I have returned from my first vacation in almost 400 years, and boy howdy, I need a break. June is upon us, a busy month. In addition to hosting Juneteenth, June is also sodomite child-predation month. Weight your millstones accordingly. And … you know what? I hereby cancel all of that! You’re welcome. Do remember that June 8th is, of course, USS Liberty Remembrance Day. Thirty-four American men were intentionally killed by Israel. Believe it or not, the IDF/N has a memorial to the ship and her crew at the Clandestine Naval Museum in Haifa - something that queer dipshit Ron DeSantis wouldn’t allow in a Florida town where a survivor lives. Never forget. It’s not your imagination. Republicans come in two primary varieties: bloodthirsty zionists, and pedophile sodomites. Please pardon the extreme redundancy in that last sentence. I know there’s considerable cross-over between the types, and I know there are one or two (and no more) exceptions to the otherwise hard and fast rule. Here, I planned to tell the truth about Lindsey Graham, Brian Kemp, Ron DeSantis, and maybe a few others, but what’s the point? I could mention the predictable debt ceiling caving and cucking by McCarthy and Company, but again, it’s a moot issue. Bloodthirsty zionists and pedophile sodomites. Instead, let’s take a somewhat rambling look at World War Three. I’ll try to steer this thing. Regarding the hot part of the war in Europe, ZATO air games aside, I think the Wicked Witch of the WereWest, Vicky Nuland, is babbling her dreams aloud, Rainman-style, more than expressing coherent strategy. This summer may get hot. Or not. If the heat is on, look for a Russian victory. If not, look for a Russian victory. There’s also a slow-smoldering fire in Serbia. The rainbow brigade from KFOR recently knocked some Serbian heads around. This miserable affair in Kosovo has been a GAE staple for decades now. Over the past week, somewhat reliable sources alleged that the usual suspects are trying to bring a Maidan-esque revolution to Belgrade. Here’s hoping that all of that fails, that the people behind it drop dead, and Camp Bondsteel is swallowed in a huge sinkhole. There’s more, but let’s keep this moving. Four years ago, the USSA prepared to launch its biological warfare campaign and idiotic global hoax on the decent if dull-witted people of the Third Rock. If you’ve read … never mind. Just know that Occupied Palestine was one of the many countries that tracked the effects of the Great Hoax. They, at least the occupiers, have just reported that no healthy people under the age of 50 died from the Hoax. Furthermore, the average age of those who did die from (or with) the Hoax was at or above the ordinary average age of death. This was the standard, internationally-observed trend, and one that yours truly called out early in 2020. The same sources are a little slower getting to various other mortality statistics from 2021 and 2022 - likely to shield the public from the obvious fact that the second-stage bioweapon, aka the “vaccine” was far more deadly than the first stage SARS-HIV-HOAX bug. I think it was Dr. Zev Zelenko (RIP) who said Occupied Palestine was the largest second-stage bioweapon test laboratory in the world based on the percentage of people who stupidly, faithlessly accepted it. I watched him address the Rabbinical Council of Occupied Palestine back in 2020. Then, he explained his treatment protocol which boasted a virtually 100% cure rate. But, by and large, people don’t trust medical doctors with 100% success rates. Instead, they trust “science”, which they can’t define, as foisted by the Clowns who live to poison and kill people with biological weapons, chemical weapons, radiological weapons, nuclear weapons, and any other kind of weapons they can use. This young century, even without the Hoax, they’ve killed the hell out of millions of innocents. The Watson Institute at Brown University just released a study, How Death Outlives War: The Reverberating Impact of the Post-9/11 Wars on Human Health, about the magnitude and causes of the murders perpetrated by Clown World. Read that, or at least, the Executive Summary (2 pages, come on). In brief summation, most people killed in warfare are not killed by overt martial actions like shootings and bombings. Rather, they die of disease, starvation, contamination, exhaustion, and despair. The Clowns have so killed at least 4.5 million innocent people over the last two decades (excluding the Hoax and the Ukrainian front - both Clown-sponsored activities). The ending words of the Summary make George Carlin look prophetic: “The post-9/11 wars have occurred in countries whose populations are largely Black and brown, and are often waged by countries with histories of white supremacism and Islamophobia.” They left out Clown-supremacy, but like Carlin said, “bombing brown people”. Equity and inclusion mongers can breathe smugly knowing C19 and the 404 Affair have greatly spread the misery among all peoples. All of these are crimes of aggression that cry out to Heaven for Vengeance. Accordingly, the fake Brandon administration is declaring war! On — anti-satanism! Naturally, it’s what one might expect from the most satanically infiltrated and dominated fake administration in history. One can further expect Brandon to solicit and gain massive support from his pro-satanic, bloodthirsty zionist, pedo-homo GOP friends. In many ways, whatever controls Brandon is way behind the assorted GOPers. The main takeaway from all this madness and evil is that no one, especially no young man, double-especially no young Southern man, should ever trust anything said or done by the Clowns. Do not believe them. Do not support them. And most importantly, do not serve them. Let the Clowns defend Clown World. Let them die for it. Let them suffer Judgment for it. You, sane people, just live. Get out there. Build, get married, and raise families. Keep them safe from the deprivations of the world. While the luciferian order of today burns, it’s time to plan a new society. I have a little book that may help in recognizing some of the traps of post-modernity. Many thanks, again, to Dr. Wilson for his excellent review of The Substitute. Given all he wrote, and given that it’s all true, I suggest people purchase at least 25 copies. That’s a wrap for this week.
D. H. Corax
6/5/2023 01:32:25 am
When you realize that most of those in charge of our foreign policy are the spiritual and genetic heirs of the Talmud writers who end a passage in which the rabbis debate God with God declaring, "My sons have defeated Me, My sons have defeated Me!" suddenly the seemingly suicidal arrogance of clown world's rulers makes perfect sense.↵
Perrin Lovett
6/6/2023 02:06:09 pm
I bet Vicky Nuland could defeat the Rabbis. We must defer to her high 115 average IQ, etc, etc.
Clyde N Wilson
6/5/2023 03:51:35 am
Perrin, Why are you so mean and unfair to those wise, brave Republican statesmen?
Perrin Lovett
6/6/2023 02:09:06 pm
Alas I should and must apologize to any ordinary vampires, sodomites, convicts, roaches, rats, and serpents I may have inadvertently offended by way of comparison. As they say, "My bad".
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AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at www.perrinlovett.me. Deo Vindice! Archives
January 2025