I belong to one of the Left’s least favored groups. I am a straight White male and also a Southerner and a Christian. So I’m about as out of step with the Leftist establishment as you can get. Actually, the Left has become the far-Left with a stringent aversion not only to straight White males but to many long-standing traditions. Straight White males have also earned the enmity of today’s bitter authoritarian females, hussies like Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, and Hillary Clinton. Any discussion of resentful females brings to mind the ABC talk show, The View. After two decades of enthusiastic female audiences, the viewership of the The View is declining. Traditional women are rejecting the bitter feminism and anti-male agenda espoused by The View’s surly shrews. Recently, some are even questioning the mental stability of panelists like Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin and Whoopi Goldberg. The far-Left’s current prima donna is the self-anointed luminary and media-created celebrity , Nancy Pelosi. A member of Congress since 1987, the octogenarian Pelosi often exhibits senility in her speech and behavior. As the first female Speaker of the House, Pelosi’s media sycophants have not only embellished her successes but have minimized and even lied about her failures. Using her authority as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi removed the Capitol portraits of former House Speakers who had served as Confederate leaders. She also orchestrated a House of Representatives vote to remove all statues of Confederate leaders from the Capitol which Pelosi characterized as a “Homage to Hate.” Speaker Pelosi made a PR event out of removing the time-honored statue of Robert E. Lee that had been a special feature of the National Statuary Mall for over a hundred years. She designated the famous Lee statue as a “symbol of hate” and replaced it with a statue of Rosa Parks. Nancy Pelosi has never been a popular national figure. If Hillary Clinton can refer to Heartland Americans as “deplorables”, Heartland Americans should be permitted to designate politicians like Pelosi as “despicables.” And despicable is an appropriate designation. It is estimated that Pelosi’s unwise actions, like her promotion of the failed Obamacare, have wasted billions of taxpayer dollars. For years, there has been speculation, and certainly hope, that Pelosi would retire. But, although she and her husband are billionaires, Pelosi needs to be in the limelight. Pelosi’s latest boondoggle is the sham congressional commission supposedly investigating the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol. Actually this commission is simply the third attempt to impeach Donald Trump and prevent him from running for president again. Pelosi stacked this nine member commission with 7 Democrats and 2 RINOs (Republicans in name only.) Apparently Pelosi thinks the public is gullible enough to believe her commission is non-partisan. Pelosi and the far-Left know how popular Donald Trump is with middle America and how the Trump administration’s successes eclipsed the Biden administration’s failures. Consequently, the far-Left will go to any extreme to tarnish Trump’s approval with America’s heartland. And discrediting Trump is the real reason for Pelosi’s bogus January 6 commission. Former Attorney General, Bill Barr informed the committee that he resigned from the Trump administration rather than challenge election results. Barr insinuates that Trump’s claim that the election was stolen may indicate that Trump has a mental problem. But a substantial segment of the population also believes the election was stolen. Would Barr call this mass psychosis ? Barr claims that the election wasn’t stolen but presents no evidence to refute the numerous allegations of voter fraud. Our Founders couldn’t have anticipated that many congressional members would make a career out of public service. But with 35 years in office, Nancy Pelosi is a classic career politician. If Democrats lose the 2022 midterm elections they will probably also lose the 2024 presidential election. And that should hopefully end the long and unproductive career of Nancy Pelosi.
The explanation of George Floyd’s death is summarized as follows: ‘Racist White police officers arbitrarily ended the life of a Black male by subjecting him to excessive and inappropriate physical abuse.’ This interpretation of Floyd’s death is favored by social activists who view Floyd as an American hero. But before we accept Floyd’s hero status, let’s review highlights of his death. Minneapolis police responded to a complaint that George Floyd passed a counterfeit $20 dollar bill. As police approached him, Floyd began behaving bizarrely, refusing to cooperate, and appeared out of control. Claiming claustrophobia, Floyd refused to get into the police car. It took four police officers to finally subdue the frenzied Floyd. Eventually the unruly Floyd was pinned to the ground. An officer restrained him by holding his knee against his neck as the officer had been trained to do. Floyd’s widely reported comment “I can’t breathe” gives the impression that his death occurred while he was being restrained by police officers. But he was still alive after an ambulance took him to the hospital. Upon examination, abnormal, almost fatal, levels of the illicit drugs crystal meth and fentanyl were found in Floyd’s system. The excessive amounts of illicit drugs in his system combined with his enlarged heart and history of heart disease could have caused his death. However, these life threatening medical complications conflict with the officially sanctioned cause of death, the knee hold on his neck . Consequently, the officer whose knee subdued Floyd was sent to prison for 22.5 years. And Floyd’s family received $27 million dollars from the city of Minnesota as a wrongful death settlement. Floyd soon became a cause-celebre with social activists and his death was exploited by protesters in all 50 states as well as 60 foreign countries. Murals began appearing across the globe depicting a kindly George Floyd, sometimes wearing angel wings. Protesters ignored the fact that Floyd had served prison sentences for various offenses. Professional race-baiters wasted no time in accusing police of racism and cruelty to Blacks. Rep. Barbara Lee (DTexas) stated “… yet across the country, Confederate statues and monuments still pay tribute to white supremacy and slavery in public spaces..." Although Floyd’s death occurred in Minnesota on the Canadian border, Rep. Lee manages to implicate Southern Confederate monuments. Also, in a typical knee-jerk reaction to George Floyd’s death, a Congressional Committee demanded the renaming of nine military bases in Southern states that were named after Confederate leaders. The demand also stipulated that some bases should be renamed after women and Black leaders, regardless of military experience. Again we wonder how removing Confederate names from Southeastern military bases mitigates wrongful acts by police in Upper Midwestern Minnesota. Contrary to Leftist media and social activists, the police acted appropriately and lawfully in their encounter with George Floyd. And Floyd would still be alive if he had simply allowed police to perform their duties rather than physically resisting their efforts. Most citizens, regardless of race or ethnic group, cooperate with law enforcement, consequently violent encounters are usually avoided. The once thriving now almost defunct NAACP considers George Floyd ‘An American Hero’ but that opinion is not uniformly shared by the black community. In fact, some regard Floyd as one of society’s wastrels. Candace Owen, Black political commentator and talk show host, denounced Floyd in a tirade that included these comments: "For whatever reason it has become fashionable over the last five or six years for us to turn criminals into heroes overnight. It is something I find despicable. George Floyd was not an amazing person. I refuse to accept the narrative that this person is a martyr or should be lifted up in the black community.” |
AuthorGail Jarvis is a Georgia-based free-lance writer. He attended the University of Alabama and has a degree from Birmingham Southern College. His writing is influenced by years of witnessing how versions of news and history were distorted for political reasons. Mr. Jarvis is a member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians and his articles have appeared on various websites, magazines, and publications for several organizations. He lives in Coastal Georgia. Archives
June 2023