America is not an idea, or a philosophy, or a marketplace, or a social experiment. Men do not kill, nor do they die, for a ‘proposition’ nation. How can we love a theory? America is a nation, a community of kith and kin, of blood and soil, with a shared memory. This simply is not a country if we cannot speak to one another, share that single history, and work together toward the fulfillment of our common hopes and dreams. America consists of people, of families. Instead of encouraging family formation (real families meaning mother, father, children, and a dog or cat), our totally fraudulent government does the opposite, ushering in the end of everything we’ve ever known. The ‘family’ court system wages total war against fathers. Leftists undermine society and promulgate a festering nihilism through their morally bankrupt universities, where impressionable minds are taught that all values and traditions are nothing but hogwash to be sneered at, backwards ideas to be corrected. They deconstruct all things to make them meaningless, to infect us with a Sisyphean futility from which they suppose we may never recover. Simultaneously, they throw open the gates to medieval Middle Eastern barbarians and collaborate with the enemy to further our downfall. Make no mistake, they are the enemy. Countless lives have been brutally taken from us, our people humiliated, beaten, raped, and slaughtered, sacrificed at the gruesome altar of diversity as the propitiation of sin for our white privilege. Alas, we sold our melanin for this privilege. In the face of these and other threats, like the openly hostile China, we must ask: what unites us? Anything? Nobody even pulls their car over for a funeral procession anymore. Do we have the cultural willpower and patriotism left to win a war or face a massive challenge? Do we have the will not only to not die, but to live? Leftists have raped the Constitution into an unrecognizable heap since 1865 to serve whatever their ends may be, and when that still isn’t enough, they dispense with it altogether. They force every single one of us to subsidize the propaganda that passes as education. They force us to subsidize infanticide. They steal our income to bestow upon hordes of criminals and foreign invaders, engorging themselves upon our labor while lying to us that they are somehow the linchpin of our economy. America was not built by, nor are we a nation of, immigrants. America was settled and built from nothing, the wilderness cleared, the frontier settled at the cost of much blood, by pioneers with a shared culture. The lion’s share of our exponential population growth was from natural increase, not from immigration. What immigration there was came from our ancestral lands, not the nightmarish outer darkness now jostling its way into the shadow of our failing light. We are not ‘global citizens’, nor is every miserable wretch on the planet an ‘American-in-waiting’. Our rulers lead us further into ruin each day as the bloated administrative Deep State Blob seeks out ever more power. They manufacture ‘hate crimes’ to justify to morons the suppression of free speech. What is a ‘hate crime’? Nothing but thoughtcrime, for how could an emotion be criminalized? Nothing but anti-white weaponry to criminalize any white acting in his own interests and not for a ‘minority’, while the ubiquitous racially-motivated crime against whites by ‘minorities’ goes unopposed. Whites are the true global minority, and we soon will be within our own country (if we are not already, as we have no idea how many illegal aliens poison our body politic). Our first freedom is besieged, the right to bear arms threatened most recently with ‘red flag’ thoughtcrime laws. Leftists protect illegal alien pedophiles, rapists, and murderers of Aztec cruelty in ‘sanctuary’ cities, nullifying federal law, while at the same time obsessively expanding the ‘right’ to infanticide in every state, itself based upon the entirely unconstitutional Fourteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment was not only unlawfully submitted to the states in the first place, but was never in fact ratified by the requisite number of states; rather, it was spuriously proclaimed at the end of a bayonet. We have this piece of gobbledygook to thank for infanticide, homosexual ‘marriage’, and the destruction of our public-school system. Even if we were to validate the Fourteenth Amendment, the terms “due process” and “equal protection” were terms of art with specifically limited meanings that were only to apply to the citizenship of newly-freed slaves. This fraudulent construction also reduces the states to mere vassals and creates ‘birthright citizenship’. But citizenship, and by extension voting, are not rights; they are privileges. The Constitution gives and establishes no rights, as we are endowed with these rights naturally, by God; the Constitution merely prevents the national government from infringing upon these preexisting rights. Muhammad is now in the top ten baby names in our country. So much for ‘Never Forget’. Leftists lobby for the Muslim enemy, providing housing and unmonitored mosques from which they can plot terror attacks, while excoriating Christians, the most persecuted group at home and abroad, abandoned by our State Department. They waste American lives for worthless lands and worthless causes all over the world, having lied us into wars for the last 80 years. One American life is worth more than the whole continent of Africa and the Middle East. What these politicians, some of them Muslims and black militants, do while standing in front of the American flag, under sworn oaths to serve, is repulsive. They besmirch the very integrity of our institutions, once hallowed and now a grotesque farce, as children in the ill-fitting clothes of the men before them, their feet too small to fill the shoes of those giants who bore our world on their shoulders. When Atlas shrugs, his knees cut out from underneath him by the scimitar of the Orient, his head separated from his shoulders by the guillotine of the Left, are they to keep the lights on? Most devastating of all, leftists control every single cultural institution in this country. We cannot even turn the television on or catch a movie without their agenda being forced on us. Hollywood churns out political drivel and calls it film, awarding themselves at their annual circle-jerks. Film criticism has died along with journalism; we are not allowed to dislike Moonlight, Black Panther, or Hidden Figures without being tarred and feathered as a bigot. ‘Comedians’ smear us and our traditions every night. ‘Journalists’ lie every day, and win freedom of the press awards and Pulitzer Prizes. The news media is a sick joke. Radios are choked with the toxic fumes of rap ‘music’, the sound civilization is murdered to. Leftists have infiltrated the education system so thoroughly that our children are indoctrinated into the progressive death agenda from preschool to graduate school, taught to hate their families and their nation. Future generations are not taught our glorious history or our constitutional republican system of government. Instead, they learn ‘queer theory’ and slander against our heroes. What is the solution? Are we all supposed to homeschool our children? What about when they go to college? Are we all going to have to set up parallel institutions? With the usual foresight, our enemies have begun discussing outlawing homeschooling and private schools, as well as extending the school day. They’ve even infiltrated the churches, a homosexual clergy and globalist Pope but symptoms of much deeper degeneration. There is no escape. If we keep our heads down and appease these criminally insane revolutionaries, they will continue to run roughshod over our broken bodies. The storm will not pass. If we complain meekly and magnanimously, playing on their terms, our concerns are dismissed if not outright ridiculed; talk about blaming the victim. Big Tech monitors us more than our own government and interferes in every election worldwide. Our privacy was voluntarily surrendered and taken long ago. They have imposed a totalitarian social credit regime of censorship upon us; any unapproved thought, any incorrect sentiment, anything a freshman at Berkeley disagrees with, is banished from the mass marketplace. It is no coincidence that our leading financial institutions have begun to promote the cashless society. Technology has not made us freer; in fact, quite the opposite. Dissent is not tolerated. We are watching our freedom disappear. We all walk around on eggshells, afraid to speak, afraid to even think, for once speech is controlled, thoughts naturally conform. This is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but with the censor’s bleep. Who can we turn to for help? Not the GOP. The neoconservative grifters, cuckoo birds and cordyceps fungi that hijacked the American Right, are leftists themselves. So-called ‘conservatives’, the kleptocrats of Conservatism Inc. sacrifice our people to the market and to expediency every day. They toasted their donors as the private equity disembowelment of our once-thriving small towns rolled on, as capitalism was irradiated and bastardized into soulless vampiric consumption, as the family farm was leveled and the dark satanic mill raised in its stead. They exist solely in order to purge those whom they cannot co-opt; among the expunged are such luminaries as M.E. Bradford, Samuel Francis, Paul Gottfried, Murray Rothbard, and countless others. There are dozens who, like Darren Beattie, have been discredited simply for attending conferences attended by unmentionables. Politicians like Steve King and Sarah Palin are ridiculed and sidelined or worse, tossed into prison like Steve Stockman. Joe McCarthy, a hero at fault only for not going far enough, has been wholly and forever demonized. They expend enormous energy to ruin any real representatives of the Right and spend billions of dollars on shill think tanks and youth organizations whose only task is to brainwash and neutralize any threats to the ruling class before they can emerge. Traitorous Republicans lie to their conservative voters every election cycle and do nothing on the social or economic issues for which they were elected, proving ad infinitum that the ‘values’ they so love to expound are meaningless, empty vessels; ‘democracy’ is a procedure, a means, not a goal. What are they ‘conserving’, if not our culture? Nothing. They have conserved absolutely nothing. As the prescient theologian R.L. Dabney put it over a century ago, “American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.” They promote the same policies leftists did only a year ago, halfheartedly fighting to preserve a smoldering crater of burnt rubble. Who else can we turn to? Certainly not the courts, let alone the Supreme Court. Not ‘the market’. ‘Free’ trade has engorged the ravening wolves sharpening their knives in the dark for our bloodletting, all the while emaciating and disenfranchising our own countrymen. ‘Woke’ corporations are a major threat to liberty, interested in becoming statist monopolies, eliminating families, and creating an ever-metastasizing scourge of new niche identity markets. Nor can we count on our politicized law enforcement agencies to assist; they vigorously pursue Klansmen under every bed, but incidents like the Las Vegas massacre are swept under the rug, federal officials openly commit treason, and figures like Jeffrey Epstein (having already escaped justice once before) are suicided. Then who? There is undoubtedly still sound feeling among the rank and file of the military, but the extent to which the institution has been compromised by gang infiltration and the social engineering of the Obama Administration is unclear. There is no easy political solution. Just look at the attempted Deep State coup against President Trump, a moderate, pragmatically instinctual civic nationalist. We face an enemy, a coalition of the damned, that despises us for who we are, for the color of our skin, for our values, for our ‘clinging’ to outdated trivialities like nation and God. Driven to obliterate what they know they could never create, they will stop at nothing to destroy us. We have nothing in common with each other at all. At least in the 1860s we (arguably) prayed to the same God. We are dealing with ‘true believers’ of nihilism now. The urban coastal elite looks into the rest of the country and sees nothing but a backwards people to be cleared away, exterminated and replaced. It can’t even be said that we live in the same country. The Democrats are on a totalitarian jihad, and the Republicans, whistling past the graveyard, only care that Wall Street is running smoothly and that they’re not being called mean by pink-haired protesters. Simple separation has been attempted before, and events would follow a similar course in that once again, our enemies cannot abide in a world in which there exists a single mind not under their total control. Theirs is a religious crusade against all that is holy; they hate families, whose fidelity and love are the last obstacle (more primal a defense even than firearms) in the path of state power. This boot on our throats is only let up so that more of their social engineering can be forced down. We are persecuted and harassed if we do not celebrate their defiling agenda of degeneracy. They have engendered a deeper hatred and bitterness than ever has existed here. A civil war is coming. It’s only a matter of time, and of what the spark will be. The inevitable attempt at disarmament may provide this, as it will almost certainly be seen for what it is, the straw that breaks the camel’s back, the death knell for our liberty, the last thing in the way of physical slavery. The family, our speech (and thus our thought), and our means of defense, all dissolving before our eyes. We face utter annihilation if we do nothing. The apocalyptic chaos of Mexico is our future if the rulers of the darkness of this world are left to their own devices. Our country is an unrecognizable outpost of the open society, made so deliberately in the unprecedented span of only a generation. Since our national sovereignty was ceded in 1965, we have gained ‘the world’, and lost our home, our border, our distinction, and our humanity. Europe is perhaps already lost. But we are not. We can still reclaim our birthright. We are the last bastion of civilization itself. We must carry the fire. We cannot give in and sink into the ever-widening chasm of misery waiting to wrap its arms around us. We must unite. We are the counterculture. We must work to leave Carthage and return to Mayberry, to dismantle the Empire and rebuild the Republic, to bring about traditional, religious, and national revival, the restoration of life in the face of death. Tradition, it must be remembered, is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire. We must stand firm in the fact that there is a right way, that we are not the same, that we are better, that theirs is the path of hell. We must once again build a nation in which families can form and flourish, in which we can feel safe and call home. It will take a belief in the future; not just a future, but our future. We must not be ashamed of ourselves or of our history, but proud. We owe nobody an apology. We must again realize what is important and distinguish it from the false egalitarian idols of ‘progress’ and ‘diversity’. We must stop being afraid, and say what we think, when we want, to whomever we want. We cannot play their games; let them call us names. We cannot think and speak on their terms; call things as they are: Infanticide, not abortion; Invasion, not immigration, whether legal or illegal; The War for Southern Independence, not the Civil War; Disarmament, not gun control; Prostitute, not sex worker. Who cares if some touchy nihilist calls you ‘problematic’ or a ‘racist’? And since when was ‘nationalist’ a dirty word? Are we afraid of being called ‘haters’? Hatred may certainly exist without love, but love cannot exist in the absence of hatred. For if we truly love something, we must necessarily abhor those fighting tooth and claw to tear it asunder. We must rage against the dying of the light, lest we go gentle into that good night. We must not allow ourselves to be vilified as ‘radicals’ or ‘extremists’, words designed to discourage others from joining our cause. Rather, it is imperative that we be clear just which side is radical; we, the lighthouses piercing a roiling gale, the fingers damming the dike, the keepers of the flame, or the arsonists piling fuel into the conflagration threatening to engulf hundreds of years of toil? We must also remember that ‘victimhood’, feigned weakness, is their greatest weapon, and we mustn’t fall for it. They manufacture guilt, thereby handicapping us in bondage. To paraphrase Voltaire, the powerful are those whom we are not permitted to criticize. The ‘victims’ have our power. It is ours to retrieve. We may only be ridden while our backs are bent and our knees are bowed; no longer will we be cattle and chattel. The good times aren’t over for good; there are more of us than we realize. We need only stir to send our alien occupiers and their carpetbagger, scalawag, and Hessian handmaidens packing. We have everything to lose. Our country. Our dignity. Our past. Our future. Until Christ returns, there is no one coming to save us. It is up to us. Let’s roll.
We face a clear choice, in sharp relief, between life and death. Our unnatural society is ruled by monsters engaged in a murder-suicide. This occurs in such a way that events appear isolated, each violation normalized before another takes place, lulling us into a false sense of security, of natural progress as an organically changing society. There is no such thing as coincidence. This is death by a thousand cuts; if we zoom out and examine the image in full, it becomes clear that this murder-suicide is an intentional, coordinated agenda. ‘Our’ deracinated rulers are sicker and more depraved than we can possibly imagine. They are evil incarnate. They have decided that life is not worth living, and they prolong their suicide day after day, their empty, hedonistic, and transactional lives bereft of meaning. They have chosen death over life, and they are taking us with them, celebrating our demise. The bells are ringing. Let them kill themselves. But we cannot let them kill us. We must remain steadfast as the machinery of our dispossession accelerates, as the center of our world spins away, as we swing between aphelion and perihelion. Their culture of death is perhaps best exemplified in the grotesque Weimar sexual nihilism running rampant in our society. Pornography drains our vitality and poisons our minds with sick fantasies that don’t even attempt to approximate a depiction of love, of intercourse in any real sense of the word. Under the flickering veil, love is supplanted by bodies fucking in the dark like the twisted metal of a car wrapped around a tree. This clockwork orgasm, a frostbitten wail from the void for warmth and form, is too debauched even for animals. Pornography is the epitome of debasement, valorizing horrific acts between members of the same family, between the generations, between platonic friends. No relationship is healthy or freed from sexual competition and domination. Certainly, pornographers are selling something, but their product is not pornography, nor is it pleasure. It is an agenda, the culture of death, decadent id gratification, the elevation of flesh over all else. We can hardly wonder at a callous society when we realize that this is what passes for the sexual education of our young, what their first conception of sex is based upon. It is the death ethic, a nihilism so pervasive that notions of life and love are strangled out of sight, just beyond the frame. What is abortion but an extension of this same holocaust, this foreclosure of the future? Millions of children murdered, millions of lives taken, and for what? So erstwhile mothers can go to college? And what values are inculcated as the empowered woman gets an ‘education’? Hatred of self, of family, of nation, and more abortion, abortion of the possibility of happiness and a future. In college, she ‘goes out’ (but only on weekends, mind you, she’s an A student) and obliterates her consciousness in a black vortex of despair, coupling with the first half-put together male to make some enlightened paean to feminism and social justice, the starlight in her eyes doused with liquor, only to wake up thrilled for the next night! Except she isn’t. She’s miserable. She wants to think she’s empowered, because her college, her friends, popular culture, and ‘models’ and ‘influencers’ on social media have told her for her whole life that she should dress as revealingly as possible and behave as breezily and ‘easy-going’ as possible, be ‘open’ to new experiences and ‘celebrate’ her body. Yet when she does as she’s supposed to, partaking in perverted ‘free love’ philosophy, believing her vile conformity some kind of ‘rebellion’, she is ruined. She objectifies herself, making a desperate plea in the crowded club, and her cries are drowned in more booze, more men, more feminist theory. She closes out the possibility of stability, of happiness, of self-respect, aborts it like the children she never wants. She shouts her abortion; indeed, she shouts it to stifle a deafening scream, the lorn and disconsolate sound of emptiness, of barren desolation. She has too many important things to do. Her college degree guarantees her entry into the market, and what could be more important? She has allowed will-o’-the-wisps to guide her out of her exalted, beautiful, all-important place as mother and enslave her in the cynical, grim market, where she labors as one more cog in another machine. She has enslaved herself and disrupted nature, despoiling the holiness of hearth and home. She has mistaken chains for power, and believed the vipers who told her that marriage and childbirth was the oppression, the porn stars and prostitutes who told her that being a housewife is too degrading. The apotheosis of this artificial leveling of male and female is allowing women to ‘serve’ in military combat; this truly is the mark of a culture that longs for death. Some will argue that two incomes are necessary in ‘today’s economy’; to this, we must firmly state that this is a lie perpetuated by those who do not want us to form families, to whom the idea of the family is anathema. They want both parents working. They believe that the state is the perfected family. Yet no bureaucratic organization can ever hope to replace this most fundamental lodestar of humanity. We must also ask, if indeed this is ‘progress’, if indeed we are so ‘wealthy’, so ‘advanced’, why cannot we enjoy the fruits of our ever-increasing labor and allow parents more time with their children? Why does the progressive utopian ethic never cease, as horizon gives way to horizon? Is it perhaps that their pyrrhic ‘utopia’ can never be realized? It is a godless society that has fallen to our sunken depths. In rational secular atheism, in postmodern relativism, there are no values, no conceptions of right, just, good, or true. There are no distinctions; all paths are equal. There is only the egalitarianism of abyss, equality of outcome finally achieved in misery and consummated in the grave. Into this morass we have blindly charged, full speed ahead, from God’s light into Satan’s night. Sodom and the Canaanites are pillars of Puritanism compared to our corroded world. Sexual nihilists control the marketplaces of ideas; an infinitesimal lunatic minority of the population is being allowed to engineer the future of all of our children. An alphabet soup of mental illnesses masquerading as ‘gender identities’ have piggybacked onto our already hypersexualized culture (ever seen what juvenile cheerleading and dance uniforms look like now?) and formulated a campaign to forever destroy the innocence of our children. Public libraries and mainstream daytime talk shows targeted at mothers popularize and normalize abominations like ‘drag kids’, confused little children whose attention-whore social-justice-warrior white-knight parents have ventriloquized them into dressing as burlesque transvestites and suggestively dancing as homosexuals and pedophiles, often overlapping groups, ogle and throw money at them. A legion of psychiatrists and surgeons are manipulating disoriented children and then mutilating their genitals in the name of…of what? ‘Tolerance’? In the name of suicide and psychosis? Parents who object are declared unfit, their brainwashed (online, at school, and at the doctor’s office) children taken from them so they can reach progressive paradise and become wards of the state. A campaign has even begun for the normalization of pedophilia. What will it take for us to do something, to do anything? Is nothing sacred? Hideous monstrosities like these are being shoved down our throat every day, and we’re supposed to tell them it tastes good. You don’t want us to castrate your son? You’re a bigot. While our politicians squabble about fake crises like ‘Russian interference’, ‘white supremacy’, and pagan ‘climate change’, our country is dying. Rotting from within, a deep despair has taken root and feeds on our soul. Our urban areas are approaching failed state levels of collapse. An ever-expanding, unpoliced, unobstructed, but above all welcomed and rewarded population of foreign invaders and American homeless have created an environmental and public health crisis, as the Third World reaches ours. As feudal coastal elites preach about some amorphous and faceless idea of ‘the climate’ and ‘the earth’, their cities drown in human feces, used condoms, spent needles, and churning waves of trash. As they jet around the globe to fight jungle pathologies, these same afflictions wreak havoc in our communities. Counterfeit environmentalists smile for the flashing lights at leftist fundraisers as the real environment is saturated with chemicals, as unmanaged forests are burned by vagrants and traffickers, as parks metamorphose from family picnicking spots to gang initiation sites. We forget that environmental conservation and agrarianism are conservative programs; our poisoned landscape of strip-malls, high-rises, and methadone clinics is the product of deracinated leftism. Utterly corrupt leftists officials practice anarcho-tyranny, aided and abetted by violent brownshirts, catering to criminals and penalizing law-abiding citizens, responding to the greatest drug crisis in our history with the Orwellian ‘harm reduction’ of injection sites and needle exchanges, the spread of marijuana across the realm, and the release of drug dealers from prison en masse. Excellent priorities. What does it say about us that we have a generation searching for God in its veins and down a bottle? Body snatchers came overnight and took our country, replacing it with a husk. There’s a war on, and we are losing. Hundreds of thousands of Americans, the descendants of the pioneers, have plummeted like Icarus and died like refuse in the past few years because of this despair. Addiction is not an illness any more than suicide is. While the epidemic is a symptom of the black hole devouring us from within, the gaping maw of Satan hungrily licking his lips, it was inarguably created deliberately by pharmaceutical companies and the doctors on their payrolls and is being perpetuated by the Chinese state and the Mexican narco-state. Our government has not held those responsible to account. We are adrift, rudderless, the ground swept from underneath our feet. Not only are our lives growing shorter and measurably more miserable, but our bodies seem to be losing their will as well; male sperm counts have collapsed. These are symptoms of a choice; our culture has chosen death and decadence over life, hollow ‘pleasure’ and ‘fun’ over all else, too myopic to have sight of a future in which we survive, bequeathing nothing to a nonexistent posterity. "Assisted suicide’, a wonderful European import, allows people to choose death for any invented ill; even more, though, it sends the signal that our society would rather exterminate the weak than spend time and money on care. Our community centers, skating rinks, pools and movie theaters are abandoned, gone to seed, turned into meeting spots for criminals, not safe to visit after dark. Our churches stand empty. Our politicians and corporations, enriched in corruption, have sold us up the river for their bottom lines. American companies that would not even exist had the taxpayers not bailed them out against their will lay off workers by the tens of thousands, import peasants who work for slave wages, and give their executives record paydays. Gone is the noblesse oblige of the first Gilded Age. Factories close, towns die, and the homes that families spent generations improving become crack dens and brothels. This is the product of an atomized society. Leftists control our social spaces; their greatest fear is of human relationships and camaraderie. Theirs is the world of Los Angeles, point A to point B with nothing in between but driverless cars. In their cities, mere filing cabinets of pod people forbidden to own, permitted only to rent, millions of people have casual, ephemeral transactions each day, and are thus nominally exposed to one another. Yet these cannot constitute relationships, and serve only to increase our frustrated isolation, our sense that something vital is missing, our wish for this something more, this something inaccessible. Our estrangement from one another is exaggerated by every meaningless interaction we conduct, our alienation and resentment inflamed with every dopamine rush on every backlit screen. Thus has ‘social’ media destroyed social organization, tearing asunder the very fabric of society, of how we relate to one another. Social media is the instrument of disconnection, of isolation, of suicide, each post a desperate cry that someone, somewhere, cares. Our flesh is fed in squalor and decrepitude, while our soul is starved. They openly despise everything that makes us who we are. In their Cultural Revolution, our history is rewritten as monuments are destroyed and streets and buildings are renamed. Welcome to Year Zero. Our traditions, our God, and our people are under ceaseless assault. After they have driven Old Dixie down, they will come for Old Glory. Christmas becomes just another ‘winter holiday’. Thanksgiving becomes a celebration of the merciless savages (pardon me, ‘indigenous peoples’) who preyed on our forefathers and a penitential day of mourning for their defeat. The Great Replacement is underway; as our country’s stock is depleted by abortion, feminism, and death cults like ‘climate change’, homosexuality, and transgenderism, tens of millions of foreign aliens openly invade our land, pouring across our pathetic, wide open border, encouraged by the snarling imperials of the coasts, whose small stretches of land from Los Angeles to San Francisco and New York to Baltimore are allowed to subjugate the entire country. Theirs is the globalist imperialism of the European Union variety, a depersonalized faceless technocratic state whose sole purpose is to eradicate the natural man and replace him with a shapeless automaton barking like a seal the party line. As our Marxist entitlement programs collapse around us, our leaders deign to hit the gas pedal and expand them while further pilfering the citizenry, to whom none of these programs even benefit. They scheme to place healthcare under state control, literally forcing us to put our lives in their filthy, incompetent hands. Death panels are to decide whether our children live or die, the elderly are encouraged to submit to assisted ‘suicide’, and we wait months for simple procedures. They are not only insulated from the consequences of their policies, but also often have no children. How can Merkel give a damn about the future of Europe if she has no children to worry for? If all this seems illogical, it isn’t; the answer is that they do not want us to succeed. It isn’t incompetence; nay, far from it. They want us to die, along with them. It is a program of ruthless efficiency, the liquidation of the benighted and deplorable American kulak. Organized Christianity is in crisis, riven by the same divide between the ruling class and the country class that is breaking our nation apart. Christians have been betrayed by their leadership. The Catholic ‘Church’ is honeycombed with homosexuals, who have perpetrated one of the most massive pedophile abuse scandals in history; their Pope is a globalist demagogue who celebrates any and all Leftist causes, from the ‘climate change’ hoax to the Islamic colonization of Europe. One gets the feeling that he will not rest until the Vatican has been razed, a mosque flying the black flag of the Islamic State erected in its place. Witness the silence regarding the attack on Notre Dame; we all know what happened. Catholic organizations are perhaps the largest financiers and actors involved in executing the West through mass immigration, both with the Orient inundating the Occident in Europe and the global South invading the United States. The Episcopal ‘Church’ website features immigration promotion on its homepage. One of the marquee issues that it proclaims to value is Orwellian “racial reconciliation”. Under its ‘what we believe’ section, the ‘Church’ makes clear its worship of homosexuality. The United Methodist ‘Church’ website invites members to “stand with migrants”, “stand against racism”, and “combat climate change”. These denominations are clearly lost. Many of them have essentially thrown out the Bible altogether. One is hard-pressed to even discover a Bible in the National Cathedral. The Southern Baptist Convention remains the last major denomination that preaches the inerrancy of the Scripture, but even its leadership shows signs of the selfsame Leftist infiltration. An early indication of a split between the Convention’s ruling and country class was revealed when the leadership immediately praised the landmark Brown Supreme Court decision, while the body of its membership throughout the South was shell-shocked. The Convention adopted a resolution against its own 1845 founding, by unnecessarily condemning slavery in 1995. The brilliant columnist Samuel Francis was expunged from the Washington Times and consigned to the wilderness after he correctly noted that slavery was not itself a Biblical sin, and that therefore the Convention’s resolution was a fruitless and basely political effort at maintaining its relevance. The Convention passed a resolution adopting anti-white, anti-Southern, and anti-Christian critical race theory in 2019. The thin Baptist Courier, the official publication of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, contained multiple exhortations to “anti-racism” in its most recent issue. The First Baptist Church of Naples, Florida, is currently engaged in internecine conflict; after a black Leftist pastor lost the election to become its new pastor, the church ‘pastoral staff’ bureaucracy unfoundedly accused its congregation of “racism” and called for its “sinful” members to “confess and repent”. The President of the Convention even called to eliminate “any vestige of this kind of sinful prejudice”. The church bureaucracy targeted dozens of members for expulsion, emailing them that they had been “removed from our membership”, that their souls were no longer being watched over, and that they must “leave our staff alone”. Conservative congregations, now made into dissidents, have begun seceding from the Convention. Christianity has long been afflicted by Leftism; one can go back to the 1859 martyrdom and canonization of the murderous terrorist John Brown by apostate Puritan Yankees, church bells a-ringing. Paul Gottfried’s masterful Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt is one of the best examinations of this phenomenon, the susceptibility of Christianity to the new “secular theocracy”, with ‘social justice’ as the propitiation of sin for ‘white privilege’. The largest evangelical publication, Christianity Today, recently argued for the impeachment of President Trump for “immorality”; never mind the magazine’s promotion of amnesty for the heathen masses of illegal alien pedophiles and murderers, or its celebration of Stalinist theologian Karl Barth. The largest ‘Christian’ corporation is Chick-Fil-A, a company that has apparently been lying to its Christian customer base for years while funding the anti-white, anti-Western, and anti-Christian ‘Southern’ ‘Poverty’ ‘Law’ Center and the homosexual and transgender youth outfit Covenant House. Kanye West’s intransigent “Closed on Sunday” hearkens back to yesteryear, a time in which Christians still believed Chick-Fil-A was one of us, rather than a sponsor for ‘drag queen story hours’. The most visible ‘Christians’ are the leaders of megachurches, multimillionaire motivational speakers like Joel Osteen. What hath ‘modernization’ wrought? Christianity is inherently anti-modern. Christianity must necessarily be fundamental, that unchanging bedrock upon which all else rests. To modernize is to bastardize. The hymnal is supplanted by the projector screen, the choir becomes pop, and the Bible is dumbed-down and translated further and further away from the Truth, into alien tongues and infantile English; it seems no coincidence that there are almost no churches left that use the King James Version, the closest to the Truth that the English language can attain. Many churches no longer preach from the Bible at all. Those churches that do still use bits and pieces of the Bible have largely fallen prey to the ‘God is love’ fallacy; this is not the space to elaborate on this point, but I point readers both to the Bible and to Jack Kerwick’s excellent piece in The Agonist, “Christianity’s Divine Hatred”. Organized Christianity has capitulated. The cost of this cowed silence has been enormous; our nation has fallen, our culture degraded, our faith corroded. Addiction, depression, and suicide reign ascendant. According to the General Social Survey, atheism is now our largest faith. Pew Research has predicted that Islam could become the third-largest religion in our country within the next two decades. In twenty states, Islam is already there. American and European churches will continue to stand empty, so long as their leaders continue to promulgate Leftist politics. Christianity is necessarily mutually exclusive with Leftism; one cannot serve two masters, antithetical to one another. These people are no more ‘Christian’ than Ilhan Omar is ‘American’. These charlatans have infiltrated and hollowed our institutions out from within, our pearls cast before swine, trampled underfoot and rent against us. They crave the adoration of a world which hates them, having forgotten that friendship with the rulers of the darkness of this world is enmity with God. They have torn down our altars and replaced them with nothing. Organized Christianity stands for nothing. What is the point of going through the motions of faith if not to defend God and His inerrant Word? What is the point if not to take a stand? What can Christians expect but the accelerated evisceration of the ranks of the faithful when they celebrate all that is unholy? Churches are supposed to provide an alternative, an oasis of purity in an impure world. The Church is supposed to be apart, in the world but not of it, not debasing itself by joining the BDSM horror show that has hijacked the culture. Religious revival can only be accomplished through an uncompromising return to the fundamentals. French reactionary Michel Houellebecq’s great novel Submission (released on the same day as the Charlie Hebdo attack) teaches an invaluable lesson for those of us willing to listen. An Islamist party is elected to power in 2022 France, in collaboration with the Socialists and the moderate conservatives, in order to prevent a National Front victory. As French Jews retire to Israel, the novel’s protagonist, a middle-aged professor, notes that he has nowhere else to go. He travels through the countryside and visits a monastery in Martel, named for that hero of the Occident, Charles Martel. Finally, the professor accepts the new, better life that conversion to Islam will give him: a prestigious promotion, beautiful wives selected for him, and a patriarchal society in which he no longer feels suicidally drained, exhausted as the aged branches of the willow of Europe sag, but rather renewed. His submission is thus his salvation. What does all of this mean? That in our depraved and unregenerate world, people seek absolution; we search longingly for meaning, for an escape, for a return to a world in which everything has not gone horribly wrong. Christians must ask ourselves what exactly it is that we have to offer. If the answer is nothing, the resounding silence of the void, what are we still doing here? If, however, the answer is regeneration, revival, and life, victory over death, we must stand and wage an aggressive battle to reconquer the culture. People are looking to fill that hole gnawing away at them, to silence that voice whispering that their lives are empty, to look up from their screens and see the sun shining down from above. If Christianity cannot or will not be the alternative, if Christians would rather participate in the orgiastic fire consuming our world, then people will seek solace in something else. Anything else. |
July 2022
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