What is really typical of the “media” and its problem with such superficial efforts at consolidating all that they deliver—news, events, and of course its recipe for all the old “stuff” (history) which they loosely throw about by any given one who will open his mouth and “babble.” You see this at Fox News, Business, etc., quite a bit. You see it more than some of the others due to the abundance of mouths at Fox. The other “media” has its share of blowhards, but they so easily stray from intelligent thought with the few whom they have, that they are in less danger of ill-mouthing pro rata. And spending time with them is as much a waste of time in my view as getting a pedicure –or getting a yard cat the same. They just repeat stupidity with fewer voices. Fox goes out of its way to deliver unintelligent thoughts in bunches. "The Five.” Whoa! "The Five." Good grief. I would think that the "one" would be sufficient for the exploitation of ignorance. I would like to see a pickup game of mental dueling on television like there once was years (1958-70) ago with The General Electric College Bowl sort of thing. Today you could have "The Five" vs "The View." That would be like The Washington Generals against The Washington Generals "B" team. Two losers battling for the same loss. A stupid layup followed by a stupid dunk. And of, course both sides would capture numerous stupid free throws. My money for most stupid three-pointers would be on Joy Behar, the Queen of I.Q. dementia. At the age of 80 or so her I.Q. probably caught up with her age a decade or more ago. But enough of the daytime T.V. pseudo-savants. Like Hinnies and Mules; not much left to develop. To the point: The point of this attempted persuasion is that the other day, May 10, on “The Five” the hour-long program’s babbling got around to the racist, slave…whatever of the “beat-to-death subjects” these clowns attempt to tackle. Judge Pirro attempted, at least marginally, to point out that slavery was bad, evil, terrible, and on and on, decrying the evil beast which of course was created by the American South and defended to the death by The Confederate Soldiers and Robert E. Lee, et al Pirro in fact made the obligatory unintelligent comment: “But we (the happy lighthouse goodie two-shoes country on a hill or some such) “fought a war to end it.” This statement is made frequently (and falsely) without an iota of thought as to how such a war would get jump-started. Doesn't matter. The overexcited and boisterous Judge (she yells like a carnival barker) had been complaining about the California Chinese slaves, not Southern Negroes, who built railroads and mines while being treated less humanely than the Hebrews were treated under Pharoah. These are the same slaves whom Victor Davis Hanson apparently has no problem with insofar as Hanson’s hero Leland Stanford and Stanford’s regard for the Chinese. “To my mind, it is clear, that the settlement among us of an inferior race is to be discouraged by every legitimate means. Asia, with her numberless millions, sends to our shores the dregs of her population. Large numbers of this class are already here; and, unless we do something early to check their immigration, the question, of which of the two tides of immigration, meeting upon the shores of the Pacific, shall be turned back, will be forced upon our consideration, when far more difficult than now of disposal. There can be no doubt but that the presence among us of numbers of degraded and distinct people must exercise a deleterious influence upon the superior race, and to a certain extent, repel desirable immigration.” Leland Stanford. So, all slavery everywhere was cured by Yankee goodie-goodies standing on some hill with some damn light and summoning European socialists in the mid-19th century to come over and slaughter Southern women and children when they themselves couldn’t lick Southern men! Maybe this is intelligent thought. Maybe not. But you can bet if “The Five” or “The View” or any of their wasteland friends could conjure up the thought: God didn't part the Red Sea. It was those goodie two-shoes Yankees that really led Moses! They would use it.
1 Comment
Perrin Lovett
5/23/2023 07:14:56 pm
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AuthorPaul Yarbrough has written several pieces over the last few years for_ The Blue State Conservative, NOQ, The Daily Caller, Communities Digital News, American Thinker, The Abbeville Institute, Lew Rockwell _and perhaps two or three others. He is also the author of 4 published novels (all Southern stories , one a Kindle Bestseller), a few short stories and a handful of poems. Archives
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