This generation of elites is aggressively implementing its version of the ideal society. Existing society must give way to this ideal society: an egalitarian society with a clandestine ruling class. Using the ruse of eliminating racism, various strategies have been employed to justify altering society. A recent strategy involves redefining racism as 'white supremacy.' Activists prefer the term 'white supremacy' because various heretofore innocuous behaviors can be classified as harmful, justifying the expansion of governmental intervention. Manipulating the public to accept a contentious altering of society involves revising some aspects of history. Today's ideologues have no qualms about changing history to accommodate their agendas. However, before the ubiquitous Wikipedia replaced the Encyclopedia, revising history would have been difficult. Encyclopedia articles, submitted by learned scholars, were once the public's primary source of history. But the communal sentiments of the 1960s sought a society where everyone was equal. No longer would there be individual differences in skills, talents, intelligence, or work ethics. No one could be better than anyone else. This mindset has continued for several decades, leaving discarded bits of traditional values in its wake. In such an environment, opinions of average Americans are as valid as those of scholars. So, with help from the Internet, Wikipedia has become the new encyclopedia. Consistent with the egalitarian doctrine, unlettered laymen in the general public submit “facts” to Wikipedia. It doesn't stop there. Wikipedia's “facts” can be edited by anyone accessing its Internet site. Wikipedia has been called “truth by consensus”. Wikipedia and the Internet have made it possible for a 'cabal' of self-anointed elitists to decide what versions of “facts” the public is allowed to hear and see. Elitist media not only twists facts, but willfully rewrite history. Of course, versions of history can be reinterpreted based on better evidence, newer perspectives, etc. But elitist groups are altering history simply to accommodate fashionable socio/political trends. Most cable news outlets support Leftist agendas, but the future of these sites is in doubt. Their unconcealed bias has caused the public to lose credence in their reports. There are now only a few reliable media sources who still maintain their independence. However, largely as a result of camcorders and webcams, alternative media sites can be found on the Internet. Although few in number, these sites are already taking viewers away from previous media sources. On these alternative sites you will find exposures of the Left's bogus history, and learn how entertainment and advertisements are promoting left-wing agendas. Television advertising portrays America, not as it is, but as the Left wants it to be. Most advertisements feature same sex couples, mixed race couples, and multi-racial families. Viewers are encouraged to conclude that advertisements portray real life and are also influenced to adopt the lifestyles depicted. A few years ago, the statue of black Jamaican Mary Seacole, was unveiled on the grounds of St Thomas Hospital in London. Florence Nightingale's statue should have rightfully been placed at this site. After volunteering to care for soldiers injured in the Crimean War, Nightingale essentially created the profession of nursing, and established the first nursing school at St Thomas Hospital. Mary Seacole might have been familiar with Jamaican folk and herbal remedies but she had no medical or nursing training and never performed nursing duties. To honor her with a statue rather than Florence Nightingale is inexcusable. In another outlandish revision of history, black actress Jodie Turner-Smith, will play Anne Boleyn in a three part mini-series about that tragic historical figure. A black Queen Anne adds both diversity and multiculturalism to the Boleyn story. In this version, Anne Boleyn is a feminist who refuses to capitulate to the patriarchy of Tudor England. We suspect the script will imply that Anne's feminism was the catalyst that made her daughter Elizabeth such a successful Queen. Promotional hype bills the film as a “psychological thriller.” Elites claim that reinterpreting the past based on contemporary values does not erase history. This reasoning has resulted in the removal of countless national monuments and the renaming of untold streets, buildings, and educational facilities. Will fraudulent revisions of history continue until our cultural identity is eradicated?
AuthorGail Jarvis is a Georgia-based free-lance writer. He attended the University of Alabama and has a degree from Birmingham Southern College. His writing is influenced by years of witnessing how versions of news and history were distorted for political reasons. Mr. Jarvis is a member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians and his articles have appeared on various websites, magazines, and publications for several organizations. He lives in Coastal Georgia. Archives
June 2023