The morons, a sizable demographic plurality in our continent-spanning Sodom and Gomorrah, are sporting masks again. I’m not sure what to make of this other than a substantial portion of the population consists of faithless heathen idiots. People who believe in nothing tend to be frightened of everything and will fall for almost anything. No matter how obviously fake. They have plenty of chances to indulge their craven stupidity because, as Daira Dugina wrote in Eschatological Optimism, “...the given world which we presently take to be pure reality, is illusory: it is an illusion that is about to dissipate and end.” As the esteemed Professor Clyde Wilson noted the other day, we are surrounded by a sea of hoaxes and fakery: fake holidays, fake entertainment, fake leaders, and fake virtues. Paradoxically, much of the more serious illusory nonsense can and does affect us materially as well as spiritually. One wouldn’t think it possible, but it is. Today, we’re going to take a look at a living example of something ridiculously fraudulent that is about to have deadly serious ramifications for a number of people. Back in early 2022, on one or more episodes of the Prepper Post News, I urged my mostly Western audience to pick a city, town, or area in Ukraine that most closely resembled where they lived. People, places, and happenstance are not so different, and one may learn a lot about one’s own condition or potential plight based on what happens with and to someone else somewhere else. I have no idea whether anyone undertook the experiment other than me. The town I picked is doing rather well today. It was liberated and annexed and is in the process of being rebuilt. This leads me to think I may have picked the wrong place. Regardless of my possible comparative geostrategic foibles, at the end of last week, the world got a stark reminder of the evil nature and extreme gravity of our illusory world. The military conflict between NATO and Russia, as displayed in Ukraine, is a horrific nightmare for the Ukrainian people. The nation’s population from the end of the Soviet era had already fallen by several million before last February. Since then, it has been essentially cut in half. More than ten million people fled to other countries. Millions more joined the Russian Federation. Almost half a million Ukrainian men have been killed in combat. Of the million or so additional wounded casualties, many of them are “sanitary losses,” as they are called, meaning they’re maimed for life and unfit to return to battle. Proof exists that Kiev is relying on old men of seventy and rumor suggests they’re calling up boys of sixteen or seventeen. In DC, London, and Brussels, a general panic has set in over where to find additional cannon fodder. Loose plans involved men from Poland, the Baltic States, other parts of Europe, and, in a rather unlikely scenario (as of just yet), the US. However, needing bodies now, the Clowns have resorted to a new low of desperation. Ukraine is drafting women. Read that article from RT. Think about the implications. Notice what’s obviously wrong in the included photograph. All Ukrainian women with medical backgrounds and education are involuntarily enlisted now. They are needed in an effort to triage some of the 1,000 or so male casualties sustained every day. That paints a poor enough scene, but it’s only the beginning. A possible general mobilization of women for combat duty is expected in the near future. Read that article (translation most likely required) and watch the recruiting videos. Before all is said and killed, we’ll probably start to see videos of these women delimbed, decapitated, and truncated. The Werewestern MSM doesn’t show the existing videos of men being slaughtered and I never link to them out of a sense of decency. But they’re out there. And they’re nauseating. The saddest part of all of this is how unnecessary it is. As the Clowns are locked into America and unable to invade, divide, and destroy Russia (or China), they appear intent on the spiteful genocide of the Ukrainian people. That’s what’s happening. Wipe out the sexually mature and functioning men AND women of any nation, and that nation’s future is erased or greatly diminished. Our real enemies, our fake, gay, stupid, sociopathic rulers, are among the most wicked and degenerate people who have ever lived. One wonders when or if anybody in America or the other hostage host countries has any ability to oppose these demons or even acknowledge they exist. They won’t be content with butchering Ukrainian women. Last May, I wrote a column that raised the specter of the Clowns drafting American women into service against Russia. In 2019, I wrote another column about a court case that set the stage for the unthinkably dyscivilizational and dysgenic, National Coalition for Men, et al. v. [Imperial] Selective System Service, et al., Slip Op., 4:16-cv-03362, Civ. Action H-16-3362 (So. Dist. Texas, Feb. 22, 2019). Opined a GAE judge:
ERA all the way! Baby, you’ve come a long way (towards oblivion). Gurl power! And so forth.
Being one to notice things a little earlier than most, I noticed this budding development no later than 2016. Then, I examined the support of most of the warmongering lunatic GOP presidential candidates for killing our girls. (Off-topic reminder: If you don’t support “conservatives”, then the “liberals” will win!) I suppose it was easier to entertain the false, illusory concept of equality during times of relative peace. I hope during the opening phases of World War Three the outlook has changed a little. In fact, I hope the US collapses and dissolves before any more American men or women can be killed for global satantry. If not, then we’re in for a lot of “ifs”. If the GAE goes all-in for a hot war with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Africa, Europe, and/or America, then it will lose. If they go all the way, then they can’t rely on the dwindling power of the existing imperial military. If called on, the US simply doesn’t have enough young men fit for service. If they institute a draft, then it will probably or possibly include ‘Murica gals. However, no ifs about it, our rulers hate us and will happily sacrifice both sexes even if they know they lose in the end. Again, how anyone can support or tolerate these slimy little rats is as big a mystery as why dullards are once again wearing useless scraps of fabric over their fat, sullen faces. Ladies, young ladies, just know this not-so-happy picture is a future possibility for you. It’s still remote; I give it a 10-20% chance of happening. Then again, I would have given roughly the same odds to females in Kiev and Lviv this time last year. This edition was almost a polemic short work of fiction. I was going to title it The Anger Games. That header and the one I chose today pay a form of homage to The Hunger Games novel by Suzanne Collins. In that surprisingly interesting work, young Katniss Everdeen, a District 12 girl, volunteers for the violent titular games to spare her little sister from certain misery and death. In my hypothetical story, the protagonist was going to be someone’s uncle. He never even got a name. But he was to be a hero. Faced with his government’s drafting of his niece for some absurd war of aggression, he volunteered in her place. None of this was ever jotted down, but in my mind, he was so eager to fight his real enemies that he commenced the combat activities immediately at a ceremony held at the local military recruiting center. “Private Frag reporting for duty,” he would have heartily exclaimed before opening fire (thus fragging the assembled bastards). He would have hoped that the incident would spark a resistance. We’ll never know, though the concept is something to think about. Woman was God’s masterpiece of Creation. A woman “full of Grace” gave physical birth to our Lord, Jesus Christ. As such, it’s unnaturally natural for the devil’s slaves to hate women as they plainly do. To them I caution: Leave our girls alone. Deo vindice et hostibus semper mortem!
Clyde N Wilson
9/18/2023 04:43:53 am
I fear that our evil rulers have just not got to it yet.
Perrin Lovett
9/18/2023 02:36:54 pm
Hopefully they never will. But if this thing goes the distance, they'd be pressed not to pass on the option. Somehow, despite the USSA having twice the population of Russia, Global Firepower lists MANpower as a plus check for Russia.
9/18/2023 06:09:05 am
For thousands of years, even before Christianization, the sons of Europe understood that woman's place was not in the army, understood that men were to be the warriors and protectors. But "enlightened" America has lost sight of that fact.
Perrin Lovett
9/18/2023 02:41:54 pm
Indeed, Joe. Postmodern America has fully lost sight of Christianity and even the logic and tradition of pre-Christian pagan society.
9/19/2023 04:51:49 am
There is a billboard that I frequently pass that pictures a fresh faced girl in helmet and combat fatigues, proudly proclaiming that she has found her place in the Marines. Women in the ranks destroys unit cohesion. This evidently is the plan.
Billy P
9/21/2023 06:31:59 am
A sad act of desperation if it has reached that point. It is a fact that women snipers were very effective against the Germans defending Stalingrad in WW2 but in all cases its unnatural to have females standing on the front lines taking bullets. It doesn't feel right because it isn't right.
C.A. Powell. a.k.a. Rebel Forever
9/22/2023 06:54:40 am
I believe there is no wickedness too extreme which Zelensky, Biden, and their Republicrat cohorts in the putrid District of Corruption won't stoop to.
Perrin Lovett
9/23/2023 07:59:53 am
Thanks for the input, all. Many events are rapidly unfolding that may completely change the Ukrainian front. It is possible that murderous pressure might be taken off the Ukrainian people within the next 6-12 months. Might. However, as good as that would be, it will only increase the rage and desperation of the satanic rulers of Clown World. There's no sure way to predict who they will attempt to vent their frustration on. The surest bet is their host populations, particularly Americans. Hence, we must continue our vigilance and we must never serve these wicked demons.
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AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at Deo Vindice! Archives
February 2025