*Today, a twofer! Religion and Economics. A Review Of Reclaiming the Catholic Church by Giuseppe Filotto*Kindly ignore the current economic hysteria. CLICK HERE for my take on the possible monetary future. The times are interesting, though they are also Blessed. We’ve had more than a few extremely important books published this young century. I herein present a brief look at another one of them. Giuseppe Filotto, RECLAIMING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: The True History of Vatican II and the Visible Remnant of the Real Catholic Church now that the Vatican is a Pederast Infested Hive of Impostors, Warrior Monk (2020) (Amazon).
Roundabout, via following Vox Day’s writings for years, I learned of Giuseppe Filotto, a very interesting Italian writer, engineer, and philosopher. Like so many of us, he wandered around for some time, only to come home to the Catholic faith (There is great meaning and truth in the play-on-words title of another book, Scott Hahn’s Rome Sweet Home). The good news for us, regarding the esteemed Mr. Filotto, is that when he came home, he brought his energy, his style, and his keen wit with him! I’ve been reading his blog for a while now. I’ve also seen a few of his video presentations. His is a knowledgeable style, measured, rational, and considerate, all with an edge and a fire about it. It is indicative of both stern character and higher intelligence. It works and remains likely that it took someone like Mr. Filotto to research and write such a book - which I recommend in the highest regard. All Catholics should read it along with anyone else who considers himself a Christian of any stripe. Reclaiming The Catholic Church is 500+ pages of substance. I read it on Kindle where, thanks to the ease of digital operation, the reader may immediately access reams of additional, supporting information from other works, original and meta-analytical. The material presented and discussed is exhaustive. Filotto’s literary approach is as humorous as it is intellectual. I found the entire book, in addition to being almost overly cited, to be extraordinarily well laid out. Beyond mere structure, it naturally developed a smooth “flow” for lack of a better word. This may have been intentional on the author’s part, or else Filotto has an innate storyteller’s ability. It could be both cases. It could be, it most certainly is, that Filotto makes fine use of the Gifts given to him by the Holy Spirit. In exposing the plans of the enemy, he exhibits a fearless resolve sanctioned by Scripture. “Behold, I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall hurt you.“ Luke 10:19. All that said, here is the beginning of why this book is a critical work of Christian thought. Filotto’s interspersed side commentary lends an aura of readability and humanity to the work. On page 58 he implores Catholics: “Face reality and deal with it sensibly…”, further noting that “Life is hard.” It is. And most Catholics, most Christians, and most Westerners have been woefully prepared to deal with it. In fact, they have been intentionally counter-prepared for a kind of unreality. The architects of this false existence are the same wicked degenerates that have ruined or attempted to ruin literally everything on planet Earth, especially Christianity. On page 43, as if channeling Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn, Filotto writes, in explanation of Catholicism and Catholic thought:
Rational thinking is a formal process. It is not taught today. Rather, its evil opposite is drilled into the brain. This is one primary reason why no sane, decent adult should ever allow any child near anything called a modern “school.” Another reason has to do with the nature and purpose of the schools - to break the family unit, and the nations, and to ultimately corrupt and undo Christendom. What passes for modern education is only a part of the centuries-long onslaught against Christian civilization, the capping achievement of which was the coup in Rome, a subject well and thoroughly explained in Filotto’s book. The problems we face go far beyond any Church building or any one group of our assorted peoples. The reader may discover a personal attachment either through acknowledgment of the core principles or just from one of many darkly humorous cultural references. For example, Filotto is about the only author I have ever read who knows this anecdotal story from faded Dixie (unless it also happened elsewhere). From page 50, emphasis mine: “…so many Protestant “Pastors” seem to subscribe to the personal prosperity “gospel” that to all appearances is something like: “Throw your money in the air! What stays in the air you keep, the rest, is for me!” My grandmother used to tell of such a “Pastor” and his washtub collection plate with which he engaged in this exact abomination. I found the recitation charming, even as it serves as an indictment for much of modern Churchianity. The whole point of Filotto’s book is that Christianity means Catholicism. As he points out, this was universally understood for approximately 1,000 years. The Christian Church is the Catholic Church. Unlike the book, which covers semi-tandem subjects in detail, my review will skip over Protestantism and Orthodoxy. I, for one, have a deep affection for many members of both of these groups. However, the schisms among Christians are not the kind of division Christ desired. Through His plain statement, Jesus Christ came to divide His Followers from the failed, collapsed faith of the Pharisaical Jews and from the general darkness of the fallen world. Upon Saint Peter, Christ founded His Church, upon which, per Matthew 16:18, the gates of hell shall not prevail. Yet, the past 2,000 years have demonstrated time and again that hell continues to crash against the Church, even if in vain. Satan’s attempts, we know, are ultimately futile, though they have had a discernible transient impact. Thus, out of alarm or ignorance, people keep asking the above-referenced question. Every attempt (and temporary minor success) in dividing the Faithful from the Church is the work of the devil. Filotto concentrates his considerable knowledge and talent on the freemasonic infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church, over time, particularly, during the mid-20th century. The underlying premise of the book is something we are all familiar with. Men are weak. We are prone to stray. Christ had no more Ascended into Heaven than the Nicolaitans immediately began to forge a blasphemous cult of Bacchus atop the Holy foundation of the Church. That attempt was rapidly stamped out by the earliest Church Fathers. Filotto, to his great credit, gives numerous examples of other inspirational men rising to the challenge and defeating the impulses left in us by original sin. He does, indeed, continuously exhibit a Crusader’s spirit, which is rather appropriate for a Christian man. Christ was a fighter! As must be His followers. The major premise of the book revolves around the seeming fall of the Church, to luciferian infiltration, which culminated with the publications of the Second Vatican Council (“Vatican II”). This matter, this deception, is a personal matter for all Christians. I encourage them to read Filotto’s book! Like my former self, most of them likely do not know and have not read a single word of the Vatican II documents. This is a terrible mistake, but a correctable one. Today, later-day, fake apologists, the ones who barely contain their luciferian contempt for Christ and His Church, try to rhetorically turn the situation around. They claim that any Catholic who rejects Vatican II is a heretic, a schismatic, or both. Or worse. The truth is the opposite. The uninitiated will be introduced to two words they may have previously heard, but which they likely do not understand: “Sedevacantist,” and “Sedeprivationist.” The “Sedes”. More I leave to the intrepid reader, but Filotto well explains the definitions (and the difference) on page 249:
Vatican II provided the schism, by way of heresy. Any Ordained official who does not reject Vatican II, tacitly endorses it. Publicly supporting heresy, legally means those leaders automatically lose their ordination and authority. So, we are left with only a Papal question of emptiness versus usurpation. The Sedes are the only Catholics fully, advisedly holding the devoted line, regardless of how one answers the question. Along the way, Filotto does a grand job of explaining the real history of Catholicism, sometimes as a refutation of various slanders told against it. “Inquisition!” they shriek. It was real and it was really not what we’ve been told. Chart after chart of cases, with dispositions, is included. They paint a portrait of a just and charitable Church punishing evildoers while concurrently exuding Christ’s Grace, Wisdom, and Kindness. At one point, with a particular set of heinous crimes, I found myself mentally criticizing the author for being too lenient! However, he atones for himself and causes his reader (or caused this one) to stop and consider true justice and equity. I do believe there are miracles within this work! I leave their exact discovery to the joy of the reader. Chapter Four is dedicated to explaining the precise meaning of each of the sixteen main points of Vatican II. All amount to base heresy, except for one part that is also blasphemous, and another that is, at best, meaningless and unnecessary. The entirety of the new false doctrine has the effect, as Filotto notes, of rendering the whole of the modernist, post-Vatican II Church a fraud, and essentially just another Protestant denomination. The build-up to this ruinous evil is explored in painstaking detail. All points and matters are presented, by necessity, by astute summation. However, all issues discussed are backed by full authority and are conveniently linked (especially through Kindle) for the reader’s instant or delayed perusal. Understanding what Vatican II (and its architects) did to the Church, necessarily leads to rejecting Vatican II (and its architects!). What it all means is that the majority of what most consider to be the “Catholic Church” is an intentionally misguided imposter, and all “popes” after Pious XII died in 1958 are imposters. This was and is a great rebellion. These people, the ignorantly misguided and the overtly evil, left the Church. But like all other attempts, this one will fail. The gates have not and will not prevail against us because of the supernatural Protection of Christ. Filotto’s book is beyond important. It is a fun, necessary, and exciting call to the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. We needed the explanation this book provides. An accurate description is all the more needed as evidence of the problem, in an unexplained state, is all around us. Information has surfaced of late that reinforces the truth of “Sede” Catholicism, as the secret police of the former United States have designated “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” or “RTCs” as domestic terrorists and a threat to globalism and satanism. Guess who qualifies as an RTC? This kind of calculated insult is in reality the highest form of praise, and it is proof of Christ’s wisdom concerning the world hating us as expressed in John 15:18-19. Part of the US DOJ’s [SIC] definition of “RTC” revolves around insistence on the Traditional (pre-Vatican II) Latin Mass ( or “TLM”). The TLM is under direct assault worldwide by the modernists and their anti-pope(s). If you are Catholic, the odds are that your local Diocese has recently ordered the termination of TLM at all Parishes. Why? The National Catholic Register even ran an opinion piece a few years ago explaining how the Latin Mass became a cult of “toxic tradition”. That is an exemplification of the Church balefully conforming to the ways of the fallen modern world. It is also what is referred to as projection. One need only read most any news story out of Rome these days to discover what a real cult of toxicity looks like. It looks the way it acts. There is a distinct perfidious nature in the modernist Church. Aside from becoming an open, teeming hive of sodomites and pedophiles, it does things like request its own school boys go to Washington, DC to protest against infanticide. By itself, such a call is exactly what the Church should do. It should do much more. However, in American unreality, when stalwart young Catholic men answer the call, only to be met with savagery and slander, the same “Catholic” leadership quickly throws them under the proverbial bus. The 1960s modification of the Church, to fit in with contemporary moral standards and behaviors, has been a success that renders the modernist Church little different in character than the average social justice warrior or neo-Trotskyite. Filotto labels Chapter Five “the core and heart” of the book. It is. That is the chapter where is presented the majesty of the Code of Canon Law of 1917 and the resulting Catechism. This is where the differentiation between valid Christianity and the “values” of the new anti-Church becomes manifest. I have suffered through reading a few trollish attacks on the legitimate Church, often misusing the very language of the Code of 1917. Anyone who makes it through Filotto’s fifth chapter and still rejects the eternal wisdom of the pre-masonic Church is either dull-witted or possessed of a dark ulterior motive. For their sake, I sincerely hope it is the former. One reasonably acquainted with real Church history knows that, sadly, this kind of betrayal and alienation has happened before. For those living in times of Ecclesiastical fissure, the process is understandably discomfiting. Yet, rest assured that history also repeatedly shows that momentary breaks in our orders inevitably give way to renewal. Our quest is to both understand, and then get through the unpleasantries. We should, of course, be thankful at all times, for all things - even, or especially those things that cause us disquiet. For those attempting to separate the real from the false, a “witch test” is presented on page 244:
It is - all of it - a shocking revelation. But it is true. And one need not fear the truth. We are reminded on page 320 that “Catholics are NOT given to a spirit of fear”. We’re not. And the first step toward doing the brave first thing is to know what is going on. Start by reading Filotto’s book. Think long, hard, and critically about what is explained. Be bold! The next step is finding a valid Catholic church home. This reclamation will proceed one Catholic at a time. All one has to do, all one really can do, is to look, think, and then make a commitment. To begin the process, commit to reading Reclaiming The Catholic Church. Reclaiming The Southern EconomyWeather balloon mania aside, everyone was getting so excited about the 2024 election. Then, cruelly if predictably, the banks began to melt down. How many have we lost as of today? I, honestly, can’t keep track.
There’s no point in tracking the collapse, even as everyone saw it coming or should have seen it coming. The esteemed Giuseppe Filotto just confessed that he jumped the gun on our current predicament 30 years too early. He’s to be forgiven because it is better to be ahead of these things than behind them, and he essentially made the same miscalculation Harry Figgie Jr. made in his 1992 book, Bankruptcy 1995. That book is still worth reading, by the way. The reason they, I, and almost everyone else got the timing wrong is multifaceted. First, we are decent, normal people, the opposite of the rank evil that rules the USSA, the West, and our dying financial institutions. Their dark ways are outside of our immediate reckoning, and it is difficult for anyone caught in the moment to accurately assess any complex moving disaster. Second, the scope and magnitude of this calamity are almost beyond comprehension. Using Figgie’s title as a guide, the USSA, which is and has been technically bankrupt, keeps functioning (poorly) because of its unique standing. It is all at once the debtor, the creditor, the bankruptcy judge, and the trustee. It also employs legions of full-time liars and obfuscators and a literal army of armed goons to force allegiance when lies fall short. There are other reasons. This rolling dark age has been a long time in the making. It was born, in darkness, in 1913, of a labor long devised. It methodically grew, genuinely intensifying in 1944. Between 1971 and 1973, it launched on afterburners. The jets are still roaring, but the trajectory is now terminally locked onto the unforgiving terra firma. A loud boom and a large crater are in order. …Read More, Including a Plan Forward, HERE.
Walt Garlington
3/18/2023 09:33:09 pm
We are not trying to start a flame war, hurt anyone’s feelings, etc., etc., but, since the Orthodox Church is still unknown to most Southerners, we wanted to offer an Orthodox view of the papal claims for those who were interested:
Perrin Lovett
3/20/2023 08:49:59 am
Perspective is not unwelcomed. As I wrote, "deep affection". Walt, there will be no kind of war between you and I nor among our Brothers. (That's an order to all, from me, Acting Orderer, BTW). I am daily aware that Latins and Greeks are under assault from the same enemy. Woe unto him and his.
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AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at www.perrinlovett.me. Deo Vindice! Archives
January 2025