public education where the brainwashing of history students is almost formal. But the numbers above are a bit more than "only a few." And people are thinking more about the subject. More than 40% down south know the truth—and accept it. 150 Years Later, 23% Of Americans, 40% Of Southerners, Side With Confederacy – Outside the Beltway More conservatives now realize that conservatism stands for a republic union-- not a national state. People who believe in the "Lost Cause" stand and/or salute The Star-Spangled Banner—not a National Anthem. Perhaps more people are reaching back and studying history--from primary sources. Not the silliness of the Dinesh D' Souza, Rush Limbaugh, or Mark Levin types –Republicans in Conservative clothing—but the original secession of 1776 and its future facsimile seen in the CSA. As well, these same students are going to sites like The Abbeville Institute and not to Fox Nation with its pervasion of pseudo-historians. Those who reach back are digging up the true dirt on the Republican party which supported "no blacks" in the territories. Not "no slaves" in the territories. Neither political party was especially for or against slavery in 1860. The Republicans aligned themselves with some abolitionists. Those who mostly wanted blacks expatriated. Lincoln's political bilge is filled with statements as such. Not only that but his offering bribe to the South of the Corwin amendment is pure politics. It stated for all South of the Mason-Dixon Line to hear that he would accept the amendment if such passed. Now, Tucker do you understand why you got fired? Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. If not, he will spend most of the rest of his life in some isolated podcast cheering for the never-existent national government of "freedom" whose legacy included blood into rivers. One thing seems true about Tucker Carlson: He genuinely seems a prayerful man. That is something we should all understand. One last time, Tucker. Do you understand…? Maybe prayer is where there is your understanding. |
AuthorPaul Yarbrough has written several pieces over the last few years for_ The Blue State Conservative, NOQ, The Daily Caller, Communities Digital News, American Thinker, The Abbeville Institute, Lew Rockwell _and perhaps two or three others. He is also the author of 4 published novels (all Southern stories , one a Kindle Bestseller), a few short stories and a handful of poems. Archives
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