In the not-too-distant past, rarely a day would go by without some media reference to racism. But, over time, racism has lessened in importance. There are still anti-racism movies and TV programs. And social activists still demand an end to racism in order to achieve ‘social justice.’ But inflation is now the country’s number one concern, followed by immigration, crime, and climate change. Racism is no longer a major concern, but we still encounter sporadic uncorroborated racial complaints. Devious Black organizations are surreptitiously using racism to justify their disparagement of Whites. Their scheme involves a cleverly worded ploy called ‘critical race theory (CRT).’ It has an academic sound but it is just a political strategy and is not supported by empirical evidence. CRT asserts 1) race is only a social construct to control blacks and 2) our country’s laws and institutions are inherently racist. CRT is an essential part of today’s anti-Whiteness trend. Decades of interminable attempts to ‘end racism’ did not placate Black grievance groups or White liberals. They only altered certain aspects of society. We renamed buildings and streets, took down statues, removed library books, lowered college admission standards, imposed furtive hiring quotas on businesses, and made other unwise changes. But resentful Blacks continued to demand more concessions. Any mention of resentful Blacks brings to mind Michelle Obama. When her husband was elected as our first Black president, Michelle publicly stated; “For the first time I am really proud of this country.” Apparently Michelle felt no pride in America when it had White presidents. Her patriotism seems to be constricted by race. Michelle Obama also didn’t like living in the White House because it was "a house that was built by slaves." But she didn’t refuse the perquisites that come with being First Lady. Michelle is a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and she often disparages Whites on her Podcast. We assume she shares her husband Barack’s support of Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory is an Anti-White, Anti-Capitalism, Marxist influenced initiative, a covert form of reverse racism. It divides Americans into two major categories; Black victims and White supremacists. One of its typical assertions is Whites are healthier and have less diseases than Blacks because their healthcare is superior to the healthcare Blacks receive. CRT opposes equality. It promotes a version of ‘equity’ wherein people are treated differently based on their needs. It even has a concept known as “math equity.” Whites are faulted for insisting there is only one correct answer to a math question, i.e., two plus two equals four. CRT allows members of different ethnic groups flexibility with their answers so two plus two might equal 5 or 7 and either answer is acceptable. This anti-White CRT theory is backed by the American Federation of Teachers and is still being taught in some public schools. But almost half of the states have either banned school classes on CRT or have pending legislation to ban them. And many parents are sending their children to private schools. However some public school teachers adamantly claim they will continue to teach CRT even if it is banned. Using CRT to lambast Whites is fairly common on MSNBC programs hosted by Joy Reid. CRT is defended by Reid who refers to it as “race conscious education” and she called Florida governor DeSantis a racist for criticizing CRT. But MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace denies the existence of critical race theory. She maintains that it was simply a political ploy to frighten voters into voting for conservative Republicans.
The Confederacy existed in a radically different era and adhered to the legal and ethical standards of its time. But some of our so-called authorities evaluate the Confederacy using today’s standards. This creates an unfair depiction of Confederates. Our first Black Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin proposes to spend 63 million taxpayer dollars to remove names of Confederate leaders from nine military bases. Yes, you read that correctly. 63 million taxpayer dollars to change the names of nine military bases. This massive expenditure of taxpayer dollars comes at a time when roughly half of American families are struggling to pay their bills. And many families can’t afford food or medical treatments. Lloyd Austin’s unwise 63 million dollar expenditure to diminish the South’s history is no surprise. Austin is a classic example of an anti-Southern Washington leftist. He was appointed the first Black commander of Central Command by President Barack Obama. And President Joe Biden selected Austin as his Secretary of Defense. Service members complained that under Austin’s leadership they have been subjected to diversity training and indoctrinated on Critical Race Theory, police brutality, White privilege, and systemic racism. Lloyd Austin is abusing the authority of his office to pursue a personal agenda. Lloyd Austin does not like Whites especially Southern Whites. So he plans to remove the names of Confederate leaders from military bases. These military bases have been around since the early 1900s. One of the targeted bases is Fort Lee in Virginia, named after Confederate general Robert E. Lee. It is suggested that Fort Lee be renamed for Oveta Culp Hobby, the first director of the Women’s Army Corp. Secretary of Defense Austin will destroy a crucial part of American history by renaming civil war forts after persons who have no connections with the military. A typical suggested name replacement is Harriet Tubman who escaped from slavery and helped other slaves escape using the Underground Railroad. But she has no connection to the military. Austin’s efforts are strongly supported by Maryland’s Anthony Brown, another anti-White Black politician. These are Brown’s comments on renaming the forts: “I’ve long maintained that traitorous men who fought to preserve the institution of slavery and defend white supremacy do not deserve to be honored by our military, and it is long past time their names were removed from places of reverence.” Brown is not what you would call an authority on American history. He simply reiterates the simplistic, socio/political interpretations. Brown would approve of the current trend of plaques being placed next to statues of some of our famous heroes . These plaques denigrate these famous persons by indicating their involvement with slavery, even though slavery was legal during their lifetimes. I must mention this. There is talk of renaming Confederate grave markers. (I promise I didn’t make this up.) These self-anointed do-gooders actually want to change the name of the deceased on a grave marker if it has a Confederate connection. This is not only deceitful but immoral. I’m speaking as a White male resident of Georgia. Like many other Georgians, I am deeply worried about the November 2022 Gubernatorial election. It will be a rematch of the 2018 contest between a White male, Nelson Kemp and a Black female , Stacey Abrams. In a very close vote, Kemp won the 2018 election and became Governor. But Abrams refused to concede, insisting that she won the election but it was stolen from her. The Leftist establishment made Abrams a media celebrity for refusing to concede the 2018 election. Stacey Abrams knows the Left is susceptible to “grievance politics” so she claimed her loss resulted from “back room” illicit vote altering by bigoted White Southerners. At the time of the 2018 Georgia Governor campaign, Abrams was deeply in debt and struggling to survive. But the Leftist media supported her claim that gender and race prevented her from being Georgia’s governor. Media also agreed with Stacey that she would have won the election if Georgia’s White leaders hadn’t suppressed Black votes . Media hype about Abrams helped draw large crowds to her public appearances. And it enhanced the sale of her books. Stacey Abrams is now a millionaire. According to Abrams “Georgia is the worst state in the country to live.” However, she owns not one but two homes in the state, with a combined worth of roughly 1.5 million dollars. Abrams despises White folks and makes frequent anti-White accusations. She must think White Georgians will ignore her criticisms and support her candidacy for governor. In Abrams favor, since 2018 Georgia’s population has become younger and less White. But many Blacks apparently feel that Abrams hasn’t done enough for the Black community. In the current governor’s race, Abrams financial support comes primarily from out-of-state, only 14% comes from Georgians. (A significant portion of Abrams’ financial support is from entertainment celebrities.) On the other hand, 83% of financial support for her White male opponent, Nelson Kemp, comes from Georgians. “Too extreme for Georgia” is a typical description of Stacey Abrams. She previously burned the Georgia state flag because it contained a depiction of the Confederate battle flag. Now she demands the removal of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate figures from Stone Mountain. If Abrams is elected Governor, removing the Stone Mountain carvings would probably be one of her priorities. Another of her priorities as Governor would be improving school curricula and student education. Abrams is concerned that students aren’t being taught what she calls “accurate history.” She claims that textbooks and instruction by teachers do not adequately address “slavery, bigotry and discrimination.” Abrams also claims there is insufficient classroom coverage of Critical Race Theory. Ms. Abrams claims to be an authority on the Bible as her parents were both pastors. She maintains that the Bible supports abortion but Biblical scholars have refuted her, demanding that she either prove her accusation or withdraw it. Abrams opposes Georgia’s heartbeat law which denies abortions if a heartbeat can be detected. Instead, she states that abortions should be allowed “right up to the time of birth.” Stacey Abrams has always gone a little overboard with her opinions. She calls Georgia’s recent voter ID laws “the new Jim Crow.” And she angrily demanded; "The impassioned response to the racist, classist bill that is now the law of Georgia is to boycott in order to achieve change," Major League Baseball responded by moving its All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver. This move cost Georgia companies and Georgia workers millions of dollars. Abrams insists that if Nelson Kemp is reelected Governor, he will try to re-segregate the state of Georgia. Yes. You read that correctly. In the 21st century, a Southern governor will re-impose segregation on his state. We have to wonder if Abrams truly thinks the public actually believes her bizarre accusations. Like many Georgians, I am not deceived by Stacey Abrams distortions and hyperboles. And I hope the public doesn’t judge Abrams by media hype. I resent her claim that Black Georgians are denied voting rights. And I obviously object to Abrams extreme anti-Whiteness. A Stacey Abrams Governorship would be a disaster for Georgia, and disaster is not too strong a word. |
AuthorGail Jarvis is a Georgia-based free-lance writer. He attended the University of Alabama and has a degree from Birmingham Southern College. His writing is influenced by years of witnessing how versions of news and history were distorted for political reasons. Mr. Jarvis is a member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians and his articles have appeared on various websites, magazines, and publications for several organizations. He lives in Coastal Georgia. Archives
June 2023