Why don’t all those “peaceful protestors” have to get up every morning and go to work like everybody else? Why do Republicans NEVER keep their promises once they are elected? (This is a question that needs deeper probing.) Why are States controlled by Red revolutionaries called “blue,” and calm States called “red”? Why has not a single bureaucrat suffered loss of income from the Covid crisis they invented, unlike millions of innocent people? Why is it that we have never had a real African American in high office---one whose people endured slavery and segregation? Obama is the son of an actual African and never experienced anything except the opposite of discrimination. Kamala Harris was an “anchor baby” who got citizenship for her Afro-Caribbean father and high-caste Indian mother. Harris’s father has even bragged that his people were slave owners and not slaves. If she becomes President she will be a return to the tradition of slave-owning families, like U.S. Grant. Why is Harris not celebrated as the first “Asian American” to get near the White House? Clergymen used to be the best-educated people in town. Why have they all become pretentious doofuses? Newspaper reporters used to be tough, skeptical fellows. Why have they all become pretentious doofuses? College professors used to be given respect and support because they were thought of as judicious pursuers of learning. Why have they all become pretentious doofuses? Corporation executives used to be admired for their hard-working dedication to productivity and providing jobs. Why have they all become pretentious doofuses? Generals used to be admired because of their willingness and skill to defend the people against foreign threats. Why have they all become pretentious doofuses? Why do we allow armies to be commanded by men whose understanding of history would not pass muster in middle school? Why do they all seem better at bureaucratic ass-kissing and backstabbing than at soldiering?
If you are reading this site you are probably making plans to vote for President Donald Trump’s re-election in November. You rightly are afraid of the revolution that awaits us if the current crop of Democrats reach the White House and control Congress. However, don’t get your hopes up. Trump is starting to talk a good game. He did that last time but has done nothing to carry out his promises. He seems incapable of developing a party to support him in anything but name and incapable of appointing an administration to carry out his promises. It is not even clear that he understands the revolutionary situation the country is in. His Justice Department has allowed a conspiracy of rioters to run wild, a conspiracy that could have been crushed by RICO prosecutions. Is he likely to do better in a second term? Has he done anything about immigration except a few peripheral tweaks? Second-term Presidents are notably weak. This will be even more so for Trump because the Republican Establishment will be eager to thwart him as they expect to regain control of the power for 2024. You will see a Romney and Ryan resurgence. You should understand that the Republican Establishment does not like Trump, opposes his policies, and hates all of us “deplorables” just as much as does Hillary Clinton. Trump’s handling of the Covid business has been a disastrous failure of understanding and management. It has increased government power and been catastrophic to millions of Americans who will never recover. It is hard to think of anything that has been more damaging to the American people in peacetime. Do you think Trump can or will do anything to repair this disaster? Don’t fool yourself that either the Republicans or the Democrats care a hoot about us plain folk, or even about the minorities they blather about. They are out to keep their power and perks and what they regard as their benevolent respectability. Trump needed for Supreme Court nominees? The Republicans have been chanting this game for well over half a century. A definition of insanity that Republican voters ought to heed is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Perhaps most troubling is Trump’s confused lack of any consistent vision of foreign relations, in which he has betrayed his 2016 position perhaps even more than on immigration. The Democrats will certainly start a war for “democracy” somewhere because that is what they do. Can we be sure that Trump’s Israeli friends will not lead him into war with Iran and a new Cold War with Russia? Are you sure we will have an honest election? If so, it will be the first election in history without fraud and the opportunities for vote-counting evil are greater than they have ever been except for Reconstruction. Have you considered that the minorities and the crazies now outnumber responsible Americans? If so, it is entirely because the Republican party for the better part of a century has put up no opposition to and indeed has supported the transformation of our country. We must feel a bit of sympathy for Donald because he has been subjected to the most pervasive blitz of lies that has ever been the fate of any elected leader anywhere. But he is his own worst enemy. |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
January 2025