The Hope is Southerners Will Recall. The Greater Hope is That Yankees Will Learn. Occasionally, if you tune your ears toward the radio or television with the constant chat and talk, you will pick up certain casual remarks such as just happened to be carried by David Webb the other day. “We had a ‘Civil War’ and then moved on,” was his statement. Webb seems a nice enough guy, and honestly attempts to present himself as a “conservative.” The quotation marks are for emphasis, meaning that the word is a label he carries without seemingly knowing what the word means. Same could have been said of Rush Limbaugh and his acolytes over the years. Again, mostly nice guys, but have been turned away from conservative truth via a conglomeration of would-be patriots who think the fighting at Saratoga in 1777 was a great battle for national brotherhood, when in fact, one of the first (New Hampshire was first) to draw a sword for independence, with its own declaration of independence, was Virginia in June of 1776. And Virginians fought NOT in a newly found NATION magically founded on July 4th, 1776 but in a Union of independent states for which they were part, in the name of strength bringing peace. That each was an independent state was stated in the July 4th DOI after their own, earlier, DOI, and just as all of the colonies had signed. Conservative is written as a script of “conserving.” And conserving has one purpose—to keep that which is wholesome and worthy, and keep it intact. Keep the good, abandon the bad. It does not mean war, money, and social godliness (small “g”) for the flesh of man to be loved and honored. Nor does it mean politicians can promote themselves through their slabbering and slobbering drivel in hopes of having their personal replica, as a self-portrait or marble statue, adorning the halls of the so-called “nation’s capital”—at least it seems we’ve moved away from such sloppy labels of politicians and their narcissism and at least call Washington, D.C. what it is—The Deep State. Mostly, “deep” into the public pockets. Liberal is not a bad moniker, nor belief, as long as the bearer is not a “liberal”. Probably no one in the Deep State or its media whores get the irony here. However, they don’t know what liberal means, thus irony starves because of them. But then…smile Emoji. Let’s continue. Politicians are, for the most part, horrible men. And finally, thanks to the modern political gods, horrible men and women. Equality comes from man, not God. So, "ladies" you've come a long way (how many of y'all are really blonde?). Now you, too, can participate fully in a land half-filled with degenerates and sexual deviates. Politicians call it Woke. Men call it Weak. I can hear the strains of "America the Beautiful" gently and smoothly in the background as the Woke-sters hum. Praise the Lord, Yankee Doodle! And crown the good with brotherhood? Most of these radio chatterers and politicians are well-meaning fellows (some are not and they are particularly proud of their Southern hatred—He who hath an ear let him hear, Mark L.) and count Southerners as friends who were misguided but have redeemed themselves at places like San Juan Hill, Meuse-Argonne, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Chosin Reservoir, and Khe Sanh (for the record, a disproportionate number of Southerners fought [and died] in these battles). Of course, any sacrificial bloodshed offerings by Southerners against The British soldiers circa 1775-1883 are coincidental to any honor, as the Southern kidnapping and killing (mostly through labor) of negroes took top priority, so say contemporary Yankee blowhards raised in today’s academic world. A new world of academics absent Dickens or Tocqueville, of course. But the messages of these chatterers are far beyond what had/has become known as "Independence Day." So… It was the Virginians, through Thomas Jefferson who for the most part offered the well-known July Fourth Declaration of Independence for the additional 8 states (5 had already seceded: South Carolina, New Jersey, New Hampshire-first to secede, Rhode Island, and Virginia) for a signal of strength in its battle against the English Crown and the Crown’s constitutional parliament (not personally against King George III as some histrionic-historian idiots claim). As a matter of fact, the real battle was one caused as a result of the smaller commercial interest fighting against the East India Company (the Google monster of the day) and its cooperate welfare of the day--EIC wanted lower taxes than everyone else, wrapped around the traditional mercantile system*. It was under the July Fourth Declaration of Independence that 13 former colonies seceded from the British crown and declared (in the document itself) themselves free and independent states of the world. They declared themselves no nation! They wanted NO nation. They wanted and chose a republic union! They fought and bled for this concept and not the corrupt NATIONAL BASTARD living monstrously today in a once proud Southern city. The Virginians, their fellow Southerners of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Maryland nor most colonies to the North excluding Hamiltonian national statists wanted a nation, nor necessarily fought for one at Saratoga (considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War by many) or any other place. As far as that goes most of the battles and slugfests, men and materials took place in the Southern states (colonies before July 4). A republic of 13 independent states was later formed (1781) under articles establishing a republic confederation and by unanimous consent, later, 1787-1790 this same republic abandoned itself and ratified a new constitution after the independent states agreed to come together in convention for structure. This constitutional government (as a union) lasted until 1861 when the Union split over the South’s paying disproportionately for Union costs and the North treating the constitution as no more than by-laws within a fraternity clubhouse. It was at this time that Lincoln and his Yankee army invaded the new Republic of The Confederate States of America. The Yankee army overwhelmed The Confederate States of America (C.S.A.) with large numbers of European socialist immigrants and Northern mercenaries and through monstrous burnings, lootings, and pillaging forced the South into surrender after 4 years of war. At that time Yankee racism and reconstruction began its long march through the South. The North didn’t beat its weapons into plowshares, it beat the South into a “national submission.” No longer a union, now a national state. Today, as now known, The Deep State. No? One famous writer and journalist, H.L. Mencken, had a view that rarely came up in the Yankee North. It has been passed along often, however, down South. It has never been clear whether this was due to Yankees' inability to read or their wanton disregard for truth. Many down South have a rabid opinion on this. The vainglorious Gettysburg Address was Mencken’s target. Though a Southerner, Mencken often drew on his notorious cynicism regarding the South. “The Sahara of the Bozart” was one of his prominent cultural darts. Mencken could make Donald Trump look like Pinky Lee. But he took truth and history where he found it, especially when it came to the Southern Confederacy. One of his most famous critiques, as stated above, is of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and Mencken’s analysis of it is also one his most often quoted down South and most muted up North: Up North is where all those Harvard and Yale and Columbia and Dartmouth and on and on HISTORIANS live. But they wrote for the victor, not for the archives. Or as David Webb et al says: “We fought a ‘civil war’ and moved on.” Mencken’s critique of the Gettysburg Address:
If there are blacks, negroes, colored people, people of color…pick for your own… and any of you want reparations (money, I assume) from me, then my message to you is, “Get lost.” Unless you steal it from me through the so-called national government you are not getting a dime from me. I don’t owe you anything. Not for work, not for indentured service, not for what the untutored academics and politicians of the world call “slavery.” Slavs were Rome’s problem not mine. And if you have your little feelings in a twit because your great-great-great-great grandpa got highjacked in Africa two or three centuries ago, that’s too bad. Take it up with your tribal (black, negro, colored, etc.) ancient functionaries who highjacked them in the first place and tied them with ropes and vines, then took them to the African coast to European human flesh traders on the west coast or to the African deserts to the north and sold them to other human flesh traders. And if you insist on blaming white settlers in America, take it up with the New England Yankee traders who bought them and traded them in the first place. Ninety-three percent of course went to either South America or islands nations of the Caribbean and West Indies. Or take it up with the same slave merchants who fed their brother-textile-mills in the north from slaves working (for them) in the South, where about 5% of the slave population in the American Union ended up. And last but not least, if you insist on reparations because of some “Jim Crow” cry-in-the-dark, at least quit bellyaching about the Confederate States of America. For those of you who take time to read (I realize there are many in politics who can’t) at least take a peek at Pulitzer Prize-winning Author C. Vann Woodward's The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Then go chat with your self-righteous Yankee (particularly the New England bunch) historical comic-book journalists and cable news clowns (Fox at the top of the list). Then at least try and look at your so-called friends (BLM, Antifa, NAACP, etc.) with their socialistic Clockwork Orange futuristic history-to-be-desired. Your best interests at heart? Oh, sure! In the meantime, the most important thing about July the Fourth, until Yankees learn to yield the truth, is that on that particular day, Vicksburg surrendered to the monster U.S. Grant and the people who treated and considered negroes with the most contempt, Yankees. After Vicksburg, Mississippi and much of the South did not celebrate July Fourth until Pearl Harbor. And then they did it because they sent thousands to defend Yankees in the World War. Something, speaking personally, I don’t believe they Yankees would have ever done for their “National; brothers in the South,” had the roles been reversed.
If I didn’t know St. Paul had written this to the Ephesians, I would swear that Jefferson Davis had written it to the C.S.A.
Clyde N Wilson
7/3/2023 05:37:37 am
Paul, fine piece. You are right about politicians being horrible people. In my misspent youth as a newspaper reporter, I saw of lot. on a city and county scale. Mayors and police chiefs who lied, and a good deal else,. Successful politicians are psychopaths, Who else wants to dominate people by trickery without doing anything worthwhile. When was the last President who did anything worthwhile for the country to deserve elevation. Psycopaths are entirely self-centered but good at seeming sympathetic. ("I feel your pain," said the most obvious psychopath to be President.)
D. H. Corax
7/3/2023 07:18:44 am
The best politicians are those that keep their sociopathy/psychopathy within their narrow circle: e.g., Harding gambled and womanized in the White House, drank during Prohibition, etc., but in terms of policy, he let the 1920/21 depression play out without interference, he freed Eugene Debbs, he didn't pursue an agressive foriegn policy as did Wilson, etc. Now THAT'S the kind of politician we need!
7/3/2023 07:34:26 am
Thank you. I could not have summed up my own thoughts better.
William E. Shofner
7/3/2023 07:18:52 am
The last (and only?) President of the States united who did something worthwhile was JFK when he resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis, secured the test ban treaties and opened up back channels with Nikita Khrushchev in order to circumvent the insane Cold War warriors in the USA and the USSR and to avoid the great "unspeakable", nuclear holocaust. Of course, no good deed goes unpunished: the CIA murdered JFK on November 22, 1963.
Perrin Lovett
7/3/2023 06:34:12 pm
"The Hope is Southerners Will Recall. The Greater Hope is That Yankees Will Learn." That speaks volumes. A great article, Paul. As a great Brit reminded me just today, happy Insurrection Day!
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AuthorPaul Yarbrough has written several pieces over the last few years for_ The Blue State Conservative, NOQ, The Daily Caller, Communities Digital News, American Thinker, The Abbeville Institute, Lew Rockwell _and perhaps two or three others. He is also the author of 4 published novels (all Southern stories , one a Kindle Bestseller), a few short stories and a handful of poems. Archives
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