I generally try to write these columns, at least in base draft form, the weekend before I publish them. This week, however, I was forced to wait outside my comfort zone by that dastardly Russian Vladimir Putin. His words on Tuesday, February 22nd will largely determine the outcome(s) of 2023 and the future of the bifurcated world. Whilst I waited, I enjoyed reading Viktor Orban’s latest address to his proud Christian people. To sum it all up, he might have just as well said, “We will never bow to Moloch! Go to hell.” Overall, concerning war, politics, and economics, he did a masterful job of balancing on the plank, as he put it, between the wicked insanity of the EU, NATO, and the satanic states empire and the Sino-Russian-led Sovereign World. His remarks will serve as a grand jumping-off point in a year or two should Hungary decide to leave the Werewest to its wars and misery. But there was one topic he jumped on with both feet. Sodomites exist seemingly with the sole intention of molesting children, which is why they are so popular in failed US “schools,” which also exist exclusively to molest children. Hungarians will have none of it. Read the final segment of his speech (emphasis mine):
Americans used to think and speak this way, before the ADL, faggots, and other satanists called them bad names. I think Hungary is going to make it. RIA-RIA, HUNGARIA! And now, the man who is tipping the plank over and beating the hell out of the globalists with it: (Transcript of Putin’s Address, Video of Putin’s Address) It was not exactly what some of us expected. Those who still desire a lightning victory, please be patient. The good guys are winning and their victory is almost mathematically certain. There was no declaration of war or overt indication that the MOD was going into overdrive. Instead, Putin marked the first anniversary of the SMO, vowed support for its completion, praised his people, and discussed the continued existence of his people. It was a far better, more comprehensive, intelligent, and honest speech than anything I’ve heard from any Werewestern “leader” in my lifetime. The speech highlights the main difference between Russia and any Clown World county, like, say, the satanic states. Russian men, like Vladimir Putin, govern Russia for the benefit of the Russian People (the People being one and the same as the Nation). The satanic states empire is ruled over by women, foreigners, queers, and satanists primarily for the benefit of the foreigners and satanists. Or, as Vox Day put it not long ago, it is an empire of retards ruled by pedos. Putin repeatedly states, proudly, that Russia is a “muti-ethnic” nation. And it is. However, this means something far different than the “diversity” of the satanic states constantly preached by the satanists. Russia is hyper-majority Russian, and the extraneous ethnic composition has been assembled over the course of 1,000+ years. In the middle of the 20th century, someone - and it’s a name that might surprise many Westerners - organized the minorities remarkably well into semi-autonomous republics that endure and work to this day. The unworkable diversity of the satanic states is a recent phenomenon based on lies and the insidious work of foreigners, one tiny rat in particular. Americans are perhaps, at best, one-third of the population of the former United States. Proxy Americans are maybe 54%. That slim majority is collapsing and is technically, unless something drastic happens, headed toward apparent extinction. (Here, readers, mentally recite something about flags, heritage, honor, or history. If you’re unwilling to fight, then prepare to become history). Whereas Russia is a coherent nation with a future, the satanic states homeland already resembles a third-world civil warzone. Russia’s legitimate President discussed his country’s military (which is real, modern, and powerful), economy (which is real, nationalistic, and growing), academic complex (which provides literal education), and demographics (which means the Russian People, now, and more Russian People in the future). The fake MSM of the dead West honed in, almost exclusively, on his remarks towards the end about the suspension of the last substantive arms treaty Russia had with the dead West. Of course, they left out the “whys”. They also completely disregarded his opening remarks, which amounted to a short and accurate summary of how ZATO forced war on Russia via Ukraine. In short, he spoke great truth to the evil lies of false power. Please read or listen to the entirety of his presentation. NimaRATa Randhawa, Victoria Nuland, and the rest of the witches may be aghast, but Putin uttered not one word about Israel, antisemitism, or lgbtP “rights”. He mentioned defending his people at all costs. He mentioned rescuing Ukrainian hostages, a theme I noted a year ago. He even accurately described the relationship between the insouciant, mildly-retarded, borderline faithless people of the West and their “elite” rulers: “It turned out that they treat people living in their own countries with the same disdain, like a master. After all, they cynically deceived them too…” He went on, echoing Orban’s righteous dismissal of sodomite lunacy (emphasis [and commentary] mine):
Here’s hoping and praying that more Westerners wake up before it’s too late. The enemy is here with us, not in Moscow, Beijing, or Tehran. I deleted a section discussing the potential and possibility of nuclear war. You’re welcome! Personally, as a member of Gen X, I got enough of that hysteria in the 1980s. When you read the transcript, note the 91.3% Putin mentions. NATO's readiness factor is considerably lower. I still don’t think it’s likely, at all, but if it happens, then Russia wins. A Poll of StatementsIn conclusion, today, I post four simple sentences. I ask that my intelligent readers state whether they agree or disagree with them in the comments section at Reckonin’. Just “agree” or “disagree,” for each; no need for dissection or pontification at this time. I am slowly working on a grand theory about something and I would appreciate the input - though I have generally sensed much already. Here goes:
Thank you, and that’s all for this week. This piece was published at Perrin Lovett on February 22, 2023.
*Author’s Very Important Note: We are uncertain whether the following column will be shot down like so many weather balloons, fake UFOs, and other “objects” over North America. Regardless, keep watching the skies, citizens. Hello, and welcome back to the most unobtrusive little extremist column on the interwebs! Housekeeping matters, first: This particular edition was almost another Tom Ironsides short story, The Hearts, a sequel to 2020’s The Snakes. But things happened. In the future, I’ll bring in more fiction as an alternative to polemics. Or, as an alternative presentation thereof. In very short order, Dr. Ironsides's debut novel, The Substitute, will be republished by Shotwell. The revised edition is so much better than the already very good original it’s not even funny. Remember, it’s customary to buy as many copies as one can afford - and there is no limit. Here’s what two great men have already said in praise of the book you need at least 25 copie$ of: “Perrin Lovett is doubly brave. He has written an original, exciting, entertaining story. But he also had the courage to take on the most sacred cow in the vast American herd – the public schools. THE SUBSTITUTE gives us a vivid, realistic, inside look at the failing public schools based on real, day-to-day experience … the only novel on the subject I’m aware of that compares to the famous “muckraker novels” of the early 20th Century that exposed such social evils as child labor, worker safety, and political corruption.” -Thomas G. Moore (RIP) “Ironsides is going to rival James Bond and Rambo as a hero.” -Dr. Clyde N. Wilson We’ll have more about the book soon, including, perhaps, some sample chapters! Please make room on the old credit card. Happy Saint Valentine’s Day (week and/or month)! February 14th was the 1,754th anniversary not of the birth of Valentinus, but of his execution and martyrdom at the Flaminian Gate of Rome. The great man was hacked down for standing strong, refusing to bow to paganism, and spreading the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So many centuries later, we appear to be heading back to the days and ways of ancient Christian persecution. Just this month, a whistleblower released the imperial FBI’s plans to declare unholy war on Catholics.
Got that? The DOJ, FBI, SPLC, and probably the ADL, who can all GFT, LOL, are all concerned about RTCs. The luciferians’ lies about the Church are, of course, BS, but the intentions are clear. Being pro-Christ, pro-White, pro-West, pro-life, and pro-civilization are a threat to rulers of the satanic states. Sure, after the plot was made public, the empire half retracted. But this is their policy and they are serious about implementing it. None of this is really new. The satanic states dropped a bomb on the then genuinely Catholic Saint Peter's Basilica in 1943 and encouraged the Brits to do likewise in 1944. Not an evil empire to ever be outdone, the hellish yankees dropped an atomic bomb on Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945. That last sentence is really all one needs to know about the level of absolute evil in the satanic states. RTCs are literal Catholics - those of us who take Christ seriously - as opposed to the modernist freemasonic fakes. For an excellent breakdown of the history and differences between the two, I highly recommend Reclaiming The Catholic Church, Guiseppe “The Kurgan” Filotto, 2020. The Enlightenment was a lie. The First Amendment was a lie. “Separation of Church and state” is only true in that the state separated itself, and also attempts to separate the people from the Church. There is, however, a religion that controls the state. It is telling that the government takes no action against, and, in fact, bows down to, a sect that foments centuries-long plots of needless rebellion, slavery, war, and genocide, claims Jesus Christ is currently boiling in hell, seeks alternatively to fool both God and satan in a never-ending self-serving charade, and sanctions the rape and murder of three-year-old girls. All while constantly denigrating Christians. But we were warned. Any and all manner of such attack and slander is only further proof of the truth of Christ’s words, wisdom, and love. If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” John 15:18-19. If your church isn’t targeted by satanists, you might be doing Christianity wrong. The great news is that we know how this war of attrition ends. Spoiler: Our side wins! We just need a little help and reassurance, from time to time, getting to Victory. Saint Valentine, Patron of betrothed love and Protector against plagues, pray for us. There’s a lot more going on in the strange, nation-shaped kind of place between Mexico and Canada. There’s been a net loss of about ten “Bleach Demons,” as the Auburn University Black Student Union calls White People, while you’ve read to this point. All part of the plan, kids. The empire of lies keeps shoveling money, men, intel, and arms to the Ukranazis. For real Americans, this is a mixed bag. It’s terrible in that it prolongs NATO’s war of aggression against Russia and the Sovereign Nations, needlessly killing, maiming, and afflicting millions. For those very few who understand how underdogs initially arm themselves during episodes of domestic unpleasantness, there is also the loss of potential weaponry. However, the more junk wunderwaffen the empire sends for the MOD to obliterate, and the more stormtrooper “contractors”, the fewer will be used against Americans. The HAARP earthquake attack killed tens of thousands of innocent people in Turkey and Syria. There’s tandem seismographic and radar proof that this was not a natural disaster. Par for the evil course. The same plot in the Ohio River Valley, different weapons. USSA! USSA! The ramp-up for the empire’s already-lost war against China continues unabated. Genetically-selective neutron radiation, to my knowledge, having proved unfeasible, work on genetically-selective bioweapons proceeds apace. One assumes “Cheese Skins” will be hardest hit. The tired GOP hack, Nimrata Randhawa Haley, allegedly wants us to “take our country back.” A fine idea! When, exactly, is she going home? Yeah. I can already hear the Janatas screaming, “Keep YOUR trash in America!” Loosely connected to the China front, the empire is hammering away at preparing the idiotic people for the arrival of Marvin the Martian. Yours truly called this one three years ago. So, what are all these “objects” the empire says it’s shooting down - mostly in places strangely devoid of witnesses, cameras, and evidence? The unidentified objects. The ones flying around. The unidentified flying objects. The UFOs. I can identify them: they are more hoaxes! Case closed. You’re welcome. I know, I know. As soon as the average 92.5 IQ ‘Murican moron sees the first poorly computer-generated images of a spaceship or Old Marv himself, he will immediately fall for this hoax just as he’s fallen for all the others. Methinks intelligent extraterrestrial life does not exist. And if it does, and it’s truly intelligent, then it will go out of its way to avoid contact with people as wicked and stupid as humans. Cleetus, Tyrone, and Sally Soccer Momron don’t care. If or when the fake aliens are rolled out, the dupes will either be told the fake aliens are friendly or malevolent. The hoax-o-meter needle is currently leaning a little to the “Martians bad” side. Regardless of their fake intentions, the fake aliens will present retarded mankind with the same suggestions (mandates, rather). Any excuse will be believed. The demands they make, as dutifully passed on and recommended by the MSM and Big Tech, will be the same. They will bear an odd resemblance to what the “elites” like Klaus Schwab have said for years. A short list:
The correct response to ET hysteria involves rope, kerosene, and bullets. But to be safe, go ahead and say goodbye to your duller-witted friends, family members, and neighbors. They will immediately do as commanded, and worse, they’ll expect to drag you along for the ride. Do not go. How likely? Today, I’d say at least 51%. And when? I have no idea, though, by the “news” coverage, one would think later this afternoon, possibly yesterday. Why? Because the devil. While exercising due caution, approach the current madness with the resolution of Saint Valentine. For encouragement, know that he is sometimes depicted toting a righteous sword. Go sharpen yours. Deo vindice! This piece was originally published at Perrin Lovett on Feb 15, 2023.
Thanks to the heroic curiosities of the Satanic States military, we are safe from the high-floating communist peril. This time it was one white (privilege?) airship. Next time it could be 99 red ones floating in the summer sky! Go ahead. Panic!!! The fakest, gayest false flag ever. And it worked. Who knew? After all these years and all these hoaxes, all it really takes to fool the shit stupid people … is a balloon. It’s almost always been this way, at least for many, many decades. In 1981, CIA Director William J. Casey quipped, “We’ll know our disinformation program is a complete success when everything the American public believes is false.” Mission accomplished, Willy. If you are an American and/or a Christian, then know that your real enemies are not in China. Nor Russia. Nor Iran. Your enemies are not liberals. Nor communists. Nor Yankees. They are satanists. Literal devil worshipers. Their language consists exclusively of lies. They are completely, fully, and only evil. So evil that, ignoring their copious dark works until this month, they may have artificially induced twin earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. It’s far-fetched, hard to prove, and as unlikely as not, but it is possible. And it is something they would gleefully do to please their lord. They could have saved a lot of money and effort if they’d used the balloon trick before. Oh, wait, they have! In addition to all the other programs for spying on the American people, the Pentagram and the Alphabet kids have, in fact, deployed fleets of spy balloons. Duck or Yandex around for “pentagon balloon mass surveillance” if you feel the need. But I suppose those balloons are exceptional. They keep “us” safe from [name an imaginary hobgoblin]. Of course, the Chinese dirigible was a threat! Sure, it was just a stray weather balloon. B-b-but it’s possible that it could have been secondarily rigged for a little spying. We will never know the exact truth, though it doesn’t matter at this point. Our rulers got what they wanted and needed from this idiotic incident. For starters, they once again learned that most of the people they rule will fall for anything no matter how trivial or ridiculous. And this is heading in one of two directions, with possible overlap. The minor premise is that they now have the fools searching the sky and worried about what comes out of it. That’ll be handy when the luciferians foist Marvin the Martian on the masses. He and his kind do not exist, but we’re talking about duping people with the intelligence of starfish. The major premise involves preparing the idiots for the coming hot war with China. That war will likely coincide with the war with Russia and an exciting new domestic war. Not much of the US will be left intact afterward. If one wants to know how them thar mean ole’ commie red Chinamen conduct themselves against Clown World, then for God’s sake turn off Fox and Newsmax and READ!!! Unrestricted Warfare by Col. Qiao Liang and Col. Wang Xiangsui, PLA Lit. and Pub. (1999). There are more books, but as no one will read that one, why name any others? Do not under any circumstances ever serve Clown World. And do not believe anything they say. This goes double for our young people. Triple for our young men. The empire is ramping up the oddest recruitment efforts now - far beyond the hype they insert into movies, TV shows, video games, and more. The cute pouty (Army Psy-Ops E4) girl on TikTok will never sleep with you. But the Chinese and/or Russians will kill you. If they are forced to. For no positive gain for you and your people. Stay away from Uncle Sucker’s death machine. Our satanic enemies briefly controlled Russia, before being violently rejected. They accordingly hate Russia and would happily have Americans fight Russians. The same goes for China, the country that the luciferians chose as their next host servant country and from which they were unceremoniously barred from invading. They’re trapped, desperate, and willing to burn down the entire world in the flames of their malice. Their previous success in the US has led to some of their current hardships. They need Americans as shock troops, but they have weakened and diluted Americans horrifically. For those worried about an invasion from, say, China, where have they been? The former US now hosts over 5 million Chinese, among over 20 million Asians. On a quick inventory, there are over 145 million foreigners living everywhere from Florida to Maine to California. It’s getting worse and will continue to get worse. People of Caucasian European heritage, which is not necessarily the same thing as the American People, are diminishing at a startling rate. With a few adjustments to the reported 2020 Census numbers, there are approximately 185 million White Europeans. This is about where we were in the late 1980s, even as the total US population has increased by over 80 million people since - the gift of 1965! That means the US, what’s left, was only about 55-56% White, as of 2020. Things have been deteriorating fast, so we’re probably now south of 55% and heading below 50% by the end of this decade. It’s hard to say, but (original) definitional Americans are now probably only 25% of the total population, a minority in their own homeland. I removed a little more demographic discussion. You’re welcome! Know that the enemy always has more plans, which may or may not see the dark of night. One is to rapidly double the US population. If that happened (and it probably won’t), then housing prices could be expected to double (or more) and wages could be halved (or worse). It is probably too late for them to commit that particular atrocity. However, sufficient damage has already been inflicted. The character of the country has changed, and the American nation has been subsumed. Those who dream about magically resetting the USA to where it was in 1950 or 1850, and those who dream about a renewed CSA, exactly as it was in 1862, may as well keep dreaming. Their imagination in no way aligns with reality. The clarifying processes will be harsh, but they will present new opportunities to the survivors. Most people, even the more intelligent ones, are simply unwilling or unable to contemplate any of this today. The outliers must keep planning, keep the plans malleable, keep the Faith, have a little fun with the situation, and under no circumstances ever serve or fear our enemies. Let’s end with a little musical fun! Back to the balloon, we were warned 40 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpu5a0Bl8eY Here’s a more recent live rendition, with Nena proving that even if you take the German girl out of the 1980s, you cannot take the cute out of the German girl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIO5lfJ9dhs Petra et volvunt? Deo vindice! This piece was previously posted at Perrin Levitt on Feb. 8, 2023.
While it may be a horrible way to open Black History Month, I've decided to comment on the recent death of Tyre Nichols. Happy Black History Month. Memphis, what the hell? I was told in the summer of 2021, after gremlin-like graverobbers disinterred Gen. Nathan B. and Mrs. Mary Forrest, that all problems in the city were solved forever. Speaking to the Washington Times, (then) County Commissioner Van Turner said that vandalizing the remains of the noble dead “will serve as an example of what we can do to move this city forward. The reality of it is if we don’t come together we won’t have the city that we all love.” The Forrests were shipped out of town, the General’s statue was toppled, and Forrest Park was renamed something like “Tutsi-Hutu Peace Love and Moving Forward Park.” Where to start? I was unaware of the fiasco until the middle of last week when someone on Social Galactic posted an alert about the pending video release and the risk of unrest. Last Friday, for whatever reason I watched the videos. They are tedious and unpleasant, and I don’t recommend anyone else do the same. We’ve seen this show before, in Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Charlotte, and elsewhere. Many questions are raised, not that we may ever have comprehensive answers for them. Why did MPD initiate the traffic stop? Was Nichols “on something,” as reported by one of the officers? Who the hell trained the officers? Will there be any semblance of justice? Is justice even conceptually possible at this point? What do they smoke, in certain quarters, to find White supremacy in this tragedy? And more. Ubiquitously, I must say, based on the little I saw and know, Nichols did not deserve such a violent ending. Hopefully, he is at peace, and hopefully, something positive may be gleaned from his death. I, for one, am not holding my breath. Nichols was a Black man. All five of the MPD officers who subdued and beat Nichols were Black. Nathan Bedford Forrest has been dead for 146 years. Most of the gaggle of officers who gathered at the scene in the aftermath of the beating were Black. Forrest’s statuary horse was absent, as was the CSA 7th Tennessee Cav. Memphis is supermajority Black. There were no noticeable signs of Klan activity. So, naturally, some of the usual suspects tell us this affair is the result of White racism, supremacy, time-traveling, or elven magic. Their tiresome monomania, like others, isn’t even worth the shrugging of one’s shoulders. Things are what they are. The United States, what’s left of them, are not the same as they were, not twenty years ago, and certainly not seventy years ago. Tennessee, still one of the Whitest Southern States, is only about 70% White. That’s down from 79% in 2000 and 84% in 1970. Shelby County is only 34% White; it has been minority White and majority Black for most of this century. Memphis is a mere 24% White, down from about 40% the last time I was there, 50% the first time I visited, and 63% in 1950. Demographically, the city begins to resemble Harare. The transformation of Memphis is representative of many other major US cities, and imminently predictive of the future of the country as a whole. I don’t think any honest sociologist or anthropologist can anymore classify the US as a First-World country. It isn’t fully Third World, in the modern socioeconomic, and not the original political sense of the words, though it is steadily marching that way. We are, at present, in the middle, though still tethered by a fraying thread to European civilization. That thread will break soon. The US is no longer a Christian country, by anyone’s definition, outside of the purely and nominally titular. By the end of this decade, it will cease to be a majority White European country. And it will most likely cease to be a unified political entity - which is the better outcome of the four great plausible possibilities. Today, Memphis is our microcosm, a compressed slide under examination. And what happened in the city was to be expected. People build and maintain cities that suit their culture and heritage. Given the chance, they revert to their ancestral traditions. Europeans build and run European cities. Africans run African cities. Ditto for Asians, Hispanics, and on, and on. Some, it is plainly observed, function differently than others. Average general intelligence, as measured by IQ, is a reliable indicator of how well societies function in terms of things like crime, justice, poverty, beauty, and contentment. The established cutoff for maintenance and preservation of advanced, modern standards of living is 90 (assumed WAIS or SB). Based on a cursory averaging of a weighted distribution of the available population groups, Memphis has an average IQ below 89. In technical terms, that is “not good,” but it does help explain the unfolding chaos. Those who live in diverse areas, if they’re not going to relocate soon, need to adjust their expectations. This is how things are, like them or not, and they are worsening. History provides guide after guide to our present and near-future conditions. A suitable title for a sequel to Jared Taylor’s 2017 book If We Do Nothing, might as well be Because We Did Nothing. Yes, the reality is a little worse than that, as instead of doing nothing we did the wrong things. It is distinctly possible that, if they don’t already, all peoples in the US may come to regret the transformation and decline. I am least sure about the attitudes of Asians and Hispanics, as their in-group preferences are generally so strong as to override many external concerns. Many Whites are currently either too timid or too stupid to admit what has happened. That will change. Likewise, most Blacks, even as many begin to silently doubt and question, are not quite ready to recognize reality. They will. Their kin in southern Africa, many of them, by way of comparison, already do. The late Dr. Walter E. Williams wrote authoritatively about the shift from the woes of Blacks under Apartheid in South Africa to their joys under modern democracy. Statistically and observably, many were before off when they were second-class citizens in what was at least a first-class nation. He was not alone in his determination. Other videos are readily available that show exactly how Black police officers in SA treat Black suspects (they are not for the faint-hearted). There’s always hope, and not that most Westerners will notice it, but 2023 may be the year that Black-ruled SA begins to prove itself a worthy modern society. If one is interested, and again, most are not, then watch Cyril Ramaphosa’s work this year, particularly in two areas. First, he takes the helm of BRICS+ this year, and he’s already showing some signs of determination to pursue greatness. Second, if a certain plan goes through, watch what he may do with (not to) White farmers in SA, in conjunction with other African countries. Time will tell. Another example of life in the aftermath comes from the former Rhodesia. I read somewhere that Ian Smith reported the strangest thing happening later in his life. My reading of the report was confirmed by a great man who once personally knew Smith. At intervals, frequently at night, Smith would find himself swarmed by a horde of mostly older Black Zimbabwean men, who would beg him to return to power and save the nation from Mugabe and the ZANU. While he developed a heartfelt, grieving connection with the disaffected majority, he, of course, was if anything simply too old to act. Yet, hope persists. Mugabe is dead and gone, and a new generation in Harare may be interested in accompanying the Sovereign World forward. Let’s, today, call it a “lions for tractors” interest. There are lessons to learn from all of this, but we don’t really do that anymore. Active discussions need to happen, along with more than a little planning. But we don’t do those things well either. Talking to White Americans, including many Southerners, is a lot like talking to Black Americans, which is very much like talking to the ghost of Old Roderick. I only talk to living horses, so I’m letting this drop right now. Shifting gears, a few other, semi-related matters have stormed into my attention zone. Whether people notice them and prepare for them or not, things are moving. My digital friend Andrei Raevsky, The Saker, is closing his blog this month. This will have the effect of limiting some of the best information on the web about global affairs, but it will also hopefully prevent Andrei from telling the right kind of truth in the wrong kind of dying empire. The ominous translation: this shit is about to get heavy. I look for three major fronts to break wide open in our current World War, possibly in coordination, very soon, though I cannot calculate exactly when “soon” is. Russia is probably about to steamroll what’s left of Ukraine. The only question is where they will stop. Remember that no part of NATO is out of the MOD’s range. Also, I expect China to do something. It may or may not be something regarding Taiwan. And, there’s Iran. Last weekend, I wondered why Israel risked such a pathetic and ultimately futile attack on Iran. Then I learned about the arrival of the 24 SU-35s (very good air defense jet fighters) in Iran from Russia. 40 more are coming, and they are bringing multiple S-400 systems (the world’s best AD missile system, excepting only other, more advanced Russian systems) with them. Later, this year or next, once the assembly lines are cranking out the export models at speed, a squadron of SU-57s (best jet fighters in the world) is also on order. These new weapons, along with Iran’s in-house developments of the past two decades, mean that the balance of power has changed in the Middle East. This also disproves a little of the NATO-MSM BS about Russia running out of arms. Russia has twelve times the military productive capacity (the thing that wins modern wars) than all of NATO, including the satanic states. Russia also makes more missiles of all kinds than the entire rest of the world combined. Thus they can afford to sell hefty quantities abroad while still kicking the mess out of the satanic world disorder. Iran has suffered attack after attack, for years now, from Israel and the satanic states. The yankees got stomped flat back in January 2020 (Go, I-RAN!). Iran will retaliate again. I now almost half expect, again possibly timed in conjunction with Sino-Russian offenses, that Tehran will directly attack IDF assets and national power infrastructure in Israel. Many of the pre-targeted (I’ve seen the maps) facilities are located in urban areas. Iran may be about to do to Israel what Israel has done to Gaza. They indeed have the means and the provoked reasons. There may be other fronts as well. If, or when all of this happens, I will lament that one of those other fronts isn’t a little closer to home. Imagine, just for a second, what Forrest could accomplish with just the three aforementioned modern weapon systems. But unlike others, many of my people cannot be bothered with even the idea of preparation. And again, I do not talk to dead horses. At least the wicked rulers of the USSA will lose WW3. Come what may. *Author’s Note: In the very likely scenario that the forces occupying my nation declare formal or informal war on the Christians of Russia or the noble people of China, Iran, or elsewhere, I will cease writing about such martial matters. My situation is slightly different from Andrei’s and I do not have to necessarily cease all operations. Accordingly, rather than report war news that few read or understand but which might anger certain annoying parties, I will instead start presenting weekly installments of a new fictional fantasy series that I’ll create on the fly. Any resemblance between the affairs in my totally fictional world and those of our reality will be completely intentional. Deo vindice! |
AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at www.perrinlovett.me. Deo Vindice! Archives
January 2025