There are those people in this alleged COVID-19 crises who place themselves in the cauldron of fear and intimidation, and because they have placed themselves there, they attempt to justify their fear on the one hand and their cowardice in the face of intimidation by claiming the pseudo-moral argument that they are more virtuous than those would are not stunted by fear and intimidation because they would not go out an infect the innocent. I embrace the quarantine because of my own volition, given my underlying conditions, it is prudent and rational for me to limit my contacts. I abide by the lockdown on the other hand for two reasons: I can get fined or jailed if I don't, and the angry condemnations of those described above are simply not worth it. I do not respect cowardly politicians and established bureaucrats with ideological and power agendas. Were I to venture out an visit someone vulnerable, I could not give them COVID-19 if I do not have it; I could not give them COVID-19 if I had had it but now have well established antigens and the corresponding antibodies; I would not go out if I had symptoms of COVID-19 or any other virus or pathogen such as active strep; but could conceivably pass it on if I have an active case but am asymptomatic. We deal with that every flu season and every round of strep. COVID-19 is not killing as many people as flu viruses in the late fifties 115,000 Americans one year, in the late sixties 100,000 Americans one year and in the most recent large death rate 80,000 Americans in one year. So, what have we done? We have let politicians and bureaucrats shut down our schools, our churches, our businesses, even our farms, destroy thousands of business, ironically destroy our medical infrastructure, undermine what is left of our political structure, create economic conditions which destroy marriages and families, make people destitute, increase suicide, divorce and general violence and on the other hand empowering and enriching an elite class of bureaucrats, ideologues and oligarchs. What is most distressing to me is that there are those who saw through the lies "these people" mongered about WMD's in Iraq, about the "Russian invasion" of the Ukraine, about "Assad's chemical attacks" in Syria, about "Russiagate," about the Kavanaugh hearings, about the railroading of General Flynn, but those same folks believe those very people in this COVID-19 narrative. If we were an open society, committed to fact and truth, which we are not, then we would demand that Mr. Fauci with all of his experts marshaled present their case with real science, historical data and current data, and then allow epidemiologists, virologists and doctors who have gone through this present with historical data and current data the counter narrative. So much is being destroyed with this draconian lockdown, they owe it to us. Will we have the courage to demand it?
AuthorRobert Peters was born in the town of Natchitoches, Louisiana, the oldest settlement in the Louisiana Purchase Territory. He was, however, reared in the Republic of Pollock situated in the eastern march of Grant Parish, carved out of Winn Parish and Rapides Parish for the purposes of looting by carpetbaggers, a fact betrayed by the name. Archives
May 2023