CNN, The New York Times, and Washington Post are prominent anti-White news sites. But the most virulent anti-White news site is MSNBC. It features Joy Reid, whose enmity towards Whites borders on hatred. This is a classic Reid quote: “I’ll say it again: people on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the n-word like in ‘the good old days.’ To them, not being able to be openly racist and discriminatory without consequence is oppression.”
Joy Reid supports the anti-White Critical Race Theory (CRT) which claims races are just social constructs used to oppress minority groups. And this is Reid’s interpretation of Thanksgiving: “A simplistic fairytale interpretation of a 1621 encounter between indigenous tribes and English settlers that erases the genocide that followed. We’re a country that chooses violence over and over again. There is no facet of American society that is untouched by it, as all the recent headlines remind us.” The MSNBC/Joy Reid denigration of America goes something like this. This country was founded by slave masters and built by slaves whose ancestors are still denied full citizenship benefits. Leftist news sites accuse a callous White racism of preventing Black opportunities. In these news sites, the term “Whites” is often preceded with the modifier “privileged.” Not surprisingly, Joy Reid is critical of the phrase: “It’s okay to be white.” Her justification: “The phrase has been labeled a hate slogan by the Anti-Defamation League.” Reid’s mindset is revealed in her criticisms of White Republicans (the Right) : “Democrats have the culture. They have the Hollywood culture. They have the glamorous culture, and the right hates that. They feel that the culture is too woke, it’s too multicultural. It’s not John Wayne anymore. There’s all of this multiculturalism and wokeness and liberalism and they hate it.” Ms. Reid agrees with the Biden administration’s description of racism as “systemic”, permeating all aspects of American life. The administration even created a high-level Federal government position designated as “Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer.” His lofty goal is “to ensure all individuals are treated equally.” But the administration’s fancy language doesn’t indicate how they will monitor the implementation of that, seemingly unattainable, goal. Joy Reid is not a “do-gooder”, naively attempting to improve relations between the races. Nor is she trying to create “equality”, an endeavor that has failed every time it was tried. She supports ‘diversity’ because it involves holding back Whites, one of her primary goals. And, even though her viewership has seriously declined, MSNBC will not cancel her show.
Perrin Lovett
3/14/2023 02:02:59 pm
Great as always, Gail!
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AuthorGail Jarvis is a Georgia-based free-lance writer. He attended the University of Alabama and has a degree from Birmingham Southern College. His writing is influenced by years of witnessing how versions of news and history were distorted for political reasons. Mr. Jarvis is a member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians and his articles have appeared on various websites, magazines, and publications for several organizations. He lives in Coastal Georgia. Archives
June 2023