We face a clear choice, in sharp relief, between life and death. Our unnatural society is ruled by monsters engaged in a murder-suicide. This occurs in such a way that events appear isolated, each violation normalized before another takes place, lulling us into a false sense of security, of natural progress as an organically changing society. There is no such thing as coincidence. This is death by a thousand cuts; if we zoom out and examine the image in full, it becomes clear that this murder-suicide is an intentional, coordinated agenda. ‘Our’ deracinated rulers are sicker and more depraved than we can possibly imagine. They are evil incarnate. They have decided that life is not worth living, and they prolong their suicide day after day, their empty, hedonistic, and transactional lives bereft of meaning. They have chosen death over life, and they are taking us with them, celebrating our demise. The bells are ringing. Let them kill themselves. But we cannot let them kill us. We must remain steadfast as the machinery of our dispossession accelerates, as the center of our world spins away, as we swing between aphelion and perihelion. Their culture of death is perhaps best exemplified in the grotesque Weimar sexual nihilism running rampant in our society. Pornography drains our vitality and poisons our minds with sick fantasies that don’t even attempt to approximate a depiction of love, of intercourse in any real sense of the word. Under the flickering veil, love is supplanted by bodies fucking in the dark like the twisted metal of a car wrapped around a tree. This clockwork orgasm, a frostbitten wail from the void for warmth and form, is too debauched even for animals. Pornography is the epitome of debasement, valorizing horrific acts between members of the same family, between the generations, between platonic friends. No relationship is healthy or freed from sexual competition and domination. Certainly, pornographers are selling something, but their product is not pornography, nor is it pleasure. It is an agenda, the culture of death, decadent id gratification, the elevation of flesh over all else. We can hardly wonder at a callous society when we realize that this is what passes for the sexual education of our young, what their first conception of sex is based upon. It is the death ethic, a nihilism so pervasive that notions of life and love are strangled out of sight, just beyond the frame. What is abortion but an extension of this same holocaust, this foreclosure of the future? Millions of children murdered, millions of lives taken, and for what? So erstwhile mothers can go to college? And what values are inculcated as the empowered woman gets an ‘education’? Hatred of self, of family, of nation, and more abortion, abortion of the possibility of happiness and a future. In college, she ‘goes out’ (but only on weekends, mind you, she’s an A student) and obliterates her consciousness in a black vortex of despair, coupling with the first half-put together male to make some enlightened paean to feminism and social justice, the starlight in her eyes doused with liquor, only to wake up thrilled for the next night! Except she isn’t. She’s miserable. She wants to think she’s empowered, because her college, her friends, popular culture, and ‘models’ and ‘influencers’ on social media have told her for her whole life that she should dress as revealingly as possible and behave as breezily and ‘easy-going’ as possible, be ‘open’ to new experiences and ‘celebrate’ her body. Yet when she does as she’s supposed to, partaking in perverted ‘free love’ philosophy, believing her vile conformity some kind of ‘rebellion’, she is ruined. She objectifies herself, making a desperate plea in the crowded club, and her cries are drowned in more booze, more men, more feminist theory. She closes out the possibility of stability, of happiness, of self-respect, aborts it like the children she never wants. She shouts her abortion; indeed, she shouts it to stifle a deafening scream, the lorn and disconsolate sound of emptiness, of barren desolation. She has too many important things to do. Her college degree guarantees her entry into the market, and what could be more important? She has allowed will-o’-the-wisps to guide her out of her exalted, beautiful, all-important place as mother and enslave her in the cynical, grim market, where she labors as one more cog in another machine. She has enslaved herself and disrupted nature, despoiling the holiness of hearth and home. She has mistaken chains for power, and believed the vipers who told her that marriage and childbirth was the oppression, the porn stars and prostitutes who told her that being a housewife is too degrading. The apotheosis of this artificial leveling of male and female is allowing women to ‘serve’ in military combat; this truly is the mark of a culture that longs for death. Some will argue that two incomes are necessary in ‘today’s economy’; to this, we must firmly state that this is a lie perpetuated by those who do not want us to form families, to whom the idea of the family is anathema. They want both parents working. They believe that the state is the perfected family. Yet no bureaucratic organization can ever hope to replace this most fundamental lodestar of humanity. We must also ask, if indeed this is ‘progress’, if indeed we are so ‘wealthy’, so ‘advanced’, why cannot we enjoy the fruits of our ever-increasing labor and allow parents more time with their children? Why does the progressive utopian ethic never cease, as horizon gives way to horizon? Is it perhaps that their pyrrhic ‘utopia’ can never be realized? It is a godless society that has fallen to our sunken depths. In rational secular atheism, in postmodern relativism, there are no values, no conceptions of right, just, good, or true. There are no distinctions; all paths are equal. There is only the egalitarianism of abyss, equality of outcome finally achieved in misery and consummated in the grave. Into this morass we have blindly charged, full speed ahead, from God’s light into Satan’s night. Sodom and the Canaanites are pillars of Puritanism compared to our corroded world. Sexual nihilists control the marketplaces of ideas; an infinitesimal lunatic minority of the population is being allowed to engineer the future of all of our children. An alphabet soup of mental illnesses masquerading as ‘gender identities’ have piggybacked onto our already hypersexualized culture (ever seen what juvenile cheerleading and dance uniforms look like now?) and formulated a campaign to forever destroy the innocence of our children. Public libraries and mainstream daytime talk shows targeted at mothers popularize and normalize abominations like ‘drag kids’, confused little children whose attention-whore social-justice-warrior white-knight parents have ventriloquized them into dressing as burlesque transvestites and suggestively dancing as homosexuals and pedophiles, often overlapping groups, ogle and throw money at them. A legion of psychiatrists and surgeons are manipulating disoriented children and then mutilating their genitals in the name of…of what? ‘Tolerance’? In the name of suicide and psychosis? Parents who object are declared unfit, their brainwashed (online, at school, and at the doctor’s office) children taken from them so they can reach progressive paradise and become wards of the state. A campaign has even begun for the normalization of pedophilia. What will it take for us to do something, to do anything? Is nothing sacred? Hideous monstrosities like these are being shoved down our throat every day, and we’re supposed to tell them it tastes good. You don’t want us to castrate your son? You’re a bigot. While our politicians squabble about fake crises like ‘Russian interference’, ‘white supremacy’, and pagan ‘climate change’, our country is dying. Rotting from within, a deep despair has taken root and feeds on our soul. Our urban areas are approaching failed state levels of collapse. An ever-expanding, unpoliced, unobstructed, but above all welcomed and rewarded population of foreign invaders and American homeless have created an environmental and public health crisis, as the Third World reaches ours. As feudal coastal elites preach about some amorphous and faceless idea of ‘the climate’ and ‘the earth’, their cities drown in human feces, used condoms, spent needles, and churning waves of trash. As they jet around the globe to fight jungle pathologies, these same afflictions wreak havoc in our communities. Counterfeit environmentalists smile for the flashing lights at leftist fundraisers as the real environment is saturated with chemicals, as unmanaged forests are burned by vagrants and traffickers, as parks metamorphose from family picnicking spots to gang initiation sites. We forget that environmental conservation and agrarianism are conservative programs; our poisoned landscape of strip-malls, high-rises, and methadone clinics is the product of deracinated leftism. Utterly corrupt leftists officials practice anarcho-tyranny, aided and abetted by violent brownshirts, catering to criminals and penalizing law-abiding citizens, responding to the greatest drug crisis in our history with the Orwellian ‘harm reduction’ of injection sites and needle exchanges, the spread of marijuana across the realm, and the release of drug dealers from prison en masse. Excellent priorities. What does it say about us that we have a generation searching for God in its veins and down a bottle? Body snatchers came overnight and took our country, replacing it with a husk. There’s a war on, and we are losing. Hundreds of thousands of Americans, the descendants of the pioneers, have plummeted like Icarus and died like refuse in the past few years because of this despair. Addiction is not an illness any more than suicide is. While the epidemic is a symptom of the black hole devouring us from within, the gaping maw of Satan hungrily licking his lips, it was inarguably created deliberately by pharmaceutical companies and the doctors on their payrolls and is being perpetuated by the Chinese state and the Mexican narco-state. Our government has not held those responsible to account. We are adrift, rudderless, the ground swept from underneath our feet. Not only are our lives growing shorter and measurably more miserable, but our bodies seem to be losing their will as well; male sperm counts have collapsed. These are symptoms of a choice; our culture has chosen death and decadence over life, hollow ‘pleasure’ and ‘fun’ over all else, too myopic to have sight of a future in which we survive, bequeathing nothing to a nonexistent posterity. "Assisted suicide’, a wonderful European import, allows people to choose death for any invented ill; even more, though, it sends the signal that our society would rather exterminate the weak than spend time and money on care. Our community centers, skating rinks, pools and movie theaters are abandoned, gone to seed, turned into meeting spots for criminals, not safe to visit after dark. Our churches stand empty. Our politicians and corporations, enriched in corruption, have sold us up the river for their bottom lines. American companies that would not even exist had the taxpayers not bailed them out against their will lay off workers by the tens of thousands, import peasants who work for slave wages, and give their executives record paydays. Gone is the noblesse oblige of the first Gilded Age. Factories close, towns die, and the homes that families spent generations improving become crack dens and brothels. This is the product of an atomized society. Leftists control our social spaces; their greatest fear is of human relationships and camaraderie. Theirs is the world of Los Angeles, point A to point B with nothing in between but driverless cars. In their cities, mere filing cabinets of pod people forbidden to own, permitted only to rent, millions of people have casual, ephemeral transactions each day, and are thus nominally exposed to one another. Yet these cannot constitute relationships, and serve only to increase our frustrated isolation, our sense that something vital is missing, our wish for this something more, this something inaccessible. Our estrangement from one another is exaggerated by every meaningless interaction we conduct, our alienation and resentment inflamed with every dopamine rush on every backlit screen. Thus has ‘social’ media destroyed social organization, tearing asunder the very fabric of society, of how we relate to one another. Social media is the instrument of disconnection, of isolation, of suicide, each post a desperate cry that someone, somewhere, cares. Our flesh is fed in squalor and decrepitude, while our soul is starved. They openly despise everything that makes us who we are. In their Cultural Revolution, our history is rewritten as monuments are destroyed and streets and buildings are renamed. Welcome to Year Zero. Our traditions, our God, and our people are under ceaseless assault. After they have driven Old Dixie down, they will come for Old Glory. Christmas becomes just another ‘winter holiday’. Thanksgiving becomes a celebration of the merciless savages (pardon me, ‘indigenous peoples’) who preyed on our forefathers and a penitential day of mourning for their defeat. The Great Replacement is underway; as our country’s stock is depleted by abortion, feminism, and death cults like ‘climate change’, homosexuality, and transgenderism, tens of millions of foreign aliens openly invade our land, pouring across our pathetic, wide open border, encouraged by the snarling imperials of the coasts, whose small stretches of land from Los Angeles to San Francisco and New York to Baltimore are allowed to subjugate the entire country. Theirs is the globalist imperialism of the European Union variety, a depersonalized faceless technocratic state whose sole purpose is to eradicate the natural man and replace him with a shapeless automaton barking like a seal the party line. As our Marxist entitlement programs collapse around us, our leaders deign to hit the gas pedal and expand them while further pilfering the citizenry, to whom none of these programs even benefit. They scheme to place healthcare under state control, literally forcing us to put our lives in their filthy, incompetent hands. Death panels are to decide whether our children live or die, the elderly are encouraged to submit to assisted ‘suicide’, and we wait months for simple procedures. They are not only insulated from the consequences of their policies, but also often have no children. How can Merkel give a damn about the future of Europe if she has no children to worry for? If all this seems illogical, it isn’t; the answer is that they do not want us to succeed. It isn’t incompetence; nay, far from it. They want us to die, along with them. It is a program of ruthless efficiency, the liquidation of the benighted and deplorable American kulak.
1/14/2020 02:41:45 am
Dis young feller ain't messin' around, is he? Me oh my! Go git'em son! Yeeeeeehhhaaaaaaawww!!!!!
Joe Johnson
1/15/2020 07:54:36 am
a chaos of people without stories.-clyde wilson
1/18/2020 10:41:00 pm
Excellent, Sir! Just reading F. A. Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom", in which he says: "It is ... more than doubtful whether a fifty years' approach toward collectivism has raised our moral standards... A movement whose main promise is the relief from responsibility cannot but be antimoral in its effect..." That was written 76 years ago. The Second Law of Thermodynamics has been at work towards further entropy ever since then.
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