In Stephen King’s 1983 novel, Pet Sematary, yet another family in another Maine town stumbles across rank evil. In the woods around Ludlow lies an ancient American Indian burial ground. Whatever beast or man goes into the earth there is quickly reanimated in demonic form. To preserve peace, the living residents of the town must soon destroy any cat, boy, or war veteran who so returns as a zombie. What if our Clown World shamans from hell are doing something similar with all kinds of people everywhere within that strange nation-shaped kind of place between Mexico and Canada? It’s just a question and a theory. One learned man after another, from Professor Alexander Dugin to Emmanuel Todd to Pepe Escobar to Dr. Fadi Lama correctly suggests that Western natives have been as equally victimized by the demons of Clown World as any colonized or exploited people anywhere else. They also agree that as the decent multipolar world turns its collective back on the Clowns, Western natives will be the only victims left to Clown predation. And the Clowns, filled with fear, hate, and rage, will unleash even more destruction on their final victims. But what if—my theory—they have found a way to vent on their captive hosts and keep oppressing some foreign peoples at the same time? The English colonies in America were, as one might suspect, predominantly populated with Englishmen. Then came our African friends in the company of more people from Northwestern Europe. Then came other Europeans, Asians, Hispanics, and everyone else. The whole time, pre-Columbian native groups like the Mi'kmaq, semi-slandered in so many horror novels, had it rather rough. The “Great Replacement” is not a conspiracy theory; rather, it has been official US policy since at least 1965. Since then, the non-Hispanic White European percentage of the population has been falling, though for a while the group’s total numbers continued to rise. The rate of increase began to slow some decades ago and it ground to an effective flatline in 2015. Thereafter, from 2016 through 2022, there was a net numerical loss of approximately 2,660,138 individuals. 2023 and 2024, once tabulated, will likely take the net loss to minus 4 million. Census figures have become fuzzy at best, but it is likely Whites are numerically back to where they were around 1990 and maybe earlier. They have dropped from 75% to 57% of the total population (probably closer to 50% including just those of purely European ancestry). Yet the total US population since 1990 has increased by approximately 90 million people. Today, virtually all additional warm bodies come from abroad. For a while, some of the increase was due to growth among Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and others. That trend appears to be over. Pursuant to my theory, I suspect something dreadful is afoot. Non-White US natives are starting to vanish too! Black American population growth was slowing, following only seven or eight years behind Whites in demographic tendency. Their flatline came in 2021. And in 2022, they dropped by 100,343 people. Hispanics, the second-largest total demographic cohort, are in a similar position, losing 659,588 people in 2022. Asians and other peoples are similarly slowing and could dip into negative territory this year—if they didn’t last year. (The mRNA biowarfare program of 2021-22 might explain such drastic one-year reductions, but it wouldn’t necessarily explain the slowing during the previous years. White Americans used to be Westerners in the classical sense of the word. Then, very slowly but thoroughly, they morphed into postmodern faux Westerners, into callous, hedonistic usury service bots. While their road was a little longer and more convoluted, Blacks began to join the transformation during the second half of the 20th Century. Hispanics followed a similar route. Many Asians, Native Indian remnants, and others are joining or have joined the great dystopian madhouse. Much like the plot of King’s novel, we had a country of real, normal, living people. In rapid, successive waves, they mutated into zombies incapable of maintaining much in the way of civilized society. Now, due to what might be a form of mass suicide, they’re destroying themselves. If they keep it up for another generation or three in a vacuum, then the sign might as well read: “Welcome to ‘Murika, population: 0.” Again, virtually all population growth is driven by immigrants. What if further replacement immigration is designed to or has been co-opted to facilitate a continuous cycle of human elimination? Our satanic ruling elites generally see but three classes of people. They, of course, are at the top. The second class might as well be considered slaves (maybe pets) for the elites. Someone has to grow the elites’ food, heal the elites’ ailments, pave the elites’ roads, generate the elites’ electricity, entertain the elites, provide security for the elites (against the awakened wrath of the rest), and have a few extra offspring here and there so these walking demons have children to molest. The third class, perhaps 90% of humanity, are euphemistically referred to by the elites as the “useless” or “worthless” class. They’ve been openly calling people that for fifty years and, now, they’re openly working on ways to cull the “surplus population” as Ebenezer Scrooge put it. This three-tiered classification is a global concept, at least in the parts of the globe still dominated by Clown World. What if the Clowns are now using the vast zombie burial grounds of America to 1) keep a steady slave-pet contingent handy, and 2) wipe out the rest of humanity? Too many Africans? Ship them to America. Is South Asia overcrowded? Pet Sematary time. How many Argentinians? You get the idea. Maybe it’s a metaphysical question. I’m not certain as it is, again, just a theory. If one is a young demographer with some free time, this might be something to pay attention to, track, and report. Those in the Sovereign Nations are wise to continue separating themselves from this demented wickedness. For those in America, the West, and places still under Western occupation, it may be time to try something new. Something like fighting and turning the tables on our beloved elites. While some in America still timidly cherish the idea of a non-violent reaction (to a war of extermination), men like Ma Xinmin, legal advisor for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, rightly acknowledge the right of oppressed and occupied peoples to fight back against their oppressors and occupiers. Americans used to understand that truth, which is still enshrined in Article Ten of the New Hampshire Constitution as the Right (and even responsibility) of Revolution against tyranny: “The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.” While a character in King’s book deduces, "sometimes, dead is better," I suggest that when dealing with sociopathic satanic killers, dead is always better. While one ponders this theoretical story of anti-human horror, please enjoy a lyrical take on it by the Ramones. Do you want to be buried in the American Sematary? Deo vindice. Mors daemonibus.
3/4/2024 01:29:17 pm
Deo Vindice, To live is Christ, to die is gain.
Perrin Lovett
3/4/2024 05:33:30 pm
Thank you very much for the kind, wise comments, Katya. Dostoevsky and so many others, and the exact wording isn't important, capture the seemingly nebulous but very "there" Russian spirit. Dugin, Savin, and others, each in his own way, are helping turn the tide. They're in the beginning of a titanic revival, Orthodox and wider society wise. The contrast to postmodern pop-culture America is startling. And it all forces me to reexamine many things I took for granted and previously enjoyed. In turn, I do what I can!
3/5/2024 06:46:42 am
Mr. Lovett,
Perrin Lovett
3/5/2024 05:29:58 pm
Thank you, again! I relayed your kind words to Dugin AND Garlington!
3/10/2024 05:04:56 am
Mr. Lovett, I have just read your book, “The Substitute” — there is your Pet Sematary — the very real haunting of this country that has trafficked in and stolen the souls of our children and of all of us who stood by watching it happen. I should know as a lifelong teacher fired and blacklisted by the alphabet crowd which is so sinister, so Sinister — your Tom Ironsides stands at the edge of a very dark pool. Your Pet Semantary. We are in greater trouble than you realize. Dugin knows it. His daughter, Darya , paid for it. Just wanted to say —-
Perrin Lovett
3/10/2024 05:10:32 pm
Thank you very much! Hope you liked it, and that's one heck of a review! "..stands at the edge of a very dark pool." May have to use that somewhere. Tom returns to print soonish in more traditional form, actually combatting evil. And in a book meant to be fiction and maybe not as muddled as another "what's wrong with the schools?" book turned into a novel.
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AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at Deo Vindice! Archives
September 2024