America is not an idea, or a philosophy, or a marketplace, or a social experiment. Men do not kill, nor do they die, for a ‘proposition’ nation. How can we love a theory? America is a nation, a community of kith and kin, of blood and soil, with a shared memory. This simply is not a country if we cannot speak to one another, share that single history, and work together toward the fulfillment of our common hopes and dreams. America consists of people, of families. Instead of encouraging family formation (real families meaning mother, father, children, and a dog or cat), our totally fraudulent government does the opposite, ushering in the end of everything we’ve ever known. The ‘family’ court system wages total war against fathers. Leftists undermine society and promulgate a festering nihilism through their morally bankrupt universities, where impressionable minds are taught that all values and traditions are nothing but hogwash to be sneered at, backwards ideas to be corrected. They deconstruct all things to make them meaningless, to infect us with a Sisyphean futility from which they suppose we may never recover. Simultaneously, they throw open the gates to medieval Middle Eastern barbarians and collaborate with the enemy to further our downfall. Make no mistake, they are the enemy. Countless lives have been brutally taken from us, our people humiliated, beaten, raped, and slaughtered, sacrificed at the gruesome altar of diversity as the propitiation of sin for our white privilege. Alas, we sold our melanin for this privilege. In the face of these and other threats, like the openly hostile China, we must ask: what unites us? Anything? Nobody even pulls their car over for a funeral procession anymore. Do we have the cultural willpower and patriotism left to win a war or face a massive challenge? Do we have the will not only to not die, but to live? Leftists have raped the Constitution into an unrecognizable heap since 1865 to serve whatever their ends may be, and when that still isn’t enough, they dispense with it altogether. They force every single one of us to subsidize the propaganda that passes as education. They force us to subsidize infanticide. They steal our income to bestow upon hordes of criminals and foreign invaders, engorging themselves upon our labor while lying to us that they are somehow the linchpin of our economy. America was not built by, nor are we a nation of, immigrants. America was settled and built from nothing, the wilderness cleared, the frontier settled at the cost of much blood, by pioneers with a shared culture. The lion’s share of our exponential population growth was from natural increase, not from immigration. What immigration there was came from our ancestral lands, not the nightmarish outer darkness now jostling its way into the shadow of our failing light. We are not ‘global citizens’, nor is every miserable wretch on the planet an ‘American-in-waiting’. Our rulers lead us further into ruin each day as the bloated administrative Deep State Blob seeks out ever more power. They manufacture ‘hate crimes’ to justify to morons the suppression of free speech. What is a ‘hate crime’? Nothing but thoughtcrime, for how could an emotion be criminalized? Nothing but anti-white weaponry to criminalize any white acting in his own interests and not for a ‘minority’, while the ubiquitous racially-motivated crime against whites by ‘minorities’ goes unopposed. Whites are the true global minority, and we soon will be within our own country (if we are not already, as we have no idea how many illegal aliens poison our body politic). Our first freedom is besieged, the right to bear arms threatened most recently with ‘red flag’ thoughtcrime laws. Leftists protect illegal alien pedophiles, rapists, and murderers of Aztec cruelty in ‘sanctuary’ cities, nullifying federal law, while at the same time obsessively expanding the ‘right’ to infanticide in every state, itself based upon the entirely unconstitutional Fourteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment was not only unlawfully submitted to the states in the first place, but was never in fact ratified by the requisite number of states; rather, it was spuriously proclaimed at the end of a bayonet. We have this piece of gobbledygook to thank for infanticide, homosexual ‘marriage’, and the destruction of our public-school system. Even if we were to validate the Fourteenth Amendment, the terms “due process” and “equal protection” were terms of art with specifically limited meanings that were only to apply to the citizenship of newly-freed slaves. This fraudulent construction also reduces the states to mere vassals and creates ‘birthright citizenship’. But citizenship, and by extension voting, are not rights; they are privileges. The Constitution gives and establishes no rights, as we are endowed with these rights naturally, by God; the Constitution merely prevents the national government from infringing upon these preexisting rights. Muhammad is now in the top ten baby names in our country. So much for ‘Never Forget’. Leftists lobby for the Muslim enemy, providing housing and unmonitored mosques from which they can plot terror attacks, while excoriating Christians, the most persecuted group at home and abroad, abandoned by our State Department. They waste American lives for worthless lands and worthless causes all over the world, having lied us into wars for the last 80 years. One American life is worth more than the whole continent of Africa and the Middle East. What these politicians, some of them Muslims and black militants, do while standing in front of the American flag, under sworn oaths to serve, is repulsive. They besmirch the very integrity of our institutions, once hallowed and now a grotesque farce, as children in the ill-fitting clothes of the men before them, their feet too small to fill the shoes of those giants who bore our world on their shoulders. When Atlas shrugs, his knees cut out from underneath him by the scimitar of the Orient, his head separated from his shoulders by the guillotine of the Left, are they to keep the lights on? Most devastating of all, leftists control every single cultural institution in this country. We cannot even turn the television on or catch a movie without their agenda being forced on us. Hollywood churns out political drivel and calls it film, awarding themselves at their annual circle-jerks. Film criticism has died along with journalism; we are not allowed to dislike Moonlight, Black Panther, or Hidden Figures without being tarred and feathered as a bigot. ‘Comedians’ smear us and our traditions every night. ‘Journalists’ lie every day, and win freedom of the press awards and Pulitzer Prizes. The news media is a sick joke. Radios are choked with the toxic fumes of rap ‘music’, the sound civilization is murdered to. Leftists have infiltrated the education system so thoroughly that our children are indoctrinated into the progressive death agenda from preschool to graduate school, taught to hate their families and their nation. Future generations are not taught our glorious history or our constitutional republican system of government. Instead, they learn ‘queer theory’ and slander against our heroes. What is the solution? Are we all supposed to homeschool our children? What about when they go to college? Are we all going to have to set up parallel institutions? With the usual foresight, our enemies have begun discussing outlawing homeschooling and private schools, as well as extending the school day. They’ve even infiltrated the churches, a homosexual clergy and globalist Pope but symptoms of much deeper degeneration. There is no escape. If we keep our heads down and appease these criminally insane revolutionaries, they will continue to run roughshod over our broken bodies. The storm will not pass. If we complain meekly and magnanimously, playing on their terms, our concerns are dismissed if not outright ridiculed; talk about blaming the victim. Big Tech monitors us more than our own government and interferes in every election worldwide. Our privacy was voluntarily surrendered and taken long ago. They have imposed a totalitarian social credit regime of censorship upon us; any unapproved thought, any incorrect sentiment, anything a freshman at Berkeley disagrees with, is banished from the mass marketplace. It is no coincidence that our leading financial institutions have begun to promote the cashless society. Technology has not made us freer; in fact, quite the opposite. Dissent is not tolerated. We are watching our freedom disappear. We all walk around on eggshells, afraid to speak, afraid to even think, for once speech is controlled, thoughts naturally conform. This is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but with the censor’s bleep. Who can we turn to for help? Not the GOP. The neoconservative grifters, cuckoo birds and cordyceps fungi that hijacked the American Right, are leftists themselves. So-called ‘conservatives’, the kleptocrats of Conservatism Inc. sacrifice our people to the market and to expediency every day. They toasted their donors as the private equity disembowelment of our once-thriving small towns rolled on, as capitalism was irradiated and bastardized into soulless vampiric consumption, as the family farm was leveled and the dark satanic mill raised in its stead. They exist solely in order to purge those whom they cannot co-opt; among the expunged are such luminaries as M.E. Bradford, Samuel Francis, Paul Gottfried, Murray Rothbard, and countless others. There are dozens who, like Darren Beattie, have been discredited simply for attending conferences attended by unmentionables. Politicians like Steve King and Sarah Palin are ridiculed and sidelined or worse, tossed into prison like Steve Stockman. Joe McCarthy, a hero at fault only for not going far enough, has been wholly and forever demonized. They expend enormous energy to ruin any real representatives of the Right and spend billions of dollars on shill think tanks and youth organizations whose only task is to brainwash and neutralize any threats to the ruling class before they can emerge. Traitorous Republicans lie to their conservative voters every election cycle and do nothing on the social or economic issues for which they were elected, proving ad infinitum that the ‘values’ they so love to expound are meaningless, empty vessels; ‘democracy’ is a procedure, a means, not a goal. What are they ‘conserving’, if not our culture? Nothing. They have conserved absolutely nothing. As the prescient theologian R.L. Dabney put it over a century ago, “American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.” They promote the same policies leftists did only a year ago, halfheartedly fighting to preserve a smoldering crater of burnt rubble. Who else can we turn to? Certainly not the courts, let alone the Supreme Court. Not ‘the market’. ‘Free’ trade has engorged the ravening wolves sharpening their knives in the dark for our bloodletting, all the while emaciating and disenfranchising our own countrymen. ‘Woke’ corporations are a major threat to liberty, interested in becoming statist monopolies, eliminating families, and creating an ever-metastasizing scourge of new niche identity markets. Nor can we count on our politicized law enforcement agencies to assist; they vigorously pursue Klansmen under every bed, but incidents like the Las Vegas massacre are swept under the rug, federal officials openly commit treason, and figures like Jeffrey Epstein (having already escaped justice once before) are suicided. Then who? There is undoubtedly still sound feeling among the rank and file of the military, but the extent to which the institution has been compromised by gang infiltration and the social engineering of the Obama Administration is unclear. There is no easy political solution. Just look at the attempted Deep State coup against President Trump, a moderate, pragmatically instinctual civic nationalist. We face an enemy, a coalition of the damned, that despises us for who we are, for the color of our skin, for our values, for our ‘clinging’ to outdated trivialities like nation and God. Driven to obliterate what they know they could never create, they will stop at nothing to destroy us. We have nothing in common with each other at all. At least in the 1860s we (arguably) prayed to the same God. We are dealing with ‘true believers’ of nihilism now. The urban coastal elite looks into the rest of the country and sees nothing but a backwards people to be cleared away, exterminated and replaced. It can’t even be said that we live in the same country. The Democrats are on a totalitarian jihad, and the Republicans, whistling past the graveyard, only care that Wall Street is running smoothly and that they’re not being called mean by pink-haired protesters. Simple separation has been attempted before, and events would follow a similar course in that once again, our enemies cannot abide in a world in which there exists a single mind not under their total control. Theirs is a religious crusade against all that is holy; they hate families, whose fidelity and love are the last obstacle (more primal a defense even than firearms) in the path of state power. This boot on our throats is only let up so that more of their social engineering can be forced down. We are persecuted and harassed if we do not celebrate their defiling agenda of degeneracy. They have engendered a deeper hatred and bitterness than ever has existed here. A civil war is coming. It’s only a matter of time, and of what the spark will be. The inevitable attempt at disarmament may provide this, as it will almost certainly be seen for what it is, the straw that breaks the camel’s back, the death knell for our liberty, the last thing in the way of physical slavery. The family, our speech (and thus our thought), and our means of defense, all dissolving before our eyes. We face utter annihilation if we do nothing. The apocalyptic chaos of Mexico is our future if the rulers of the darkness of this world are left to their own devices. Our country is an unrecognizable outpost of the open society, made so deliberately in the unprecedented span of only a generation. Since our national sovereignty was ceded in 1965, we have gained ‘the world’, and lost our home, our border, our distinction, and our humanity. Europe is perhaps already lost. But we are not. We can still reclaim our birthright. We are the last bastion of civilization itself. We must carry the fire. We cannot give in and sink into the ever-widening chasm of misery waiting to wrap its arms around us. We must unite. We are the counterculture. We must work to leave Carthage and return to Mayberry, to dismantle the Empire and rebuild the Republic, to bring about traditional, religious, and national revival, the restoration of life in the face of death. Tradition, it must be remembered, is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire. We must stand firm in the fact that there is a right way, that we are not the same, that we are better, that theirs is the path of hell. We must once again build a nation in which families can form and flourish, in which we can feel safe and call |