I don’t know much about Telegram, but, evidently, a lot of people use it. Some misuse the social service. The other day, a known disinformation channel targeting the Muslim-majority Dagestan Republic of the Russian Federation, ran a warning that a planeload of Jewish refugees were inbound from Occupied Palestine. The channel is operated out of Kiev and is a project of the SBU-CIA terror network. It has since been blocked and Russian authorities have taken remedial measures regarding the mostly peaceful protest that erupted at the local airport based on the psyops refugee tip. While they were likely led by NATO Nazi-backed insurgents, some Islamic Dagestanis fell for the ruse. They protested at the airport in an attempt to safeguard their Republic from invasion. It was a hoax, but in their defense, at least they were proactive. These people are intelligent and they remember various episodes from their history and the history of other nations. Beginning at the end of the nineteenth century, Palestinians were confronted with successive waves of Jewish refugees and now find themselves facing extermination. So it is that, begrudgingly, Americans may be forgiven for falling for similar disinformation campaigns. After all, if intelligent Muslims who take their faith seriously can be duped, then dull-witted neo-pagans must be expected to fall for whatever lies they are told, no matter how ridiculous. It’s almost like Americans live to fall for hoaxes, and they’ve been treated to another big one for the past few weeks. Being mildly wicked, extremely gullible, and rather stupid, maybe they just can’t help it. Their disinformation propaganda channels have names like “BBC,” “CNN,” “FOXNews,” and “NewsMax.” Immediately after the US-Israeli green flag operation out of Gaza on October 7, lurid tabloid headlines like this appeared:
It appears to be the Hasbera job of UK “news” outlets to first trumpet these ridiculous lies, perhaps as an SIS-CIA vetting process. Next, they are presented in bold and red at places like the Sludge Report. Thereafter, the mantra is repeated perpetually, broken only by regular cries of, “Antisemitic!”, at outlets like FOX “News” and “News”Max. One frequently hears this nonsense from empty babbling heads like Ben “No, I Personally Won’t Fight” Shapiro and putrid politicians like the bloodthirsty warmongering lunatic, Satan’s Senator, Lindsey “Level the Place” Graham. There’s just one small problem with this particular narrative—as there usually is. It didn’t happen. Americans, who probably still can’t find Israel on a map or understand that postmodern political Israel is in no way even geographically contiguous with Biblical Israel, have never heard of, won’t read, or can’t read Haaretz, Israel’s paper of record and a far better news outlet than most Western imitations. Haaretz published a list of Israeli casualty victims from October 7. It included names and photographs. The majority were combatants—soldiers or police officers. Of the civilian minority, one suspects many were armed (illegal) settlers and, thus, quasi-combatants. Hamas, not necessarily the nicest people, but still constrained by the laws of Islamic warfare, only killed sixteen Israelis under the age of eighteen. Haaretz also included casualty ages. None of them were younger than four. There is no evidence any were beheaded. In other words, like 9-11 (Operation Northwoods), the Gulf of Tonkin, COVID, Judeo-”Christianity,” and Putin dying 75 times while his army retreated in chaos from victorious Ukraine, the 40 beheaded babies line was just another lie. Again, being given to support evil, and being extremely stupid (which is their best defense against charges of overt wickedness), many Americans do not know, cannot learn, and will never try to come up to speed on reality. If these idiots wanted to see the real impact of warfare on children, hundreds murdered per day and pushing a cumulative 4,000 at the time of my drafting, they could simply look at Al Jazeera's 24/7 coverage (*disturbing*). They won’t. And they won’t bother to learn, largely because they can’t. Learning requires reading, and most Americans are fully or functionally illiterate. Not so in Palestine! During all the late unpleasantness, I was reminded of a happier chapter from just last year. On the Prepper Post News episode of March 1, 2022, I was privileged to discuss the rebuilding of Gaza’s largest bookstore. The PPN is, sadly, no more, but via the miracle of the digital interwebs, you can listen right here. My report was based on something I read, a heartwarming tale of good people seeking out good books. For FOX”News” watchers, “books” are assembled sets of paper with words written in them. The words convey ideas. Ideas are neuron-transmitted sensory…never mind. Unlike so many coffee and toy stores in ‘Murica that still call themselves bookstores, Gaza’s shop carries books. A lot of them: If you’re a TeeVee-watching, literacy-challenged ‘Murican, then these are real Palestinians. Notice they are happy people who are browsing books (yes, one might be hoax masking, but I’m sure she probably had a valid reason): Here’s a picture (and I didn’t mean to loot so many, AJ, but they’re excellent!) of some women and a little girl looking at charming children’s books. These are the people the filthy witch Nimarata Haley, braindead Brandon, and vampiric war criminal Benny Net-a-Yahoo want to genocide: The bookstore was founded around 2000 by Samir Mansour. It served as an information center and cultural gathering place. In May of 2021, the store and its roughly 100,000 books were destroyed by an IDF bombing raid—like so many houses, shops, hospitals, Mosques, Churches (yes, Normiecon, many Palestinians are Christians), schools, and refugee camps. By the time I found out about the store, it had been rebuilt bigger and better than ever. In 2022 it reopened in a new and very nice three-story facility packed with over 300,000 books. Again, Mansour’s is the largest bookstore in Gaza; it is the largest compared to the others—because there are others. By way of comparison, the rapidly decaying little Southern suburban town where I exist (for a little while longer) does not have any bookstores. There are a scant few in the area, none of which approach the bibliophilist’s delight in Gaza. That recalls to my mind some bookstores I knew in the bygone era of immediately post-peak America as well as a select few shops still operating in the lingering geographic vestiges of our collapsing national intelligentsia. Now one has to wonder if the grand reconstruction and improvement effort was in vain. Thanks to Anglo-Zionist supremacy, hatred, and satanic inclination, Mansour’s store has been bombed again.
If you are a Christian, a Muslim, or another honest person of faith, please pray for these helpless people. Books and bookstores can be replaced as many times as needed. People, however, are irreplaceable. The women and the girl in that picture have been affected by the war, and there is a statistical possibility one or more of them, the girl especially, has been killed or wounded. The GAE-Israeli axis of evil has targeted the Palestinian people for forced expulsion or outright eradication. If all their bodies and minds are killed, there will be no need for printed words. If you are a retarded heathen who somehow drifted into this article, then understand, if it's possible, that this is real news about what is really happening to real people in the real world. While you might not be slurring “Paveway!” on any of this ongoing terrorism, your tolerance and tacit support of evildoers at least indirectly implicates you in the disaster. Pray to fix that as well.
Remember to oppose unjustified violence whenever possible, stand by decent people, and read. Books really do have a healing quality. Deo vindice. Librum lege!
Paul Yarbrough
11/7/2023 01:15:45 pm
“Americans, who probably still can’t find Israel on a map…”
Perrin Lovett
11/9/2023 03:11:06 pm
You're not kidding. I saw something here while back about a middle school teacher pulling her hair out - the kids didn't even know what state they lived in. But there's always hope. Maybe those kids will be the ones to wise up and break our crazy cycle. Maybe...
11/9/2023 12:55:21 pm
So weary of hearing about Israel's right to defend itself. If I am walking down the street and someone attempts to rob me, I have the right to defend myself, even with deadly force if it comes to that. I do not have the right to murder all of the relatives of the person who attacked me.
Perrin Lovett
11/9/2023 03:16:25 pm
That may be the closest we can come to a perfect analogy for this madness.
11/9/2023 05:06:15 pm
Beautiful and heartbreaking post. Every day is heartbreaking. Please see Michael Hoffman's substack today about Talmudic Hate Speech and the very real neurolinguistic programming that underlies this psychopathy. And the doing nothing, and the illiteracy, are part of the psychopathy.
Perrin Lovett
11/11/2023 07:49:55 am
We have known definitively about the unholy evil of the Talmud for 1,000 years, since the Paris trials. Yet for some reason, every generation appears to have the memory of a goldfish. That reason may very well be programming.
William E. Shofner
11/17/2023 12:12:02 pm
In support of the comments here on how poor our schools, both public and private, are, my daughter years ago, while she was in the 5th grade at a private Christian school, told me that she had learned in school that Martin Luther King, Jr.... freed the slaves. Really? Such was news to me.
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AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at www.perrinlovett.me. Deo Vindice! Archives
September 2024