All you need to know about “American democracy”: Money gets power. Power gets money. But we live in a country where many people still believe that politicians want to do good. Students at U.S. colleges and universities: Most should not be there. Especially Chinese studying science. Professors at U.S. colleges and universities: Most should not be there. They are not teaching anything worthwhile. Thousands of “administrators” with six-figure salaries at U.S. colleges and universities: Almost none of them should be there. Many should be in prison. The latest $70 billion dollar “defense” budget: Only a small fraction actually defends the American people. Many essential actions for defending the American people are not carried out. Many of the overseas expenditures are ill-advised and invite blowback. We live in a country in which many people believe that dropping deadly drones on civilians in Afghanistan is “defending America.” Current censorship efforts on social media and of independent thinkers: Speech is not censored because it is false---it is censored because it is true. The Powers-that-be have no interest in suppressing what is false, which indeed they often propagate themselves. Their censorship is of truths they don’t want known. Multiculturalism at the movies: The film 12 Strong, concerns the U.S. Special Forces Team that was the first into Afghanistan after 9/11 and made a successful raid on the Taliban. The movie version of the event includes among the 12 a black and a Mexican, both of whom are given more screen time and personality development than all but two of the soldiers. There were no such persons in the all-white combat unit. We have seen the minority pandering often in the media. What is the cost of distorting history? Dr. Johnson observed that those who distort the record are enemies of humanity. Looking again at 9/11: A government which spent $3 billion per annum on “intelligence” was not able to prevent this attack. In fact, a group of low IQ foreigners with plastic knives were able to blow up part of the headquarters of the “greatest military on earth.” The malefactors were mostly Saudi Arabians who should not even have been in the country, and were financed by Saudi Arabians. President Bush responded by protecting his Saudi Arabian friends, urging Americans to go shopping, and launching an illegal and catastrophic war of choice against Iraq, which had nothing to do with the matter. He and his honoured advisers justified this with LIES. When later called to account for the lies which cost much in American lives and treasure and in permanent disruption of peace and permanent danger to Americans, they shrugged. Bush’s actions were the clearest act of treason in American history. Nobody has been called to account and almost no attention has been paid to the actual facts of this major event. The Founding Fathers accepted it as vital that rulers be held accountable for their deeds. The “war on terror”: The U.S. government has militarily supported terrorists in Syria against a legitimate government which keeps stability and tolerates Christians. Some of these terrorists are associated with those who have attacked the U.S. Why? How can this possibly be in the interest of the American people? Donald Trump was wrong when he claimed “we defeated ISIS.” The Syrians and Russians defeated ISIS despite all the U.S. could do to prevent it under the discredited neocon delusion of “regime change.” Fall of the Soviet Union: The end of expansive Communism with the fall of the Soviet Union offered one of the greatest hopes ever seen for lasting world peace. The U.S. government destroyed this hope by continuing to taunt Russia and interfere with matters on its immediate borders. This cannot possibly be in the interest of peace or the welfare of the American people. Why is a President who promised not to do this now enthusiastically doing it? Inquiring adults want to know. Charlottesville: A false history of this event has been institutionalised in the news media, public discussion, and even in documentary films. According to this tissue of lies, a riot of “white supremacists” and “neo-Nazis” was justly suppressed. The truth: The organisers and participants in “United the Right” had a legal meeting permit to hear speeches. Instead, they were attacked by busloads of “antifas,” some with phony Nazi uniforms and many with deadly weapons—pistols, flame-throwers, etc. Any violence by the “alt-right” was defensive. The city government and police force stood by while the antifa worked their violence and then used that as an excuse to suppress the legal gathering. The few leftists arrested for violence were not prosecuted. The event participants were. And one poor fellow has been sentenced to 400 years in prison for what was at worst involuntary manslaughter. What are we to think of a regime that rests upon enforced lies? LBJ declared war on poverty. Nixon declared war on cancer. Nancy Reagan declared war on drugs. Bush declared war on terrorists. Trump declared war on illegal immigration. How are the wars going, folks?
Newspapers are dying, and not a moment too soon. You can smell the decay even before they reach the garbage bin. For the same and other reasons the corporate television “news” monopolies are at a low rating of public trust and are being replaced by independent reporters. I enjoyed a few of the last good years of newspapering as a reporter, cutting my teeth on the police beat, on the old Richmond News Leader , which of course no longer exists. In the early 60s we had original writing by James J. Kilpatrick and original cartoons by Jeff McNelly on the editorial page. People actually bought the paper for the editorials! Local news was broadly and vigourously covered by tough experienced reporters, some of whom had not even gone to college but who really cared about getting the truth and were skeptical of power holders. Reporting was poorly paid and lacking in prestige, but it was fun. The paper had been locally owned for two generations by the same family and was truly independent. But independent papers were already being amassed into corporate chains, the content of which is centrally generated boiler-plate, utterly predictable. There are hardly any local papers anymore. There is little in any that anybody should want to read. There are livelier, more immediate sources of the “news,” for sports and business. Who follows the comic strips any more? I can remember a time when lots of people got their daily chuckle out of them. Economically the papers only keep up circulation by chain store coupons and puff pieces on local minorities, athletes, and entertainment, and are giving them away free. But there are more than economic forces responsible for the decline of newspapers (and the same is true of electronic media). When I moved on to a different field, new reporters and sub-editors were already disdaining the pursuit of facts in favour of “social relevance.” Reporters were now being hired who had been to prestige colleges and, as an old newsroom crony used to say, “educated beyond their intelligence.” They had an exaggerated sense of their importance as participants in public affairs rather than as honest neutral observers. Now it is generally understood everywhere that “Media” students are the lowest IQs on campus, having outraced Education majors to the bottom some years back. They are all Social Justice Warriors now with dreams of glamourous anchorship. Years ago, when I became somewhat notorious as a “secessionist,” I dealt with quite a few reporters, active and some still students. There was not a single one who could recognise a real story if it knocked them down, and they were primed from the start to “get me” with predesigned negative labels. They quite were quite literally ignorant, lacking any knowledge relevant to reporting public affairs, had no impulse to look for truth or even what was new and interesting, and were cowardly conformists. Nobody with any intelligence and experience of the real world has ever trusted the electronic news media, television being the best-designed instrument for lies ever invented by man. It is able to lie not only in words but in seemingly true pictures. But remember, television news has always been not an information enterprise, but an entertainment business designed to generate advertising revenue. I remember over 50 years ago hearing the pompous Walter Cronkite (“the most trusted man in America”) declare several times that John F. Kennedy had been assassinated by “right-wing extremists in Dallas.” There is nothing new about Fake News. Fortunately public trust in the media has fallen since they have become part of the official opposition to President Trump. A Washington Post columnist that nobody ever heard of recently wrote that the media should de-platform the President. A CNN official chimed in that “broadcasting him live unfiltered has been a bad idea.” Another CNN executive wrote that they should never broadcast him live “because the President often uses the opportunity to deceive viewers by peddling misinformation and falsehoods.” Who exactly installed the corporate media as an unelected branch of government, to stand between the people and elected officials and determine what the people should and should not know in this “democracy”? In fact, the media have for a long time governed the country by determining what should and should not be brought to public attention. So much for freedom of the press: freedom for nobody except for SJWs and their corporate masters, also unelected and practically unknown. Who are these people? What are their credentials for exercising such power? Not what the Founding Fathers intended. Freedom meant that you are I can publish what we like in criticism on public affairs. They did not include the pornography and blasphemy that has been legalized by the Supreme Court, which at the same time has rendered laws against false defamation by the media inoperable. Reporting and publishing rightly have no sacred special status and authority, certainly not exceeding that of elected officials. The media have only the same right as you and I: to observe what is in public and comment on it. Anything else is astonishing presumptuousness that amounts to what the Founders would have understood as a treasonable usurpation of power. Infanticide. Could it be any more plain and stark? Crowds joyfully celebrating their “right” to kill their children. The preponderant power of American society is now post-Christian and post-Western. We Deplorables (Hillary Clinton) who hold on to our Bibles and guns (Obama) are a remnant, unorganised, leaderless, excluded from power, and expected to go quietly into the night. In our country Satan is well-armed and aggressive and can call on millions to serve him. He is on a roll. Do not expect him to stop. He always goes on until he has reaped the maximum destruction. We are already well accustomed to the unthinkable becoming normal. What is next? Perhaps the courts will find that baby-killing has “disparate impact” and the government will be required to enforce equality in this as in all else. The plausible possibilities of euthanasia in the name of progress and humanity are numerous. The murder of the innocent that is now celebrated is the ultimate in individual selfishness. Its devotees think of themselves as a superior priestly class, empowered to do as they please. The god of Enlightenment that they worship is quite as unreal as Ba’al and equally one of Satan’s snares. Their understanding of human life is childishly self-centered and short-sighted. The health of society and future consequences of their acts do not come within their sight. Killing is habit-forming for those who do the killing. A regime that is bloodthirsty at home delights in war abroad, especially when the rulers are not threatened with personal responsibilities and consequences. Times of moral breakdown are always times of war. Do not think that the U.S.’s deadly filibusters in the Middle East are unrelated to our policy of baby-killing. Supporters of both are found in the same camp. The U.S. has now launched three wars against unthreatening Middle Eastern regimes, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent non-terrorists. In the name of bringing a “democracy” (including infanticide?) that is as imaginary as Ba’al. And in alliance with and for the benefit of the two most bloodthirsty regimes of the region. Our rulers enjoy this power and our people are callously indifferent. The morally bankrupt are also often stupid. Our interventions in the Middle East, where we should not even be except to buy the oil which they need to sell, have wrecked human society over a large area of the world and created blowback that will threaten our grandchildren. At horrific cost and zero positive benefit. The Carthaginians happily tossed their children into the fire to please their god, and the Aztecs celebrated human sacrifice on a large scale for the same reason. Until they were destroyed themselves. The Romans, a tough people with a grasp of reality and a capacity for courage and self-sacrifice put an end to Carthage. As did the Christian Spanish conquistadores to the Aztecs. Nobody can know the future, but we are tempted to suspect a fearsome Providential pattern. |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
September 2024