This episode was almost another piece about education, or what passes for education in the post-American US. It would have been, by my count, number 402, a screed based on Maureen Downey’s recent AJC article about a recent Gallup poll about how lazy, wicked, or stupid American parents are concerning the schools. Click HERE to examine that matter independently. I just can’t do it for the 402nd time. In a word: homeschool. Alternatively, what’s on my mind? Missiles. This will be a short recap of a few interesting developments in the world of rocketry over the past few years. Last week, I mentioned the available lessons from the late unpleasantness in Ukraine. I have another one, concerning the Polish incident last week, which will conclude the following summary. There are more, but I’m just focusing on four training exercises. SyriaIn 2017, in response to a fake chemical weapons attack and on the tearful advice of his favorite daughter, Orange Man slung a bevy of Tommy-hawks at Syria’s Al-Shayrat Air Base. Big tough, much win. The real lesson was that, whatever exact kind of air defense system President al-Assad had, it successfully shot down 80% of the incoming birds. Syria has (and had) one of the better ADF platforms in the Middle East. They use(d) multiple systems, including older S-200s and Buk-2s. After the failed, warrantless, estrogen-prompted attack, they received an allotment of newer 300s too. I’m not sure precisely when the wedding occurred, but also in 2017, the house ADF was integrated with Russia’s foreign aerospace command. Lessons: 1) smaller forces can deter imperial aggression with the right, if limited equipment, and 2) the very-slow Tommy-hawk isn’t the wizz-bang miracle it was in 1991 IranThe action happened in Iraq, but it flew in from the immediate east. In early January 2020, while Tony Fauci greasily paced around wondering if his 12th attempt baiting the public into a pandemic hoax would work, Orange Man struck again. On someone’s advice and for some reason, T45 had his drone forces in Iraq murder Gen. Qasem Soleimani as he, acting as an approved diplomat, left the Baghdad airport. Some, like yours truly, foresaw a little retaliation coming. Tehran didn’t disappoint. In addition to delivering a diamond-pattern wake-up call to a Yankee consular facility, the Iranians rained hell on the empire’s Al-Asad AB one night. I forget if I ever knew, but I think they used modified Fatehs and/or Qiams. The result was hundreds of traumatic brain injuries on the ground and the destruction of the drone squadrons Orange Man used to kill regional extremists’ worst enemy. Astoundingly, there were no fatalities, though as of drafting time, I do not think the material losses have ever been replaced. Several things caught the world’s attention, namely the power and extreme, first-class precision of Iran’s ballistic missiles. There was also the total inability of the mighty Yankee empire to do anything interceptor-wise to stop the barrage. One will note there was no counter-retaliation. In plain terms, the USSA had its ass kicked. The lesson with this one revolves around the development of new or better missiles. Iran has been under radical sanctions ever since they threw off the CIA-installed government of the Shah. The Company and Mossad have conducted open or covert warfare against Persia with regularity. Still, perhaps with a little outside help, but certainly with in-country ingenuity, the Iranians have closed the tech gap with the WereWest. They’ve made great advances on other fronts too, all of which will make future homoglobo attacks or interference interesting and perhaps impossible. As the empire is rapidly losing the ability to bother anyone outside of North America and likely won’t be a serious factor for much longer, other Middle Eastern nations should, if they’re wise, find some way to live with (not war win) Iran. Time will tell, but the immediate takeaway is that international ostracism forces innovation. (For this lesson on steroids, look no further than North Korea). PalestineIn May 2021, something changed in the dynamic between the native people and their oppressors. I noticed it almost immediately upon looking at a strike map published somewhere. I think Martin van Creveld noticed it too. There was a profound advance in the weapons and abilities of Hamas. Dr. van Creveld has also noted a distinct decline in IDF capability – a subject for another day or author. To summarize the situation, as was well-detailed by the great historian, every time there is a flare-up, the Palestinians demonstrate substantial advances in materials and tactics. Decades ago, as he put it, they threw rocks. Then, they started shooting guns. Next, they began firing pitifully ineffective rockets that barely made it over the fence. However, as seen on the map in 2021, they suddenly had the power to launch missiles over the entirety of Israel. It has been estimated they could theoretically hit targets in Lebanon or Jordan, possibly Syria. This latest development is remarkable. The new projectiles are hand-crafted knock-offs of Syrian knock-offs of Iraqi knock-offs of Korean knock-offs of 1960s-era Soviet missiles (everyone is saying, “Scuds,” as may be the case). By modern standards, they were rather inaccurate, though, by Hamas standards, they represented a quantum leap forward. One suspects the next upgrade will involve better guidance, but as-was, when they hit, they packed a little punch. They also, many of them, overwhelmed and bypassed the vaunted, and woefully out-of-date Iron Dome. Crazily, they were built by hand in garages and basements in Gaza, which is a giant concentration camp prison where some of the poorest people in the world live in a curated hell. Everything going into the city-state is carefully controlled and restricted, including electricity, water, food, medicine, and certainly anything outwardly helpful in building armaments. Lesson: impoverished, abused, overmatched-on-paper underdogs can do the seemingly impossible; David did manage to find that rock, after all. Again, if other parties are wise – and re-electing a bloodthirsty scumbag criminal doesn’t exactly reek of wisdom – they will make peace with the “neighbors,” to use lovely Gal Gadot’s term. Otherwise, from the river to the sea, what will be is what will be. PolandOn their behalf or orders from London or DC, the drag queen’s terrorists launched a couple of ancient S-300 missiles into Przewodow last week, hitting a barn. This reinforces the old saying about Ukranazis not being able to hit the side of a barn – unless they’re shooting at a fertilizer depo.
The operation quickly fizzled. While the MSM instantaneously blamed Putin and insisted nuclear annihilation was imminent, they soon backed off. Even the zombie in the White House had to admit the incident was a Kievian fluke. But was it? Was it, perhaps, a spectacular failure? I heard a rumor over the weekend, one I can’t confirm but which makes some logistical sense. The NATO-Nazis, having it handed to them in horrible slow motion, are desperate enough to try flying a major false flag. They keep peppering away at that dam on the Dnieper and attempting to destroy the cooling system at the ZNP. They’ve evidently planned the use of a dirty bomb or a small nuclear device, a plan evidently known to Sergei Shoigu. Would they be willing to settle for a conventional explosion powerful enough to be blamed on atomic fission? The rumor, from a former spook, suggested that liddle Ze targeted a fertilizer depot in Przewodow and missed. One may recall the effect of such an explosion in Beirut a few years ago when 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate detonated with about 1/7th the power of the bomb the satanic Yankee empire dropped on the church in Nagasaki. Lebanon’s problems started with bureaucratic stupidity and ended with the Arab version of Cleetus discarding a cigarette. However, many still maintain it was a nebulous “mini” nuke. If there had been 300, or even just 30 tons of fertilizer in Przewodow, and it had detonated, then it would have caused extreme damage and potentially given NATO an excuse to greenlight a mass suicide. Don’t bother; I already Googled “is there 3,000, 300, or even 30 tons of fertilizer in…” They surely wouldn’t tell us. But there are at least three commercial agricultural fertilizer facilities 10 – 15 km east and north of the tiny hamlet. Information about quantities and types is unavailable, but these works are operated by Progress-Chem, ProCam, and Agrotel. Also, on the main drag through Przewodow, where it arcs north and east, three sites bear some visual resemblance to the known stations. There’s no telling at this point, though it is distinctly possible the attack could have gone in a much more dangerous direction. The grand lesson from the fluke, failure, or simple barn blasting is that even crappy, older SAMs can run, semi-effectively, STS. It has happened before, and apparently only takes recalibration and/or proper targeting. Some modern systems have the feature built-in. Not that this lesson (nor any of the others) means anything to anyone. Yet. I suppose that’s a wrap for this week. Happy Thanksgiving, America.
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Hello, Reckoneers. My name is Perrin and I have a writing problem. I’m back for round two. Apologies. Our lovely and talented hostess, editor, and publisher, the incredible Mrs. Anne, asked me to include a little introductory blurb herewith. So, not one to miss an opportunity to poorly self-aggrandize, I oblige. What a fine outfit we have around here! I’m pleased as a ham bone in a juke joint. You, dear readers, are the cream of the interwebs crop! And what heavy hitters in the line-up! Mrs. Anne, Dr. Wilson, the esteemed Coot, er, Paul Graham, and all the rest. Some in the roster are familiar to me, and the rest are friends I just haven’t met yet. *In-draft Update: I met one of them, Walt, via comments!* I also could not help but notice that you have … Ilana Mercer. Wow! Mrs. Mercer, in the words of P.I. Tchaikovsky, “you rock.” A little about me? I am very proud of my edukashun, having graduated from the experimental preschool on the campus of the SEC university where my father taught psychometrics. My alma mater featured a sandbox full of rice and the joint was operated by attractive coeds. Much has changed over the ensuing eons. I went places and did things. The little preschool house is now the university student writing center. That’s humorously ironic, considering what me does this daze. I started with fiction rather late, though if asked, I deem myself a romancier or auteur de fiction. That sounds better than some alternatives. The Substitute, as fine a book as any, will be rereleased by Shotwell very soon (free some room on the credit cards). There are some short stories, a micro novelette, and a few non-fiction books scattered about. More is coming, much more. I love imaginative writing because I can prevaricate with ease, um, I mean engage both the minds and the hearts of my beloved readers. Personal emotional investment, and so forth. Over the past twenty-one years, my columns, essays, short stories, and other scribblings have appeared at various small, unsung outlets, some of which are no longer with us. Until The Piedmont Chronicles decided to “return to its roots,” I was the C.F. Floyd Writer of National Affairs. Since 2016, I’ve written, edited, published, and generally agitated for Freedom Prepper. I also branched into the podcasting world with the Prepper Post News. I write about whatever interests me. For a better sense of what I think on a given topic, go to my blog,, and search among the 5,000+ assorted ramblings. My views tend to skew a little unique, generally tracking Christian, nationalistic, aloof, right-wing Western traditional, satirical, and some other adjectives. Writer’s block is unknown to me. Instead, I usually suffer from writer’s jam, whereby so many ideas flood into my muddled mind that it’s hard to select just one of them to work on. It doesn’t help if what I pick is a fluid subject that keeps washing around. So it is today. I’m now shifting gears to smoothly meld the foregoing tripe with fluid, washing current affairs and some nebulous future probabilities. Consider the following a creative synthesis, wherein I hopefully blend my intro, especially some of my preexisting correspondence, into something useful for this audience, all via some very recent events in Kherson and Poland that give me something to focus on. I’m doing this by way of sub-headers because my original draft came to life and stormed out of the castle. Here we go. I mentioned my preppers. Southerners and preppers have a lot of overlap, so the following is a natural extension for me, and I hope it works. All year, I’ve advised my valiant prepper audience to watch the Russian SMO as carefully as possible. That means generally disregarding anything the MSM and Brandon’s handlers say. CensorshipWe live in Clown World, where truth is presented as lies and lies as truth. Gekaufte JournalistenThat header is also a link to a book, a very important book. Sorry, but it’s in German. The English translation disappeared one day because of censorship. The late Udo Ulfkotte described, with copious examples, how the secret police and deep state of most nations manufacture the news out of thin air. His personal experience during the Iran-Iraq War was on display again as recently as the run-up to the Empire’s assassination of Qasem Soleimani. If they’re reporting something important, they’re lying. A good heuristic is to assume the truth is the opposite of whatever the MSM talking heads say. Other, more honest sources are available. As for our SMO topic and other geopolitical issues, try: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. There are others. With the right information, the intelligent observer has a golden opportunity, because the SMO is an updated version of the show that played out previously in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and the Confederate States. Przewodów and KhersonIn 2020, I cobbled together Get Out!, a guide of sorts aimed at helping innocent young Americans escape the now-in-progress terminal collapse of the US empire. Admittedly, I got a few things wrong. For instance, while I knew about tensions, I did not fully comprehend that the simmering war between the Sino-Russian alliance and the WereWest was about to go hot. I went virtually all-in on the Polish option. I did not count on Poland going full retard, with much of the Continent along for the ride. We just had another idiotic false flag attempt in, of course, Poland. The narrative immediately collapsed, but we were supposed to believe the Russians, who allegedly ran out of missiles over the summer, attacked a rural barn using 5V55K missiles from an antiquated 1970s Ukie S-300 battery. My head was already spinning and the stupid MI6 scriptwriters dropped that kind of nonsense. To make up for my previous errors, all this year I’ve tried to exercise patience and restraint as the SMO and the greater conflict unfolded. Last week’s strategic withdrawal of the MOD from Kherson provided a great example of what to watch for and how to process what one sees. The move was strategic, rather than tactical, because it was obviously pre-planned and it serves a greater overall agenda. For its part, the mainstream fib machine has maintained a steady stream of lies, projection, and stupidly incompetent propaganda. Pentagram and Marlborough Lines tinhorns predicted the removal would take weeks. It was over the next day - because it was planned weeks in advance. Think about it. The Nato-Nazis are openly murmuring belligerence about a dirty bomb, a coalition invasion, and more, all while committing wanton terrorism everywhere, and trying hard to collapse a major dam. They’ve bet the farm, material and manpower-wise, on the latest and greatest counter-offensive ever. This, we are told (for about the 73rd time), is the game-changer. It’s not, of course. The city was already mostly evacuated. Defensive lines east and south are solidly entrenched. Moscow holds the Ukrainian national circuit breaker at the tip of a Kinzhal. The current ground conditions make it difficult to move trucks and tanks around quickly. Winter, hard ground, depleted NATO stockpiles, and, very sadly, many more dead Ukie-NATO men are just around the corner. Why risk anything over an empty town and emptier fields when the whole area can serve as yet another cauldron trap while allowing simultaneous grinding advances elsewhere? Remember, Russia is ramping up a major surprise for the winter months. One step backward, three steps forward. Slowly. The Russian Way of WarAll year, the entire SMO has gone along those lines. And it has frustrated many Western observers. We have become accustomed to the smashing, lightning victories in places like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and about half the other countries of the world. Rather, we’ve become accustomed to the lies about those ill-advised adventures as told by the media and the government. None of us have ever seen real, combined-arms warfare properly executed. The Russian way is not the WereWestern way. Fake Western warfare ultimately does not work, even against comparatively unarmed opponents like the Taliban. Southerners, take note of what you just read! And for Russia, the SMO is less a war and more a hostage rescue, with a little existential emergency thrown in for effect. Them mean old Ruskies have fought this same scenario many times over the past several hundred years. Since WW2, their Great Patriotic War, they’ve liberated something like 1,500 cities. They know what they’re doing, and their neo-Clausewitzian, integrated, modern maneuver warfare works and wins. From the outside, it just requires a little understanding and patience. A grand start in understanding the phenomenon is reading The Russian Way of War by Lester Grau and Charles Bartles - I hope that link to the Yankee Army works. Again, this is a starting point for structural comparison, and not anything approaching in-the-know plans about specific operations. There is a lot to learn about the history of the NATO-Russian conflict (which is far from limited to Ukraine). There’s more to learn about the overall global conflict and bifurcation too. Some of the lessons might be applicable in the West sooner than many would care to think. I do not believe, or do not want to believe the current struggle will go the H-bomb distance. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did, but I don’t want to believe it’s a real possibility yet. However, it wouldn’t have to go all the way to get very ugly. Make no mistake, the insane, evil, and rather stupid descendants of Leon Trotsky, the neo-cons, or whatever one calls them, those who now rule the falling West, are hell-bent on a war they can’t win. While they hate Russia with a white-hot passion, they only hate China, Iran, [fill in as many blanks as one likes] a little less. One should certainly add “us” to the list because even as they rob and oppress us, they hate us. They won’t mind at all if our sons and daughters die on their vain, wicked behalf. Just sending NATO forces to Odessa, or trying to, because none of them would make it, or peppering Crimea with Tommy-hawks could suffice to kick Russia into overdrive. They’re going slow and easy in Donbass, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya because the people there are Russians. Again, they’re rescuing their own hostage kin. They don’t even want to harm any more kissing cousin Ukrainians than NATO forces them to. But if they are attacked by hostile foreigners who want to carve Russia into smaller slave states and eradicate the Russian people, then bar the door. I keep telling anyone who will listen that the Russians are not the Taliban. Moscow is not Tripoli. Putin is not Saddam. The USSA and its NATO puppets rely on massive air power against essentially defenseless opponents. Russia has the best air defense network on earth, literally a generation or more ahead of anyone else. Uncle Sucker’s military over-relies on satellite GPS and ISR when attacking helpless civilians. One false move or false flag and Moscow can blind Washington, MacDill, Bude, etc. Lincoln’s legacy counts on keeping all fire one-way and in theater. Our insane, devil-worshiping leaders now stare down an enemy who can obliterate anything anywhere on the planet, with or without nukes, in less than half an hour. Putin promised any and all interlopers “consequences like [they] have never seen in [their] history.” I think he meant it. And again, this conflict is global. Russia ain’t alone. Foreign Lessons for Domestic DisturbanceEven assuming that greater conflict stays confined out in the wider world, the odds are more likely than not that the former USA is in serious trouble. Mathematically assessed, things are going to give, probably by the end of this decade. What’s happening in Ukraine may well be the last classroom demonstration before the big test here. Ergo, pay attention to what you can. Here, I originally listed some common scenarios and responses. I took them out for reasons. Somewhere - I cannot recall exactly, maybe it’s multiple spots - there are breakdowns of how, say, the Yugoslavian Civil War and attendant NATO atrocities give a preview of what’s possibly to come. We’ll get to that another day.
Know that Ukraine is, or was a modern country not entirely dissimilar from what’s left of America. They even have simmering tribal issues, a BS media, foreign controllers, a fake president, and rigged elections. One thing that I’ve been repeating all year is that it might be very beneficial to pick a town or area in the current war that approximates where one lives in America and watch what happens in the proxy. To be on the safe side, imagine your pre-existing conditions are as bad or worse than those in, say, Lviv or Kharkov. Speaking of Kharkov, Gonzalo Lira, one of the “here” links, above, is in the city and has been reporting what life is like on the knife’s edge when the lights go out and the sirens wail. Pay attention. Watch, learn, extrapolate, come to grips, and prepare. In parting, hoping I haven’t frightened anyone, I’ll leave you with a great sense of optimism. It is possible that, as I sketched last week, there could be a peaceful parting of ways. Whether or not, on the macro or micro level, watch what our tiny, degenerate overlords are doing these days. Their whole empire of lies is flying apart around them. They know it and they’re desperate. They wage war against everyone, securing victory against no one. They lash out like a mortally wounded animal, cornered and out of time. Americans, Southerners in particular, though they howl louder than ever, our enemies have never been weaker. Deo vindice! Over the weekend, I had the misfortune of speaking with a boomercon, civnat critter. It recited to me, like a parrot after cheap crackers, that we must “trust science.” No, wait, it was, “democrats are the real racists.” No, hang on, the platitudes all look alike… It told me, with grave sincerity, that this election (yesterday’s) was the most important political exercise in the recorded history of mankind. For my part, I muttered something about pillows as I quickly departed. But, y’all done had that most importantest of all elections, right? I’m sure everything is fixed now. No? Okay, back in reality, we have entered into an epoch of massive and harsh change. Things are moving right on along, and there is no stopping what is in progress. Martin Armstrong sees, based on detailed modeling, where it’s all going.
He said that before the precious election. There’s no doubt he’ll retract now that we have a shiny, new cabal of freaks, warmongers, liars, retards, and other Republicants saving the day. Or not. I’ve written about this over the past few years. Vox Day called it back in 2004: “America is dead. Let us go, then, and find her.” Let us go, then! This is overdue, but at least I’m doing it – I hereby offer the broad-stroke beginnings of a new government for a new America. Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical sketch. Some of it, of course, is bound to change. Should one have other ideas, then now is the time to start presenting and discussing them. The (New) American FederationOur new polity occupies the territory currently known as Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. I might as well rope in northerly portions of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and give the West Virginians a second chance. The Federation is an area of roughly 230,000 square miles with a potential population of about 35-40 million people. It goes without saying that certain current areas can and should separate from the new state (Memphis, Virginian metro DC, etc.). There probably will be a necessary population exchange wherein Americans from other areas enter New America while assorted not-Americans depart for other new states. My model kindly assumes that the breaking of the US and the rebuilding will be peaceful. It won’t be, but I’m just planting pleasant ideas. We’ll say that the new American Federation hosts 30 million Americans in 225,000 square miles. I drew up a crude map but decided it was unnecessary. Very crude. Third-grade art class-looking. The Federation is just that, a loose association of several sovereign nation-states, joined together, voluntarily and at will under something akin to the old US Articles of Confederation of 1777. The primary purpose of the superstate is the mutual defense of the member nations. And little else. I advise we not get too caught up in the details at this point, as almost all powers and functions of government are retained by the member nations, which I will quaintly dub “Republics.” And since I’m the one organizing this thing, with the tacit approval of Machiavelli, I will insist on member-state base structures modeled on the Venetian Republic. That means, say in the new Republic of South Carolina, a twin legislature composed of an elected (or lottery-drawn) Senate, balanced by a heretical Council. There is no Concio because to quote Yoda, “suffering too much democracy leads to.” And no courts, beyond Romanesque magistrates to efficiently adjudicate trivial civil matters and misdemeanor crimes. All major matters and felonies, along with any appeals of magisterial decisions, are decided by the Senate, the Council, or the King. Yes, there is a monarch – appointed and overseen by the Council. Should any of this sound alien, then look up the original. Note its longevity and prosperity. I sense this exploratory foray could easily drift esoteric, so I will add a few notes and then sum up core principles related to law and society, attempting to properly conform them to the vaunted order of identity over culture over politics.
This could go on and on. It will, in time, and it will encompass the militia, education, lots of happy children, puppies, sunsets, and much more. For now, here are the draft principles of the new nation(s), a list that may someday become known as Perrin Lovett Thought. Extra credit if one can correctly guess who I stole the notions from.
Yeah … needs work. There is a lot more to discuss, iron out, and prepare for. 2028 will be here sooner than most would like. Time is running a little short, but we still have time. Onwards! This piece was originally published on Perrin Lovett's website on November 9, 2022.
AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at Deo Vindice! Archives
January 2025