Given the large role that the Covid sickness has taken in our life, it is strange that we, the public, have almost no certain facts about it. Is it natural or man-made? If man-made, was it created by the Chinese government or the U.S. government? Is it mutating into possibly more dangerous forms? If so, how effective are vaccines? How prevalent is it? We cannot possibly know because only a fraction of the world population has been tested and tests are not perfect. How is it best controlled? Different governments have tried different measures with conflicting results. Do masks and lockdowns really do any good? I doubt if there exists and ever can be any proof of this. What is the actual death toll? We know that many deaths have been ascribed to Covid where there were other conditions present. Why do some people die and others have no or only minor symptoms? This seems a vital piece of knowledge that should dictate the response rather than universal measures. Sensible people know not to trust government “experts” or the media. Indeed, there is a wealth of contradictory opinion among creditable people. The Big Tech arm of the Deep State seems to be busy with massive suppression of opinions challenging the official government line. That in itself shows bad faith and deception. A bad regime does not censor falsehoods, it censors truths that contradict the party line. What do we know for certain about the “pandemic”? We know that federal control over individual lives has increased greatly and established a bad precedent. We know that the economic situation of millions of middle and working class Americans has been badly damaged. We know that, because of the lockdowns, the wealthiest one percent of the population has increased its holdings by a trillion dollars. We suspect that the Biden bunch contemplates a further and more drastic lockdown.
The Social Justice Warriors who claim that our society is dominated by “whiteness” have a point. It is something intangible in the social atmosphere. It is unintended and unconscious. It reflects a very plain fact. We live in Western Civilisation, the greatest achievement so far of humanity, which was created by white people. You might expect other peoples to show gratitude for participating in its benefits instead of malice. Wondering: Have millions of people wearing masks saved a single life? For years now I have been hearing people whine that the Democrats have taken over the elections with immigration and fraud and the Republicans will never win another election. So what? What do you think Mitt, Marco, Kevin, Jeb, Nikki, Michael, Linsey, etc. will do for you if they are elected? The Republican party is not an opposition party, it is merely a collection of politicians hoping for office. Killing off the Republicans will have the positive effect of making room for a real opposition party or parties. Joe Biden is a museum quality specimen of a political hack. He has fed at the federal trough for decades, representing a rotten borough, without ever having a real thought about what is right for his country. He always says what he thinks people want to hear. True or false or concern for the consequences never comes into it. Founding Americans would weep with sorrow at such a place-holder ruling the people. Politics is not the realm of doing good. Millions of insipid, shallow Americans seem to believe that foolishness. Politics is the realm of power, vanity, greed, and deceit. The hysteria over the demise of George Floyd exposes the dream world and fear of reality of too many Americans. You can almost forgive Europeans because their idea of America is sheriffs walking around with big revolvers. But the Americans refuse to accept the plain reality of what it takes to subdue violent criminals in the big cities today. Though the end result was unfortunate, the Floyd arrest was otherwise no different from what is necessary every day in many places. Today’s “news reporters” are quite literally unable to distinguish between a fact and their own self-centered feelings. And unable to distinguish between an objectively important issue and a fashionable one. Not to mention that they seem unanimously to suffer from the curse of “a little learning” causing them to think they are of superior wisdom. Doesn’t it seem to you that our armed forces are now ruled not by soldiers but by ass-kissers and back-stabbers who have successfully climbed the greasy bureaucratic pole? The billions spent on the armed forces have very little to do with the actual defense of the American people. What would the men of Guadalcanal and Normandy think of today’s America? I am quite sure they would consider their sacrifice wasted. Editor's note: Reckonin is interested in all viewpoints about the South today. Therefore we are posting this article by Dr. Plato V. Boston, Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of Diversity at the University of Virginia and Director of that University’s Institute for Reparations. Enlightened people know that it is an atrocity that the capital of America is named for the racist slaveholder Washington. That name is an almost daily offense to good people around the world. Fortunately, progressive voices in Congress are beginning to pay attention to this problem. Of new names, King City or MLK City seem to have the most support, although there are also supporters of Obama City, Floyd City, and Tubman City who will have their say. Tubman City would be satisfactory for both African-Americans and feminists. Of course, some of the most backward Republicans who claim they are not racists are already complaining that a changeover will be too expensive. Along with this change there must be a reconfiguration of the Washington Monument to reflect the true America. It is hard to imagine any more offensive symbol of white privilege. Whether it should be redecorated to reflect black or rainbow sensibilities remains to be decided. Perhaps a redecoration could embody both causes. A lot is being done to erase America’s evil racist past. The destruction of heinous Confederate symbols is well under way, but much more needs to be done. The memorial to the racist slaveowner Jefferson could be demolished to make place for a new monument to African-American contributions to America. The North is not immune, but much remains to be done in the South. Virginia has been taking some steps, but that is only a beginning. What could be better than renaming Washington and Lee University for George Floyd as a symbol of repudiation of the flawed American past and the search for enlightened knowledge? And the College of William Mary, instead of being named for two oppressive colonialists, can be named Nat Turner University in honor of the great Virginian who struck one of the first blows against slavery. The Virginia Military Institute, long a bastion of unmitigated evil, should be renamed for President Grant, a great soldier and true friend of African Americans. Perhaps the greatest need for cleansing is to be found in South Carolina. The college named for the Confederate racist slaveholder Clemson might memorialise instead Denmark Vesey, who was martyred for rebellion against slavery. And the college called The Citadel should be called the Sherman Military Institute after the great commander who liberated that state from oppression. Of course, we still have a long way to go in cleansing the evil past. Last time I looked there is still a “Calhoun County” in Michigan, as well as many counties, towns and streets in the South carrying that name and other racist designations. And why are the names of notorious racist oppressors of peaceful Hispanic Americans like Houston, Austin, and Jackson still offending? America geography is studded with names from the languages of Native Americans, often with distorted meanings and spellings---Ohio, Iowa, Minneapolis, Miami, Milwaukee, Omaha, Seattle and countless others. These are clearly the product of white oppression and cultural appropriation of a conquered people. There should be a Presidential commission to decide to what degree these place names should remain as recognition of Native Americans as the original Americans, or should be abolished or changed. We should all remember that in our struggle against white privilege we are still a long way from declaring “Mission Accomplished.” |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
January 2025