The year is 2030. We must celebrate Winter Holiday alone. General Fauci just discovered COVID-666, the thirtieth new strain since the New Normal began; every death on planet earth is attributed to this deadly new variant, just as they have to the other strains every year since Year Zero (formerly known as 2020). Alone in our climate-friendly shipping container homes, we wear goggles, gloves, and masks. Between bites of our climate-friendly dinner of mashed beetles, we replace our masks. Things will be different when we “flatten the curve,” or when there is a new vaccine, unless the Regime isolates a new strain. Then it’s back to the drawing board. Occasionally, we can communicate virtually with coworkers—when the climate-friendly rolling blackouts aren’t in effect. We have no “loved ones.” Everyone over the age of sixty lives on COVID reservations in total isolation, and children under the age of eighteen live on government campuses to keep them safe from the pandemic. A black transgender Santa Claus adorns the wall, next to the Winter Tree decorated with condoms and topped with abortion clamps. “Christmas” is an archaic and offensive term, banned about six years ago along with the racist, misogynistic, anti-Semite that it celebrated, “Jesus Christ.” We only know what the Ministry of Truth tells us, because those nasty Bibles were burned about five years ago. For dessert, we have our choice of weekly ration from the Ministry of Health. Most of us choose the opioid mixture. If we’ve exhibited no willful behaviors for the past year, and if we’re in compliance with this week’s vaccination requirements, we might be allowed access to the pornography viewer. It was once called a “television,” but its new name reflects its purpose. The next day, we will get back to work. Nothing has been open for years now, so we don’t ever need to leave our container homes. It’s a wonderful life.
With The Transgender-Industrial Complex, Scott Howard has given decent, red-blooded Heritage Americans one of the most important books of the 21st century. It is a dizzying tour-de-force, a missile bursting overhead, a fire-bell in the night which defies summarization and simply must be read by every good American left in our fallen, prostrate nation. In The Transgender-Industrial Complex, Mr. Howard has succeeded in naming names, in documenting each and every government, NGO, “nonprofit,” globalist organization, and individual responsible for funding and promoting the grotesque psychosis known as “transgenderism.” Far from the grassroots phenomenon it is presented as, transgenderism is an organized conspiracy with billions of dollars and decades of planning under its belt. As aforementioned, this book must be read in order to fully understand the enormity, the gravity, of what we face. Think of any powerful institution, corporation, or person—what or whomever you just thought of is almost certainly in this book, or at the very least is scarcely one degree of separation away. An example that might surprise my fellow Arkansans is the Walton Family Foundation and Walmart, Inc. Several names from my alma mater, the University of Chicago, are among this legion of the damned, one of whom I actually have a personal connection to. The Transgender-Industrial Complex is a veritable who’s who of the international ruling class. One of the most crucial things that we must understand is that it is the same Satanic cabal of the same demons in human skin that is behind not only transgenderism and organized sodomy, but all of the other issues which afflict our people, including infanticide, the Great Replacement, the opioid epidemic, feminism, the growing effort to legalize pedophilia, and the New World Order writ large. Transgenderism is merely yet one more of the social engineering weapons presently engaged in leveling all that stands in the way of the Regime, a Regime which appears to be in the final stages of something darker than we have ever seen, a Regime whose character is fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-White, and anti-human. The uniquely pernicious feature of transgenderism is its aggressive attack on nature itself; as Mr. Howard puts it, “The intent is clear: to serve as a potent means of propaganda and mind control; to demoralize, weaken, and dumb down the population to make them more compliant; to create a new ‘victim class’ for political exploitation and to further splinter the family and atomize the native population; and to produce new ‘markets’ for increased profit. Some of the worst excesses are very obviously done for sport or out of malice, showing that…it is a rejection of natural law, representative of the advanced decay of a civilization being eaten alive from the inside-out, spreading its diseased anti-morality across the globe. It is, in no uncertain terms, pure evil.” Transgenderism is “the ultimate form of gaslighting. If you can get a population to accept multitudinous genders when in reality human beings are sexually dimorphic, you can get them to accept anything, even eating maggot sausages to delay the carbon-induced apocalypse. It serves other purposes, too, such as the humiliation and degradation of an occupied state’s population, the literal mental retardation of the affected population, and the added consumer economy windfall produced by people ‘switching genders’ and ‘identifying’ with consumer goods that have been linked to this political/lifestyle/identity choice. It is materialistic, hyper-individualistic, and also totally at odds with reality…surgical modifications and hormones and lies do not undo nature.” Mr. Howard traces the historical development of this plague in the West, noting its cross-pollination with other Leftist causes célèbre. Of course, Big Gay paved the way for the last decade of transgender victories over traditional America in a sort of mission creep, perhaps better described as a Trojan Horse. Just as the Egalitarian Revolution of the 1950s and 1960s paved the way for the anti-White Regime now in place, as the Communist sex maniac MLK’s so-called “colorblindness” rapidly morphed into the proto-genocidal rhetoric of “Kill the Boer” that we now hear day in and day out from the ruling class. So, too, Big Gay; slogans like “love is love,” in tandem with Big Law, Big Media, and Big Tech, forced sodomite “marriage” upon America, just as we are now told that we must let “trans kids” simply “be themselves.” Ah, yes, how could we stifle little Billy if he wants to castrate himself? That would be bad parenting. Remember: Sodomite “marriage” was “a sustained, coordinated, and well-funded campaign to manufacture an issue, wear the traditional institutions down, and ultimately impose an agenda through a combination of dubious legislation, judicial activism, bureaucratic machinations, executive fiat, media manipulation, academic indoctrination, mass marketing, and social pressure…It should be clear that love has nothing to do with it: it’s a calculated agenda designed to bend people to the will of the Establishment.” Did anyone expect, even a decade ago, “that we would soon be discussing ‘trans women’s periods’ about hairy men in wigs in mainstream society with a straight face? That people of indeterminate gender who pose spread-legged with splotches of blood on their pants-crotches and hashtag their ‘activism’ on social media would be heralded as the epitome of ‘stunning and brave’? That it would be considered a human right for sex predators to declare themselves another gender in order to use the little girls’ room?” Quite rightly, Mr. Howard focuses much of his book on what is being done to the weakest members of our society: our children. Transgenderism is well understood at this point to be a textbook social contagion; that is, a sort of viral meme that clusters in friend groups. Parents across the country have seen the pattern all too many times: their child becomes withdrawn, watches YouTube “transition videos,” spends their time on Tumblr, and comes to believe, spurred on by and immersed within an organized network of transgender activists, that they are themselves transgender. It spreads to the rest of the child’s friend group, and, where it doesn’t, the child eliminates the normal people from their life. The links between homosexuality and pedophilia are well-known and little-acknowledged; the same holds for the cult of transgenderism. Our children are being groomed by predators of the most depraved kind. In 2009, the number of transgenders in America was estimated to be between 115-450,000, or 0.04-0.15% of the population—and growing each and every day. Another 2011 study put the number at .3%, an estimate that increased to 0.6% in 2016. This doubling of self-identifying “trans” people certainly seems to suggest that “the spike can be largely attributed to massive social-reprogramming efforts and incentives for becoming or identifying as transgendered.” The number of the damned continues to metastasize, particularly among our youngest generations, with the number of “trans”-identifying high school students estimated to be at around two percent. More ominously, one recent study purportedly found that twenty percent of respondents aged 18-34 identified as “LGBTQ,” as opposed to twelve percent of respondents aged 35-53 and seven percent of those aged 52-71. Is this because there are more people “born that way” now? Of course not. Children are bombarded with homosexual-transgender propaganda at home, with their friends, and at schools, aided by a legion of thrilled school nurses, “guidance counselors,” librarians, “pediatricians,” and “child psychiatrists.” Though hard to estimate, parents play a significant role—particularly single mothers. Many of these parents, all of whom should be prosecuted for child abuse, are “incentivized to claim their children are transgender for reasons related to social attention and/or approval and to foster a sense of belonging.” In other words, hip, trendy Leftists virtue signal and compete in the grievance Olympics by saddling their children with debilitating mental illnesses. “Oh, your kid was adopted from Haiti? My kid is trans.” A significant number of these parents, Mr. Howard points out, are also certainly suffering from Munchausen by Proxy syndrome, where mothers harm their children for sympathy and affection. The State of Washington is now setting up “school-based health centers” where children as young as thirteen may receive “medical treatment,” such as infanticides and gender reassignment pharmaceuticals and surgical operations, without parental consent or notification. School libraries are inundated with books targeted at children, presenting “transitioning” as a virtuous path to self-fulfillment. Thousands of schools across the country, at every level of “education,” have chapters of the GSA Network, formerly the Gay-Straight Alliance and now the Gender and Sexualities Alliance Network. This organization is supremely well-funded, boasting over four thousand chapters that produce “educational” propaganda and indoctrinate children in depravity and self-mutilation. Curricula incorporate homosexual-transgender indoctrination all over America and Europe, funded and promulgated by governments, NGOs like George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, and the international corporatocracy. Mr. Howard devotes an entire chapter to one of the most disgusting propaganda and grooming/recruitment vehicles of the homosexual-transgender agenda: Drag Queen Story Hour. These “events,” typically occurring at public libraries and targeted specifically at young children, “feature provocative dancing and BDSM accoutrements such as dog collars; one event featured a drag queen spreading his legs to a group of children, revealing his naked genitalia under a short skirt, and another in Texas was run by a pair of convicted sex offenders…Said one drag queen, ‘We are trying to groom the next generation.’ Indeed.” Drag Queen Story Hour, of course, is flush with cash, funded by familiar villains: the American Library Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Federation of Teachers, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Education Association, Planned Parenthood, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, along with an almost infinitely long list of other fiends. DQSH also enjoys State support: The city of Spokane, Washington, employed two SWAT snipers and dozens of police officers to protect the pedophiles from a crowd of concerned mothers. When parents refuse to go along with the ritual mutilation of their children, the Regime prioritizes the homosexual-transgender agenda. A Hamilton County, Ohio, judge gave custody of a “trans” teenager to his grandparents, taking him away from his own parents because they dared to stand up against a team of “doctors” at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital that urged the boy to surgically “transition.” In 2019, the Arizona Supreme Court held that judges can overrule parents on so-called “treatment” for “trans children.” An exemplary case is the tragic saga of James Younger. In 2016, his father, Jeff Younger, initiated divorce proceedings against his wife, Anne Georgulas, a—get this—pediatrician, who was damned and determined to “transition” the then four-year-old James into a girl named Luna. James Younger, it must be said, does not want to be “Luna,” and it is all a project of “Doctor” Georgulas’s deranged mind. In August, 2020, a Leftist judge (redundant, I know) gave Georgulas full, sole custody of James and his medical care. Of course, the annihilation of the family is the entire point of the “family law” system, as Stephen Baskerville so brilliantly demonstrated in his landmark study, Taken Into Custody. Transgender activists make it their mission to alienate confused children from their loving, concerned families; as College of Charleston professor “Veronica Ivy/Rachel McKinnon” said in a YouTube video on Mother’s Day 2017, if their parents “abuse” them by refusing to accept their new “gender identity,” “it’s okay to walk away…you can find what we call your glitter family. Your queer family.” Make no mistake: The Regime is your “glitter family.” The LGBT “movement,” Mr. Howard observes, “masquerades as an organic progression of morality toward the heights of tolerance and goodness, while simultaneously destroying any concept of real love or virtue.” This full-scale war on “heteronormativity” began in the universities, where the “assumption” that nuclear families of loving, committed couples raising healthy children together is best for those children and for society is “problematic,” and it must be challenged, nay, dismantled—just like the “patriarchy” and “white supremacy,” etcetera. America’s most “prestigious” universities and research institutions are houses of horror, and should be given the Magnus Hirschfeld treatment. Consider feminism, the organized drive to deprive women of satisfactory lives, devoted to “campaigning for men masquerading as women and vice versa if they’re not doing the bidding of global capital and conflating empowerment with being either a cog in the corporate machine or becoming glorified prostitutes.” The demonic forces behind feminism “have always viewed the ideology of feminism as highly useful for a variety of reasons, ranging from women as wage depressors and tax cattle to weaponizing them against men and the structure/strictures of traditional society…its mainstream form has always been that which is most advantageous to the ruling class.” This is the essence of transgenderism, to prey upon the vulnerable, “breaking them down and re-forming their identities in the desired image.” Along with reorienting the foundations of the mind comes the fracturing of the personality, and real psychosis. It is a fact that somewhere between 52-82% of transgenders have at least one DSM-listed mental illness in addition to their gender dysphoria—as Mr. Howard notes, “Happy, well-adjusted people do not join cults.” On the back-end, the transgender suicide rate, even after complete surgical “transition,” is variously estimated at between 18-45%, with most above 30%. Predictably, the rate of “desistance,” or “growing out” of transgender feelings, averages at around 80%. Why are our children being targeted as the human guinea pigs for sick experimental “medical” procedures? For the same reason they are targeted by pedophiles: because they represent all that is good, innocent, and wholesome in our degraded, despicable society. According to the American Psychiatric Association, children who have just learned how to speak, scarcely two years old, are able to “choose” their “gender identity” and “consent” to irreversible, life-destroying operations and pharmaceuticals, such as hormonal “puberty-blockers” known to interfere with the pituitary gland and thus stunt organ and brain development and growth and cause low bone density, infertility, and IQ, memory, and verbal skill damage. In fact, Lupron, manufactured by AbbVie, is the single most prescribed puberty-blocker being used on children, despite never having been approved by the FDA for that use. Lupron has over 25,000 adverse reports to its name, including 1,500 deaths. If a girl “identifies” as a boy, she may be prescribed these “puberty-blockers” in order to “prevent her from going through the natural human process of development,” and she would then be prescribed testosterone in an attempt to make her “become” a boy. As one endocrinologist notes, girls are given ten to forty times their normal amount of testosterone, rates similar to the amount of estrogen given to “transitioning” boys. “When people are given far more of the opposite sex hormone than their bodies can handle, they are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular death, deep vein thrombosis.” In America, the age threshold for taking cross-sex hormones was lowered to twelve, and one National Institutes for Health study recommended that the bar be lowered again to eight. To call this child abuse, Mr. Howard writes, “is the understatement of the century. There is nothing stunning and brave about this; it’s sick, and people are profiting from it.” Transgenderism is big money for Big Pharma; Lupron alone costs almost a thousand dollars a month. Male-to-female genital surgery ranges from twelve thousand dollars for a “penile inversion” to 28 thousand for a “rectosigmoid transfer,” whereby surgeons extract rectal tissue to “construct a vagina.” For female-to-male surgeries, the range can be from six thousand dollars for a mastectomy to over eighty thousand for “the construction of a penis capable of achieving erection and permitting a person to urinate while standing.” These are just the surgeries, excluding the cost of the hormones, the puberty-blockers, the plastic surgery, the new outfits, and so forth. Mr. Howard makes the biting observation that “you can actually compare prices online to find the cheapest vaginoplasties.” Mr. Howard raises a chilling, often-overlooked issue—the proliferation, often via biomagnification, of mind-altering pharmaceuticals in the water supply: Given what we know about our ruling class, it’s probably also in the public water supply, as most wastewater-treatment systems aren’t designed to remove hormones, antidepressants, and other drugs, and furthermore, a docile population is an easy population to control. So is a sick one, which the reorientation of the medical system to treatment rather than prevention with the embrace of pharmaceutical and surgical interventions concurrent with an intentional marginalization of homeopathic medicine and a neglect of nutrition attests to. The proliferation of harmful chemicals in our environment is also depleting the soil and making us profoundly sick, and the nature of food production has seen the nutritive quality of food decline in conjunction with our health. Still, they wouldn’t intentionally poison us, would they? The man-made and destroyed environment of modernity, he continues, “is weakening our immune systems and both suppressing testosterone and elevating estrogen in men, which in turn also produces a weakened immune system. Perversely, the entire medical establishment claims that high testosterone in men causes immunosuppression and dumbs you down, when the opposite, as always, is true.” It bears repeating that the LGBT agenda is not an organic, grassroots “movement,” but rather a revolution from above, “a behemoth so vast and insidious that its breadth cannot be fully described.” This swarm of locusts devouring our nation from within is damned—literally—and determined “to undermine the host societies and transform them into something wicked, decadent, and broken.” The propaganda machine works synchronously with the other tentacles of the anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-national, and anti-natal New World Order, each indistinguishable from the other as “reflections of corruption, the marshaling of the disintegrative and corrosive death-forces against those of light and life.” This is “the product of a few wealthy and powerful people, mostly of one ethno-religious group and/or sexual proclivity or proclivities forcing the issue.” Indeed, I would be remiss not to point out that a central finding of The Transgender-Industrial Complex is the unmistakably heavy predominance of Jewish Leftists (including “neoconservatives”) in the funding and dissemination of the homosexual-transgender agenda. Assemble the puzzle: “viral memes and thought contagions, the ubiquity of support and increasingly incentivizing of ‘trans’ by every significant and many insignificant institutions, the role of technology and social media in isolation and recruitment/grooming, various social pressures, the breakdown of the family and other institutions that provide stability and meaning…we see once again a deeply-enmeshed set of conditions that work synergistically in spreading and amplifying harmful beliefs.” Mr. Howard describes how “the forces of dissolution and decay marshal their ill-gotten power against the world, treating us as ‘human resources’ to be exploited and sucked dry before discarding the husk. In the ultimate irony, we are left asking where the humanity is in this system—a system that channels the energies of something much darker, a system that goes beyond political or even racial or religious quarrels to the heart of something cosmic.” I experienced a sinking feeling throughout the book, which continued to accelerate the deeper I got. Consider the “human right” of “sex ed,” now mandated in elementary schools across America, the “mandated requirement in this ludicrous, insane, and dehumanizing system run by sociopaths who believe that man may defy the rules of nature—may be above nature—and that we are all infinitely malleable to be molded into the crude and broken shapes of their choosing. Their vision of progress signals the realization of man’s triumph over any and all limitations, a vision that imbues them with the arrogance of believing they can dictate the terms to all life on earth and stay the forces of nature. They truly believe they can live forever through manmade means and bend reality to their will, assured in what is to them the incontrovertible truth that they themselves are not just godlike, but are actual gods. In truth, they actually resemble demons.” A man called Ray Caruso recently left this comment on a piece on Counter-Currents: Leftists “are malignant nihilists who take the side of evil, destruction, falsehood, ugliness, and filth on all issues, all the way, all the time. They are bad people. The cause of their state of being is spiritual, not biological. They hate God, wish [that] there were no God, and want to set themselves up as gods, which is why having the power of life and death over the unborn, the elderly, and the frail is so important to them…Instead of godhood, they will get slavery, of which iceberg the…Great Reset is [but] the merest tip. The problem is that they will drag the rest of us into their scheme, like they have dragged us into their previous destructive schemes, and they will murder those of us who resist. No coexistence with them is possible; it’s us or it’s them.” That about says it all. Mr. Howard closes The Transgender-Industrial Complex with a powerful call to action: “Righteous fury and indignation, the cleansing which must surely take place for us to survive, will have its share of ‘evil’ of a kind, but it is not evil as such. It is the capacity for retribution, for violence, to kill to survive, that is harnessed for the good of life itself that is eminently necessary…The lover of life is the one who will kill for it, and for his kith and kin, especially his progeny, which is to say that he will have transcended the materialist illusion through his bloodline and his people, using the tools available to him to restore something that is at once new and eternal, particular and universal, reflecting Truth and Order…We are now faced with a choice: live--really live—in accordance with nature and cosmic principles, or die ignominiously in darkness.” As Revilo Oliver wrote, “What do we owe the rest of the world? Nothing, absolutely nothing…This is our country. He who would take it from us, by force or by stealth, is our enemy. And it is our purpose—nay, it is our duty to our children and to their children and to our yet unborn posterity--it is our duty to use all feasible means to destroy him.” I ask: What kind of demonic, disgusting, vile, suicidal, Satanic society allows—no, encourages—its children to be brainwashed into psychosis and genital mutilation? Is the “conservative” Supreme Court going to stand in the way? How about Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, whom the cocktail conservative class has declared to be the defenders of Western civilization? Of course not. What a sick joke that is. The Georgia Senate runoffs will not stop this. The Republican Party cares more about the prosperity of its foreign donors than its voters and countrymen. The GOP will never lift one finger to save us. We are merely grist for the mill. They’re going to “hold the line” against the totalitarian Left? Get real. Let us not lose hope, though; the Regime is not bulletproof. It is neither omnipotent nor omniscient, but rather arrogant, glutted, and unprepared to face a real threat, because it hasn’t faced one in a tragically long time. Patriots, I repeat: read Scott Howard’s excellent book, a magnificent addition to the corpus of literature documenting the dark, cloven-hooved track of the Enemy through our nation. How much more humiliation can we take? I pray that the answer reveals itself soon. Of one thing, I am certain: this is not a part of the normal historical cycle. No, it is something else entirely, something far darker. They really are out to get us. Remember each and every name listed in The Transgender-Industrial Complex. It might come in handy someday. |
July 2022
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