The Reconciliation Monument, a great piece of American history and American art is gone. There were several votes but as best I can figure out, only about half or less of the “conservative” Republican majority in the House voted against the atrocity. And most of those who voted to preserve the monument were from what used to be Southern Democrat districts. The erasure is partly because of the vast pseudo-historical nonsense that has become mainstream now in regard to the War for Southern Independence. Confederates were evil people and traitors who fought only to defend slavery and all trace of them must be removed. I do not believe that any majority of the American public wants this. It is essentially a Communist tactic. It is announced the “false Confederate history” must be cut out of America. Of course, in any major historical event there are two sides to be looked at. Unlike Woke history that now dominates the government and the military, the Reconciliation monument is not phony. It represents a true and important event in American history that long had significant consequences. At least three Presidents supported that idea. Apparently the greatest objection to the monument is its depiction of a black nanny. Like Reconciliation, that is also a thing of real history, celebrated in document, song, and story. The generals who have perpetrated the atrocity one might notice, are bureaucrats, not soldiers. They do not grasp the long lasting commitment of the South to the American military. They can’t grasp that Arlington contains the graves of many sons and grandsons of Confederate soldiers. They have trashed American history and a lot of the honour that adheres to the American military. They are not at all aware of the descendants of Confederate soldiers who played a major role in World War II - Patton, Nimitz, Chesty Puller, Darby, Audie Murphy and a host of others as a result of the Reconciliation. They have a false, truncated, ideological view of American history. Besides, I know of two Confederate generals who are buried at Arlington for service they did to the U.S. in the later 1800s. I won't say who they are less I provoke further desecration.
For a while now I have refrained from voting. What thoughtful lover of his country can participate without disgust in the current American political contests, which are at the same time corrupt and carried on in an intellectually debased process like an advertising competition between two kids’ sugary breakfast cereals. However, because our early South Carolina primary seems to have some effect on the events that follow, I will bite the bullet and vote for Donald Trump. My primary purpose will be to inflict as much damage as possible on the Republican Party establishment. They are ignoring the plain fact that the grassroots has walked away from them and hoping that one of their establishment pygmies can get the White House and keep them in their comfortable power and profit. For many years I have argued that the first necessity in returning the U.S. to a sound basis is to destroy the Republican Party. The party exists for protecting certain economic interests and for supplying public places to ambitious and reliable mediocrities. Its leaders have no real ideas, principles, or interest in anything except themselves. The party has utterly failed at opposing any of the revolution that has overtaken American society in the last half century. There is no connection between “conservative” and the Republican Party except in dishonest verbiage. Despite the alienation of the grassroots, they have just made a Speaker of the House who, except for claiming Christian affiliation, has never said a word that could not be spoken by any parlor liberal. Except when raising money, of course, when he urges donors to fund a conservative campaign against leftism---a campaign doubtless to be led by Mitt Romney. Almost every day I receive expensive slick multi-colour mailings telling me what an outstanding leader is the person called Nikki Haley. She will do marvelous things. These things she is to do are upbeat but rather vague, which is a Republican trademark. I have already seen door-to-door canvassers deceitfully attacking Trump without actually saying so, something not known before in primaries. One of the reasons they hate Trump so much is that he talks about real things that people can identify with rather than in abstractions like “progress, “prosperity,” and “global democracy.” Government is supposed to be for the good of the people. Trump has gained vast support because he has simply stated what millions already know - our government is an enemy of the people. Our elite are too intellectually and morally shallow to care. Imagine this person Nikki seeking the chair of Washington and Jefferson and you have a measure of American degeneration. Or even Eisenhower or Kennedy. A person entirely the creation of opportunism, money, and publicity without a single attribute of integrity or accomplishment. She is a prime example of a diseased dysfunctional system. She was elected governor of South Carolina (the only time she has actually been before voters) because she acted as the “Tea Party” candidate against establishment Republicans. Shame to say I actually voted for her for that reason. That stance was abandoned as soon as the election was over. I expect and hope that the primaries will send Nikki into deserved oblivion. Mr. Trump has made many mistakes. I wish we had a statesman with more wisdom and gravitas. But that is not possible in American society today. We have to work with what we have and what is possible. The former President frequently says the right things and he certainly provokes the enemies of the people. Can he win the nomination? It seems so with overwhelming support, but don’t count out the establishment yet. Can he win the election? Really? We know that the Dark State has already perfected stealing elections. We know that the courts, the media, the federal police and intelligence agencies, the bureaucracy, the Pentagon, the Republican establishment are determined to prevent him from winning. If you are naïve enough about politics (the pursuit of power) to think that won’t happen, then I have some good Florida land, inherited from my uncle, that I would like to interest you in. Besides the normal psychopathy of politics, the hatred of Trump also energises the destructive revolutionary fervour of our times. And if Trump were to survive the election what would he be able to do to drain the swamp? The task is too big for anyone---the rot is too deep and widespread. The same elements that did not want him elected will still be in power. He will have to defy the courts, resist a firestorm from the media, and cleanse the police agencies and the Pentagon from the top down. The task of reform would take wisdom and herculean effort that is not likely to be possible. It seems that Trump has learned a lot from his experience, but probably not enough. In a recent Tucker Carlson interview Trump was in good form, articulate and persuasive. Twice Carlson mentioned that the Dark State had now done everything to stop him, which had only increased his support. What would they do next? Carlson was hinting at assassination, but Trump did not take the bait. We know that the Dark State has no moral limits in infiltration, assassination, and false flags. We know that society is now full of violent antifa thugs, perhaps hundreds of thousands of them. The last candidate who seriously shook up the national elite was George Wallace. |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025