Aristotle’s three forms of government and each corrupt form:
A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. - Thomas Jefferson The problem for anarchists in achieving success is that in order to reach their goal they must have an organized effort. In other words, a system which creates its own paradox—organized anarchy. So, it is true of a mob. There is no thought within a mob that defends itself as properly governing anything other than with a mob—something that cannot be governed, by definition. This was the tenor in France before finally the mob turned on its own creators and gave them their own up close and personal view of Antoine Louis’ efficient Guillotine. On Tuckers Carlson’s show a few years back, (10-10-18) his opening discussion of the night was the present similarity between the Democratic party’s daily talking points and most (all?) news outlets’ output. Any discussion of the Democrat party today would be along the same lines. On one channel, CNN, the discussion of such mob rule was ridiculed for even suggesting that protestors, who chase senators around restaurants or in elevators and shout and curse in the face of conservative and Republican persons, at any number of functions are anything like a mob. Those protestors were simply exercising free speech according to CNN’s guests. They added that The Tea party was actually more mob-like because they raised their voices and were mostly “racist” anyway. Don Lemon, the host at the time, became irate at the thought that these monsters were any more than citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. According to Lemon the Constitution allows people to protest “whenever and wherever.” Then he repeated the same line within seconds. Not once did anyone on the panel, nor surprisingly did Carlson himself, take the opportunity to either point out or pull out a copy of the First Amendment and read the language which, in part, states “…the right to peaceably assemble…” This sort of backward tutorship and pseudo-academic authority is a pie in the face to those who are not stupid. But then in the United States neck-of-the-woods, this select bunch (not stupid) has taken on fewer and fewer members. Lemon, a pie-thrower, and his cable ilk were insistent on their stance that, any time, any place any way a protest is worthy of protected rights. The assumption was made, apparently, as long as they are Democrat party supporters and not Tea Party apparatchiks, or conservatives, they are quite free to say anything at any time— "peaceably" be damned! Much of historical invention is built around not only our own “Civil War” but a revolution 70 years prior to it. The French Revolution, in the minds of many, was a great undertaking by patriots who were fighting evil aristocrats who were starving and mistreating the common people. These “patriots” in their zeal for freedom and equality simply went a bit too far, resulting in the deaths of 3% of the French population. But The rule of the majority and the concomitant mob-rule took root and resulted in mayhem, executions and finally, Napoleon. It is this history that Democrats should most care about, though they seem not to know of it or understand it if they do (not that the Republicans do either). They might not understand it (which is most likely) or they may simply pretend to not understand it. They feed their mobs with patriotic deceptions and cheer them on when they succeed in driving the opposition from a restaurant or podium or shoot one at a ballgame. Their own congressmen and senators stoke the fires of mob frenzy while watching the political polls in a potential vote calculus. Meanwhile untutored, unread and blustering broadcast agents like Don Lemon and CNN et al (yes, Fox too) with their collective eponymous Robespierre of Booker, Waters, Schumer et Squad squeal for more confrontations. These modern Democrat Jacobins and their Republican Directorate (le Directoire), live lavishly off of the taxpayers in the castle of The Deep State. The current mob activity - as with all mob activity - has no uniformed or informed thought processes. It has action only. And it will never act on instruction, but on uncontrolled frenzy. Not unlike Joe Biden’s White House dogs*. To Chuck Schumer, et al: While the Guillotine has been declared, by law, illegal, what different would that make to the lawless? But, not to worry. Your modern Directorate, as they did of old, will find wars and you can keep your heads in the interim. *Somebody ought to report those S.O. Bidens to the Humane Society.
3/3/2024 11:38:23 pm
"Anarchy is the chrysalis-state of despotism."
Earl Starbuck
3/6/2024 08:30:08 am
Randolph of Roanoke was prescient. I wish to God we'd listened to him.
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AuthorPaul Yarbrough has written several pieces over the last few years for_ The Blue State Conservative, NOQ, The Daily Caller, Communities Digital News, American Thinker, The Abbeville Institute, Lew Rockwell _and perhaps two or three others. He is also the author of 4 published novels (all Southern stories , one a Kindle Bestseller), a few short stories and a handful of poems. Archives
December 2024