Last Friday, while some mourned the loss of five men who thought visiting the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in a high-tech beer can was a good idea, the strangest thing happened in Russia. Before anyone could figure out what it was, it was over. The MSM deemed the event a “civil war”. If so, and I haven’t confirmed the matter with Guinness yet, then it had to be the shortest civil war in history. When I first heard the news, I near-instantly developed a theory about wut wuz goin’ on. Others I highly respect have opined similar thoughts and a growing trove of evidence suggests we may be correct. Other minds I also highly respect have a divergent theory for which there is also ample circumstantial evidence. I think both theories are plausible and not necessarily mutually exclusive. Therefore, I herein meld them into one. I will leave out certain tangential lines of reasoning, some of which, like those of Andrei Martyanov, I tend to agree with and/or respect. Here goes. NATO done got played. The alternative view of this matter is that the desperate neocons attempted yet another color revolution but were caught in the act and circumvented by V. Putin and Company. Their war is failing and they know it. As I’ve stated before, they have probably at least considered a really, really big false flag or psyop. A coup in Moscow would have certainly fit the bill. The CIA claims they knew about Prigozhin’s campaign before it launched. That would be the case if the CIA had planned and orchestrated it. Prigozhin does likely have some substantial contacts with the Ukrainian FSB and GRU along with MI6 and the CIA. He, by the way, is not the founder nor the leader of Wagner. And he has little formal military training or experience, with essentially zero knowledge of operational planning in large-scale combined arms warfare. He does now have some tactical experience, so I suppose he’s on about the same level as the average NATO general. Wagner’s MOD contracts had expired or were supposed to expire and their future in the SMO looked uncertain. Prigozhin is a previously convicted felon, a showman, a wildman, and a businessman. There’s the issue of the “missing” $6 billion at the Pentagram. Prigozhin is also technically a member of a little group I’m not supposed to mention anymore. So, the elements of a potential faux coup of desperation were present. I’ve heard two explanatory angles that make some tandem sense as to the reason(s) NATO would consider such a strike. First, if the NATO counteroffensive had gone according to plan, Wagner’s behind-the-lines antics would have added a degree of pressure on Russian defensive lines in Donbas. As it happened, with the counteroffensive becoming a dismal flop, a loose armed revolution on Russian soil would have also added pressure - maybe not enough to really help, but, as planned, also not hurting. Either way, Wagner’s forces were not nearly strong enough to achieve Prigozhin’s stated and almost unbelievable objectives. 25,000 men, allegedly with low ammunition stocks, and without any substantial ISR, air cover, or air defense, would have never made it 1,200 km to Moscow, let alone been sufficient to take and occupy such a vast, heavily-defended city. The whole scheme of action, as stated, made absolutely no sense. This is further proof of NATO involvement. In addition to the CIA’s or DOD’s late non-admissions, we have some pictorial evidence of Clown Worldery in action. Even when their plans fail, the Clowns love to claim responsibility. From Sen. Marco Foamio (R - Foam Parties): From the loud dude at CNBC: Andrei Martyanov found a meme that perfectly captures the NATO response to the now-failed plot. The following could just as easily be a meeting of the Werewestern political leadership, military leadership, or media: This next bit doesn’t necessarily help the alternative explanation. However, it provides a link to my original theory. From Sludge: Cue Green Day: Red alert is the color of panic! Elevated to the point of static! Of course, the voices of the Clowns cried forth their Masters’ battle hymns. But the delivery was so weak and so off that it suggests the whole team was taken aback by the events as they unfolded. As I said, and other outsiders agree, they got played. Or so I think. I trust the average ‘Murican and the average MSM toady has forgotten, but just a month ago, Yevgeny Prigozhin threw a similar temper tantrum regarding Wagner’s alleged woes in Bakhmut. “Oh, noes! Russia has abandoned us without ammo or support! I guess you Ukies can roll on it. We outta here!” NATO fell for it, sending in reinforcements that were promptly destroyed as Wagner and Russian regulars steamrolled the city in a final triumphant assault. I think they fell for it again on a much grander scale. Let us assume that Prigozhin did have contact with NATO and did agree to go along with what would have surely been a suicide mission of a coup attempt. Now let’s assume that wildman double-agent Prigozhin was always working with Putin, who winked and nodded his approval of the attempt. Off he and his men went to Rostov, where they met with no resistance whatsoever. (I seriously question the reported helicopter and plane downings). While his woefully under-equipped columns went north towards Moscow, Prigozhin suddenly met with MOD generals, the local governor, and by telephone, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. The latter two men worked out a miracle deal and saved the day. Allegedly. Prigozhin and many of his men were then sent off to “exile” in Belarus (which has been under repeated low-level attack by NATO), Wagner was to be wound up, and most elements of the PMC not outright retired were scheduled to be absorbed into the Russian armed forces. Here’s a map of how all that looks from above, tracking the overland route of the Wagnerites from Donbas to points beyond: Besieging Moscow? Or Kiev?! My first theory was that this episode was an elaborate hoax —something others outside of NATO and the USSA are capable of pulling— set in motion as a cover for something altogether different. Something like the mass mobilization of troops and equipment. Wagner, more of a private version of the CIA’s SAD, and given to all manner of clandestine paramilitary warfare including the informational variety, was ideally suited to play along. It’s entirely possible that NATO’s stupid little plot was swallowed up whole by Russia’s much larger, ambitious, and cunning plan. We’ll know in a few weeks or months. The entire situation is fluid and accurate updates and predictions are difficult if not impossible. Again, just as 25,000 men, if Wagner even had that many, isn’t enough to occupy a city of 15 million, it is not enough to occupy a city like Kiev of 3-4 million. But they wouldn’t be alone. According to loosely-rumored plans, the Wagnerians are to enlist or contract into the regular army. From the outset of the SMO, about 100,000 of those troops loiter somewhere between Minsk and the Ukrainian border. There’s a smaller contingent of Belarusian troops with them, none of whom are too happy about the occasional attacks by NATO out of Ukraine against Belarus. Note that much of the actual fighting being conducted by Russia in the Donbas is still largely carried out by special forces, aerospace forces, DPR/LPR militias, and a skeleton force of MOD regulars. Also note that under several mobilizations and recruiting drives, the MOD has added something like another 500,000 men to the fray who may be regularly rotated in and out, but who have not been committed in full. And there are probably that many more also sitting in reserve. Add to them the recent core formations of about 150,000 new contract (a term of Russian art for non-conscripted soldiers) troops and volunteers (something like 1,300 joining up every day!), and Moscow has one hell of an army at its disposal, 1-1.5 million strong. The fantasy rumor is that a super general mobilization is planned to add another 5 million men to the field. As incredible and ridiculous as that number sounds, it is only about one-fifth of the total manpower available in a true emergency; with half the population of the USSA, Russia has more men fit for service. We’ll leave that potentially doable scenario alone for now. It is possible that the faux coup was designed to allow Wagner’s forces to join with other MOD troops in a circuitous route to the north of Kiev. Another possibility is that equally large formations may have been staged just east and southeast of Ukraine's eastern border with Russia. Why? As the counteroffensive is failing miserably, and as Kiev is out of men and NATO runs dangerously short on wonder weapons, Putin may be sensing the time to open up the throttle has come. If a column of armor and infantry suddenly descends towards Kiev from the north, unlike the movement in the first weeks of the SMO, this time it won’t be feigned. They’ll be going in to put a final end to Nuland’s special 2014 project. They could also push into western Ukraine. At the same time, Kharkov and its environs could be taken suddenly from the east. Also around the same time, a blitzkrieg across southern Ukraine could surround Odessa and extend a land bridge up to Transnistria. This would accomplish all of Russia’s territorial goals while enabling them to fully deNazify and reform whatever remains of the Ukrainian state, which would surely be reset to pre-USSR era borders. Regardless of all else, this episode is allowing Russia to identify and deal with various “fifth column” actors within the MOD, other government branches, the media, and society in general. Eliminating or containing internal traitors may serve as great a purpose as anything that could happen on the battlefield. All of this is, of course, still speculative. The speculation is warranted as to how it might affect the USSA and NATO and, more specifically, Americans and Westerners trapped under the rule of the Clowns. If my primary theory is even close to correct, then it pushes the Clowns a little closer to the “fish or cut bait” moment. Right now, there is literally no telling what they’re thinking or what they’re planning. The devil may not have told them what to think or do yet. Who knows? Outplayed or not, if Prigozhin’s behavior was in any way the result of NATO direction, then that would arguably amount to a direct NATO attack on Russia. I take Putin at his word that Prigozhin was a traitor and that he deceived his followers. Prigozhin could have been a fully compromised foreign agent or a freelancer and still helped Russia accomplish a larger operational goal. Regardless of who’s man Prigozhin is, if he had verifiable communications with NATO, then those communications will or have already become known to Moscow. That might be called “bad”. I keep repeating myself. I keep repeating myself. But the Russians are not the Taliban. They are not limited to hiding and waiting and sometimes throwing rocks. Their options range from doing nothing to ending all life on the planet. Being decent Christian people, they tend towards the former end of that scale. However, the fact we’ve reached such a sad place puts Americans at risk. Hence the importance of taking what precautions one can and never serving our wicked overlords. Come what may, try to be on the right side, morally speaking. A terrible thing to consider is that even if things were militarily and geopolitically fine between the GAE and Russia, Americans would still be in a world of hurt. I still fondly recall the go-go days of the fall of 2020 and the winter of 2020-21. Back then, during the heyday of the Prepper Post News (RIP), Scott, Jovanna, and I snickered as multiple video podcast episodes were banned, blocked, and disappeared by YouTube and Facebook [See? Straight names, no euphemisms] for the crime of allegedly pushing “misinformation” about the topics of central banking, bioweapons, fake vaccines, and election rigging. Remember that ancient history? During those heady times, the USSA suffered a coup. Rather, it succumbed to the final stages of a long-planned and insidiously pursued overthrow. The last part of this revolution was the removal of electoral politics. Like him, love him, or hate him, Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. What he lost was the war of insurrection waged by the Clowns. The fact that the intel-operated social media platforms killed my reports didn’t change reality. Even as courts typically do as they’re told, nothing changed the material facts in those “Kraken” case exhibits. Despite all the lies, cover-ups, and prosecutions, the truth is still the truth. I watched as some computer expert demonstrated to the idiotic Georgia Senate the extreme vulnerabilities of the state’s voting systems. From the Capitol complex, he remotely connected to a live ballot terminal in Gwinnett County during a runoff election. I can’t recall if he asked the Senators what they wanted him to do. If he did so ask, then they probably said something like, “Pretty gurl barbecue at da Depot!” I also can’t recall if he was named Alex Halderman. I don’t think he was. However, computer science professor J. Alex Halderman of the University of Michigan issued a report on the same systemic Georgia weaknesses. This being an important topic in a very free country, a court sealed the report when it was filed. As we’re past the point of no return the report was just unsealed and made known to the public about the time the Wagner wagons circled Rostov. READ IT HERE. It’s 96 pages long. Knowing that suggesting books or book-length reports to ‘Muricans is akin to offering fresh garlic to vampires, allow me to cut to the heart of the findings. On page 8, after warnings of possible foreign intelligence meddling, Halderman wrote: “Unfortunately, even if such an attack never comes, the fact that Georgia’s BMDs are so vulnerable is all but certain to be exploited by partisan actors to suppress voter participation and cast doubt on the legitimacy of election results.” All but certain. While I don’t expect any old pods to be restored, this is confirmation that certain of my prior suggestions were not “misinformation”. Nor was any of this new even in the fall of 2020. Like her, love her, or hate her (and I kind of like the gal), Stacey Abrams warned the idiotic duo of Brian “Big Truck” Kemp and Brad Raffenasperger that Georgia’s system was compromised at the time the state adopted it. I think she called it something like “gangster stuff”. By the way, Georgia, she’s much smarter than Kemp and much less favored by the dark state. Let that second part sink in as to why she isn’t your governor right now. This is in no way limited to Georgia. I would suspect it extends to all governments in the former United States. Make no mistake, the US is over. As is politics in the former US. If I was in the business of issuing death certificates, I could easily and just as well time-stamp the US’s as “On or about Noon, January 20, 2021”. Trump had a possible absolute last chance to halt the insurrection, but evidently, he didn’t even try. Once a coup is successful and the coup masters take control, they do not willingly relinquish their power. NEWS FLASH: There will be no election in the USSA in 2024. They will probably tell people there’s one. Pointless campaigns are already underway. They’ll tell everyone their winner. One might be allowed to vote. One might even vote even if one is dead. This will be a bigger lie than whatever happened in Rostov last week. I do understand why some still cling to the idea of electoral politics, democracy, and all that stuff. It gives people a sense of optimism and hope to think they still matter by supporting some politician or party that has only ever betrayed them. It’s like a driver dutifully holding the steering wheel after his defective automobile has already gone over a cliff. Hope is good, and I suppose that a false notion of control is better for some than acknowledging they have no political or legal options. For the more realistically-minded, I again suggest that absolutely no support should be given to the degenerates who led us to this position. To all, I say we have some reclaiming and rebuilding to do. Maybe a touch of vengeance. That’s rather exciting, isn’t it? And we’ll have some powerful help if we call for it. Deo vindice! This column was published at on June 28, 2023.
1 Comment
Clyde N Wilson
7/3/2023 05:45:32 am
Perrin, you are right---all the election hoopla will be a pointless distraction. It is a noisy game with no meaning.
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AuthorPerrin Lovett is a novelist, author, and small-time meddler. He is a loveable, unobtrusive somewhat-right-wing Christian nationalist residing somewhere in Dixie. The revised second edition of his groundbreaking novel, THE SUBSTITUTE, is available from Shotwell Publishing and Amazon. Find his ramblings at Deo Vindice! Archives
February 2025