A word of warning to Puerto Rico: before you get excited about statehood; remember that once you get into the swamp, you can’t get out. The swamp-creatures own you: lock, stock and soul. Remember, there was no such thing as an American “civil war.” Regardless of the modern pseudo-historical illiterate’s checklist. There were two wars of secession. One began in 1775 and the good guys won. The other began in 1861 and the other guys won. Puerto Rico, you cannot come into a union of states any longer. It no longer exits. It has been relabeled a nation. It has even turned a beautiful poem of music called The Star-Spangled Banner, honoring the courage of union into some bastardized Wagner-style march of the godly state called The National Anthem. You can only give up your land and people to the national (nation) swamp. States have become national counties. And its quicksand will suck you under. And war upon war upon war will be the suction that kills your sons, and now thanks be to the dastardly and moronic wonder-woke idealogues, your daughters too, shall bleed equally. Union years, 1787-1861, two wars both legally declared by the union’s congress. National years. 1861-present, 9 or 10, not counting the 20the century multiple Banana Wars. Three of the entire number legally declared by the national congress. And those were promoted and primed by for congress by the “nation’s” presidents: Spanish American (where you became a national territory), WWI (Wilson’s War) and WWII (FDR’s War). Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World- by Patrick Buchanan is praiseworthy to many veterans of post-WWII service (including me). War is a Racket by Smedley D. Butler, Major General, U.S.M.C. (twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor). This same national swamp with its thugs and professional bureaucrats will demand to know how much money you make so they can take as much as they want either by direct confiscation or if you are a bit short, they will use the printing press to inflate your earnings to zero--the perfect oxymoron. They will spend it (confiscated or printed) on the Military Industrial Complex and its endless undeclared wars and then pretentiously stand beside coffins with hands over hearts as they “honor” the dead whom they have allowed to be killed or maimed. They lick their bureaucratic chops at the thought of American blood soaking Ukrainian ground. If you thought Viet Nam was a bloody trick, you’ll love a Black Sea bloodbath. Hell, you can get 58,000 (Viet Nam KIA) with one bomb. Welcome to the your new “nation.” This same nation will demand your sons fight in its wars, not in your own defense. And now will even demand your daughters do the same since they have eliminated God’s creation of male and female and created a Uni-human being. No longer will they allow pithy little aphorisms such as “Boys will be boys.” Now they will only allow that “Boys will be boys or girls--their choice.” They will seduce you with seemingly clever little concepts that you are joining some grand magna cum political doctrinal called a Constitutional Democracy. Yes, or even more cleverly a Constitutional Republic. They get away with this foolish blather because it has provided a monster called public education: The Devil’s way to turn children into fools. The first, “Democracies” don’t have “constitutions” because they don’t use or need them. The mob determines everything. The second, “Republics” by definition have constitutions, therefore redundancies usually are subterfuge. But it gets worse. You will come into a national morass of voters, many of whom couldn’t count to 3 if you spotted them the first 2 digits. This is of course under the nonsensical concept that there is an inherent “right to vote.” Once, under union there was a concept that rights were all from God. No more. After all, for example, God said “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” He didn’t attach a little addendum, “Y’all kick this around, vote on it and let me know if you agree.” And don’t be fooled by the same bums (thugs and bureaucrats) babbling about the glorious Constitution. That sucker went dead when the union went dead. Anyway, most of them have never read it or even know it in its inherent simplicity (about 6000 words in basic English). And, of course, you will be joining this great nation that is supposedly governed by some of the most corrupt and stupid people that ever crawled out of the primeval ooze. This national congress has morons who declare the world is coming to an end in a decade or so. And they have one guy who thinks that too many people standing on an island will cause it to tip over. This nation even has elected a guy (the president?) who is called something goosey like “The Leader of the Free World." Whatever do you suppose that lunacy means? To this claimant title he was elected? Is such a description in Article II of the Constitution? The present one is a demented quack who couldn't find the men's room at the Y.M.C.A. And if he did, he wouldn't know which side his zipper was on. But you guys come on, Puerto Rico. Join this wagon load of manure now called a nation, once honorably known as a union. But as bad as the bureaucrats and thugs are; as bad and dumb as the congress is; as dopey and corrupt as the president is--you ain't seen nothing until you see the little gal standing in the wings if the president resigns. If you thought Nancy Pelosi was a clown,,, But come on. And like I said, bring your checkbook. Como esta usted amigos and amigas. Sorry, I meant amigxs.
1 Comment
Billy P
4/11/2023 06:51:40 am
Well said and 100% accurate. Puerto Rico would be wise to listen before they and, therefore, all of their future descendants sign up for the empire's perpetual corporate slavery.
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AuthorPaul Yarbrough has written several pieces over the last few years for_ The Blue State Conservative, NOQ, The Daily Caller, Communities Digital News, American Thinker, The Abbeville Institute, Lew Rockwell _and perhaps two or three others. He is also the author of 4 published novels (all Southern stories , one a Kindle Bestseller), a few short stories and a handful of poems. Archives
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