Folks in the States got another big hint recently of the totalitarian direction Washington City is headed with the raid on President Trump’s home in Florida. Southerners who remember even a sliver of their history will understand that this is simply the post-Lincoln federal government reverting to type, as a review of the rule of the Yankee General Benjamin Butler in New Orleans in 1862 alone illustrates. But if folks need other examples of what lies at the end of this sort of injustice, we offer one from the much-suffering nation of Georgia from the 20th century under the communists:
This is the kind of benevolence that is waiting for Southerners and others in the States who do not give their allegiance to the Leftist/globalist/Marxist elite who have taken over Washington and many other powerful institutions in the [u.] S. And while it is important to remain engaged in the existing political processes so that we can do what good we can in that arena, politics is ultimately only the outer manifestation of deeper spiritual processes. We are not, therefore, going to defeat our inhuman, transhumanist, Marxist opponents simply with constitutional amendments, with revisions to the law code, and those kinds of things. To overcome a demonic ideology, we must use weapons commensurate with the battle, which is at its root a spiritual battle. Therefore, our main weapon will be the very thing that annihilated the power of the devil and his demons over mankind: the Holy Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its power has been manifested over and over again in history:
St Ephraim the Syrian (+373) urges Christians to always do the following:
And perhaps most to the point is this account from the life of St Oswald, King of Northumbria (+642):
A similar spirit was within the Southern army as they fought against the invading Northern revolutionaries, as recounted by Richard Weaver in The Confederate South, 1865-1910 (later published as The Southern Tradition at Bay):
In other words, holiness matters. Not the prideful arrogance of the Yanks and their near-of-kin, the globalists, that masquerades as holiness, but true holiness – the kind that arises when the Grace of God penetrates even into the muscles and the bones, to use the words of one of St John Chrysostom’s prayers. And we carry it with us when we go about our business in the world, and even into the military battles we fight, and with it we are able to conquer our foes:
This we also see again and again in Church history – the presence of holy men and women, or their prayers, or the presence of some other holy object, turning the tide in battle for the Christians. Archimandrite Kirill added to what he said above about the Holy Cross:
All of this fits quite well into the Southerner’s religious milieu. Quoting Professor Weaver again:
Mundane politics will have its role to play in freeing the South from wokeness, Yankee imperial dreams, and the rest of those harmful ideologies and systems, but by itself it is quite impotent. Only when the Southern people, armed with the Holy Cross of Christ, full of His Grace, carrying the icons of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother, singing the Psalms and other hymns – in our homes and in our churches, in our neighborhoods and about our towns – only then will we be able to crush the demons who provide the strength of Dixie’s enemies. And that will enable victories on the other fronts of our battle: cultural, political, etc. To our enemies and other outsiders, we may well look ridiculous, weak, and foolish as we do these things. However, the Holy Apostle Paul reminds us of something we must never forget: ‘ . . . the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men’ (I Corinthians 1:25). Deo vindice! Notes:
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AuthorWalt Garlington is a chemical engineer turned writer (and, when able, a planter). He makes his home in Louisiana and is editor of the 'Confiteri: A Southern Perspective' web site. Archives
February 2025