Organized Christianity is in crisis, riven by the same divide between the ruling class and the country class that is breaking our nation apart. Christians have been betrayed by their leadership. The Catholic ‘Church’ is honeycombed with homosexuals, who have perpetrated one of the most massive pedophile abuse scandals in history; their Pope is a globalist demagogue who celebrates any and all Leftist causes, from the ‘climate change’ hoax to the Islamic colonization of Europe. One gets the feeling that he will not rest until the Vatican has been razed, a mosque flying the black flag of the Islamic State erected in its place. Witness the silence regarding the attack on Notre Dame; we all know what happened. Catholic organizations are perhaps the largest financiers and actors involved in executing the West through mass immigration, both with the Orient inundating the Occident in Europe and the global South invading the United States. The Episcopal ‘Church’ website features immigration promotion on its homepage. One of the marquee issues that it proclaims to value is Orwellian “racial reconciliation”. Under its ‘what we believe’ section, the ‘Church’ makes clear its worship of homosexuality. The United Methodist ‘Church’ website invites members to “stand with migrants”, “stand against racism”, and “combat climate change”. These denominations are clearly lost. Many of them have essentially thrown out the Bible altogether. One is hard-pressed to even discover a Bible in the National Cathedral. The Southern Baptist Convention remains the last major denomination that preaches the inerrancy of the Scripture, but even its leadership shows signs of the selfsame Leftist infiltration. An early indication of a split between the Convention’s ruling and country class was revealed when the leadership immediately praised the landmark Brown Supreme Court decision, while the body of its membership throughout the South was shell-shocked. The Convention adopted a resolution against its own 1845 founding, by unnecessarily condemning slavery in 1995. The brilliant columnist Samuel Francis was expunged from the Washington Times and consigned to the wilderness after he correctly noted that slavery was not itself a Biblical sin, and that therefore the Convention’s resolution was a fruitless and basely political effort at maintaining its relevance. The Convention passed a resolution adopting anti-white, anti-Southern, and anti-Christian critical race theory in 2019. The thin Baptist Courier, the official publication of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, contained multiple exhortations to “anti-racism” in its most recent issue. The First Baptist Church of Naples, Florida, is currently engaged in internecine conflict; after a black Leftist pastor lost the election to become its new pastor, the church ‘pastoral staff’ bureaucracy unfoundedly accused its congregation of “racism” and called for its “sinful” members to “confess and repent”. The President of the Convention even called to eliminate “any vestige of this kind of sinful prejudice”. The church bureaucracy targeted dozens of members for expulsion, emailing them that they had been “removed from our membership”, that their souls were no longer being watched over, and that they must “leave our staff alone”. Conservative congregations, now made into dissidents, have begun seceding from the Convention. Christianity has long been afflicted by Leftism; one can go back to the 1859 martyrdom and canonization of the murderous terrorist John Brown by apostate Puritan Yankees, church bells a-ringing. Paul Gottfried’s masterful Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt is one of the best examinations of this phenomenon, the susceptibility of Christianity to the new “secular theocracy”, with ‘social justice’ as the propitiation of sin for ‘white privilege’. The largest evangelical publication, Christianity Today, recently argued for the impeachment of President Trump for “immorality”; never mind the magazine’s promotion of amnesty for the heathen masses of illegal alien pedophiles and murderers, or its celebration of Stalinist theologian Karl Barth. The largest ‘Christian’ corporation is Chick-Fil-A, a company that has apparently been lying to its Christian customer base for years while funding the anti-white, anti-Western, and anti-Christian ‘Southern’ ‘Poverty’ ‘Law’ Center and the homosexual and transgender youth outfit Covenant House. Kanye West’s intransigent “Closed on Sunday” hearkens back to yesteryear, a time in which Christians still believed Chick-Fil-A was one of us, rather than a sponsor for ‘drag queen story hours’. The most visible ‘Christians’ are the leaders of megachurches, multimillionaire motivational speakers like Joel Osteen. What hath ‘modernization’ wrought? Christianity is inherently anti-modern. Christianity must necessarily be fundamental, that unchanging bedrock upon which all else rests. To modernize is to bastardize. The hymnal is supplanted by the projector screen, the choir becomes pop, and the Bible is dumbed-down and translated further and further away from the Truth, into alien tongues and infantile English; it seems no coincidence that there are almost no churches left that use the King James Version, the closest to the Truth that the English language can attain. Many churches no longer preach from the Bible at all. Those churches that do still use bits and pieces of the Bible have largely fallen prey to the ‘God is love’ fallacy; this is not the space to elaborate on this point, but I point readers both to the Bible and to Jack Kerwick’s excellent piece in The Agonist, “Christianity’s Divine Hatred”. Organized Christianity has capitulated. The cost of this cowed silence has been enormous; our nation has fallen, our culture degraded, our faith corroded. Addiction, depression, and suicide reign ascendant. According to the General Social Survey, atheism is now our largest faith. Pew Research has predicted that Islam could become the third-largest religion in our country within the next two decades. In twenty states, Islam is already there. American and European churches will continue to stand empty, so long as their leaders continue to promulgate Leftist politics. Christianity is necessarily mutually exclusive with Leftism; one cannot serve two masters, antithetical to one another. These people are no more ‘Christian’ than Ilhan Omar is ‘American’. These charlatans have infiltrated and hollowed our institutions out from within, our pearls cast before swine, trampled underfoot and rent against us. They crave the adoration of a world which hates them, having forgotten that friendship with the rulers of the darkness of this world is enmity with God. They have torn down our altars and replaced them with nothing. Organized Christianity stands for nothing. What is the point of going through the motions of faith if not to defend God and His inerrant Word? What is the point if not to take a stand? What can Christians expect but the accelerated evisceration of the ranks of the faithful when they celebrate all that is unholy? Churches are supposed to provide an alternative, an oasis of purity in an impure world. The Church is supposed to be apart, in the world but not of it, not debasing itself by joining the BDSM horror show that has hijacked the culture. Religious revival can only be accomplished through an uncompromising return to the fundamentals. French reactionary Michel Houellebecq’s great novel Submission (released on the same day as the Charlie Hebdo attack) teaches an invaluable lesson for those of us willing to listen. An Islamist party is elected to power in 2022 France, in collaboration with the Socialists and the moderate conservatives, in order to prevent a National Front victory. As French Jews retire to Israel, the novel’s protagonist, a middle-aged professor, notes that he has nowhere else to go. He travels through the countryside and visits a monastery in Martel, named for that hero of the Occident, Charles Martel. Finally, the professor accepts the new, better life that conversion to Islam will give him: a prestigious promotion, beautiful wives selected for him, and a patriarchal society in which he no longer feels suicidally drained, exhausted as the aged branches of the willow of Europe sag, but rather renewed. His submission is thus his salvation. What does all of this mean? That in our depraved and unregenerate world, people seek absolution; we search longingly for meaning, for an escape, for a return to a world in which everything has not gone horribly wrong. Christians must ask ourselves what exactly it is that we have to offer. If the answer is nothing, the resounding silence of the void, what are we still doing here? If, however, the answer is regeneration, revival, and life, victory over death, we must stand and wage an aggressive battle to reconquer the culture. People are looking to fill that hole gnawing away at them, to silence that voice whispering that their lives are empty, to look up from their screens and see the sun shining down from above. If Christianity cannot or will not be the alternative, if Christians would rather participate in the orgiastic fire consuming our world, then people will seek solace in something else. Anything else.
William Rice
1/8/2020 08:19:10 am
I am very grateful for your thoughts. I get what you are saying and mourn your loss. I was lead to leave organized Christianity years ago and now find myself a, for lack of any real title, a Torah observant believer in Yeshua. What a relief to know that the G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is still the true and only relevant G-d and has sent His Son Yeshua to bring us out of the world and churches and into The Covenant He made with Israel. Just need to tell you that G-d isn’t dead and there is hope. Your Yankee friend who is convinced the South was Right.
Michael Martin
1/10/2020 05:24:45 am
Research the black pope
Kentucky Gent
1/12/2020 07:39:15 pm
What a beautiful essay, sir! Thank you.
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