The majority of Americans were born long after Leftist politics took control of news media and academia. Classrooms and cable TV influence children’s thinking very early. By the time they reached their teens, most view America with disdain, convinced that White racism keeps non-Whites locked into a slave-like existence. Also, most accept the establishment’s concept of ‘systemic racism’ as well as the claim that our existing society must be eliminated. And that is the goal of Critical Race Theory (CRT): to eliminate (they prefer the term ‘dismantle’) existing society. Dismantling society essentially means eliminating Whiteness because CRT blames White culture for racism. CRT is the most pernicious of society-altering trends being promoted by militant groups, primarily Cultural Marxists. The ease in getting the Juneteenth Holiday approval rushed through Congress encourages efforts to get CRT mandated as part of America’s academia curricula. CRT maintains that systemic racism characterizes our society with Whites being the oppressors and Blacks being the Oppressed. With CRT, all Whites are racists, even those who have never committed an act of discrimination or uttered a slur that could be perceived as racist. The Woke generation , rooted in aspects of CRT, uses the characterization ‘White Supremacy’ for the murals in the Capitol Rotunda. Of course, the famous figures depicted are predominantly White – Christopher Columbus, George Washington, William Penn, Orville and Wilbur Wright, etc. But these are our Founders and heroes and should be honored regardless of skin pigmentation. The Rotunda does include a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. but that lone effigy isn’t sufficient to prevent the Rotunda from being labeled “structural racism.” CRT militants are demanding that Capitol Rotunda murals represent today’s diversity. Using that excuse, various monuments and other tributes to historical figures have already been demolished. But Rotunda mural removals will only accomplish one of CRT’s goals – eliminating Whiteness. And it will leave blank walls. CRT activists don’t consider these murals works of art but rather examples of ‘ White supremacy.’ So we should be concerned that non-White figures, even contemporary ones, will be added to these age-old murals to make them ‘diverse.’ Myself and others who oppose society-dismantling trends are dismissed as right-wingers, arch-conservatives, reactionaries, and deplorables. I object to most of these labels but I don’t object to being called a deplorable. I even use that term to describe myself. Deplorable was originally, and still is for some, a term of derision. But it also has a polar opposite meaning; a traditionalist who ‘deplores’ insipid Leftist attacks on existing society and White Americans. In previous eras, our country was characterized by the phrase “The American Dream” and it was assumed that Blacks, roughly 13% of the population, would assimilate into America's White culture. Indeed, for decades Blacks did assimilate into White culture while retaining crucial aspects of their own culture. Until recently, Black culture and White culture coexisted peacefully. But the mindset of the Woke generation is ending peaceful coexistence. Can America’s entire history be reduced to merely ‘slavery and racism’? Can esteemed figures of the past be denigrated as simply oppressors of non-Whites ? CRT is the Woke generation’s most fashionable cause and its primary goal is the elimination of racism which requires ending White supremacy, i.e. White culture. Woke militants are so convinced of the rightness of their cause that they will go to extremes to implement it, hence their attacks on White culture. In the decades since the 1960s, there have been countless attempts to transform aspects of society. These endeavors had varying degrees of success but most lost their vitality before too much harm was done, so existing society could be redeemed. But the goal of Critical Race Theory (CRT) goes far beyond simply altering society. It demands nothing less than the dismantling of of White culture. This dismantling has already begun and is supported by Democrats, academia, and establishment Elites.
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AuthorGail Jarvis is a Georgia-based free-lance writer. He attended the University of Alabama and has a degree from Birmingham Southern College. His writing is influenced by years of witnessing how versions of news and history were distorted for political reasons. Mr. Jarvis is a member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians and his articles have appeared on various websites, magazines, and publications for several organizations. He lives in Coastal Georgia. Archives
June 2023