I watched several videos yesterday of the protests in Washington. While I do not agree with the violence I saw in some of them, I can understand the frustration of the Trump supporters as they begin to realize that this recent election was stolen from them and that, if the truth be known, they no longer have a country. For much of last year we had communist riots across much of the country where communist thugs looted, stole and burned parts of various cities while the police were ordered to stand down and let them do whatever they wanted. But let Trump supporters protest in Sodom on the Potomac and here come the police with guns blazing! One woman was killed by them and three others were also shot and over 50 were arrested. Had they belonged to Black Lives Matter or Antifa the police would never have raised a hand against any of them. They would have had carte blanche to wreck the city in the name of “racial justice.” The shameful way this is all playing out should help patriotic conservatives to begin to realize that they no longer have a country. The deep state and the communist thugs they employ have now taken it over and the patriots are a despised class, to be dealt with as the left decides. Democrats are already making out an “enemies list” of people they plan to intimidate and harass. So much for “uniting” the country! One hardcore leftist told a radio talk show host recently that “we don’t want to unite with you. We want to destroy you.” This is what the leftists always do–destroy their enemies. That’s why Communism has systemically killed millions over the years. There can be no “uniting” with those who plan your demise. There can only be resistance–and separation. I won’t get into it much in this article, but I came into possession of a new small book by Ron Kennedy just recently. The title of it is Red State Red County Secession–Creating a Nation of Our Own. It was published by The Scuppernong Press. I would urge you all to check it out. I will note a few of Ron’s comments here so you get an idea of where he is coming from and will deal with more from the book in upcoming articles. Some of those who laugh at the idea of secession may not laugh when they get through this little book. Ron notes: “Many national journalists and political commentators predict a coming civil war in America. This civil war will be between those who wish to impose a government, based on a radical leftist, politically correct ideology versus those who want to maintain and promote traditional, conservative, moral, social and political values–what we would call–‘American values.’ Folks who wish to honor those American values which made this country are now subjects of an evil, ‘neo-Marxist’ shadow government that controls America’s politically correct institutions of influence…If those of us who wish to live in a society based on traditional American values are to survive, and if our traditional American values are to be passed on to the next generation, we must have a country of our own. Without a country of our own, we become a stateless people–a people who have no effective way to defend themselves against neo-Marxist enemies determined to exterminate everything we hold dear.” Continuing, Ron observed: “The ‘knee-jerk’ to the mere suggestion of secession is not that different than how Patrick Henry was treated in 1775 when he called for the American Colonies to declare their independence from an oppressive British Empire…With cries of ‘treason’ they rejected the idea of American self-government. Patrick Henry’s reply to the charge of treason echoes down to us today, ‘If this be treason, then let us make the most of it!’ After the 2020 campaign to elect America’s first ‘mail-ordered’ president, secession is now seen, not as treason, but as the possible solution to America’s irreconcilable ideological divide–the Red State–Blue State social, moral, ideological, and political divide…We can be sure secession became an acceptable political alternative in modern America when a traditional, religious leader from Wisconsin sees secession as a modern-day possibility.” I submit that, in light of yesterday’s events in Washington, this is something we need to consider, discuss, debate and study. We, especially in the South, have become a people without a country. We in the South, and those in the ranching, farming, mining culture of the Far West are the only people in the country whose adversaries get to decide what the narrative about us will be and how it will be presented to the public at large. That’s why our flags and monuments come down–because we are consistently lied about and those lies are spread nationwide. This piece was previously published on Revised History on January 7, 2021.
Robert M. Peters
1/10/2021 09:06:52 am
Secession is an established moral alternative to tyranny. Americans first seceded from the British crown in 1776, with success albeit in the context of a long martial struggle. Americans then, very peacefully, seceded from the old Union under the Articles of Confederation and acceded to a new Union under the Constitution. The seven Cotton States peacefully seceded from that union with others later joining them under the duress of invasion. That secession was crushed in an unconstitutional and immoral war against the states which had peacefully seceded. Thus, secession in the American contest is both moral, precedented and doable. However, secession takes a strong political will steeled with courage. I see neither the will nor the courage in a sufficient number of Southerners in any state to even effect secession; much less defend it. I would that I were wrong.
Kenneth Robbins
1/12/2021 08:42:42 am
Mr. Peters, I agree with you if that means anything and it does. We are in agreement that's two of us That is the start of a movement. Who else will join with us? If we do this in the name of God and obey his law He will give us a leader
Brett Moffatt
1/12/2021 07:08:38 pm
Y'all need to start by getting the above mentioned book and Ron and Donnie Kennedy's The South Was Right 3rd ed. (Shotwell Publishing) which just came out, and must be our starting point 1/13/2021 08:30:08 am
Look not the the previously Southern States but to the present day red counties in the South. The "traditional values" still live there.
Rhonda Florian
1/27/2021 02:07:42 pm
But what about those of us Southerners who live in a state controlled by Democrat governors? Especially a Democrat governor who won by fraud?
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AuthorAl Benson is the South’s best-known Copperhead (Northern-born patriot), a prolific columnist. and the coauthor of Lincoln’s Marxists. Archives
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