The neoconservatives who dominate both our bipartisan political establishment and our national media have for decades now agitated for perpetual war. They have by and large been extremely successful. The neoconservative movement was inseminated by refugee Trotskyites during the Cold War, and emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union as the standard-bearers of the American ‘Right’. In reality, through a series of purges, the neoconservatives coopted the Right, Cuckoo birds in the warbler’s nest. These fungal Cordyceps body-snatchers, an ever-metastasizing cancerous Blob, silenced any true voices of the Right. Much like the replacement of the Historic American Nation, true patriots were replaced by the controlled opposition of Ben Shapiro and David French. Instead of Pat Buchanan, we got George W. Bush. Instead of the Republic, we got the Empire. This process continues today, with Conservatism Inc.’s cuckservative mainstays Turning Point USA and Young America’s Foundation vilifying the America First nationalists and identitarians making a good faith effort to engage with the President of the United States’ nominal agenda: the one that over sixty million Americans elected. While traitorous neoconservatives employ their army of political action committees, think tanks, lobbyists, journalists, and kleptocrats to advocate endless war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, soon to be followed by Iran and Russia, they remain silent regarding our real enemies. While enormous energy is expended to whip up donnybrooks all over the world in countries that pose no conceivable threat to the United States or to Americans, our true enemies go unscathed, uncriticized, unabashed. While a parade of vapid diplomats bemoans President Trump’s lackluster devotion to our greatest ally, Ukraine, an American family is slaughtered just south of our border. Where are their Congressional hearings? While China stuffs the pockets of our politicians, and our own Department of Justice shelters Saudi Arabia from any incrimination in the September 11th attacks, the cries for intervention in Iran continue apace. If these tough-guy neoconservatives truly cared for America, if they truly wished to fight our enemies abroad, wouldn’t we be hearing the same deafening and ubiquitous calls for war against China? Wouldn’t we be deluged with talking heads advising limited strikes in Saudi Arabia? Wouldn’t Max Boot be slamming his fists down on MSNBC demanding that Mexico be named a state sponsor of terror, or at least that the cartels be named terror groups? But of course, we don’t, and we won’t, because they don’t care. They don’t care that Saudi Arabia has been implicated in the deadliest terror attack in American history. They don’t care that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been massacred in open warfare by Chinese fentanyl manufacturers (remember, China is a police state with total control over what goes on within its borders) and Mexican cartels working in concert. They don’t care that the same Mexican cartels have cells honeycombed throughout the United States. This is not necessarily to say that these policies should be undertaken, but rather that the fact they are not promulgated by the shock-and-awe crowd exposes neoconservatives for the grifters they’ve always been. Perhaps, then, it’s time to acknowledge that neoconservatives have another agenda in mind. Perhaps it is no coincidence that all of their proposals weaken our country by depleting our resources, coopting and wasting our best and brightest patriots, dividing and distracting us from the despair devouring us from within like a black hole, and draining our spirit. Perhaps patriotism has been turned on its head into a sick joke on purpose. Why else would they ceaselessly provoke unnecessary war with irrelevant powers while ignoring those ravening wolves sharpening their knives in the dark, already engaged in warfare against our people? Why else would they drive us further down the path to destructive interventions we have no hope of winning? God forbid our Army actually defend us.
Anthony Powell
12/3/2019 07:22:34 am
The only way I see to end this insanity is for young people to stop signing up to be a member of the Empire's military.
William Edwards
12/16/2019 11:49:43 am
First, this is an excellent article. Sun Tzu even knew the idiocy of never ending war. We should create our own think tanks, and the first thing to figure out is how to preform an exorcism on the spell of APATHY that has had our people in bondage for far to long. God Save us !
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