Recently, I read a speech by a gentleman who had given that speech at a Confederate cemetery in Fayetteville, Arkansas. It struck me because I had once, back in 2005 I think it was, also given a speech at a Confederate cemetery in Fayetteville and I wondered if it was the same cemetery. Then I thought it must have been, for I doubt there are two Confederate cemeteries in Fayetteville. It was a beautiful cemetery and I only hope it is still there, with its Confederate flags flying as it was then. So many things Confederate have been destroyed in the South, you have to wonder if the modern day “reconstruction” crowd has stooped to desecrating Confederate graves to erase any and all memory of anything even remotely Confederate or Southern. It wouldn’t surprise me. At any rate, this man gave a speech on the effects of “reconstruction” in Arkansas and you could tell from his remarks that he had done the homework. He noted: “We can name three Reconstructions, all with the same aim: the annihilation of the true America. the First Reconstruction, the states of the former Confederacy were reduced to total bondage. The Second Reconstruction occurred through the 1950s and 60s as the Federal government used the ‘Civil Rights movement’ to eradicate the last vestiges of identity which the South had still clung to. The Third Reconstruction is what we are now experiencing. When they drove Old Dixie down, they also dug Old Glory’s grave..” Of the First Reconstruction he commented: “Writing from Fort Smith in 1865, a Union commander wrote that several thousand families in the area ‘have nearly all been robbed of everything they had by the troops of this command, and are now left destitute and compelled to leave their homes to avoid starvation.” All this was only the beginning of sorrows for the South, but it amply shows the mindset of the Yankee “liberators.” “Reconstruction” in the South was the total uprooting, French Revolution style, of all they had known and believed. I can recall my Dad telling me that, when he was young, he had talked with a man who was an ex-slave. The ex-slave told him about when the Yankee soldiers came and told the slaves they were “free” and that they could go from where they were, which was probably their former owner’s property. The old ex-slave talked about how their owners had cared for them and they did not want to leave. One of the slaves, with some perception, said “If we are free, why can’t we stay here if we want to?” He never forgot the soldier’s reply: “You’re free to go but not to stay.” And the soldiers didn’t let them stay. They had to pack everything they could carry on their backs and get out on the road with all the other displaced slaves who also had no place to go! A prime example of tearing down the old South for both blacks and whites, who, if left alone, could have helped one another through “Reconstruction.” But that wasn’t the game plan. The game plan was to pit them against one another–and they’re still doing that today! This was a prime example of “the reconstruction of a social world” in Karl Marx’s own words–in case you wonder where the term “reconstruction” ever came from. Some of the other things he talked about in his speech pertaining to “Reconstruction” would make you weep–how the carpetbaggers taxed the property, wanting to collect all the back taxes going back to 1861, which most Southerners simply, after four years of war could not pay. And so their property was confiscated and the carpetbaggers taxed them off their land and sold it to their slimy pals for pennies on the dollar. Their is simply too much misery to go into it all–suffice it to say, the plan was the deconstruction of the South. The term “reconstruction” was a cruel joke on the South! It’s enough to realize that the Republic this country was founded as was destroyed through the Lincoln administration and those that followed it–never to be restored to what it had been–but that was the conspiratorial plan all along. Our “Civil War” aka as the War of Northern Aggression, was this country’s French Revolution–and we have never recovered from it as France never did. All we are going through today, with the tearing down of our flags and monuments, is the third phase of “Reconstruction” which is meant to bury what’s left of this country and any vestige of its true history forever. This may give you some idea of why I say “Reconstruction is ongoing.” This piece was published at Revised History on August 7, 2023.
Paul Yarbrough
8/21/2023 03:01:55 pm
I have heard on the Fox network those who have said on at least one of those programs that the problems we have today are because “we” didn’t do enough during Reconstruction to (post 1865). I believe it was on one of those nighttime shows and the motor-mouth who delivered the “dispatch” was that Dr. Drew as I recall. It is difficult to fathom the mindless in the media. ALL of them!
Clyde N Wilson
8/22/2023 04:24:38 am
The current false view of Reconstruction is that the Yankees were earnest in helping the blacks to equality but had to give it up because of Southern violence. This is the usual dishonest, self-serving Yankee lies because they never really cared about the blacks, only used them. Just like the claim they made war to free the slaves when it really was just an excuse for greedy conquest.
8/22/2023 10:40:43 am
Dr. Wilson,
Billy P
8/22/2023 09:09:46 am
As far as I'm concerned, the republic was murdered in 1865 by Abraham Lincoln and his conspirators and the "body" has been decomposing ever since.
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AuthorAl Benson is the South’s best-known Copperhead (Northern-born patriot), a prolific columnist. and the coauthor of Lincoln’s Marxists. Archives
August 2024