Is it not a little odd that people today are getting praise and profit from declaring themselves against slavery, which ended more than a century and a half and five or six generations ago? Such people, of course, use “slavery” as a weaponised word. They have no knowledge, understanding, or interest in what life was actually like for black and white Americans in past times. Heaven knows, Donald Trump has his defects, but he is at least a recognisable American man. Joe Biden is---and always has been---a mannikin without any intellectual or moral substance. Americans, lifelong victims of advertising, have only an adolescent aptitude for judging the character of potential leaders. Else Biden would never have risen beyond city council. Speaking of character, if Americans had any judgment Anthony Fauci would never have become a celebrity and a guru. Just a little observation reveals that he is a bad man, the kind of corrupt and self-serving official that historically always appears in degenerating governments. Americans and our press never ask obvious questions. What did this man ever do to deserve his high position? Why is he still exercising power 15 years after retirement age? Am I the only one who sees the futility of protesting the ongoing destruction of American history we are experiencing? That is the history of a declining people. A new people needs a new history to justify their rule. We have had a President for eight years who had a foreign father. We have a Vice-President with two foreign parents and many top people today have similar backgrounds. Why should they care about the history of old Americans? Their only use for history, since they have no memorable accomplishments of their own, is as a weapon against the former ruling people because of their alleged past evils. The America of Washington and Adams, even of Eisenhower and Reagan, no longer exists and its history is alien to our present rulers.
Many, many years ago, in my callow and misspent youth, I had a lapel button that said: “Don’t let them immanentize the eschaton.” This was a pretty good saying and conversation starter despite the fact, as I recall, that it was popularized by the intellectually shallow poseur William Buckley. The saying was an over-simplified reference to the vast, erudite, and dense writings of Eric Voegelin. Reduced shamefully to the simplest terms, immanentizing the eschaton is an attempt to bring Heaven to earth by the actions of men. For Christian civilization the given universe is a divine design which includes the human soul. Immanentising the eschaton attempts to make men into gods who control history and create a perfect regime according to their ideological dreams. This is, of course, impossible. Man cannot re-create himself and basic human nature is a reality in all times and places. The attempt violates the order of the universe and indicates disorder in the minds of men and in society. In creating the future perfect world of which they dream, men reject reality in favour of an imaginary, impossible world. This, according to Voegelin, is the characteristic condition of “modernity,” the defects of which have brought us Communism, Nazism, progressivism, the rejection of traditional wisdom, moral dissolution, and a host of other ills. The ultimate finish of an attempt to create a dream world is tyranny---the criminalization of dissent followed by the firing squad. Failure to create the “new man” does not deter the progressive, it merely causes him to double down---the inevitable end of which is force against dissidents. We are seeing that now. Our present American society with Cultural Marxism seems to be progressing toward that end, in some ways even more damaging than Bolshevism. The Dream World holds sway. The evidence is overwhelming. |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
January 2025