The global conflict is real and so is the sub-war on our colleges and universities. At this time, on the academic front, I think we have to give the winning edge to our evil enemy, at least at the organized, institutional level. Pretty much every official, credentialed, bromidic school in the West is under terminal attack or, more likely, has already fallen. But the enemy’s scope ranges wider; herein I will briefly examine the methods of warfare used against higher education in the GAE homeland and Occupied Palestine, particularly besieged Gaza. One will note the strategies and tactics used are slightly different. GAE (USSA/OCSA/maybe Canada)As in most of the West, all levels of education, along with all facets of civilization, in that strange, nation-shaped kind of place between Mexico and Canada have been under vicious assault for over a century and a half. First and foremost, the nature and purpose of delivered education have changed and have been diminished extraordinarily. The cause shifted, intentionally, from learning for learning’s sake, to docile cookie-cutter denizen worker production, to mass retarded immiseration factory operation. A huge part of this shift came through the destruction of the quality of the curriculum, in the colleges and at the lower, earlier levels. Gone are the days of college freshmen entering schools already knowledgeable in rudimentary mathematics and fluent in English, Latin, and Greek. Now we’re lucky if the gender-confused “scholars” can speak at all or wear clothing. You’ve seen this. I’ve written about it. Thanks to the stellar recommendation of “Boo, the Beautiful” (YBB!), I turn this portion of the discussion over to the esteemed Dr. James Kibler, English Professor Emeritus, UGA. Kindly watch, learn, and maybe weep. Pay attention to what he says about utilitarianism. He’s 100% correct, except that now all utility and any need therefore is gone. In its place, one finds a mire of debt, idiocy, lunacy, discontent, and hopelessness. As part of the enemy program, somewhere along the way—somewhere maybe around or just after the end of World War II—someone presented the grand idea that college makes people smart and, thus, as many people as possible should attend and gain degrees. The people, being a whiff above rock-stupid, bought it. Back in 1960, approximately 180 million warm bodies were shuffling about between California and Maine. Then there were just shy of 6 million ‘Muricans enrolled in our colleges. As of 2020, by which time the reporting metrics were already in a world of hurt, the suggested number of homo sapiens taking up space in our collective madhouse had risen to over 330 million. Yet by then, college enrollment had soared to 19 million. Muh-trick-u-la-shun had done gone up by a factor of 3+ despite the fact the general population had not quite doubled. No doubt, looking back to, say, 1940 or 1950, would indicate an even greater disparity. Someone once wrote, “all men are created equal.” They are, in fact, not. Between yesteryear and today, despite the drastic rise in the quantity of college students, the intellectual quality of those students declined. In 1960, the average US college graduate possessed an IQ of 112.3. In 2010, the average college IQ had fallen to a flat, norming average of 100. This roughly matches the collapse in Canada, where the current average college IQ is only 102. Alarmingly, the number of college students with sub-90 IQs is increasing, a trend that will see the general college average sink even further. This is, in a word, “bad.” A few words ‘bout ‘Murican IQ in general: According to World Population Review, the GAE has an average IQ of 97. Not bad, but not great. However, I sense that WPR has an agenda that artificially boosts some national scores while lowering others. By my own crude distribution analysis, I calculate the GAE average to be somewhere between 90 and 93.25 (and falling, per Dutton and Woodley, at the rate of .4 points per year towards the world average of 82. (Smart Boys: It had just ended when Flynn noticed it nearly 50 years ago.) Let’s call the GAE average 93 for happiness’s sake. As with college student scores, the overall average has declined by two-thirds of a standard deviation over the past 70 years. Why? Because, domestically, smarter ‘Muricans do not reproduce, and virtually all foreign imports are of subaverage intelligence. B-A-D. It won’t be long before the average GAE college student, on average probably a “healthy” “diverse” woman who may not even know she’s a woman, will have the same low IQ as the general population. And the dead country will be awash in degrees, graduates, and students who have—listen to Kibler—been taught precisely nothing. Yes, I am personally aware of the exceptions, particularly as to elite STEM engineering programs (which are also under attack). Now, consider the ridiculous costs involved. In or around 1952, a year of then-somewhat-useful study at Harvard cost about $600. Today, the same course of instruction, devoid of the useful part, costs over $60,000. That’s roughly a 10,000% increase. The rise is somewhat similar for most schools coast to coast. I can hear the math-challenged shrieks about the payout. Yes, individual incomes have risen from about $6,000 then to $30,000+ today. Some might sense the one percentage increase falls just a little short of the other. This is—read any of the books I’ve recommended over the past year—one effect of the mass financialization of the GAE. There’s no fixing it short of completely destroying the fake debt, fake money, and those who foisted the ruin on us. In short summary, Western, ‘Murican college degrees are generally overly plentiful, prohibitively expensive, and academically hollow. Someone did this as part of a war plan. Someone is doing something similar, albeit by other methods, in Gaza. Occupied GazaWhereas WPR has a vested interest in making fat, stupid ‘Muricans feel good about theysefs, it likely has an opposite agenda regarding the people of Palestine. Hence, WPR reports the average Palestinian only boasts an IQ of 77. One who’s been watching the show lately will sense this is wrong, an undercount. One is correct. A 2014 meta-study of several previous surveys, one including the work of the late Richard Lynn, utilized real testing metrics via the WISC-R to arrive at a “British” equivalent average Palestinian IQ of 85. In this case, “C” testing is as or more appropriate than “A” as Palestine has a rather young population. I find this assessment more reliable than WPR’s suggested 77, indirect justification of my GAE over-reporting wariness, and being more in line with observable facts, statistics, and trends in Gaza. Using the approximate Gaza population of 2.3 million and Lynn, et al’s 85, I made a swift judgment as to the approximate number of potentially college-educated and college-eligible Gazans. I came up with an outside maximum of about 383,000 (because division and hasty estimation). Right now, given what’s happening thanks to motherfu—, uh, talking demons with names like Netanyahu, Graham, and Blinken, I suspect the number of Gazans actually attending universities and colleges is about zero. I found it difficult to get any reasonably accurate estimate of total enrollment before October 2023. Gaza is (or was…) home to about a dozen colleges and universities, though I suspect there are (or were…) a few more of the technical or two-year variety. I know the schools ranged anywhere from community colleges to full doctoral research facilities. A UN program suggested some nebulous program accounted for, pre-10/23, some 291,000 students, though the level was unclear from my high-speed skimming. Based on the 20,000 students (previously) enrolled at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG), multiplied by the estimated number of total schools, I came up with a quick mental number in the 240,000 range. It stands to reason that, before Graham’s “leveling” commenced, Gaza had 200-300,000 college students. Coming off of the Nakba and 105 years of occupation and warfare, the college system and population in Gaza are young with, I suspect, a majority of those of collegiate potential currently being students rather than graduates. I am not exactly certain. And again, today the number of active students is probably close to or exactly zero. I’ve never been sure if the Occupying Zionists of Israel were the tail or the dog, nor whether it mattered, but they are assuredly attached in some integral way to the GAE. As part of their boiling front in WWIII, they’ve unleashed literal genocide against the Palestinians, especially those in the narrow, restricted, impoverished confines of Gaza. Part of this sub-war is a sub-sub battle against Gaza’s colleges. On this front, the Occupiers have gone the traditional route and they’re bombing and blasting the hell out of colleges the same way they do houses, apartments, businesses, lower schools, BOOKSTORES, hospitals, Mosques, Churches (yes, Cleetus), utilities, food stocks, refugee camps, aid convoys, the media, and everything else. Know that when the Occupiers do this, they use GAE-supplied weapons just like the Ukranazis do when they shell Russian kindergartens, fruit markets, and skating rinks. U-S-Gay! U-S-Gay! U-S-Gay! Now, I just know one or more of the brainless, heathen Republican’t presidential candidates has already denounced it, but if one hasn’t heard, IUG’s president, Dr. Sofyan Taya, was murdered by the Occupiers, along with his wife and children, in a REFUGEE CAMP(!) last December. They are but four of the 25,100+ Gazans slaughtered in the Gazacaust genocide that has seen 70,000 wounded, 1,000,000 left hungry, and 1,900,000 made homeless and/or displaced in a little over three months. Of course, in a pathetic sense, there’s no need for a university administrator when the university has been demolished. Many or maybe all of Gaza’s colleges and universities have either been damaged or destroyed since October. Please watch this exciting video of the IDF “bringing justice” to the “terrorists” by bombing Israa University the other day. Please note that our enemies have essentially done the same thing to 99% of GAE schools with less dramatic tools. I lost the exact link, so letting the previous one stand, here’s a recent education-related quote from Aljazeera:
Godspeed, Ms. Hijazi, and after this is all over, do consider switching to Russian, Mandarin, Persian, or another civilized language. If all of this makes one sick, then good. Those in the dying GAE, just stop attending and supporting the charade of doom. Those in Palestine, please continue to pray, endure, and resist. On a personal note, I don’t care if they’re Muslims, Christians, Druze, or something else; I now see all Palestinians as my brothers and sisters. For those doing this to them, who have done this to us, know that you will not win this war in the end. Just as you cannot escape my weak little digital pen, you will not dodge the mighty avenging sword of Saint Michael. Deo vindice! الله أعظم! PS: Music Minute: For a boost, here’s Shaman’s new deliverance and faith-themed “ЖИВОЙ” aka “ALIVE.” PPS: Latin matters: I’m reading through Holly Ordway’s Tolkien’s Faith. She notes the professor was fully fluent in Latin and that he took umbrage at the nefarious changes of the fraudulent Second Vatican Council. In righteous rebellion, when the congregation switched their responses to vernacular English, Tolkien merely continued to answer in Latin—very loudly. Also, there was lately a minor discussion of the best Prime Minister the UK never had, Enoch Powell. Powell spoke and read Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic, along with about a dozen modern languages. Evidently, his mother taught him basic Greek in only two weeks. These great men were exceptional, but they are also exceptionally inspirational. This piece was published at Perrin Lovett on January 24, 2024.
Those four words were how Gonzalo Lira signed off from his geopolitical correspondent videos. He made the final one last summer while on the run towards Hungary and the hope of political asylum. He didn’t make it, as many of you know. In that video, in which he predicted that literal death awaited him if his plans failed, his last message to the public was, “Please don’t be indifferent to my fate.” This is my effort, part of my continuing effort, to not be indifferent to Gonzalo’s fate. Last week we learned he had died of preventable pneumonia while being tortured awaiting trial in a Ukrainian prison for utter bullshit charges of supporting Russia’s actions against the corrupt Zelensky administration and the satanic Werewestern powers behind him. Gonzalo was a US citizen and what passes for the government in Washington did nothing to help him. Had he been a lesbian basketball druggie, then as sure as Jews dig illegal tunnels under their Synagogues, the US would have secured his release. As-is, we can add Gonzalo’s name to the long tally of casualties in the GAE’s war on journalists and the truth, part of its greater war on life and civilization. Gonzalo ran a partial list on his social media accounts. I’ll add a few more. Julian Assange, who did nothing wrong and everything right, has had a decade of his life ruined and a fate similar to Gonzalo’s hangs over his head. Shireen Abu Akleh, another US citizen, was murdered and her funeral procession was attacked and the US did nothing. The US did nothing as Paris and DGSI rounded up journalists accused of exposing the truth about the GAE’s murderous attacks on Yemen five years ago (not the ones last week). The US did nothing and said nothing about the extremely suspicious car bomb that killed Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in 2017. It did nothing (except maybe gloat) over the car bomb murder of Daria Dugina in Moscow in 2022. It does nothing, other than provide targeting information and bombs, as the Zionist occupiers of Palestine, as part of their greater genocide, exact the worst mass killing of journalists in recorded history. One may recall that many Americans were arrested, tortured, and railroaded for walking into their own Capitol building a few years ago out of dire concerns a coup was in progress. None of this is new territory for the GAE. Bane of the old republic, Abraham Lincoln, used to march soldiers into newspaper offices to silence truth or opposition. He issued arrest warrants for Supreme Court Justices. And he deported Congressmen. All that was okay because something, something about slavery—just ask the witch Nimarata. Alex Christoforou, Larry Johnson, and others who knew Gonzalo have delivered admirable tributes to him. One of the first eulogies I saw came from Michael Lebron, aka “Lionel,” which you can watch here. Like me, Lionel did not know Gonzalo. I’ve been using his first name because, as Lionel alluded, he came across like a friend. And Gonzalo’s simple messages resonated with both of us as they did with most people. While lamenting Gonzalo’s death and the general collapse of critical thinking in the US, Lionel reminded me of another victim in the GAE’s long war, Jose Padilla. Lionel noted that back around 2002 when the empire dragooned Padilla without charges or due process, people sat by and did nothing. While his assessment is generally true, it isn’t 100% accurate. A point of personal pride for me is that I spoke out against Padilla’s treatment and the greater threat to all Americans during the summer of 2002. I did this in Washington with a gaggle of boot-lickers from the DOJ and/or State (I can’t recall exactly after all these years). As you may know, nothing came from my protest other than my loss of popularity among evil-doers (praise Jesus!). Still, I like to think I’ve tried to do my part to help some people know what’s going on. There’s a lot going on in 2024. Most of the important happenings do not directly concern the insouciant American people because they absolutely refuse to participate or in any way try to help themselves. If they were moderately aware, they would know that one little group after another is kicking the GAE aside and marching deeper into a prosperous Twenty-first Century. The world is leaving dead America and its vassals behind. Soon, Brandon or whatever controls Brandon will probably steal $300-700 billion in illegally frozen Russian sovereign funds. One or more of your retarded queer Sinators or TeeVee babbling heads may brag about this when it happens. They’re both evil and stupid. BRICS+ will convene in Kazan in October, and Russia will likely use the theft to drive the final nail in the coffin of SWIFT, the Petrodollar, and the fading GAE dominance of the world economy. No intelligent people will risk their funds being stolen by lunatic satanists when a perfectly viable civilized alternative system is offered. I’d say watch what happens, but most Americans won’t regardless. They certainly won’t think about sending a representative to Kazan, even or especially those proud agrarians from Dixie. In fact, then as now as ever, words like Lira, Padilla, Kazan, Petrodollar, and BRICS will be lost on the masses. And it is all their loss. Gonzalo Lira—viewing him as a brave hero or a crazy fool or just another name one can’t bother to look up—did his small part trying to spread a little thought in a largely braindead world. Requiescat in pace, frater. And thank you for all you did. Know what’s going on. This post was published at PerrinLovett on January 17, 2024.
Things being what they are and with me feeling as I do, there is no column this week. No apologies. Instead, I offer two reading suggestions. The first is Scott Ritter’s 2022 book, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union. I’m about one-third through it and I can say it’s fascinating. Scott is a fine writer and did several cool things. First, he took an otherwise “dry” subject and made it interesting. Second, the book is full of a not-too-distant history of a kind to make Generation X a little nostalgic. Third, I think if he had added a few more personal details and interactions about and between the various characters he walks through, he would have come close to Erik Larson’s style of history that reads like a novel. Give Disarmament a read and see what you think. The second item is South Africa’s ICJ Proceedings Application for a genocide investigation against Israel. From page 30:
Read the whole thing. And many thanks to SA for doing something, anything, while most of the rest of the world sits by doing nothing. More from me, later. Deo vindice. This piece was published at Perrin Lovett on January 10, 2024.
Greetings, American friends and those in the wider world. Happy New Year!
At the outset, allow me to observe that there is an election coming soon. I'm going far out of my ordinary and endorsing a politician. Some say the 2024 presidential election is one of the most important in the country’s history. I happen to agree. In these very turbulent, transformative, and challenging times, intelligent and proven leadership is critical. Therefore, I heartily endorse the re-election of President Vladimir Putin. As for the former United States, while no one is certain about what this year and those further ahead offer, we are reminded of the old saying that, “Things are not as bad as you think, but they’re going to be worse than you can imagine”. Whether it’s today, next month, or five years from now, buckle up. The ride is about to get rough, bad, and ugly. How bad and ugly? Recall if you will the 2018 Deagel Forecasting prediction of a US population decline of 70% by around 2025. While that rate of death and the timing might not be accurate, they could be or they could be very close. In my estimation, the US’s simmering civil war started in earnest when Donald Trump was elected in 2016 in the remains of a country already collapsing. It represents one relatively quiet front in the current global war, which we might as well say started around 2014 when the CIA overthrew the Ukrainian government. As WWIII went “hot” and became noticeable in 2022, so too will the domestic American fun heat up before long. The when, where, who, and how are still speculative, so I’m just focusing on the kinds of warfare the US will witness. There are three levels of the conflict which will happen. They are certain because, to one degree or another, they’re already in progress. There is a fourth level that may or may not happen and which I classify as “somewhat unlikely”. One through three were originally formulated by me for Freedom Prepper three to four years ago. The speculative fourth is added after two years of outside discussion. Make of these what you will. Level One: The Street By and large, this involves violent crime. A LOT of violent crime, everywhere and all the time, at least in many populated areas. It will be a free-for-all without end that will make Big Floyd’s 2020 Summer of Love look pleasant and tame by comparison. Criminals will operate individually, in pairs, in small groups, and in larger gangs. The local police will lose control and eventually give up. This will be ongoing for the duration and will likely merge, especially regarding the larger, more organized gangs, with the next level. Level Two: Organized Terrorism For as long as Big NGO, Inc. can keep funding them, the better known organized violence groups will run wild. National gangs and militias of all kinds will also participate. The Mexican Cartels will possibly play the most pronounced role, along with the rumored “illegal armies” that have poured into the US over the past few years. Two things, I think, may surprise outside observers. First, the ballyhooed White domestic terrorists will be proven a figment of Merrick Garfinkle’s imagination—at least for a while. Second, foreign terror groups, particularly those of the Islamic variety, will mostly be a no-show. Most of the latter were fraudulent CIA-FBI creations anyway, and any legitimate or organic cells began to read the tea leaves several years ago and wisely started vacating your collective madhouse. Some of the groups at this level, perhaps especially the Cartels, will possibly be drawn into the third level. The various state police forces, armed federal agencies, and the National Guard—all of whom will fight a losing battle in level two—will be necessarily drawn into the following level as well. Level Three: Full-Scale State Warfare The disintegrating remnants of the federal government will go to war with states, parts of states, coalitions of states, and everyone else as the former USA truly, finally, and permanently breaks apart. This level will involve elections, politics, court injunctions, protests, civil movements, and just kidding. No, it’s going to be heavy artillery bombardment, heavy bombing, medium to long-range cruise and ballistic missile strikes, and some of the sloppiest continental maneuver combat ever seen in history. This phase will finish off such luxuries as electricity, running water, gasoline, money, and store-bought food. Once it is over, and by then levels one and two will have fizzled out, not much will be left. Tens or scores of millions of people not previously killed kinetically will die due to starvation and disease. There’s only one way it gets worse, and that is if your Neoclown overlords do the unthinkable. As all three lower levels eat away at everything, the former US will be caught in a “doom loop”. It already is, in fact. Its total defeats abroad will exacerbate problems domestically, which will add pressure internationally, which could lead to a level of “bad and ugly” near the edge of extinction. Level Four: Nuclear War and Foreign Occupation I only include this because multiple outside parties are discussing it with some degree of realism. Your real rulers are evil enough, there is no question. Once they know they’ve lost everything, they will be wicked enough to attempt burning down the rest of the world or, at least, their chief international enemies. What makes this option unlikely is the pathetic, laughable state of US nuclear devices and the required delivery systems. It is entirely likely nothing will work. It is also likely that if launched, nothing gets through air defenses, especially in Russia. In the event something does land, it could be a dud or else cause only limited damage. But just the attempt, with or without success, would trigger a massive retaliatory strike from China and Russia. Sino-Russia forces would near-instantaneously eliminate what remains of US military and political command and control along with any remaining energy, financial, communications, industrial, and transportation systems. The sovereign forces would then sit by and wait for the US to completely exhaust itself at the aforementioned levels. Once all parties are finished, millions of Sino-Russia troops, probably with ringers from North Korea, India, Iran, and elsewhere, would sweep the tattered, burning US wasteland. If pushed to it, they will overturn every rock and knock down every door to find any survivors of the wicked elite who launched nuclear warheads without cause or provocation. Those people will either be summarily executed or else hauled away for trial. The foreigners will then promptly leave any of you who made it through to your fate. Do not look for much outside humanitarian assistance. WWIII will still be in progress elsewhere and Americans are not extremely popular for various reasons. There’s no point in further estimation because no one knows exactly how much of this will play out. It could be a decades-long slow burn that people notice but do not necessarily associate with open warfare. It could be over by next January. In any case, the results will be the same. The US will cease to exist as an empire and a coherent political entity, and the battered American nation, such as it is and ever was, will be a much smaller remnant struggling amongst many peers, none of them in good shape. It’s not coming, it’s in progress. And nothing short of the Second Coming can stop it. I’ve previously given preparation advice and there is little reason to repeat any of it now. Be as ready as possible for any possibilities. The very good news is severalfold. Future historians will have a marvel of a case study without equal, the tale of a people who cast aside all promise and prosperity in exchange for absolutely nothing. The world will be free at last from the oppressive darkness of the Global American Empire. Survivors in North America will be free from one of the greatest evils since the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah. And those survivors, of all kinds, will be given the opportunity to construct new nation-states atop the rubble and ashes of the dead hegemon. Hopefully, they will exercise slightly better judgment than their predecessors. A high hope for a new year. Deo vindice. |
AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at Deo Vindice! Archives
January 2025