Until recently, the psychiatric community diagnosed transgenders as having a mental illness. I think the public generally agrees with that diagnosis but the World Health Organization decided that transgenderism is not a mental disorder. The 1960s counter culture felt that it could alter traditions that had been passed on from generation to generation. Many in this generation support “transgenderism”, the process of altering the gender designated at birth. As a traditionalist from a previous generation, concepts like transgenderism are unfathomable to me. Common sense characterized the mindset of my generation whereas wishful thinking seems to describe this generation, Generation Z. For Zers, transgenderism is simply an alternate lifestyle, and my generation is dismissed as a time of thoughtless conformity. A classic example of transgenderism is William Bruce Jenner. The child Bruce had gender identity conflicts, often secretly cross-dressing as a female. But as an adult, Bruce married and fathered children. Actually, he married three times, once to Elvis Presley’s ex-girlfriend. Bruce competently parented the children produced by these marriages. But the unrelenting discontent with his reluctant maleness continued to plague him. Eventually Bruce sought gender reassignment surgeries and became the female Caitlyn Marie Jenner. Transgender Caitlyn Jenner is a pop culture icon and a leading advocate for transgender rights. Her public appearances promote a more inclusive society and acceptance of transgender people. She is the most famous transgender woman in the world and surprisingly, a Conservative Republican. Today’s vocabulary includes the term “genderfluid” i.e., a person’s gender designation is flexible rather than fixed. You are allowed to replace your birth gender with the gender you currently prefer. Transgenders, sometimes called “gender diverse” , often modify their birth gender to accommodate their current mindset. Transgenderism doesn’t require any specific sexual orientation, i.e., straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual. But I see no evidence that the general public thinks transgenderism is normal. It may not be actively opposed but toleration shouldn’t be construed as approval. At this point in time, the practice hasn’t impacted our way of life. However it seems to be gaining momentum. Interestingly, while I was composing my critique of transgenders, popular television host and political commentator, Tucker Carlson devoted an entire program to the topic: “Transgenderism Is The Most Dangerous Extremist Movement In The United States.” Carlson is correct in his assessment of transgenderism. According to President Biden, "Transgender Americans shape our Nation's soul.” Transgender Americans have certainly become a significant segment of society but they are still “marginalized.” This generation categorizes me as “cisgender”, an unimaginative person who is content with their birth gender. Cisgenders are the opposite of and greatly outnumber transgenders but get little establishment or media attention. Like previous disruptive social movements, the future of the transgender experiment is unpredictable.
4/17/2023 07:21:56 am
Genesis tells us God created man and woman. The Preacher in Ecclesiastes tells us to consider the work of God, for who can make that straight which He hath made crooked. To decide to change your gender is to first decide that you are God. In order to decide that, one must first forget that we are merely the masters of the world, not its Creator. The Ancients said hubris was the downfall of civilizations and empires. It would be good for us to remember that we are not immune to history.
Clyde N Wilson
4/17/2023 12:56:23 pm
Unfortunately Biden is right about America
Perrin Lovett
4/18/2023 09:55:05 am
With Sodom and Gomorrah perhaps as the unattainable ultimate level of disfunction and wickedness, I guess we've passed the Weimar level and now compete with the ancient Carthaginians and Aztecs. If the crazies were consistent - too much, yes - then they'd surely inform us, "there is only one gender, the human gender!"
Clyde N Wilson
4/18/2023 12:59:23 pm
Child mutilation, praised by your President, is purely and simply Satanism.
4/19/2023 06:02:59 am
Right on the money, Dr. Wilson! I invite your attention to a new book entitled "The Return of the Gods" by Jonathan Cahn. Nature abhors a vacuum, and when Christianity vacates a house, the pagan gods of old return to fill it up. The book is readily available at Barnes & Ignoble, and at Target. For 450 pages of fine print exposing, listing, and indicting "The Transgender Industrial Complex," see Scott Howard's book by that name, once available on order, but now, perhaps, cast down the memory hole by the Ministry of Truth as being anti-Semitic.
Paul Yarbrough
5/4/2023 09:19:41 am
Subtlety is as we are taught the greatest strength (irony that it is) of Satan. Again, our teaching: Woman was made to complete man not to compete with man. Therein was the Creation “in the beginning…” But such Biden, et ilk who chase this interchangeable parts business and the butchering of children don’t believe it really. They are like Satan--simply liars. They, like that dark prince, do not don’t want to defeat God, they want to be His equal. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high.” Isaiah 14 (attributed to Lucifer)
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AuthorGail Jarvis is a Georgia-based free-lance writer. He attended the University of Alabama and has a degree from Birmingham Southern College. His writing is influenced by years of witnessing how versions of news and history were distorted for political reasons. Mr. Jarvis is a member of the Society of Independent Southern Historians and his articles have appeared on various websites, magazines, and publications for several organizations. He lives in Coastal Georgia. Archives
June 2023