This week, a local news station in Tampa, Florida, interviewed Carl Dekel, a decorated Marine veteran of the Second World War celebrating his one hundredth birthday. Of Mr. Dekel’s many honors, he calls the Silver Star his “pride and joy.” The interview, which has now gone viral, is not what the news station had expected. I’ve transcribed Mr. Dekel’s words below, but the interview really must be seen: “I don’t know, I’ve lived a good life, I’ve had a lot of love, happiness, smiling, telling everybody that everything was beautiful every day. If I went into my church and didn’t say everything was beautiful, they’d think I was sick. And I—I’m not that way. I mean, I’m a—I sincerely believe in this old world, that everything is beautiful. I mean, if I see—if I wake up in the morning and see these plants out here and all those flowers that are in there and the green grass on the ground—that’s beautiful. And people don’t realize what they have. They bitch about it, and then, nowadays, I am so upset at the things we did, and the things we fought for, and the boys that died for it. It’s all gone down the drain. Our country’s gone to Hell in a handbasket. We haven’t got the country we had when I was raised, not at all. Nobody’ll have the fun I had. Nobody’ll have the opportunity I had. It’s just not the same. That’s not what I—that’s not what they died for. I just…it’s just not it. I’m so sorry. …It’s just not the same. That isn’t what we fought for. Oh well. I shouldn’t be worried about it, I guess. I’m a hundred years old, they say. I worry about it, yes, I worry about it. …You just remember, everything’s beautiful. And live every day to the fullest. Just enjoy everything you possibly can.” Watching this hero break down in tears at what our nation has become brought tears to my own eyes. His demeanor, his soft Southern accent, his raw patriotism called to mind my own grandfather, who enlisted during the Korean War. What kind of a country has this become? What kind of country is so totally consumed with evil that it leads its ancient veterans to regret fighting for it? America is no more. America is dead, a festering carcass whose last bones have been long since been picked. The Satanic evil which now wears her skin as a costume is not long for this earth, either. I can feel it in the air—can’t you? The end of the polity known as the United States of America is nigh. The Federal Leviathan is groaning as it collapses under its own weight. It cannot be saved. It should not be saved. The Lord Himself has condemned it to ruin. The United States of America is irredeemable. The Yankee now reaps the whirlwind, the embers of the fire with which he incinerated Old Dixie having finally blown back upon Old Glory to consume her at last. Ever since I learned the truth about the War for Southern Independence and the truth about Reconstruction, I have not been able to look at the Star-Spangled Banner in the same light. I never will. There is a reason why I only fly the Battle Flag at my home. My people have not been free since 1865. My people have lived under a panoptic occupation, encompassing mind, body, and soul, for all of those long years since. The Southern people have nothing to celebrate on Independence Day. After all, whose independence are we celebrating? This Fourth of July, mourn the nation that was and is no more, and commit yourself to bringing to fruition the nation that still can be. Here’s my Fourth of July message, the only one appropriate for a Southron to deliver:
7/4/2022 07:46:41 am
A great and poignant story of a simple patriotic American who has the rich gift of perspective. We unfortunately dont seem to achieve this until later in life but it is something young people should be taught very early in life.
Anthony Powell
7/4/2022 08:07:50 am
Strong words, Mr Kumar.....I'm in 100% agreement.
Tits Mcgee (Hailsa)
7/4/2022 09:23:20 am
Its hard not to bring up emotions of betrayal and anger watching this mans interview. I like that an article was published about this man's interview and not just the SM comments. I felt much the same way when i first saw the interview. The interview reminded me of the book I read "unknown warriors" where UK veterans expressed very much the same feelings. These articles and commentary are critical in a time where truth is hidden or presented as subjective.
Clyde Wilson
7/4/2022 01:27:56 pm
Well said. The South still has a soul. "America" never had a soul, as becomes more evident every day.., All the Yankees have is materialism and arrogance.
Joe Brackhan
7/6/2022 11:53:54 am
"All the Yankee has is materialism and arrogance", living in the north, I see it everyday. I used to live south of the Mason/Dixon Line, and I miss it.
David Boone
7/4/2022 06:34:11 pm
I seriously thought about giving this article a rating of A but after more consideration I realized it called for A+++ . You expressed my thoughts exactly.
7/4/2022 11:36:28 pm
I am making 85 Dollars each hour for working online. I never thought that it was legit but my best friend earns 11000 dollars every month doing this and she showed me how.
7/5/2022 12:37:18 am
Michael Rectenwald, in his book "Beyond Woke," is of the opinion that we are heading for global corporate monopolies controlling production, and a totalitarian socialism for the rest of us. Keep your powder dry
William Smith
7/6/2022 05:12:30 am
I recently set a SCV memorial marker at one of my ancestor's graves, and I've reflected often that I am envious of his service (and, by extension, Mr. Dekel's!), unlike mine in Iraq, that was truly for the legitimate defense of kith and kin, I love my people - the true America - but I agree that there is nothing - NOTHING! - worth defending about this government and this sham "nation"!
7/6/2022 09:00:05 am
Spot on. The foundation of 1776 ceased to exist in 1865. Since then, this country has become aggressive abroad and despotic at home just as General Lee said it would. The Lincoln empire's foundation is based on lies, deceit and greed. It's imploding in on itself and it deserves to. I always believed the day they alienate and demonize the south is when the rest of it inevitably falls. The south was the only region keeping the show from spinning off into oblivion. The dominoes have been steadily falling for a while for sure, but really picked up in 2015 with Nikki Haley's repugnant betrayal of South Carolina's 1861-1865 veterans. Nearly everything once sacred is now compromised and there's only one direction for this country now. A national divorce should be on the table if there is anything to be salvaged from what this country once stood for.
7/16/2022 06:14:28 am
Beautiful, Mr. Kumar. Thank you for creating something in so many words , that radiates always and everywhere an attractive picture from the truth.
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July 2022